Page 1: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Tunxis Community College

Advising Notes

Summer/Fall 2017

Academic Strategies

Business Administration

Early Childhood Education


Graphic Design




Visual Art

Page 2: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Academic Strategies Fall 2017 Sequence of English Courses

* Reading and Writing Review (for new students): Intensive reading and writing review before retaking the placement test.

* Portfolio Revision Workshop (for students who did not pass ENG 096): Provides support for students who have submitted complete portfolios that have not quite met the course abilities. At the end of the course, the student’s portfolio and final grade are reassessed.

Embedded and Credit Level

Intensive Level(non-credit)

Transitional Level (non-credit)

ENG 065Integrated Reading and Writing

(6 hours)(placement test only)

ENG 096 Intro to College English

(6 hours)(placement test only)

ENG 101Composition

(3 hours)(placement test only)

Credit-Level General/Liberal Arts Elective

Credit-Level General/ Humanities/Liberal Arts Elective

ENG 173

Perspectives in the Humanities

(3 hours)

CSS 101

First Year Experience (3 hours)

ENG 101E Composition Workshop

(6 hours) (placement test only)

Instructor feedback +

placement test retake

Students utilize a variety of thinking and reading strategies to explore literature, philosophy, history, social sciences, and fine arts. Recommended for students needing to build skills prior to Comp and students earning an ENG 096 grade in the C-range.

FYE prepares students to develop their own plan for academic, personal, and professional success.

Highly recommended for ALL new students in their first year, and ESL students at Level V or VI.

ENG 093 Intro to College Reading &

Writing (3 hours) (placement or permission of chair)

* In addition to being a G/LA elective at Tunxis, CSS 101 transfers to CCSU as a General Elective * Tunxis Programs accepting FYE as general elective: General Studies, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, BOT * Tunxis Programs accepting FYE as directed elective: Pathway to Teaching Careers, Human Services, Tech Studies, Business Administration (but not for TAP)

* In addition to being a G/H/LA elective at Tunxis, ENG 173 transfers to CCSU as Arts/Humanities

Recommended Academic Strategies Courses

Page 3: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,


Students with no high school business or accounting courses are advised to take ACC 100 - Basic Accounting and/or BBG 101 - Introduction to Business at the beginning of their program.

* Course also offered in a 3-, 7-, or 8-week, accelerated online option

CENTRAL CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF BUSINESS • If three years not completed in high school, two semesters of a single foreign language required at CCSU. • A minimum 2.5 GPA is required in ACC 113, ACC 117, ECN 101, ECN 102, ENG 101, ENG 106, MAT 165 and MAT 190 for entry to

CCSU’s School of Business. • Additional coursework beyond the Associates Degree that can transfer to the CCSU School of Business: MAT 222 (Stats II), two

Behavioral Science courses (from PSY/SOC/ANT), and a 200-Level Literature Course.


• Tunxis’ Business Administration program has articulation agreements with all of the Connecticut State Universities, Charter Oak State College, Goodwin College, Post University, University of St. Joseph, Quinnipiac University, University of Hartford and more.

• Students transferring into a private four-year business program should check their intended institution’s transfer policy.


• To be considered for the Business Data Analytics or Business Administration regional program, a minimum 3.0 GPA is required upon graduation from Tunxis. Please see your advisor for the latest advising information.

• Students participating in The University of Connecticut Guaranteed Admissions Program (GAP) should be enrolled in Liberal Arts.

For more information -


ENG 101 Composition Written Communication Transfer Competency

ENG 103 Composition II Written Communication Transfer Competency

ENG 106 Writing for Business* Oral Communication Transfer Competency

Fine Art Elective Aesthetic Dimensions Transfer Competency

MAT 165 Elementary Statistics with Computer Apps Quantitative Reasoning Transfer Competency

MAT 190 Calculus for Business

Historical Knowledge Elective Historical Knowledge Transfer Competency

Scientific Knowledge Elective Scientific Knowledge Transfer Competency

Scientific Reasoning Elective Scientific Knowledge Transfer Competency

ACC 113 Principles of Financial Accounting *

ACC 117 Principles of Managerial Accounting *

CST 201 Management Information Systems Continued Learning and Information Literacy Transfer Competency

ECN 101 Principles of Macroeconomics *

ECN 102 Principles of Microeconomics Social Phenomena Transfer Competency

BMK 201 Principles of Marketing *

BBG 231 Business Law I *

BBG 240 Business Ethics * Critical Thinking Transfer Competency

BFN 201 Principles of Finance *

BMG 202 Principles of Management *

BBG 292 Business Practicum (3-credit Internship) OR

BBG 290 Business Programs Capstone (1 credit) AND Directed Elective

2016-17 Business Administration Associates Degree Graduation Guide


Page 4: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,


• The Business Administration Career associates degree program prepares graduates for entry-level employment in private, public, and governmental agencies as accounting, finance, management, or marketing trainees.

• This program is of considerable benefit to employed students looking for professional development or students who hold degrees in unrelated areas and are looking for career skills or a career change.

• Students pursuing a specific business career after graduation should choose a Business Specialization Certificate (below left) for additional skills. Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree.

• Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program, it is possible that some will transfer only as electives. Students planning to earn a bachelor’s degree should follow the transfer guide on the reverse side.

ACCOUNTING CERTIFICATE BA ASSOCIATES DEGREE ACC 113 – Principles of Financial Acct * ACC 123 – Acct Software Applications^ ACC 117 – Principles of Managerial Acct * ACC 271 – Intermediate Acct I ̂ACC 241 – Federal Taxes I ̂ACC 272 – Intermediate Acct II^

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CERTIFICATE ACC 113 - Principles of Financial Accounting * BBG 115 - Business Software Applications * BBG 231 - Business Law I * BBG 240 - Business Ethics * Choose one:

BMG 202 - Principles of Management * BMG 210 - Organizational Behavior *

BMK 201- Principles of Marketing * ECN 101 - Principles of Macroeconomics *

FINANCE CERTIFICATE ACC 113 – Principles of Financial Acct * BNF 101 – Personal Finance^* ECN 101 – Principles of Macroeconomics * BBG 231 – Business Law * BNF 201 – Principles of Finance * ECN 102 – Principles of Microeconomics

MARKETING CERTIFICATE ENG 101 – Composition BMK 201 – Principles of Marketing * SOC 101 – Principles of Sociology^ Choose one^:

NMC 101 – New Media Comm. COM 101 – Intro to Mass Comm. COM 121 – Journalism

Choose one: COM 173 – Public Speaking ENG 106 – Writing for Business *

Fine Art Elective – Choose one: ART XXX – Photography Elective GRA 110 – Intro to Comp. Graphics

200-level Marketing or Comm. Elective ̂

For more information -


ENG 101 Composition COM 173 Public Speaking ENG 106 Writing for Business *

Fine Art Elective MAT 165 Elementary Statistics with Computer Apps

Science Elective (with or without lab)

ACC 113 Principles of Financial Accounting *

ACC 117 Principles of Managerial Accounting *

BBG 115 ACC 123 CST 201

Business Software Applications * OR Accounting Software Applications OR Computer Software Applications

ECN 101 Principles of Macroeconomics *

ECN 102 Principles of Microeconomics*

BMK 201 Principles of Marketing *

BBG 231 Business Law I *

BBG 240 Business Ethics *

BFN 201 Principles of Finance *

BMG 202 BMG 210

Principles of Management * OR Organizational Behavior *

Directed Elective ̂

Directed Elective ̂

Directed Elective ̂

BBG 292 Business Practicum (3-credit Internship) OR

BBG 290 Business Programs Capstone (1 credit) AND Directed Elective ̂

Students with no high school business or accounting courses are advised to take ACC 100 - Basic Accounting and/or BBG 101 - Introduction to Business at the beginning of their program. * Course also offered in a 3-, 7-, or 8-week, accelerated online option. ^ Course will be used as one of the four directed electives in the BA Degree.

2016-17 Business Administration Associates Degree Graduation Guide


Page 5: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,


New ECE students should enroll in one of the following courses in their first semester. These courses now have NO prerequisites:

ECE*101 Intro to ECE ECE*103 Creative Experiences/Children ECE*106 Music & Movement for Children (spring) ECE*109 Science & Math for Children ECE*141 Infant/Toddler growth and Development ECE*176 Health, Safety, and Nutrition

ENG*114 Children’s Lit has a prerequisite of ENG*101 Composition

PSY*203 Child Development has a prerequisite of PSY*111 General Psychology

SCIENCE ELECTIVE: Must have a lab BIO*115 Human Biology strongly recommended for students planning to transfer to 4-year program

ECE*210 Observation Participation & Seminar Requires permission of the Coordinator

ECE*215 Exceptional Learner Requires PSY*111 OR Permission of the Coordinator (spring) (This course fulfills State of CT Department of Education certification requirement for a course in exceptionalities)

ECE*231 Early Language and Literacy Development has a prerequisite of ENG*101 Composition

ECE*241 Methods and Techniques for Infant/Toddler Requires ECE*141 OR Permission of the Coordinator (spring)

ECE*275 Child, Family, and School Relations Requires prerequisite PSY-203 Child Development OR Permission of the Coordinator (spring)

ECE*295 Student Teaching Requires permission of Program Coordinator

DIRECTED ELECTIVE: U.S. History I or II strongly recommended for students planning transferring to 4-year program

Questions? Contact Coordinator Joyce Voisine [email protected]

Page 6: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Tunxis Community College—ESL Discipline

Academic Year 2017-2018

Writing & Reading Grammar

ESL *001 Elementary English: Integrated Skills

Course for students with minimal skills-evening only—3 credits ESL 123: W & R II

3 credits—evening only

ESL 125: Grammar II

3 credits-evening only ESL 133: W & R III

3 credits—evening only

ESL 135: Grammar III

3 credits-evening only ESL: 143 W & R IV

3 credits—day and evening

ESL: 145 Grammar IV-both

3 credits—day and evening ESL*153 W & R V

6 credits—day and evening

Topics of ESL Grammar V Will be taught in W & R V

Beginning Fall 2017 ESL *162

Writing & Reading VI 6 credit course

No formal grammar required at this level but students may take

Grammar IV (if offered) Other ESL classes

ESL*149—Pronunciation Workshop Offered in fall semesters

ESL*175—Oral Communication V Offered in spring semesters

Proposed courses: Academic Vocabulary

To be offered summer 2017 and fall 2017 First Year Experience

To be offered Fall 2017 for ESL and traditional students at 8:30 T/R

ENG*101 English Composition

Pre-req is C- or better in ESL *162

Students can go straight through ESL into Composition! ESL classes at Level III or higher count as Humanities electives!

When you have questions about placement of ESL students in ESL classes or English classes,

don’t hesitate to ask for help!

Paula Baird X31605 James Schlatter X31645 or Ashkhen Strack X31489

Page 7: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

If you are a 1st year GRAPHIC DESIGN or INTERACTIVE MEDIA MAJOR, your two required design classes for Fall2017 semester are:

GRA 101 Design PrinciplesGRA 110 Introduction to Computer Graphics.


If you are a 2nd year GRAPHIC DESIGN MAJOR, and are taking (or have taken) Visual Communications, your next two design classes for Fall2017 semester are:

GRA 201 Typography & Design 1GRA 236 Digital Illustration

If you are a 2nd year INTERACTIVE MEDIA MAJOR, and are taking (or have taken) Visual Communications, your next three design classes for Fall2017 semester are:

GRA 201 Typography & Design 1GRA 236 Digital IllustrationGRA 260 Web Design 1

All students, please refer to the appropriate program guide for fine art and general education requirements


Student Advising Information for Fall 2017




CLASS REGISTRATIONGraphic Design—Fall 2017

Page 8: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Credit Level English Advising Guide-Humanities DepartmentFall2017!

Composi/onwithEmbeddedSupport:StudentswhoplaceintoCESenrollintwolinkedcoursestaughtbythesameinstruc-tor:ENG*101EComposi?onWorkshopandENG*101Composi?on.!ENG*101•Composi/on-Offering2onlinesec.onsPrerequisite:C-orbeEerinIntegratedReadingandWri?ngII(ENG075)ORIntroduc?ontoCollegeReading&Wri?ng(ENG*093)ORIntroduc?ontoCollegeEnglish(ENG096)ORReading&Wri?ngVI(ESL*162),orplacementintoComposi?on(ENG*101)[includingembeddedENG*101]!ENG*103•Composi/onII-Offering1HYBRIDsec.onand3onlinesec.onsinaddi.ontoon-groundPrerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)!ENG*106•Wri/ngforBusiness-Offering1onlinesec.oninaddi.ontoon-groundPrerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)orpermissionofDepartmentChair!ENG*114•Children’sLiterature ENG*231•Bri/shLiteratureIPrerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101) Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)!ENG*202•TechnicalWri/ng-Onlineonly ENG*281•Crea/veWri/ngPrerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101) Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)!ENG*221•AmericanLiteratureI ENG*268•ModernDrama Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101) Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)!ENG*247•La/nAmericanLiterature ENG*293•SurveyofLiteraryGenres-Onlineonly Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101) Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)!LIN*101•Linguis/cs COM*121•JournalismPrerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101) Prerequisite:C-orbeEerinComposi?on(ENG*101)


Summer2017!Composi/on(onlineandon-ground),Composi/onII(onlineandon-ground),Wri/ngforBusiness,SurveyofLiteraryGen-res(online)!ENG*105 Composi/onPorYolioRevisionSeminar


Page 9: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Foreign Language Requirements at Transfer Institutions !Central Connecticut State University !Proficiency in a foreign language must be demonstrated before graduation. This requirement may be met by any of the following: !a) Three sequential years of one foreign language at the high-school level. b) Elementary proficiency as demonstrated by successfully completing a second semester-level CCSU foreign language course or the equivalent at another institution (Tunxis equivalent is 112). Students with no previous background in a language must take the first and second semesters (Tunxis equivalent is 111 and 112); students who place out of the first semester due to previous background in the language may satisfy the requirement by taking the second semester only. c) Passing a standardized examination that demonstrates knowledge of a foreign language equivalent to completion of a second semester course or higher. d) Demonstration of native proficiency in a language other than English (requires evaluation of skill level by an appropriate faculty member and/or official documentation, and approval by the chair of the De-partment of Modern Languages). !!Southern Connecticut State University

Students fulfill the LEP Tier 1 multilingual communication requirement by successfully completing any of the following:

a) A World Languages and Literatures (WLL) course at the 200-level (Tunxis equivalent is 211*). b) An American Sign Language course at the intermediate level. c) The Standards-based Measurement of Proficiency test (STAMP) for Western languages at the inter-

mediate low level or non-Western languages at the novice high level. !All students are required to take the STAMP upon completion of a 200 level WLL course; however, stu-dents who feel that they can demonstrate proficiency prior to this may choose to take a STAMP at any time. !!Eastern Connecticut State University Two years of a single language in high school or two semesters (111 and 112 at Tunxis) of a single lan-guage in college. !!Western Connecticut State University !The foreign language requirement may be met by any of the following: !a) Three years of a single language in high school. b) Two college semesters of a single language (111 and 112 at Tunxis). c) One semester at the college intermediate level (211 at Tunxis). !*Spanish is the only language Tunxis consistently offers through the intermediate level. !-over- !!

Page 10: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

University of Connecticut College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) and School of Business require three years of a single lan-guage in high school or four college semesters** of a single language (111, 112, 211 and 212 at Tunxis). UConn’s other schools and colleges may have differing requirements. Please check the UConn website. !


St. Joseph’s University Students will meet this requirement by successfully completing a course designated LG in any language other than English, including American Sign Language. Students can waive the requirement by one of the following:

• Submitting test scores from the ACTFL OPI and WPT test • Passing an oral/written test administered by the foreign language department • Scoring 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement foreign language exam • Demonstrating at least one year of successful study at the high school level or above where a

language other than English is the primary language of instruction. For transfer students: Successful completion of an approved other language course from another accredited college or university. This statement appears on the SJU website. !*One college semester of a single language regardless of high school experience (111 at Tunxis). !

Page 11: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,



This course is a credit-level course intended for students who are pursuing a non-stem pathway. It will serve as a pre-requisite for Math for Liberal Arts, Number Systems, and Elementary Statistics. Students who need business math (Finite Math or Calculus for Business) or traditional STEM math (College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus etc.) should NOT take this course*.

This course will use a modeling approach to mathematics, with a focus on applications and modeling with real-world data. Our topics will include Linear, Quadratic, and Exponential functions with less emphasis on calculation and more emphasis on conceptual understanding. We plan to use applications from many different fields: Medicine, Business, Criminal Justice, Social Sciences, and History.

Prerequisite: C- or better in MAT 085, 094, or 095 or appropriate placement test score

*Note: If a student takes this course and then needs to alter their path in the future, we are working on offering a 1 credit bridge course that would cover material the student would need. This course would be offered in the summer and winter sessions.

MAT 272 LINEAR ALGEBRA Linear algebra is a course that is part of the Mathematics TAP Pathway. It is becoming increasingly popular as the ability to manage and analyze large data sets becomes more important in industry. It is a requirement for most Bachelor Degrees in Computer Science as well.

This class will provide a substantial introduction to linear algebra from a mathematical viewpoint. Major topics include linear systems, linear transformations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, eigenvalues, diagonalization, inner products, and orthogonality. This course will include a study of mathematical proof and requires mature abstract reasoning abilities.

Prerequisite: C- or better in Calculus II (MAT 256)

Page 12: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,


Credit LevelIntermediate Algebra

MAT 137(Regular-3 credits) or

MAT 139 (Embedded-4 credits)

Topics in Contemporary Math MAT 135 (3 credits)

Intermediate Algebra for Liberal Arts

MAT 137L (3 credits)

Intensive Level (Developmental)

MAT 085 Prealgebra and Elementary Algebra

(6 credits)

MAT 094 Introductory Algebra

(4 credits)

MAT 095 Elementary Algebra

(3 credits)

Transitional Level (Developmental)

MAT 075W Prealgebra with Study Skills Workshop

(6 credits)


MAT 152 Finite Math (C- in above)

MAT 172 College Algebra (C+ in above)

MAT 190 Calc. for Business and Social

Sciences (C- in above)


MAT 141 Number Systems

MAT 146 Math for Liberal Arts

MAT 165 Elementary Statistics

MAT 186 Pre-Calculus

Terminal Course

MAT 222 Statistics II (C- in MAT 165)

MAT 254 Calculus I

MAT 256 Calculus II

MAT 268 Calculus III

MAT 272 Linear Algebra

MAT 285 Differential Equations

Page 13: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Mathematics & Science Department


Courses with NO Prerequisites EAS*102 Earth Science EAS*106 Natural Disasters MET*101 Meteorology Courses with ENGLISH Prerequisites Only BIO*111 Intro to Nutrition Comp-readya BIO*115 Human Biology Comp-readya BIO*155 General Botany Comp-readya BIO*121 General Biology I C- or better in Composition BIO*122 General Biology II C- or better in Gen Biology I Courses with Both ENGLISH and MATH Prerequisites BIO*211 Anatomy & Phys I C- or better in Gen Biology Ib AND

C- or better in CHE*111 or CHE*121 BIO*212 Anatomy & Phys II C- or better in A&P Ic BIO*235 Microbiology C- or better in A&P Ic Courses with MATH Prerequisites ONLY AST*111 Intro to Astronomy Intermediate-readyd CHE*111 Concepts of Chemistry Intermediate-readyd CHE*121 General Chem I C- or better in MAT*137 or MAT*139 CHE*122 General Chem II C- or better in Gen Chem I CHE*211 Organic Chem I C- or better in Gen Chem II CHE*212 Organic Chem II C- or better in Organic Chem I PHY*110 Introductory Physics Intermediate-readyd PHY*121 General Physics I C- or better in MAT*137 or MAT*139 PHY*122 General Physics II C- or better in Gen Physics I PHY*221 Calculus-Based Phys I C- or better in Calculus I PHY*222 Calculus-Based Phys II C- or better in Calculus-Based Physics I a “Comp-ready” = C- or better in ENG*096 Introduction to College English or ESL*162

Reading & Writing VI, OR placement into ENG*101 Composition b The following courses CANNOT be substituted in place of the BIO*121 prerequisite: BIO*105

Introduction to Biology, BIO*115 Human Biology, transfer courses with no lab or ‘online laboratory’ format

c A 100-level A&P course CANNOT be used to satisfy the BIO*211 prerequisite d “Intermediate-ready” = C- or better in MAT*085 Pre-Algebra and Elementary Algebra,

MAT*094 Introductory Algebra, or MAT*095 Elementary Algebra, OR placement into MAT*137 Intermediate Algebra

Note on ABE Gen Eds and TAP Competencies:

• ALL science courses listed in the above table satisfy #8. Scientific Knowledge • ONLY the following courses satisfy #9. Scientific Reasoning: AST*111,

BIO*115/121/212/235, CHE*111/121/122/211/212, PHY*110/121/122/221/222

Tunxis Community College Ratified by PSO Spring 2016

Page 14: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Prerequisite Structure for Science Courses(Effective Spring 2017)





MAT*085 or 094 or 095





MAT*137 or 139












For questions about transfer equivalencies

or waivers, please call Robert (x31648).

BIO*121, CHE*121, PHY*121,

and PHY*221 are suitable for

students who intend to apply the

credit as a transfer equivalentat a 4-year institution, or as a

prerequisite for advanced

coursework in the field.

BIO*111, BIO*115, CHE*111,

and PHY*110

are suitable for students who

intend to apply the credit as a

science elective for a 2-year

degree, and do NOT plan to

pursue advanced coursework

in the field.

BIO*115 AST*111

Do you need to satisfy an ABE Gen Ed or TAP Competency?8. Scientific Knowledge: take ANY 3-credit or 4-credit science course

9. Scientific Reasoning: take any science course listed on this sheet, with

the exception of BIO*111, BIO*122, BIO*155, and BIO*211

Page 15: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Visua l A rt and D es i gn D epar tmen t Course with NO pre-reqs that satisfy a fine arts elective for ALL majors!

SUMMER 2017 lecture Art Appreciation Art History I* Art History II* Contemporary Art in the USA History of Photography Music History and Appreciation Rock and Roll History and Appreciation *Our art history course can be taken in any order, none have a pre-req.

studio Drawing I Drawing II Photography I* *Note, this summer Photo I course outline will reflect new changes to our photo program—Photo I will now be a DIGITAL based course, not a darkroom course. Photo II will now be the darkroom course.

FALL 2017lecture Art Appreciation (there will also be a late start option) Art History I* Art History II* Music History and Appreciation History of American Music Rock and Roll History and Appreciation New Media Perspectives *Our art history course can be taken in any order, none have a pre-req.

studio Color Theory Drawing I Three-Dimensional Design Photography I* Design Principles Intro to Computer Graphics Beginning Piano *Note from now on Photo I will be a DIGITAL Photography based course, not a darkroom course. Photo II will now be the darkroom course.

NEW for fall 2017!!! Music Production!!!

“Music production and recording techniques are presented in lecture, class discussion and studio work. Includes a broad overview of different careers within the music industry as well as an introduction to several instruments such as: guitar, piano, bass and drums. Musical experience is not necessary to enroll in this course.”

“GE hires a lot of engineers. We want young people who can do more than add up a string of numbers and write a coherent sentence. They must be able to solve

problems, communicate ideas and be sensitive to the world around them. Participation in the arts is one of the best ways to develop these abilities.” -Clifford V. Smith, President of the General Electric Foundation

“I believe that creativity will be the currency of the 21st century."

– Gerald Gordon, Ph.D., President/CEO, Fairfax County (Virginia) Economic Development Authority

Page 16: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Tunxis Community College Placement Testing Cut Score Grid

Fall 2017




(RC 1 -- 71) OR (RC 72 – 82 AND SS 1 – 49) OR (RC 72 – 74 AND SS 50 – 71)

ENG 096 – Introduction to College English

RC 75 – 82 AND SS 50 – 71 ENG 093 – Introduction to College Reading & Writing

RC 72 – 82 AND SS 72 – 120 Composition with Embedded Support (ENG 101E)

RC 83 – 120 ENG 101 – Composition

ACADEMIC STRATEGIES This course is highly recommended for all new students in their first year, and ESL students at Level V or VI.

CSS 101 – First Year Experience

RC 72 – 120 AND SS 72 – 120 ENG 173 – Perspectives in the Humanities

ESL Refer to student’s Accuplacer score report or Banner screen.


MATH EA 1 – 43 AND A 1 – 33 MAT 085 – Pre-algebra and Elem. Algebra

EA 1 – 43 AND A 34 – 57 MAT 094 – Introductory Algebra

(EA 1 – 43 AND A 58 – 120) OR (EA 44 – 49)

MAT 095 – Elementary Algebra

EA 50 -- 59 MAT 137L -- Intermediate Algebra for Liberal Arts, MAT 095

EA 60 – 65 MAT 139 – Elem. & Int. Algebra Combined, MAT 137L

EA 66 – 120 MAT 137 – Intermediate Algebra, MAT 135 Topics in CM, MAT 137L

EA 80 – 120 AND CLM 40 – 62

MAT 141 – Number Systems, MAT 146 – Math for the Liberal Arts, MAT 152 – Finite Math, MAT 165 – Elementary Statistics

EA 80 – 120 AND CLM 63 – 85 MAT 172 – College Algebra, MAT 190 – Calculus for Bus. & Soc. Science I

EA 80 – 120 AND CLM 86 – 102 MAT 186 – Pre-calculus

EA 80 – 120 AND CLM 103 – 120 MAT 254 – Calculus I


Page 17: Tunxis Community College...Each certificate fits seamlessly into the BA associates degree. • Although many courses in this program will transfer to a bachelor’s degree program,

Tunxis SAT / ACT Policy

When submitting SAT or ACT scores, in place of taking the Accuplacer/placement test, students must complete the Application for Exemption from Placement Testing form. Documentation of SAT or ACT scores and test date/s may be submitted (via a high school transcript, official score report, or unofficial score report printed from test web site); test scores over 2 years old may not be considered. Old SAT: Tests administered before March 2016.

New SAT: Test administered beginning in March 2016.


Old SAT Critical Reading New SAT Reading ACT English and Reading Combined

Tunxis Course Placement

450 or higher

25 or higher

37 or higher

ENG 101


Old SAT Math New Math SAT ACT Math Tunxis Course Placement

450 -- 499 480 -- 529 MAT 137L

500 – 549

530 – 569

18 – 21

MAT 135, 137, 137L, 139

550 – 599

570 – 619

22 – 25

MAT 141, 146, 152, 165

600 – 649

620 – 669

26 – 28

MAT 172 or MAT – 190

650 or higher

670 or higher

29 or higher

MAT 186
