Transition Strategy and Management Plan (TSMP)(TSMP)
Trans t on to Enterpr se Infrastructure Solut ons (EIS)
Versio 3
March 8, 018
This d cument is hereby auth rized f r release by the General Services Administrati n.
Carlt n Shufflebarger Deputy Direct r, Office f Telec mmunicati ns Services Inf rmati n Techn l gy Categ ry General Services Administrati n
Table f C ntents
2 Sc pe.....................................................................................2 2.1 Definiti n f Transiti n ....................................................................................... 2 2.2 Expiring C ntracts.............................................................................................. 2
4 Transiti n Overview .............................................................4 4.1 Resp nsibility ..................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Overview f Transiti n Strategy ......................................................................... 4 4.2.1 Inv lvement f the Agency’s highest levels and key functi nal areas ......... 5 4.2.2 Agency Transiti n Plan................................................................................ 5 4.2.3 Early and effective supp rt fr m GSA t Agencies...................................... 5 4.2.4 Phased, rderly appr ach............................................................................ 5 4.2.5 Transparency and meaningful rep rting ...................................................... 5
4.3 Transiti n Sequence f Activities ....................................................................... 5 4.3.1 Pri r T Award Of EIS C ntracts................................................................. 6 4.3.2 After EIS Awards ......................................................................................... 6 4.3.3 Critical Milest nes ....................................................................................... 7
5 Transiti n R les and Resp nsibilities ..............................10 5.1 Maj r Transiti n Stakeh lders.......................................................................... 10 5.2 Agency Partners............................................................................................... 11 5.2.1 Agencies’ Maj r Resp nsibilities ............................................................... 11 5.2.2 Agencies’ Maj r R les............................................................................... 12
5.3 Telec mmunicati ns Suppliers ........................................................................ 13 5.3.1 Telec mmunicati ns Suppliers’ Maj r R les............................................. 13 5.3.2 Telec mmunicati ns Suppliers’ Maj r Resp nsibilities ............................. 14
5.4 GSA ................................................................................................................. 14 5.4.1 GSA Agency Assistance Teams................................................................ 15 5.4.2 GSA Supplier Assistance Teams............................................................... 16 5.4.3 GSA Transiti n C rdinati n Center (TCC)............................................... 17 5.4.4 Other GSA Functi ns Inv lved In Transiti n.............................................. 19
5.5 G vernment Oversight ..................................................................................... 19 5.5.1 Oversight’s Maj r R les............................................................................. 19 5.5.2 Oversight’s Maj r Resp nsibilities............................................................. 19
5.6 Stakeh lder Register........................................................................................ 19
6 Transiti n Assistance t Agencies ...................................20 6.1 Reducti n in GSA Fee ..................................................................................... 20 6.2 Invent ry Management .................................................................................... 20 6.3 GSA-Paid Transiti n Assistance ...................................................................... 21
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6.3.1 GSA-Assisted Transiti n (GSAAT) ............................................................ 21 6.3.2 Transiti n Ordering Assistance (TOA)....................................................... 22
7 Master Transiti n Schedule ...............................................24 8 Training ...............................................................................24 9 Pr gress Tracking and Rep rting .....................................24 9.1 Dashb ards...................................................................................................... 25 9.2 Transiti n Entities............................................................................................. 25 9.3 Tracking Critical Milest nes ............................................................................. 25 9.4 Other Transiti n Pr gress Measures ............................................................... 27
11 Transiti n Supp rt T ls ...................................................30 11.1 EIS Transiti n Website ................................................................................. 30 11.2 TI in E-MORRIS............................................................................................ 30 11.3 Telec mmunicati ns Ordering and Pricing System (TOPS) ......................... 31 11.4 GSA C nexus ............................................................................................... 31 11.5 Self-Help Guides and T ls .......................................................................... 31 11.6 C ntact Us .................................................................................................... 32
12 Risk Management ...............................................................32 13 Less ns Learned ................................................................33 14 Change Hist ry ...................................................................33
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1 Intr ducti n GSA devel ped the EIS Transiti n Strategy and Management Plan (TSMP) f r managing the transiti n fr m GSA’s current netw rk services c ntracts t the Enterprise Infrastructure S luti ns (EIS) pr gram. This d cument addresses the pr gram-level, G vernment-wide appr ach that GSA f ll ws t manage a successful transiti n t EIS. Success f r this pr gram includes c mpleti n f transiti n pri r t the expirati n f the current c ntracts in May 2020. In additi n, this d cument adv cates the imp rtance f c rdinati n, c llab rati n, and c perati n am ng transiti n stakeh lders by clearly defining transiti n r les, addressing key issues impacting transiti n, explaining the pr gram management functi ns supp rting transiti n, and establishing transiti n pr cesses and pr cedures. This c mprehensive appr ach pr vides the framew rk f r managing a timely transiti n t EIS that results in reduced transiti n expenses, pr mpt accrual f c st savings, minimized risk t agencies’ missi ns, and expedited pp rtunities t impr ve perati ns.
1.1 Offi e of Tele ommuni ations Servi es
GSA’s Federal Acquisiti n Service (FAS) Inf rmati n Techn l gy Categ ry (ITC) pr vides Federal agencies access t aff rdable telec mmunicati ns and netw rking services and s luti ns that meet agency missi n requirements. Within ITC, GSA’s Office f Telec mmunicati ns Services (OTS) pr vides telec mmunicati ns and netw rk services c ntracts f r use by G vernment agencies such as the Netw rx c ntracts and multiple Regi nal l cal service c ntracts (f rmerly administered by GSA’s regi nal ffices). As these c ntracts near the end f their peri ds f perf rmance, GSA is establishing the replacement pr gram and c ntract vehicles t ensure that telec mmunicati ns services c ntinue t supp rt agencies’ missi ns with ut interrupti n.
Acc rdingly, GSA initiated a f ll w- n acquisiti n called EIS t meet agency needs f r the next-generati n f telec mmunicati ns and related inf rmati n techn l gy (IT) services. EIS pr vides c ntinuity f r the services pr vided by current c ntracts as well as a p rtf li f new and emerging services. These s luti ns meet r exceed agency requirements, pr vide r bust security s luti ns, c nf rm t G vernment p licies and standards, and ffer c mpetitive pricing. EIS pr vides c ntinu us c mpetiti n t satisfy existing netw rking perati ns, emerging requirements, techn l gy refreshment, and access t inn vative s luti ns. In additi n t the requirement t m ve services ff the expiring c ntracts, the c mbinati n f m re services, greater c mpetiti n, a single s urce f r wide-area and l cal services, and impr ved perf rmance pr vides significant incentive t transiti n t EIS. GSA has created a c mprehensive pr gram t assist agencies, in c njuncti n with suppliers, with transiti ning services t the replacement EIS c ntracts.
1.2 Lessons Learned from Previous Transitions
The transiti n f telec m services t Netw rx t k l nger than expected, and OTS aims t substantially reduce the transiti n peri d t EIS. The r bust Less ns Learned pr gram fr m the transiti n t Netw rx, c mbined with its Risk Management pr gram
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and the findings f several G vernment Acc untability Office (GAO) audits, pr vides ITC with a wealth f less ns learned t transfer t the transiti n t EIS. These include:
• C mplex acquisiti n pr cesses and weaknesses in agency transiti n planning and executi n c ntributed t delays
• Agencies have limited res urces f r validating their invent ry f active services that must be transiti ned
• Agencies’ selecti n f suppliers averaged m re than tw years t c mplete, thereby delaying transiti n
• Agencies have insufficient c ntracting and pr ject management expertise needed f r telec mmunicati ns c ntracts
• Small agencies d n’t have res urces t dedicate t transiti n
• Delays resulted in $329M f l st savings f r agencies and $18M additi nal c st t GSA t administer tw pr grams (GAO-14-63).
GSA analyzed and pri ritized the less ns learned t inc rp rate int the strategy f r NS2020 and transiti n t EIS. The less ns themselves are h listically w ven int the plans and guidance GSA has devel ped. The pri ritized less ns learned f r the strategy are attached t this d cument in Appendix H, and the list f less ns learned specifically fr m the transiti n fr m FTS2001 t Netw rx appears in the Transiti n Handb k.
2 Sc pe
2.1 Definition of Transition
A transiti n is a m vement fr m expiring OTS c ntracts t the replacement r success r c ntracts. Transiti ns can be: 1) adminis ra ive, in which services m ve “like-f r-like” fr m an incumbent supplier’s c ntract t the same supplier’s replacement c ntracts; 2) physical, whereby service m ves fr m an expiring c ntract t a different supplier’s replacement c ntract; r 3) ransforma ive, in which the service is c nverted during the transiti n, such as t replace a legacy service with a newer techn l gy, impr ved functi nality, r expanded reach.
The EIS Transiti n is defined as the m vement f services fr m the expiring Netw rx, WITS 3, and Regi nal l cal service c ntracts t EIS. The transiti n peri d began with pr ject planning activities in 2014 and c ntinues thr ugh the disc nnecti n f all services fr m the c ntracts that expire in May 2020. As it is ften difficult t separate new services fr m transiti ning services and t c rrelate services rdered n EIS with th se they may be replacing, it may be appr priate t include within the sc pe f transiti n new services that are l gically related t services transiti ning.
2.2 Expiring Contra ts
There are appr ximately 85 c ntracts that c mprise the p rtf li f Netw rx, WITS 3, and Regi nal l cal service c ntracts, and m st f them will expire in 2020. The eight Netw rx c ntracts were c nsidered f r extensi n fr m their initial expirati n f 2017. The three Netw rx Universal c ntracts—held by AT&T, CenturyLink, and Veriz n---
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were extended t March 2020. Sprint elected n t t extend its Netw rx Enterprise c ntract, and it expired in May 2017. The remaining f ur Netw rx Enterprise c ntracts al ng with the tw WITS 3 c ntracts and m st Regi nal l cal service c ntracts that w uld have expired pri r t May 2020 were extended t that timeframe t all w f r transiti n t EIS; alth ugh a few expire s ner. Any Regi nal l cal service c ntracts that currently have pti n peri ds that all w f r perf rmance bey nd May 2020 sh uld be c nsidered f r inclusi n in the transiti n pr gram that is targeted f r c mpleti n in May 2020, but GSA will retain the pti n f n t fully transiti ning services fr m th se c ntracts until cl ser t the end f their peri d f perf rmance. This all ws the transiti n pr gram t f cus n services that are expiring, m derate the w rkl ad, and sequence transiti n activities f r a m re rderly, efficient, and successful transiti n.
A c mplete list f the expiring c ntracts and ther pertinent inf rmati n appears in Appendix A.
3 Transiti n Strategy Management Plan (TSMP) D cument Overview
3.1 TSMP Obje tive
The bjective f the TSMP is t present GSA’s appr ach t successfully perf rming its r le in managing the transiti n fr m expiring c ntracts. It pr vides guidance t the GSA transiti n team as well as inf rms agencies, c ntract rs, ther suppliers, and versight rganizati ns such as Office f Management and Budget (OMB) and GAO. It supplements the Transiti n Handb k, published t guide agencies thr ugh all phases f the transiti n.
3.2 TSMP Do ument S ope
This d cument describes the strategy and plan f r GSA’s transiti n pr gram at the G vernment-wide level f r the transiti n t EIS.
• Pr vides an verview f each f the characteristics f the transiti n eff rt.
• Describes the r les and resp nsibilities f all stakeh lders.
• Explains GSA’s appr ach t pr viding transiti n assistance and training f r agencies.
• Discusses GSA’s appr ach t G vernment-wide transiti n management, including schedule, tracking and rep rting, and c mmunicati ns.
• Identifies the transiti n supp rt t ls that GSA uses and has made available t agencies, in rder t facilitate each transiti n activity.
• Describes risk management strategies t empl y during transiti n.
• Describes the integrated rganizati n within GSA’s ITC, including the Transiti n C rdinati n Center (TCC), with interfaces t agency partners, suppliers f telec mmunicati ns services, and g vernment versight rganizati ns.
The EIS Pr gram Office within GSA’s OTS is als devel ping, implementing and executing pr cesses f r the launch and l ng term supp rt f the EIS pr gram. This
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d cument d es n t describe th se eff rts except as relevant t transiti n.
4 Transiti n Overview
4.1 Responsibility
Acc rding t the OMB, “Agencies are individually resp nsible f r transiti ning t the next generati n f Netw rx. H wever, GSA is ultimately resp nsible f r a successful G vernment-wide transiti n and sh uld take a str ng leadership r le in steering agencies in the right directi n, harnessing less ns learned fr m the previ us Netw rx transiti n.”1 T fulfill that resp nsibility GSA sets the transiti n schedule and manages transiti n t meet that schedule. Acc rdingly, GSA helps agencies thr ugh transiti n; h wever, f r direct- rder agencies (agencies that place their wn rders directly with the suppliers), it is their resp nsibility t execute transiti n bef re the c ntracts expire.
F r a m re detailed discussi n f r les and resp nsibilities, see Secti n 5, Transiti n R les and Resp nsibilities.
4.2 Overview of Transition Strategy
The GAO rep rt, “Full Ad pti n f S und Transiti n Planning Practices by GSA and Selected Agencies C uld Impr ve Planning Eff rts,” June 2006, identified best practices f r c nducting effective transiti n planning. In particular, GAO identified five s und transiti n planning practices:
1. Establish an accurate telec mmunicati ns invent ry and an invent ry maintenance pr cess
2. Perf rm a strategic analysis f telec mmunicati ns requirements and use this t shape the agency’s management appr ach and guide eff rts when identifying res urces and devel ping a transiti n plan
3. Establish a structured management appr ach that includes a dedicated transiti n management team that uses clear lines f c mmunicati ns in additi n t key management pr cesses, such as pr ject management, c nfigurati n management, and change management
4. Identify the funding and human capital res urces that the transiti n eff rt requires 5. Devel p a transiti n plan that includes transiti n bjectives, measures f
success, risk assessment, and a detailed timeline.
GSA has taken a strategic r le in defining transiti n planning, executi n, management, and stakeh lders. GSA’s appr ach t planning f r transiti n includes facilitating the establishment f the invent ry t be transiti ned and leading the definiti n and res luti n f pr gram-level fact rs and issues that affect transiti n activities. While the agencies using services n the expiring c ntracts have the primary resp nsibility f r executing transiti n successfully, GSA supp rts the agencies by managing the c ntracts and pr viding a G vernment-wide perspective n executi n, which includes tracking and facilitating issue res luti n.
1 OMB p ssb ck document (Predecision l/Deliber tive), p. 12.
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In c ncert with agency cust mers, suppliers, and versight rganizati ns, GSA is implementing a transiti n strategy that capitalizes n less ns learned fr m previ us transiti ns t effect a successful transiti n t EIS. The key elements f this strategy are bel w.
4.2.1 I volveme t of the Age cy’s highest levels a d key fu ctio al areas
The engagement f executive management is critical t secure and f cus res urces acr ss the agency t plan and implement the transiti n, track pr gress, and identify and resp nd t risks. GSA has asked each agency t identify, by name, an executive as the Agency Transiti n Sp ns r t serve as pr ject champi n f r the transiti n. An ther fundamental requirement is early assignment f a Lead Transiti n Manager (LTM) t devel p the agency’s transiti n pr ject plan and lead the transiti n implementati n. The agency sh uld als identify a Transiti n Ordering C ntracting Officer (TOCO) that fully understands the agency’s transiti n requirements and timelines, understands the Federal Acquisiti n Regulati n (FAR) and agency’s acquisiti n p licies, and has a repert ire f w rkable appr aches t meet the agency’s transiti n requirements.
4.2.2 Age cy Tra sitio Pla
Agencies with services n the expiring c ntracts must devel p an Agency Transiti n Plan (ATP) and pr vide it t GSA. See the Transiti n Handb k f r m re guidance and an utline. GSA tracks this as a critical milest ne t be c mpleted by Oct ber 2016, with updates as appr priate.
4.2.3 Early a d effective support from GSA to Age cies
Fr m the earliest agency engagements, GSA is pr viding tail red supp rt t each agency appr priate t its transiti n appr ach, especially f r the supplier selecti n, r “Fair Opp rtunity” (FO) pr cess (see FAR Subpart 16.505). GSA w rked with the existing suppliers t c nduct the initial validati n f invent ry and maintains the invent ry thr ugh ut transiti n. GSA is pr viding training and a user’s guide f r rdering n the EIS c ntracts.
4.2.4 Phased, orderly approach
GSA is c rdinating with agencies and suppliers t devel p a rec mmended sequence f transiti n rders t achieve early pr gress, level res urce demands, and minimize backl gs. GSA will w rk with all stakeh lders t guide transiti n thr ugh this sequence.
4.2.5 Tra spare cy a d mea i gful reporti g
GSA is defining and tracking maj r milest nes and rep rting agencies’ pr gress t OMB in a transparent manner. Measures f transiti n pr gress are devel ped in c llab rati n with agencies and suppliers and are representative f business v lume and the c mplexity f services being transiti ned.
4.3 Transition Sequen e of A tivities
The transiti n peri d is b unded n the far end by the expirati n f the current c ntracts and defined by interim milest nes that set the sequence f transiti n-related activities.
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While award f the EIS c ntracts is certainly a maj r milest ne, there is significant planning and preparati n that can—and must—happen independent f and pri r t that date by all three maj r stakeh lders: GSA, agencies, and suppliers. After EIS awards are made, activity is primarily f cused n agencies and suppliers rdering and implementing services. The maj r transiti n-related activities are bel w.
4.3.1 Prior To Award Of EIS Co tracts
• GSA c llab rates with agencies and suppliers t : o Devel p a transiti n strategy and pr gram plan with critical milest nes o Devel p and implement an appr ach t assisting agencies with transiti n o C llect, validate, and pr vide agencies with the invent ry f services t
transiti n (that is, the Transiti n Invent ry r “TI”) o Help agencies prepare f r transiti n as detailed in agency-specific
interagency agreements f r transiti n assistance o Devel p curriculum f r training n Delegated Pr curement Auth rity
• Agencies: o Identify an executive sp ns r f r transiti n o Budget f r transiti n expenses f r fiscal years (FY) 2016-2020 o Assemble an integrated transiti n team f telec m, pr ject management,
acquisiti n, and financial experts o Plan f r human res urces, pr cesses, and t ls o Bec me familiar with the EIS Request f r Pr p sals (RFP), especially the
services, management and perati ns requirements, and pricing structure o C nfirm TI o Devel p an Agency Transiti n Plan (ATP) by Oct ber 2016 o Execute an interagency agreement (IAA) with GSA f r transiti n
assistance o Initiate s licitati ns f r the FO pr cess t select EIS suppliers, engaging
with suppliers f r market research, s urces s ught, and Requests f r Inf rmati n (RFIs)
o C nsult the Transiti n Handb k f r a detailed discussi n f agency activities.
• Suppliers: o Plan f r res urces needed t supp rt transiti n o C llab rate with G vernment stakeh lders n transiti n planning o Pr vide meaningful input t agencies t supp rt FO planning.
4.3.2 After EIS Awards
• EIS C ntract rs: o With GSA, successfully c mplete Business Supp rt System (BSS) Testing
(BSST) and c mplete security testing o Resp nd t agencies’ FO s licitati ns o C nduct utreach and training t agencies f r using the EIS c ntract
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o Coordi ate with age cies a d complete timely impleme tatio of orders.
• Networx, WITS 3, a d GSA Regio al local service suppliers: o Support age cies’ tra sitio to ew suppliers o Complete timely disco ects a d termi atio of billi g.
• Age cies: o Atte d trai i g for a d receive Delegatio of Procureme t Authority (DPA)
from GSA to age cy Orderi g Co tracti g Officers (OCOs) o Fi alize FO solicitatio s a d select EIS supplier(s), awardi g fully-fu ded
Task Orders (TOs) o Order services for tra sitio o EIS o Order disco ects o Networx, WITS 3, a d GSA Regio al local service
co tracts.
• GSA: o Mo itors a d reports tra sitio progress o Facilitates tra sitio process a d issue resolutio with suppliers a d
age cies o Performs BSS testi g a d issues Authority to Operate (ATO) o Provides age cy-specific assista ce as specified i tra sitio IAAs o Performs outreach regardi g tra sitio a d the EIS program with age cies
a d i dustry o Reviews age cy TO solicitatio s for scope complia ce prior to release.
4.3.3 Cr t cal M lestones
The tra sitio timeli e ide tified i the figure below highlights the critical tra sitio activities a d milesto es. Subseque t sectio s provide more detailed descriptio s.
*NOTE EGA DING CONTINUITY OF SE VICE: Agencies should plan to complete
their transition by March 2020. Some agencies will have challenges completing by
that timeframe. The Networx contracts have a 365-day continuity of service
period that allows for services to continue to operate at the last year of contract
pricing which would allow services to continue to March 2021. However, caution
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is impo tant when conside ing the continuity of se vice pe iod. A continuity of
se vice pe iod is exe cised on an al eady-expi ed cont act. Once this pe iod ends,
the e is NO oppo tunity to extend the cont act o se vices. Va idate Transition Inventory
Validati n and c nfirmati n f accurate Netw rx, WITS 3, and GSA Regi nal l cal service invent ries sets the f undati n f r a successful transiti n. Accurate invent ry ensures agencies and stakeh lders have a c mprehensive understanding f the services that must be disc nnected and pr vides inf rmati n f r planning f r additi nal services required n EIS. An accurate and c mplete invent ry:
• Assists agencies with transiti n planning by identifying the services t be transiti ned and subsequently disc nnected fr m Netw rx, WITS 3, and GSA Regi nal l cal service c ntracts
• Serves as the database f rec rd f r measuring transiti n pr gress in a c nsistent manner acr ss all agencies, suppliers, and services
• Serves as an input f r transiti n tracking • Must be c nfirmed by Oct ber 2016; agencies signal c mpleti n f the
c nfirmati n by asserting such in the ATP. De iver Agency Transition P ans
The ATP is an imp rtant t l f r c mmunicating the agency’s requirements, expectati ns, and appr ach t ther transiti n stakeh lders, including GSA, OMB, and suppliers. The Transiti n Handb k describes the requirements and pr vides an utline f r the ATP. The Agency Transiti n Sp ns r is t appr ve and deliver this plan t GSA’s Assistant C mmissi ner f r ITC n later than Oct ber 2016. Award EIS Contracts
While the TCC and agencies have been planning f r transiti n, the GSA s urce selecti n team c nducted extensive utreach and c llab rati n with agencies and suppliers t release the EIS RFP in Oct ber 2015 and evaluate pr p sals. After GSA selecti n f the EIS awardees and N tices t Pr ceed, each supplier must begin dem nstrating it is ready f r agency use f the EIS c ntract.
The EIS c ntracts require EIS awardees t pr vide Business Supp rt Systems (BSS) f r management and perati ns functi ns. BSSs are industries’ pr cesses, pr cedures, and supp rt infrastructure primarily t facilitate rdering and inv icing f r services. GSA is required t independently inspect and accept each EIS awardee’s BSS acc rding t the test meth d l gy defined in Secti n E f the EIS c ntracts. All EIS awardees are required t pr vide a detailed BSS Verificati n Test Plan as part f its EIS pr p sal. The EIS awardee has 12 m nths fr m the acceptance f the BSS Verificati n Test Plan (see Secti n E.2.1 f the EIS c ntracts) t successfully c mplete BSS testing. In additi n,
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the EIS awardee must c mplete security testing in acc rdance with Secti n G.5.6 f the EIS c ntracts and receive ATO.
The EIS supplier may NOT accept and pr cess TOs r service rders, pr visi n r deliver services and bill f r services until after it receives written n tificati n 1) fr m the EIS C ntracting Officer (CO) that it has passed BSS testing and 2) fr m GSA that it has successfully c mpleted security testing and received ATO. Agencies may have their wn requirements f r BSS ATO; GSA will make available d cumentati n ass ciated with its BSS Security Assessment, including the ATO letter, t agencies up n request.
H wever, the FO pr cess may c ntinue during this peri d. While suppliers are c nducting the BSS testing and security assessment, they may resp nd t FO s licitati ns. Agencies can request that suppliers state in their resp nses whether they have successfully c mpleted the required BSS verificati n and security testing. F r m re detail, see the Fair Opp rtunity and Ordering Guide. Comp ete a Fair Opportunity (FO) Decisions for Transitioning Services
EIS service requirements are driven by agency-specific missi n needs and perati nal m dels. Plans f r EIS rdering sh uld be determined by c nducting a c mplete analysis f an agency’s current invent ry f telec mmunicati ns services and its future perati nal needs. With th se requirements in mind, the agency sh uld bec me familiar with the appr priate requirements in the EIS c ntracts. This analysis determines h w the EIS service fferings can best meet an agency’s needs. An agency can then gr up requirements int ne r m re FO s licitati ns, using Statements f W rk (SOWs) as needed, and select a supplier(s) thr ugh the pr cess in c mpliance with FAR 16.505 t meet the agency’s requirements.
T expedite the FO pr cess and ensure the resulting TOs can be awarded t meet the FO decisi n milest ne, agencies are advised t begin preparing their s licitati ns and securing funding in advance f EIS award and expect t release th se s licitati ns as s n as p ssible after award. GSA str ngly enc urages agencies t c nsider using Requests f r Inf rmati n (RFIs) and draft RFPs well in advance f EIS awards t impr ve the quality f their FO s licitati ns and help the suppliers plan f r resp nding t th se s licitati ns as s n as p ssible after EIS awards. GSA maintains an interactive website (interact.gsa.g v) that is available f r agencies’ and industry’s use f r sharing and c mmenting n RFIs and draft RFPs; agencies can get help by c ntacting their GSA Agency Manager (AM). Transition Services off Expiring Contracts
Agencies and their selected suppliers implement services n EIS and disc nnect services fr m the expiring c ntracts. GSA tracks and rep rts transiti n pr gress f r all stakeh lders’ awareness. F r m re detail, see Secti n 9, Pr gress Tracking and Rep rting.
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5.1 Ma or Transition Stakeholders
The gover me t’s telecommu icatio s i frastructure is large a d complex, a d it is directly li ked to the missio a d core busi ess processes of all gover me t age cies. Tra sitio i g or upgradi g this core age cy i frastructure is also complex a d it requires the collaboratio of four major stakeholders to be successful: age cy part ers, telecommu icatio s suppliers, GSA, a d gover me t oversight groups.
The core role i tra sitio is the developme t a d impleme tatio of age cy specific TOs that is a shared respo sibility of the specific customer age cy a d EIS co tractors. These age cy-specific TOs specify a d deliver the ext ge eratio of the gover me t’s telecommu icatio s i frastructure.
Supporti g the TO developme t a d impleme tatio processes are the GSA a d several key gover me t oversight groups. GSA defi es the grou dwork for the tra sitio by developi g the EIS co tract a d layi g out the tra sitio program structure a d processes. GSA also has a key role i actively worki g with customer age cies a d EIS suppliers to address specific age cy or supplier acquisitio or impleme tatio issues. Fi ally GSA has a major role i measuri g a d reporti g tra sitio progress to all key stakeholders to e sure this large, complex a d distributed collaboratio is successfully movi g the gover me t to its ext ge eratio of i frastructure. The oversight groups i tur mo itor a d advise other tra sitio stakeholders to help rapidly achieve a missio e ha ci g ext ge eratio telecommu icatio s i frastructure for the gover me t.
However, all stakeholders share the same objective of maki g the EIS tra sitio less costly, easier a d more efficie t, a d e suri g the resulti g i frastructure is more effective a d be eficial to the missio s of gover me t age cies across gover me t.
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5.2 Agen y Partners
The primary resp nsibility f each agency is t manage and m nit r all activities and functi ns relative t the agency-level transiti n t EIS. EIS is a TO c ntract, and agencies are resp nsible f r awarding TOs in a timely fashi n n EIS. GSA can supp rt agencies thr ugh the TO award pr cess. H wever, since GSA d es n t have direct auth rity within an agency, GSA’s r le will be supp rtive in the award f these TOs. This means the agency will manage transiti n activities t ensure replacement services and disc nnects are being implemented timely and effectively, with minimal impact t the agency’s perati n. Many G vernment rganizati ns are decentralized; theref re, multiple entities within a Department r an independent agency may perf rm the functi ns f an “agency.” The agency’s resp nsibilities and functi ns may be delegated t an ther agency, t a sub-agency r an agency c mp nent, r t a supp rt c ntract r auth rized t act n behalf f the agency. Agencies are advised t apply s und internal pr ject management best practices in rder t plan f r the expected transiti n w rkl ad and establish a hierarchy f transiti n teams at the sub-agency r c mp nent level if appr priate.
5.2.1 Age cies’ Major Respo sibilities
The functi ns t be perf rmed by the agency f r transiti n include the f ll wing:
• Establish an integrated transiti n management team with executive Agency Transiti n Sp ns r, LTM, and TOCO that uses clear lines f c mmunicati ns and key management pr cesses
• Devel p and maintain lines f c mmunicati n with GSA OTS and the TCC • C nfirm TI t ensure it is accurate and current
• Understand EIS Services, management and perati ns requirements, and pricing structure
• Evaluate current technical s luti ns and devel p transiti n planning f r target technical s luti ns, including upgrades, transf rmati ns, retirement, r ther changes
• Devel p and maintain an ATP that includes transiti n bjectives, acquisiti n strategy, measures f success, risk assessment, and a detailed timeline; pr vide ATP t GSA and update as appr priate
• Identify the funding and human capital res urces that the transiti n eff rt requires
• C mmunicate transiti n g als, telec mmunicati ns requirements, and existing invent ry t the suppliers during market research and thr ugh ut the rdering pr cess, especially in FO s licitati ns
• Execute an Interagency Agreement IAA with GSA f r transiti n assistance, as applicable
• Order services f r transiti n n EIS
• Order disc nnects n Netw rx and WITS 3
• M nit r the supplier’s transiti n perf rmance, accept r reject services in acc rdance with the EIS c ntract, and c rdinate c rrective acti ns with the supplier and GSA if required
• M nit r and facilitate c rdinati n between the supplier and L cal G vernment C ntacts (LGCs) and ther agency vend rs and suppliers.
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5.2.2 Age cies’ Major Roles
The f ll wing are key f r an agency’s Integrated Transiti n Team:
• LTM and supp rting TMs
• TOCO and ther OCOs f r the agency ( r pers nnel with auth rity t bligate the agency’s funds).
Depending n an agency’s transiti n requirements, there may be a need t identify additi nal staff f r implementati n f transiti n activities. These res urces may c me fr m within an agency r fr m supp rt c ntract rs and can include financial analysts and billing pers nnel, l cal site c ntacts, inf rmati n assurance r IT security experts, r netw rk engineers. If agencies determine additi nal agency-specific supp rt is required t manage transiti n activities, GSA’s AMs can advise agencies n c ntract vehicles that can pr vide staffing supp rt f r the transiti n eff rt; agencies can als c nsult the Acquisiti n Gateway at https://hallways.cap.gsa.g v. Lead Transition Manager (LTM)
Each agency’s Chief Inf rmati n Officer, r ther auth rity as appr priate, app ints a LTM. GSA c rdinates with the LTMs t manage transiti n assistance, disseminate inf rmati n, c nduct w rksh ps, deliver training, and ther c mmunicati n f decisi ns, plans, and helpful res urces. The LTM devel ps the ATP; acts as the central p int f c ntact t GSA’s TCC; executes, tracks, and rep rts transiti n activities; and escalates issues t GSA as appr priate. The LTM must have str ng pr ject management, c mmunicati ns, and interpers nal skills and be a rec gnized leader within the agency. Supporting Transition Managers (TMs)
Supp rting TMs lead the planning, management, and implementati n f the agency’s transiti n thr ugh the maj r activities bel w.
• Engage agency staff t define requirements
• Pr vide pr ject management f the agency’s transiti n t EIS, including meeting milest ne deadlines and managing pr ject risks
• Plan and prepare agency-specific transiti n strategies f r the ATP al ng with m re detailed plans as needed
• Ensure accuracy f the agency’s TI
• Ensure transiti n rders are placed and implemented in a timely fashi n; pri ritize rders f r services that have lengthy r c mplex installati ns
• Escalate issues t Cust mer Engagement and Agency Transiti n Sp ns r, the EIS suppliers, r GSA as appr priate
• Interface with the L cal G vernment C ntacts (LGCs) r end-user cust mers
• Distribute transiti n inf rmati n t the agency. Transition Ordering Contracting Officer (TOCO)
The TOCO is the agency’s acquisiti n lead f r facilitating the OCOs’ use f the EIS c ntracts; this is a new r le identified f r the transiti n t EIS resulting fr m less ns
v.3, M rch 28, 2018 12 Ordering Contracting Officers (OCOs)
The agency’s Ordering C ntracting Officers (OCOs), r ther fficials wh have auth rity t bligate the agency’s funds, are critical t the success f transiti n and, theref re, must be part f the agency’s transiti n team fr m the utset.
OCOs are resp nsible f r f ll wing the rdering pr cedures, including the FO selecti n f suppliers, in c mpliance with the FAR, the terms and c nditi ns f the EIS c ntracts, and any agency p licies t place TOs n the EIS c ntracts. Ordering telec mmunicati ns services inv lves understanding c mp nents that are n t c mm nly included in ther IT s luti ns and can require the agency t describe c mplex netw rk requirements and evaluate disparate pr p sals r qu tati ns f r their s luti ns. The agency sh uld assign OCOs with experience in telec mmunicati ns acquisiti ns and must ensure the OCOs participate in training that GSA and the EIS suppliers ffer. GSA has a pr gram t assist agencies with rdering, and agencies can get help by c ntacting their GSA AM.
F r agencies t place TOs n the EIS c ntracts and t ensure rdering c mplies with pr curement statutes and p licies, agencies’ OCOs must attend training and receive a DPA fr m GSA. The OCO f r each TO may designate a C ntracting Officer’s Representative(s) (CORs) auth rized t place service rders specified in the TO. The COR is a federal empl yee with Federal Acquisiti n Certificati n–C ntracting Officer’s Representative (FAC-COR) certificati n and has c mpleted supplier-pr vided training related t placement f service rders. If the agency d es n t use the FAC-COR certificati n pr cess, the OCO may app int an individual wh is resp nsible f r these duties. The COR is delegated limited TO c ntract administrati n auth rity thr ugh a COR app intment letter by the OCO with a DPA; f r m re inf rmati n see the EIS Management and Operati ns (MOPS) Handb k n gsa.g v/eis.
5.3 Tele ommuni ations Suppliers
The suppliers pr viding services n b th the expiring c ntracts as well as the EIS c ntracts have a significant, critical r le in the successful implementati n f transiti n. Other suppliers with specialized expertise als pr vide a valuable service, with their unique perspective and inn vative thinking. It is imp rtant that suppliers be inv lved fr m the beginning stages f planning t ensure their expertise and insight shape the pr gram.
5.3.1 Telecommu icatio s Suppliers’ Major Roles
The r le f the suppliers includes the f ll wing:
• C llab rate with transiti n stakeh lders t define a phased appr ach t manage
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an rderly transiti n that c mpletes by May 2020
• Participate in planning with GSA and pr vide advice n strategies t minimize the transiti n time
• C nduct transiti n planning and implementati n c nsistent with GSA’s TSMP t the extent p ssible
• Pr p se and deliver services as specified acc rding t their c ntracts
• Dedicate pers nnel as needed t interact with dedicated G vernment pers nnel
• Train r rient GSA’s transiti n pers nnel t use any self-help t ls r systems the supplier makes available t agencies f r transiti n and implementati n.
5.3.2 Telecommu icatio s Suppliers’ Major Respo sibilities
The EIS c ntract rs specifically will:
• Manage transiti n activities as described in their respective Pr gram Management Plans
• Identify a lead p int f c ntact f r transiti n
• Ascertain thr ugh their rder pr cessing practices which services n an rder are replacing active services n an ther c ntractual vehicle and give th se rders the appr priate attenti n t supp rt transiti n g als. GSA enc urages agencies t enhance r transf rm services as well as rder new services in c njuncti n with transiti ning services. Theref re, GSA d es n t require suppliers t identify rders specifically as “transiti n.”
The suppliers f r expiring c ntracts specifically will:
• Pr vide data n active services t build and maintain the transiti n invent ry • Pr vide the TCC with transiti n status rep rts t facilitate transiti n tracking and
rep rting
• Identify a lead p int f c ntact f r transiti n
• Pr vide interc nnecti ns (“gateways”) as needed with success r pr vider t minimize service disrupti ns t agencies during transiti n
• Disc nnect services acc rding t the rdering and perf rmance requirements f their respective c ntracts f r th se services
• Perf rm Primary Interexchange Carrier/L cal Primary Interexchange Carrier (PIC/LPIC) changes in supp rt f transiti n t EIS.
5.4 GSA
GSA has maj r pri r and p st c ntract award r les and resp nsibilities. Bef re EIS award, there are three maj r r les f r GSA. First, GSA is t devel p and award the EIS c ntracts. Sec nd, GSA is t devel p verall p licies and a supp rt infrastructure t ensure that agencies are able t execute their transiti n in a timely manner. Third, GSA is t supp rt the devel pment and executi n f agency transiti n plans. A key c mp nent f the EIS transiti n strategy is that the devel pment and award f the c ntract is ccurring simultane usly with the devel pment f a transiti n supp rt infrastructure and pr viding agencies supp rt t devel p acquisiti n plans and s licitati ns pri r t the award f EIS. P st award the f cus is n agency assistance, supplier assistance, and transiti n rep rting and c ntract administrati n. Within the
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Federal acquisiti n framew rk, the bjective f all GSA teams is making the EIS transiti n timely and c st effective f r agencies.
GSA’s r le in transiti n planning, executi n, and management includes the f ll wing:
• Publish a TSMP f r all stakeh lders t share a c mm n understanding f the g als f transiti n and GSA’s appr ach t managing transiti n acr ss the G vernment
• Maintain and track the master transiti n schedule
• Perf rm validati n and maintenance f TI
• M nit r suppliers’ perf rmance acc rding t their respective c ntracts and initiate c rrective acti n if required
• Pr vide tail red supp rt t each agency appr priate t its transiti n appr ach
• Assist agencies with transiti n planning, agency-specific transiti n pr jects, and using the EIS c ntracts thr ugh c nsultative services, self-help t ls, and training
• Supp rt the transiti ns f GSA’s regi nal full service and small direct- rder agencies, including transiti n planning, rdering services n EIS, and c rdinati n f disc nnects fr m expiring c ntracts
• Define maj r milest nes and rep rt transiti n pr gress t all stakeh lders, initiating c rrective acti n where required
• M nit r and facilitate c rdinati n, c mmunicati n, and c perati n am ng the suppliers, agencies, and ther GSA rganizati ns.
5.4.1 GSA Age cy Assista ce Teams Major Ro es of Agency Assistance Teams
The OTS’s Cust mer Engagement Divisi n is resp nsible f r ensuring that appr priate and effective supp rt is pr vided t each agency during their transiti n t EIS. Within the Cust mer Engagement Divisi n, each agency is assigned an AM, and that AM has verall resp nsibility f r the management f GSA supp rt t that agency. Any ther OTS rganizati n pr viding supp rt t an agency will w rk with versight fr m the AM.
The AM is resp nsible f r identifying the supp rt needed fr m GSA during the transiti n planning, acquisiti n planning, and transiti n executi n p rti ns f the transiti n. Once the supp rt requirement is identified, it is the resp nsibility f the Cust mer Engagement Divisi n t pr vide that supp rt. OTS leadership will ensure that supp rt is pr vided t each agency fr m ther departments within OTS. These ther departments are resp nsible f r pr viding supp rt t agencies, thr ugh Cust mer Engagement Divisi n’s AM, as described bel w.
The EIS pr gram ffice and the TCC are resp nsible f r ensuring that training n the pr cedures t use the EIS acquisiti n is available t agencies. The Cust mer Engagement Divisi n is resp nsible f r ensuring the training is pr vided t each agency.
The OTS Cust mer Engagement Divisi n is resp nsible f r pr viding technical and
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price assistance t agencies during the acquisiti n phase f the transiti n. This may be supp rted as needed thr ugh the Office f Transiti n and Service Delivery Divisi n, the Transiti n C rdinati n Center, and supp rt c ntract rs embedded at each agency.
The Office f Transiti n and Service Delivery is resp nsible f r defining and publishing p licies related t transiti n, devel ping supp rt d cumentati n f r transiti n, awarding and managing c ntracts that supp rt the transiti n, and rep rting n transiti n pr gress t stakeh lders utside f each agency. P st award f agency TOs, the Office f Transiti n and Service Delivery has primary resp nsibility f r supp rting agencies in the implementati n f their TOs, including activati n f services n EIS and disc ntinuing services n the expiring c ntract.
Just as the Cust mer Engagement Divisi n is resp nsible f r marshalling supp rt f ther GSA rganizati ns t agencies, the OTS Supplier Engagement Divisi n is resp nsible f r managing GSA’s relati nship with suppliers t supp rt timely and efficient agency transiti ns. Major Agency Assistance Responsibi ities
Transiti n is divided int three phases: Transiti n Planning, Acquisiti n Executi n, and Transiti n Executi n (see Appendix G).
First, agencies must plan their transiti n. GSA supp rts each agency in the devel pment f a transiti n plan. T d this, GSA advises each agency n the invent ry, supplier mix, and service mix and als n the use f the EIS acquisiti n. GSA is resp nsible f r ensuring agencies are familiar with the sc pe f the c ntract, the services available thr ugh the c ntract, and their resp nsibilities t award a TO.
Sec nd, agencies must devel p and then c mpete s licitati ns that result in the award f TOs. GSA is resp nsible f r supp rting each agency thr ugh ut this pr cess. This means pr viding supp rt t plan, write, and execute s licitati ns. GSA will ffer and pr vide direct embedded assistance f r this acquisiti n supp rt. Further, GSA will pr vide guidance n requirements and pricing f r each s licitati n.
Third, p st award f TOs, GSA is resp nsible f r supp rting agencies as they execute their transiti n. GSA will be an adv cate f r agencies in dealing with suppliers t ensure a timely transiti n, and, GSA will advise agencies n their c mpleti n status f transiti n.
5.4.2 GSA Supplier Assista ce Teams Major Ro es of Supp ier Assistance Teams
Supplier Engagement is resp nsible f r pr gram management f OTS’ c ntracts in the areas f suppliers’ perf rmance, rdering and billing pr cess, c ntract deliverables, suppliers’ BSS, evaluati n f pr p sed c ntract m dificati ns, and ther t pics that, while n t specifically related t transiti n, certainly impact the success f transiti n.
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Acquisiti n Operati ns pr vides the pr curement and c ntract administrati n f Telec mmunicati ns Services acquisiti n vehicles. The EIS CO(s) has verall resp nsibility and auth rity t administer the c ntract, with supp rt fr m C ntracting Specialists in this rganizati n. Acquisiti n Operati ns is als pr viding supp rt f r agencies’ OCOs and thers inv lved in the acquisiti n activities ass ciated with using EIS, such as issuing DPAs and advising n the FO and rdering pr cess. Major Supp ier Assistance Responsibi ities
Supplier Assistance includes:
• Evaluating supplier perf rmance against c ntract requirements
• Pr viding technical and management supp rt f c ntract m dificati n requests including letter f rec mmendati n submissi ns t the c ntracting fficer f r final determinati n and issuance
• Pr viding Master Agreement versight and perf rmance rep rting f results, c mpliance, and sc pe determinati n
• C llab rati n with suppliers n g -t -market activities supp rted by the g vernment including messaging and awareness functi ns
• Pr viding c ntract guidance, pr cess advice, issue res luti n, and assistance with system interface issues.
5.4.3 GSA Tra sitio Coordi atio Ce ter (TCC)
GSA’s TCC has the lead f r managing GSA’s transiti n pr gram. The TCC is headed by the Direct r f Telec mmunicati ns Services Transiti n and rep rts t the Direct r f the Transiti n and Service Delivery Divisi n. TCC’s Major Ro es
• Tracking and Rep rting perf rms invent ry validati n and maintenance, devel ps
and implements transiti n tracking and rep rting and participates in
devel pment, administrati n, and maintenance f systems the TCC uses. This
includes the system f r tracking transiti n pr gress and the EIS Transiti n web
• Agency Assistance supp rts the AMs t help agencies with transiti n planning,
agency-specific transiti n pr jects, and using the EIS c ntracts.
• GSA-Assisted Transiti n manages supp rt f r the transiti ns f GSA’s regi nal
full service and small direct- rder agencies t EIS.
• Pr ject Management devel ps, maintains, and tracks the transiti n schedule,
perf rms pr ject management f the TCC’s’ activities, devel ps Standard
Operating Pr cedures (SOPs), manages c mmunicati ns, c nducts internal
training, pr vides Tier 2 and Tier 3 Help Desk supp rt, and w rks with GSA’s
cust mer service rganizati ns, as required, t assist agency cust mers.
v.3, M rch 28, 2018 17 TCC’s Major Responsibi ities
Administrati n f Transiti n Assistance Appr ach
Help Cust mer Engagement manage what assistance is being given t which agencies and the quality f assistance; c llect use cases, schedule training
Agency Assistance
Transiti n Ordering Assistance
Pr vide Cust mer Engagement with expertise t help agencies write statements f w rk and requests f r pr p sal, research prices, make fair pp rtunity selecti n f EIS suppliers, and rder services n EIS
Pr ject Management
C mmunicati n and Training
Supp rt industry and g vernment advis ry gr ups; train agencies' c ntracting and pr ject management staff t use EIS c ntracts; d cument TSMP and achieve agreement n appr ach t transiti n assistance; c llect and share use cases and best practices acr ss agencies and suppliers
Pr ject Management
Help Desk Supp rt Supplement ITC help desk f r transiti n peri d t resp nd t pr blems and inquiries regarding transiti n; includes training Tier 1, pr viding Tier 2&3 technical supp rt, tracking and rep rting, and perf rmance analysis
Pr ject Management
TCC Pr ject Management and C ntr l
Pr ject management, change c ntr l, risk management, c mmunicati ns management, internal SOPs, pr ject rep rting, cust mer utreach, cut ver supp rt and m nit ring, track c ntract m dificati ns f r transiti n
Pr ject Management
Transiti n Requirements f r EIS Acquisiti n
C mp se transiti n secti n f EIS RFP and supp rt s urce selecti n
GSA- Assisted Transiti n
GSA Assisted Transiti ns
Help full service cust mers and small agencies award and track EIS rders and disc nnect services n expiring c ntracts
Tracking and Rep rting
Define System Requirements f r EIS Invent ry
Devel p requirements f r GSA's invent ry system and ensure c nsistency with EIS RFP requirements; supp rt evaluati n and acceptance testing f GSA's invent ry system
Tracking and Rep rting
Validate and Maintain TI
C llect, rec ncile, c rrect, validate, and maintain TI thr ugh ut transiti n; validate suppliers' rep rts weekly, and assist agencies with invent ry
Tracking and Rep rting
Track Transiti n Pr gress
Devel p requirements and appr ach f r tracking pr gress; devel p and implement pr gress rep rts
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5.4.4 Other GSA Fu ctio s I volved I Tra sitio Service De ivery and Order Writing Center
These tw rganizati ns w rk t gether t prepare, pr cess, implement, and track rders f r the Regi nal l cal service c ntracts. So utions Deve opment
S luti ns Devel pment pr vides s luti ns architecture, assistance with S licitati n/Statement f W rk (SOW) devel pment, and pricing assistance t agencies. This gr up als manages Netw rk H sting Center (NHC) perati ns, including Netw rx and EIS Pricers, and versees devel pment and intr ducti n f GSA C nexus, GSA’s rdering, billing and invent ry supp rt system f r EIS.
5.5 Government Oversight
G vernment versight gr ups include Office f Management and Budget (OMB) and rganizati ns within the US C ngress, such as GAO and C ngressi nal C mmittees. These gr ups perf rm critical m nit ring, supp rt, and interventi n t ensure agencies and GSA give appr priate f cus and pri rity t transiti n and apply res urces—b th schedule and financial--effectively.
5.5.1 Oversight’s Major Roles
This gr up includes Office f Federal Pr curement P licy (OFPP) and Res urce Management Office (RMO) within OMB as well as GAO, the H use f Representative’s C mmittee n Oversight and G vernment Ref rm, the H use f Representatives Subc mmittee n G vernment Operati ns, the H use f Representatives Subc mmittee n Inf rmati n Techn l gy, and the Senate’s C mmittee n H meland Security and G vernmental Affairs. They emphasize f cus n schedule and ther pri rities, make rec mmendati ns f r adjustment t schedule/pr cess, and supp rt budget requests.
5.5.2 Oversight’s Major Respo sibilities
• OMB: Address b ttlenecks and delays, appr ve agency budgets, and distribute appr priati ns
• US C ngress: C nduct audits and hearings, enact helpful legislati n.
5.6 Stakeholder Register
Each stakeh lder listed in the Stakeh lder Register has been assigned t ne f five maj r gr ups based n their r le in the transiti n pr cess. Each is classified as Internal r External, and Supp rter r Neutral r Resist r.
1. Oversi ht – pr vide high-level guidance and directi n; act as high-level escalati n
p int; rep rt newsw rthy items t the public;
2. A ency Partners – the agency cust mers f c ntracts administered by GSA;
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3. Transition Pro ram Mana ement – GSA pers nnel and c nsulting c ntract rs wh
manage the G vernment-wide transiti n pr gram;
4. Office of Telecommunications Services and Supportin Functions – pers nnel
and gr ups within GSA wh manage the EIS pr gram, administer c ntracts, pr vide
legal guidance and advice, and assist agency cust mers t facilitate a successful
transiti n; and
5. Telecommunications Suppliers - Netw rx, WITS 3, Regi nal l cal service, and EIS
suppliers; this gr up f stakeh lders pr vides telec m and IT services acc rding t
the c ntracts.
See Appendix D f r a c mplete Stakeh lder Register f r the transiti n pr gram.
6 Transiti n Assistance t Agencies A key element f GSA’s G vernment wide management f transiti n is assisting agencies. In the transiti n t Netw rx, GSA administered a Transiti n Credit Reimbursement (TCR) pr cess; f r the EIS transiti n, alternative appr aches are replacing transiti n reimbursements. The f ll wing are intended t expedite agency transiti ns:
• Reducti n in GSA fee n new c ntracts
• GSA-c nducted invent ry validati n and management
• GSA-paid transiti n assistance, in vari us f rms tail red t each agency.
6.1 Redu tion in GSA Fee
F r EIS, the GSA fee will be set at 4.75% (see the AM f r details). This represents a 32% reducti n fr m the fee n Netw rx and all ws agencies t begin immediately realizing l wer c sts f r their services n EIS.
6.2 Inventory Management
C mplete and accurate invent ry has been identified as a critical success fact r f r effective transiti ns. Building n less ns learned fr m previ us transiti ns, GSA w rked with the current suppliers and agencies t c nduct the validati n f the TI t relieve the agencies f the burden f this lab r-intensive and time-c nsuming task. Validati n c nsisted f a c mprehensive c mparis n f billing and invent ry data GSA has c llected ver the c urse f the Netw rx, WITS 3, and GSA Regi nal l cal service c ntracts with that f the suppliers n th se vehicles. GSA c mpleted TI validati n in January 2016, which resulted in a highly c nsistent data set f 8.5 milli n rec rds validated t ver 85% accuracy. GSA pr vided the TI t the agencies t c nfirm by Oct ber 2016 that TI is sufficiently c mplete and accurate f r transiti n planning and tracking. The TI is accessible t auth rized agency users thr ugh the GSA EMORRIS applicati n. GSA c ntinues w rk with suppliers and agencies t validate and update the TI n a m nthly basis as new rec rds are identified, services disc nnected, and discrepancies are rec nciled. GSA will c ntinue thr ugh ut the transiti n peri d t maintain the TI, enhance the agencies’ access t it, and impr ve data accuracy.
T further supp rt agencies as they devel p their SOWs and t pr vide data f r
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transiti n service rders, the TCC has created a m re detailed invent ry called the All Agency Invent ry (AAI). AAI extends current TI data t a m re detailed level, t include individual C ntract Line Items (CLINs), features, equipment, bandwidth, and ther data n t currently included in TI. The data, c mprising nearly 32 milli n rec rds, is primarily based n c ntract r invent ry, billing, and rders f r Netw rx, WITS 3, and Regi nal l cal service c ntracts. Output f this data is available up n a request t the TCC thr ugh the AM. The TCC ffers agency level detail rec rds and ver 30 different rep rts summarizing the data in a myriad f ways f r agency use and disseminati n. The n rmalizati n and c nsistency f data used f r rdering facilitates faster rdering fr m the FO pr cess t pr visi ning, and implementati n t billing verificati n.
6.3 GSA-Paid Transition Assistan e
GSA has budgeted $90M t pr vide GSA-paid assistance t agencies that rder services directly fr m the suppliers (direct- rder); agencies will reimburse GSA f r these services thr ugh the GSA fee n EIS. GSA all cates supp rt t direct rder agencies in three tiers, as determined by their relative annual business v lume, averaged ver Fiscal Year (FY)12-15, n the Netw rx c ntracts. “Large” agencies are th se f r which average annual business v lume exceeded $10M; “medium” agencies are th se f r which average annual business v lume was between $1M and $10M. Due t the c mplexity and v lume f services the large agencies have t transiti n, GSA has all cated appr ximately $85M f the budgeted am unt t the large agencies and the remaining $5M t the medium agencies acc rding t the appr ach described bel w. Agencies with less than $1M in annual business v lume are c nsidered “small” and receive supp rt thr ugh the GSA-Assisted Transiti n pr gram als described bel w.
6.3.1 GSA-Assisted Tra sitio (GSAAT)
As part f the strategy t pr vide early and effective supp rt t agencies and t devel p a phased and rderly appr ach t transiti n, GSA is f cused n pr viding tw cust mer gr ups—cust mers using Regi nal l cal service c ntracts and small, direct- rder cust mers—with specialized assistance. The g al is t simplify the FO pr cess and minimize the number f FO s licitati ns t make the c ntract r selecti n pr cess m re efficient and effective. This specialized assistance c mprises the GSA-Assisted Transiti n (GSAAT) pr ject. Direct-Order Agencies
Small, direct- rder agencies tend t have very straight-f rward transiti ns and limited staff t c nduct the transiti n; theref re, at the request and auth rity fr m the Agency, Small agencies and Native American tribes have the pti n t A) request GSAAT supp rt; r B) manage their wn transiti n.
When agencies and Native American tribes elect GSAAT, GSA will facilitate the agency’s transiti n f all services fr m GSA’s expiring netw rk services c ntracts t EIS. This includes pricing services, s licitati n assistance, preparing EIS Task Orders (TOs) and service rders, and submitting disc nnect rders f r Netw rx, WITS 3, and RLSs. An auth rized rdering fficial f r the agency r Native American tribe will award the TO, bligating the agency’s funds, and GSA will track the implementati n f the TO.
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The agency r Native American tribe will retain the resp nsibility and auth rity t administer the TO and pay f r services thr ugh ut the peri d f perf rmance f the TO. GSA-Assisted transiti n is available at varying levels f supp rt:
Level 1. Price-Only Level 2. S licitati n/Statement f W rk (SOW) Assistance Level 3. S licitati n Assistance with GSA c ntracting supp rt
GSA’s c st f r pr viding this service will be rec vered thr ugh the fee agencies pay n the services they rder fr m GSA c ntracts r, f r Level 3 supp rt, fr m GSA’s Transiti n Fund. All three levels f GSAAT supp rt are available t the agencies at n additi nal c st t the agency. S licitati n Assistance with GSA c ntracting supp rt, Level 3, will require an Interagency Agreement (IAA) Part A t d cument the arrangement between b th parties including r les and resp nsibilities and terms and c nditi ns. Regiona Loca Service Contracts
GSA’s eleven ge graphic regi ns pr vide l cal telec mmunicati n services thr ugh a variety f c ntracts and service delivery vehicles in supp rt f Federal agencies thr ugh ut the 50 states, U.S. territ ries, and verseas. F r all regi nal c ntracts except Regi n 11’s WITS 3 c ntracts, the regi ns perate a “full service” m del that includes managing service transiti ns, rdering services n behalf f agencies, tr ublesh ting service disrupti ns, and res lving issues with the suppliers as the cust mer f rec rd n behalf f the agency cust mers.
All agencies currently using services pr vided by the GSA Regi nal l cal service c ntracts f rmerly administered in GSA Regi ns 1-10 are participating in GSA’s Full Service pr gram. Agencies participating in the Full Service pr gram need t rder their replacement services directly fr m the EIS c ntract rs.
GSA is c mmitted t supp rting agencies thr ugh ut this Full Service transiti n with the assistance t agencies' pr curement teams as they make their FO decisi ns. Agencies receive GSA assistance thr ugh TOA supp rt, the SOW/S licitati n Assist T l, and EIS Pricer. GSA has shared with agencies the w rk GSA has previ usly d ne t prepare f r transiti ning l cal services pr vided thr ugh the Full Service pr gram.
6.3.2 Tra sitio Orderi g Assista ce (TOA)
In devel ping an effective pr gram t expedite and assist the agencies thr ugh transiti n, GSA c nsidered the f ll wing criteria:
1. It must address the less ns learned fr m previ us transiti ns, principally that FO decisi ns t k an average f 2.5 years and that the TCR pr gram was lab r- intensive and ineffective at m tivating a timely transiti n.
2. It must all cate assistance using an equitable meth d. 3. It must c mply with fiscal law and the purp ses f the Acquisiti n Services Fund
fr m which it is paid. 4. It sh uld ffer several levels f supp rt tail red t each agency.
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5. It must n t fav r a class f suppliers (such as incumbents) in FO decisi ns, and must all w transf rmati n where prudent.
The resulting TOA pr gram pr vides transiti n assistance t the agencies’ rdering c ntracting fficers (OCOs) and pr ject managers f r purp ses f c nducting FO decisi ns and placing EIS TOs. The transiti n assistance takes the f rm f third-party c ntract r supp rt. The TCC retains verall pr ject management, funding, and perf rmance-m nit ring resp nsibilities f r this task. The agency must assign a pr ject manager t m nit r the c ntract r’s supp rt and pr vide feedback t the GSA COR. TOA c ntract rs have c ntinual c ntact with OTS’s pr gram and c ntracting pers nnel t devel p inn vative s luti ns, share best practices, and c llect less ns learned and c mmunicate th se acr ss the agencies.
Thr ugh the TOA task rder, the TCC pr vides c ntract r supp rt t agencies fr m a menu f Subtasks. The Subtasks pr vide varying levels f assisting agency cust mers thr ugh the FO pr cess and rdering services fr m the EIS c ntract, by analyzing and defining cust mer requirements, c nducting market research, assisting with s licitati n d cumentati n, making rec mmendati ns f r service selecti n, determining the c st f the services, and guiding cust mers n placing rders f r th se services. TOA c ntract rs supp rt—n t replace--the agency’s transiti n team and the OCOs making the FO decisi ns. Agencies must have telec m staff and agency experts n the team t define requirements and ensure the FO decisi n meets th se requirements.
Based n the number and c mplexity f FO decisi ns each agency needs t make f r transiti n, the TOA task rder’s COR identifies the appr priate Subtask per FO decisi n. These c mprise the pr p sed Transiti n Assistance Package (TAP) f r each agency, which GSA then reviews with the agency and revises as needed t supp rt the agency’s transiti n plans. Each Subtask defines a level f supp rt fr m a c mbinati n f c ntract specialists, telec mmunicati ns engineers, and analysts, with a cadre f subject matter experts t pr vide additi nal “surge” assistance as needed. GSA will make c ntract r supp rt available up t a t tal level f eff rt c mmensurate with the funding am unt all cated t that agency.
GSA all cates funding f r c ntract r supp rt t large agencies based n their percentage c ntributi n t the Netw rx business v lume applied t the $85M budget, as appr ved and available each fiscal year. GSA reserves this am unt f r each agency but pr vides actual supp rt based n the agency’s need. The level f eff rt f r supp rt is determined initially fr m the TAP. If the level f eff rt appr aches the t tal all cated funding, GSA will determine the appr priate c urse f acti n t c ntr l expenses while supp rting the agency t the extent p ssible. If an agency will n t use its full all cati n f funding, GSA reserves it f r ther agencies that may need additi nal supp rt.
GSA all cates c nsultant supp rt t the medium-sized agencies f r ne FO decisi n per agency. Whether the level f eff rt is f r a c mplex r simple FO decisi n is based n discussi ns with each agency. Furtherm re, GSA w rks with the agencies t p l requirements where p ssible and reduce the verall number f FO s licitati ns, thereby
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streamlining and expediting the pr cess t reduce c sts while all wing agencies t award and administer their wn TOs.
7 Master Transiti n Schedule GSA established a transiti n schedule with appr priate milest nes t address the vari us activities that ccur during transiti n planning and transiti n executi n. A summary view f this schedule appears in Appendix G. Agencies sh uld use the transiti n schedule t c rdinate agency transiti n activities ar und maj r transiti n milest nes. The master transiti n schedule will be maintained and updated thr ugh ut the transiti n peri d.
GSA c ntinues w rking with agencies and suppliers t identify additi nal c nsiderati ns t effectively sequence transiti n activities, guidelines n h w suppliers resp nd t FO s licitati ns, and h w t impr ve the FO pr cess. In Oct ber 2017, GSA c llected a f recast f FO s licitati ns fr m the large and medium agencies. GSA shared the schedule f r these s licitati ns with the EIS c ntract rs t help them plan f r resp nding t the s licitati ns. GSA will c ntinue t receive updates fr m agencies and share them with c ntract rs.
8 Training GSA is making several training pp rtunities available f r its wn transiti n team as well as f r agencies. First, the TCC has devel ped and maintains a library f SOPs and ensures TCC staff is kept current n these SOPs. The GSA TCC Training Plan f r EIS c nsists f c urses designed t assist agencies with the transiti n t EIS. Training m dules are available thr ugh Instruct r-Led Training (ILT) and electr nic learning (ELearning) m dules. T find ut what training is available and h w t access it, see www.gsa.g v/eistransiti n.
Training m dules include the f ll wing t pics:
EIS Fundamentals Transiti n Invent ry EIS Pricing Structure pr vided in c ncert with Telec mmunicati ns 101 EIS Pricer S licitati n/SOW Assist T l Fair Opp rtunity and Ordering Delegated Pr curement Auth rity (DPA) EIS Management and Operati ns Billing and Disputes Intr ducti n t GSA C nexus.
The training pr grams are ffered t agencies t ensure staff is sufficiently kn wledgeable f transiti n res urces and activities.
9 Pr gress Tracking and Rep rting GSA’s transiti n tracking meth d l gy all ws the G vernment t track pr gress f
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transiti n. The TCC’s Transiti n Pr gress Tracking Meth d l gy (TPTM) d cuments the pr cess, t ls, metrics, and rep rting requirements f r the transiti n t EIS. The TPTM all ws GSA t evaluate status by EIS supplier, agency, l cati n, service, and ther fact rs. The g al in implementing this meth d l gy is t gain a c mprehensive view f all transiti n activities, t identify b ttlenecks, backl gs, and ther issues pr actively, and t facilitate their res luti n. The TCC uses inf rmati n fr m the GSA Help Desk, Less ns Learned, and ther s urces as appr priate t supp rt its assessment f transiti n pr gress, pr blems, and trends.
The TCC tracks and rep rts pr gress measures in the f ll wing categ ries:
• Critical Milest nes
• Transiti n Executi n
9.1 Dashboards
The TCC rep rts transiti n pr gress using Transiti n Pr gress Dashb ards within the E-MORRIS TI m dule and n the EIS Transiti n website. Pr gress rep rting at the agency level is as defined by the “transiti n entity.”
9.2 Transition Entities
Transiti n entity is the level at which an agency requests GSA t rep rt transiti n pr gress. While the TCC uses the term “transiti n entity,” the term “agency” is used in transiti n pr gress rep rts that the TCC disseminates t stakeh lders utside f the TCC. F r rep rting purp ses the TCC uses the same categ ries as f r GSA-paid transiti n assistance—that is, large, medium, and small-- f these transiti n entities based n business v lume. The list f transiti n entities is available n the EIS Transiti n website.
9.3 Tra king Criti al Milestones
There are several critical milest nes under discussi n with agencies and c ntract rs t m nit r, track, and rep rt perf rmance. The TCC prepares a Sc recard rep rt f preparedness and executi n pr gress f agencies within designated categ ries (large, medium, small). This rep rt sh ws pr gress details and summaries f agencies n preparedness and executi n tracking metrics. The table bel w displays a mapping f transiti n activities within each transiti n phase and the ass ciated target milest ne date. The figure f ll wing the table illustrates a sample Sc recard f r large agencies.
v.3, M rch 28, 2018 25
Transition Phase Transition Activity Tar et Milestone
Portfolio Stat
Acquisiti n Planning Identify and c mmunicate Integrated Transiti n Team: Agency Transiti n Sp ns r, Transiti n Ordering C ntracting Officer, Lead Transiti n Manager
Jun 2016 N
Acquisiti n Planning Sign Interagency Agreement Within 2 m nths after award f TOA task rder
Acquisiti n Planning TI Activity Oct 2016 N
Acquisiti n Planning Agency Transiti n Plan Submitted Oct 2016 Yes
Acquisiti n Planning Release Fair Opp rtunity (FO) S licitati ns
Oct 2017 Yes
Acquisiti n Decisi n Award Task Orders Oct 2018 Yes
Transiti n Executi n Transiti n 50% c mplete Jun 2019 Yes
Transiti n Executi n Transiti n 100% c mplete Mar/May 2020
Transiti n Executi n Transiti n pr gress against stated timelines defined within each ATP
As defined within each ATP
9.4 Other Transition Progress Measures
I additio to the critical milesto es, GSA tracks a d reports o other measures that provide useful i formatio about tra sitio progress performa ce. The TCC provides a variety of reports that will depict the progress agai st the prepared ess metrics. Reports are available i the dashboards a d i the mo thly Tra sitio Progress Tracki g Report (TPTR). These additio al measures are described i the TPTM docume t, available upo request.
10 Communication GSA recog ized that early commu icatio is critical to e couragi g age cies to begi tra sitio pla i g a d to establish effective collaboratio with suppliers a d the age cies. Co ti ual, ope commu icatio a d coordi atio across GSA a d tra sitio stakeholders plays a critical role i the success of tra sitio executio .
10.1 Contacting GSA
GSA’s IT Customer Service Ce ter (ITCSC) is available to age cy customers a d suppliers to help resolve issues a d questio s regardi g tra sitio . The ITCSC a d TCC use a Customer Relatio ship Ma ageme t (CRM) system to mai tai a d track all co tacts a d direct i teractio s with GSA's i ter al a d exter al customers. The ITCSC does ot replace the EIS, Networx, WITS 3, or GSA Regio al local service suppliers’ customer service or trouble ma ageme t services. It is primarily a mea s for co tacti g
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the TCC and the GSA OTSteam.
10.2 Coordination within GSA
Transiti n-related d cumentati n GSA creates is generally c rdinated thr ugh OTS and Acquisiti n Operati ns, and with the Office f General C unsel and Office f the Chief Financial Officer as appr priate. OTS administers a change c ntr l pr gram f r versi n c ntr l f designated d cumentati n, and the TCC’s integrated change c ntr l pr cess includes an interface t the OTS pr cess. C mmunicati ns designed f r agencies are devel ped in c llab rati n with Cust mer Engagement; th se f r suppliers with Supplier Engagement.
10.3 Management Es alation within OTS
F r transiti n issues n t res lved satisfact rily r requiring higher-level management attenti n, the chart bel w c ntains management chain and c ntact inf rmati n f r escalati n.
Amando avino
10.4 Conferen es and Collaborative Forums
The American C uncil f r Techn l gy-Industry Advis ry C uncil (ACT-IAC) is a 501(c)3 n n-pr fit educati nal rganizati n established t impr ve g vernment thr ugh the effective and inn vative applicati n f techn l gy. ACT-IAC pr vides an bjective, trusted and ethical f rum where g vernment and industry executives can c mmunicate, c llab rate and learn. GSA is an active participant in ACT-IAC’s Netw rks and Telec mmunicati ns C mmunity f Interest (N&T COI) and engages industry and agency partners n transiti n primarily thr ugh the N&T COI’s Transiti n Subc mmittee. The subc mmittee meets regularly t identify strengths r weaknesses, devel p c llab rative s luti ns, and pr vide d cumented rec mmendati ns f r impr ving the
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success f the transiti n pr gram.
GSA Interact is an pen, c llab rative, nline c mmunity f r c nnecting, c mmunicating, learning and engaging acr ss GSA t pics. Interact’s g al is t help increase g vernment’s effectiveness thr ugh better c mmunicati n and c llab rati n. Interact’s Featured Gr up f r EIS (interact.gsa.g v/eis) pr vides an pp rtunity f r inf rmal, real-time discussi ns and c llab rati n between GSA and cust mer agencies and p tential EIS suppliers. The EIS pr gram and TCC use Interact t release inf rmati n t the stakeh lder c mmunity widely and with ut bias. It als pr vides a f rum f r subscribers t submit c mments and questi ns that can be readily shared with all members. GSA enc urages agencies t use Interact t facilitate market research f r the devel pment f their FO s licitati ns f r EIS.
GSA’s EIS and transiti n team participate in a variety f c nferences, media webinars and interviews, and ther events as an ther avenue t reach stakeh lders.
10.5 Exe utive Oversight
Beginning in April 2015, Assistant C mmissi ner f r ITC and the Direct r f Office f Telec mmunicati ns Services met with ver 16 large agencies t engage their Chief Inf rmati n Officers (CIOs) and Chief Acquisiti n Officers (CAOs) in awareness f the need t begin planning f r transiti n t EIS. These meetings set the f undati n f r establishing a l ng-term partnership f r executive attenti n t transiti n. GSA meets with CIO C uncils within the departments as requested t help c nvey the imp rtance f transiti n thr ugh ut the departments, understand agency-specific c ncerns, and c llab rate n s luti ns.
The Assistant C mmissi ner f r ITC peri dically updates the Department level CIO C uncil n transiti n pr gress. The OMB Sc recard is intended t be the f rmat f r rep rting status in a snapsh t.
10.6 Agen y Transition Stakeholders
GSA has implemented an appr ach t c mmunicating with agency transiti n teams that all ws f r rapid disseminati n f inf rmati n as well as discussi ns tail red t the specific needs f each agency.
At times, a push f inf rmati n is appr priate t c mmunicate inf rmati n quickly and widely. GSA generally uses the EIS Transiti n website, Interact, ITC bl gs, and email blasts f r these c mmunicati ns. GSA maintains a listing f CIOs, Agency Transiti n Sp ns rs, LTMs and TOCOs f r each agency, as well as pr files in the CRM t l that all w GSA t easily email the appr priate recipients. When a resp nse is expected, the c mmunicati n includes an email address f r ne f the mailb xes the TCC m nit rs t ensure pr mpt receipt and tracking f inc ming email.
In many cases, h wever, it’s necessary t meet with agencies individually t address requirements particular t their missi ns, perating envir nments, and p licies. The GSA AMs are the primary facilitat rs f these discussi ns.
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F r t pics m re appr priate t a c llab rative f rum, in February 2016, GSA established the Infrastructure Advis ry Gr up (IAG). The IAG serves as an advis ry c uncil t the FAS C mmissi ner with regard t the inf rmati n techn l gy and netw rk services pr grams that supp rt the Federal g vernment. As appr priate, the IAG discusses transiti n-related t pics, issues, and status.
11 Transiti n Supp rt T ls This secti n identifies the systems, self-help guides r t ls, and applicati ns GSA administers, uses, r makes available t transiti n stakeh lders t execute transiti n. This gr up f systems, t ls, and applicati ns are herein referred t as “t ls.”
11.1 EIS Transition Website
GSA uses its public website as a centralized l cati n f r accessing transiti n inf rmati n and t ls. The transiti n website, gsa.g v/eistransiti n, is the h me page f r linking t these t ls and requesting access t them as well as finding additi nal inf rmati n and res urces helpful t agencies and suppliers inv lved in transiti n. The transiti n website shares transiti n status with all stakeh lders. The inf rmati n n the EIS transiti n website is specific t transiti n activities; updates n the EIS program are available n gsa.g v/eis.
Examples f inf rmati n included n r linked t fr m the EIS Transiti n website are:
• Descripti n f the TCC and services available
• Timeline and milest nes
• Tips f r preparing f r transiti n • Transiti n Invent ry and All Agency Invent ry in E-MORRIS
• Training and vide learning
• Transiti n Pr gress
• FAQs • GSA c ntacts
• Hyperlinks t related web sites f r Netw rx, WITS 3, GSA Regi nal l cal service c ntracts, EIS, TOPS, and E-MORRIS
• Guides, white papers, and handb ks related t transiti n as well as the EIS c ntracts
• News articles and s cial media c mmunicati ns.
11.2 TI in E-MORRIS
E-MORRIS is a secure web-based system that pr vides G vernment agency users with three primary applicati ns: (1) the Netw rx Invent ry M dule (NIM); (2) billing rep rts/data f r services rdered under the Netw rx c ntracts, and (3) a m dule f r TI and AAI.
GSA is using the E-MORRIS applicati n t pr vide secure, auth rized access t agency TI data. GSA-validated transiti n rec rds are pr vided at the “service instance” level f r Netw rx, WITS 3 and Regi nal l cal service c ntracts. A service instance rec rd (SIR)
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represents a summarized r llup f a base service C ntract Line Item Number (CLIN); it d es n t itemize supp rting elements f a service such as equipment and features. C nsequently, service instance level data is NOT sufficient in detail t prepare transiti n rders. GSA uses the service instance data t track the pr gress f transiti n. Agencies can use the data t assist with transiti n planning and tracking.
Access t E-MORRIS is determined by the agency’s Netw rx Designated Agency Representative’s (DAR) Administrat r, and restricted by Agency Hierarchy C de (AHC). In rder t ensure that nly auth rized users have access, E-MORRIS administrat rs d n t create an acc unt f r an agency user until GSA has c nfirmed receipt f a c py f the DAR Administrat r letter.
F r m re inf rmati n and access see the Transiti n Invent ry User Guide and ther TI links n the EIS Transiti n website.
11.3 Tele ommuni ations Ordering and Pri ing System (TOPS)
TOPS pr vides GSA the ability t rder regi nal teleph ne pr ducts and services n the current c ntracts. It handles the entire lifecycle f an rder—fr m rec rding the agencies’ riginal rders, tracking rders, paying suppliers, billing cust mers, and generating acc unting entries. TOPS pr vides b th regi nal invent ry and billing data t track transiti n. TOPS c ntinues t be used while services remain n Regi nal l cal services c ntracts.
11.4 GSA Conexus
GSA C nexus pr vides ne secure site with a single sign- n f r GSA and GSA’s cust mers t d the f ll wing f r the EIS C ntract:
• IAA Management Part A and B
• Task Order Capture fr m Suppliers
• Billing Accuracy and Dispute Rep rts t Agencies t file with Suppliers • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Rep rts t Agencies t file with Suppliers
• Invent ry Management and M nthly invent ry supplier rec nciliati n
• Business Analytics and Rep rting.
11.5 Self-Help Guides and Tools
The f ll wing guides, handb ks, and t ls are available (as indicated) t assist agencies, suppliers, and ther stakeh lders.
• Transiti n Handb k (gsa.g v/eistransiti n) • TI and AAI Users Guides (gsa.g v/eistransiti n)
• Fair Opp rtunity and Ordering Guide (gsa.g v/eistransiti n)
• EIS Management and Operati ns Handb k (gsa.g v/eis) • S licitati n/Statement f W rk Assist T l (up n request thr ugh AM)
• EIS Training (instruct r led and eLearning) n a multitude f t pics (gsa.g v/eis)
• DPA Training (gsa.g v/eis)
11.6 Conta t Us
Stakeh lders can reach the ITCSC by calling 855-482-4348 r email at [email protected] v.
12 Risk Management The TCC has implemented a Risk Management pr gram t effectively deal with uncertainties, ass ciated risks and pp rtunities f a pr ject. The Pr ject Management B dy f Kn wledge (PMBOK) Guide defines risk as “an uncertain event r c nditi n that, if it ccurs, has a p sitive r negative effect n a pr ject's bjectives.” Risk has a cause and, if it ccurs, a c nsequence. Pr ject risk includes b th negative risk (threats t the pr ject's bjectives) and p sitive risk ( pp rtunities t impr ve n th se bjectives). A risk has tw c mp nents: pr bability and impact.
Maj r fact rs c ntributing t risks t the transiti n pr gram include the f ll wing:
• Heavy resp nsibility f suppliers, agencies, and GSA
• Transiti n t Netw rx t k six years, and EIS transiti n is d uble the v lume in half the time
• EIS transiti n is m re c mplex • EIS transiti n includes 85 Netw rx and l cal c ntracts
• Transf rmati n f telec m business may be an pp rtunity r a distracti n, r b th
• Enf rcement f TOs
• Timeline f 1 year planning and <3 year transiti n • Agencies’ ability t all cate res urces
• Presidential transiti n
• EIS award timeline.
T mitigate the risks fr m th se fact rs, GSA included the f ll wing elements f the transiti n strategy:
• Cust mer Engagement Inv lvement: Executive sp ns r, lead transiti n manager, and acquisiti n liais n
• Agency Transiti n Plans
• Invent ry validati n—c mpleted Jan 2016 • OMB Assistance
o C rdinating with OMB’s Office f the CIO t enc urage agencies t plan early
o P rtf li Stat measures o EIS transiti n n President’s Management C uncil agenda o Designate EIS as Best In Class o Appr ve agencies’ budget requests f r FY18-20
• Federal CIO C uncil attenti n t transiti n sc recard.
The TCC manages risk thr ugh a r bust pr gram that includes quarterly assessments,
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identificati n f resp nse plans, and implementati n f acti n items. F r m re inf rmati n, see Appendix E.
13 Less ns Learned Capturing less ns learned is an integral part f every p
