Page 1: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


Year 2

Tuesday 23rd June 2020


LO: To use adjectives for effect

Page 2: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


Yesterday we looked at the story Footpath Flowers.

Think about the following questions - you don't need to write anything down

Why is the little girl's coat red?

Where are they going?

Who are they?

What are the main events in the story?

Page 3: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


Today we are going to be focusing on adjectives and expanded noun phrases.

What is an adjective?

In your exercise book write a definition for an adjective.

Write a sentence about the front cover of Footpath Flowers which includes an adjective.

Page 4: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


How did you do? You can check your answers here.

An adjectives are giving the attributes of a noun, or more plainly adjectives describe something. They are often referred to as describing words

Example of a sentence which includes an adjective. The adjectives are in red and underined.

The little girl wore a bright red coat.

Page 5: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


Today you are going to write a description of one of the pictures in the book. In your description I would like you to use expanded noun phrases.

An expanded noun phrase is a sentence describing something, but I'd like you to use two adjectives per noun. The adjectives should be separated by a comma.

The girl wore a red, shiny coat.

There was a grey, fluffy cloud blew across the grey, stormy sky.

Page 6: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


We are going to start by thinking about adjectives. Look at the picture below.

In your exercise book write as many adjectives as you can to describe the bird, the flowers, the grass and the path.

Page 7: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


You might have thought of a few more, but these are some adjectives I thought of.















Page 8: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


Now, use the adjectives you thought of to write sentences about the picture. You need to do about 5 or 6 sentences. Try use different sentence starters to make your work more interesting and remember to use full stops, capital letters and finger spaces.

Page 9: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 LO: To use adjectives for effect

23.06.2020 English.notebook


You could have written lots of different things, yours will probably be very different.

Mine is below

The little girl with the red, shiny coat walked slowly down the brown, wide path away from the small, soft bird which lay where it fell. A small, bright bunch of sunny, yellow flowers sat lightly on it's soft, willowy feathers.
