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TRAVELSMART KEWDALE PRIMARY SCHOOL 2010 What have we achieved? What comes next? Slide 2 CHARACTER COMPETITION 1. Discussed criteria with the travel smart crew. 2. Created posters to display around the school. 3. Discussed competition with staff members. 4. Went to classrooms (year 4-7) and talked to students about the competition. Gave out competition forms and 1 poster to each classroom. 5. Students completed competition forms and handed in by the due date. 6. Had a meeting with the travel smart crew and decided winners (1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd ). 7. Announced competition winners at a whole school assembly and gave out prizes. Slide 3 Slide 4 FIRST PRIZE SECOND PRIZE THIRD PRIZE Slide 5 GLOBAL CHALLENGE The year 5 class are competing in a Global walking challenge. They were provided with pedometers and booklets to record their steps. 50 day challenge. You can register interest for next years challenge. Slide 6 Whats happening next? Walk to school day on November 3 rd 2010. Walk to school day on November 3 rd 2010. 4 week travel smart to school Golden Boot challenge. This involves classroom teachers completing a hands up survey each morning to find out the number of students that walked or rode a bike or scooter to school. At the end of each week one class will win the Golden Boot. 4 week travel smart to school Golden Boot challenge. This involves classroom teachers completing a hands up survey each morning to find out the number of students that walked or rode a bike or scooter to school. At the end of each week one class will win the Golden Boot.
