Page 1: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue


WAKIILKA EE RASMIGA AH Waxaan kaa caawin karnaa buuxinta kaarka ca�maadka Si lacag la’aan ah.

Xirfadlayaal soomaali ah ayaa: kuu diyaar ah/ kaaga jawaabaya wixii su’aalo ah/ kula buuxinaya arjiga (application)/ kuu wacaya MNSure

FADLAN WAC XAFIISKA SOMALI HEALTH SOLUTIONS: 1-855-566-7873Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm. 1421 Park Ave. suite # 2, Minneapolis MN 55404

On a recent cold winter night, Maya Sheikh-Salah, assistant

Hennepin County attorney, stood tall before nearly 100 Somali-Americans at Safari Restaurant and Event Center in Minneapolis, passionately addressing the community about a little known topic: The U.S. criminal justice

system.“Criminal law is a very rich

area of law,” she told the crowd. “And it’s one of the areas that has grasped the imagination of the public because there are so many [TV] shows that happen.”

She ikh -Sa lah — who underlined that she was not

speaking on behalf of the Hennepin County Attorney’s office — added that stories in the popular crime shows such as “Law & Order” and “CSI” don’t necessarily translate into the realities of real-world happenings. “That’s not how it works in real life,” she said of the shows.

The assembly last Thursday marked the launch of The North American Somali Bar Association (NASBA), birthed by Minnesota Somali legal professionals as a way to address their community’s legal needs, to inspire young African immigrants, and to provide mentoring services to current law students.

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper

“Xafiisyada Dowladda lagama soo saari karo warqad ku qoran Af qalaad”

M a d a x w e y n a h a Jamhuuriyadda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud,

Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Federaalka ah Mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari iyo Madax kale ayaa ka qeyb galay xuska maalinta Afka Soomaaliga la qoray oo ku beegan maanta.

M u n a a s a b a d a l a g u

weyneynayay 42-guurada ka soo wareegtay qoriska iyo isticmaalka Afka hooyo waxaa kaloo ka qeyb galay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda, diblomaasiyiin iyo marti sharaf kale.

S i i h a y a h a W a s i i r k a

Warfaafinta iyo Hanuuninta dadweynaha Mudane Mustaf Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow ayaa sheegay in maanta ay tahay maalin weyn oo qiimo ugu fadhida bulshada Soomaaliyeed, maadaama ay tahay maalinkii

ugu horeysay ee uu soo baxo Wargeyska Xidigta Oktoobar oo Afka hooyo ku qoran, Wasaaradduna ay door lixaad leh ka qaadan doonto dib u soo nooleynta Wargeysyadii hore.

Waxaa aanu wadda ogsoonahay in dhulka Soomaliyeed jiilkaan uusan ugu horayn dadkii ugu horeeyey ama degenaa. Balse uu soo maray marxalado kala duwan. Dadka hadda jooga wax aay ka dhaxleen kuwii ka

horeeyey ee ku noolaa geyiga soomaliyeed. Dhulka Soomaaliya waligii waa uu isu furnaa, looma jeex jeexin qaybo badan amase lama gobaleysan. Balse hadda

waxaa xaqiiq ah oo aan dhamaan xaadir u nahay sidda loo marin habaabiyay dadkii Soomaaliyeed oo nin walba door mooday kala qaybsiga iyo kala jarjarrida dalka Soomaaliya . Waxaa wax laga xishoodo ah in dadka hadda ku dhaqan dalka ayna marna ka fikirin go’aamada ay qaateen, kuna dhaqaaqeen Saamaynta ay ku yeelanayso jiilalaka danbe iyo guud ahaanba ummadda Soomaaliyeed. Taas waxaa tusaale u ah kala qaybsiga iyo goosashadda hoos ka muuqata.

1. Jubbaland 2. Konforgalbeedland 3. Banadirland, Shabeelada/ Hiiranland, 4. Galmudugland 5. Westpuntland 6. Puntland 7. Khatumoland

8. Somaliland 9. Maakhirland10. Owdaland 11. Ximin iyo Xeeb land iyo kuwa kale oo badan.Hadaba hadii aad milicsatid

magacyadan kor ku xusan dhamaantood. Waxay ay sumaynayaan jiilka danbe ee hanan lahaa dhamman ummadda soomaliyeed. Reer reer laysku ooday ayaa lagu salaynayaa kala qaybsiga dhulka. Waxaa wax laga yacyaxo ah sida loo minguurinayo jiritaanka dadka iyo dalka Soomaaliyeed . Dad ay ka dhexeeyso, dhaqan, Af, Diin iyo Dhulka oo haddana ka doorbidaya in reer reer meel iskugu waabaan.

Markii aad raadraac ku samaysid taariikhdda soo jiraan...

Waxaa gunnaanadkii koobka isugu soo hadhay labada kooxood ee Edina iyo Eden Prairie.

Lawyers group aims to educate Somali community about criminal justice system

Dhulkuna 4.5 ma u qaybsamaa?

By: IBrahIm hIrsI, minnPostQore: maXamED maXamUUD GaaDaWEEYNE, Tusmo Times

Kooxda Eden Prairie oo guulaysatay


ka sii akhri bogga 7

see page 3 ka sii akhri bogga 3

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ka sii akhri bogga 4

He is known for his stand up comedy talent, of course, but also his characters in his movies, short films and comedy shows. Oh, and he’s a songwriter too.

Abdihakin Br: A man of many talents

see page 3


“Aad ayaan ugu faraxsannahay midnimada iyo wanaagga aad muujiseen,” ayuu yiri Qunsulkiisa Ciise Buraale.

Jaaliyadda Jabuuti oo xafiis ka furtay Minnesota


ka sii akhri bogga 3

Madaxweyne Xasan oo u hiiliyay afka hooyoXigasho: rm, Tifotiridii CaBDIraXmaaN mUkhTaar

Page 2: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa Tusmo Times

Tusmo TimesTusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information.

Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and sur-rounding suburbs.

editor-in-ChiefAbdirahman Mukhtar Contributors Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Abdikadir Ibrahim, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow, Ibra-him Hirsi, Hashim Yonis, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Taly-aani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali, Maxamud Maxamed.

advertising ConsultantKaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin Contact 420 15th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55454

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Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Page 3: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

Abdihakin Br, besides having the greatest name in Somali show business, is a man of many talents. An author, actor, comedian, director, screenwriter, producer and is one of most successful, creative and hard working.

In the Somali American community in Minnesota and around the world, he’s known for his stand up comedy talent, of course, but also his characters in his movies, short films and comedy shows. Oh, and he’s a songwriter too.

Abdihakin Br had a thriving career as a novelist. His fiction novels include, Uurku Taalo (1996), Ifka Nolosha (1991), and Nasiib, the first Somali language novel in Audio book (2010). But Abdihakin’s life have taken a very different turn when he

struggled to find any Somali actors who were willing to act different characters, especially characters that are based on real situations.

“I had a hard time finding actors who were willing to act characters that die, poor, ugly or homeless, and I started acting the characters I have been writing about,” said Abdihakin Br.

Abdihakin Br, played nearly every type of role imaginable, from family man to gang member to older female to criminal mastermind. He performs predominantly in leading roles in high-budget, low-budget and major studio films, ranging from comedies and drama thrillers. He proved time and again he could disappear into a role and mesmerize audiences.

His most popular films include

Lamaane in (1998), Cusbo in (2012). Abdihakin’s hit short films like Cusbo helped him to establish himself as a Super Star and a household name.

Sleep Walker is Abdihakin Br’s latest film and it will be out summer of 2015. Abdihakin Br said, “I want to set a good example to next generation Somali actors and film makers. I want them to be able to act multiple characters and have a blue print they can follow by watching my short films, films and comedy shows”.

Abdihakin Br also frequently collaborates with Somali actors, singers and filmmakers. He has received multiple awards. Let’s just say that Abdihakin Br knows how to multitask and how to make us laugh.

BaSic leGal leSSOnS

Even though the gathering was the association’s first meet-and-

greet event, it presented some important lessons for many in attendance: Sheikh-Salah, a founding member of NASBA, explained what it means to have a justice system, a constitution and the many parallel branches of the justice system, among other things.

“Criminal justice system is a system that’s key to the law, it’s key to the peaceful society and it’s key to a government to function well,” she said. “The criminal justice system has many agents: Law enforcement … prosecutors … defense attorneys … judges and finally corrections.”

For the majority of the people in attendance, learning about how justice is carried out in the U.S. was important because the civil war that unfolded in Somalia more than two decades ago has left the country without a formal justice system.

Victims in Somalia don’t often seek legal redress through law enforcement or legal courts, according to Cate Buchanan, author of “Gun Violence, Disability and Recovery,” a 2014 book project released by the Surviving Gun Violence Project.

Instead, victims turn to clan elders and religious leaders for crime or conflict resolutions, Buchanan explained. “Clan elders play a prominent role in justice and security because they are the cornerstones of the traditional Somali justice and conflict resolution mechanism, known as Xeer,” Buchanan stated.

She explained: “This system

rests on the clan structure of Somali society, in which a community is composed of a hierarchy of units. The

smallest of these units is the diyagroup, an extended family group collectively liable for the payment of compensation monies in case of death or injury, whether intentional or accidental.”

This traditional system of justice has long existed in Somalia, even before the civil war, which erupted in 1991, uprooting hundreds of thousands of people, many of whom ended up in Minnesota.

Somali legal professionals hint that elders sometimes get involved in minor criminal cases before or after they’re reported to law enforcement.

Sheikh-Salah shared with the crowd a case about a local Somali woman robbed by a Somali man in 2004. The woman gave the police a report statement with the name of the suspect.

When the police submitted the report and prosecutors charged the case, the woman recognized that the man was related to her. Eventually, Somali elders got involved as mediators.

Before the man had his day in court, the woman called the prosecutor, saying that she was mistaken and that the man wasn’t the suspect.

“They give her a warning: ‘Are you sure? Because you gave a report statement to the police,’” Sheikh-Salah said.

“And she says, ‘Yes it’s true.’”Sheikh-Salah said the woman

was charged with falsifying a police report although she didn’t do it intentionally.

MentOr PrOGraM SeeKS

tO HelP laW StudentS

Abdinas i r Abdulahi , a founding member of NASBA and Minneapolis-based attorney, said the association was established to contribute to the community and to become a network base for Somali legal professionals throughout North America. Mentor program seeks to help law students

“We’re getting questions about what it’s like to go to law school,” Abdulahi said in an interview. “We felt that we had to [create] an association that can cater to the community, educate, inspire and mentor the youth.”

Th rough t he NASBA mentorship program, Abdulahi took Abdifatah Mohamed, a law student at William Mitchell College of Law, under his wing.

Mohamed worked with Abdulahi about two days a week. “I gained lots of experience and lots of a valuable insight about practicing law and about running a small business,” said Mohamed, who moved to Minnesota two and a half years ago from Seattle, Washington for law school.

He added: “Abdinasir has been a valuable mentor to me. I can’t think him enough.” NASBA has a goal of reaching out to the community and doing public service, Mohamed said.

Last week, that service included about a dozen legal professionals assembled in a panel to help the audience understand the seemingly complex U.S. justice system.

The audience even received a brief introduction to the U.S. Constitution: “This document is the oldest and shortest constitution in the world,” Sheikh-Salah said as she held the constitution high.

She continued: “And as a matter of fact, I’m going to add, the most contemporary document. It has 7 articles, 27 amendments, 4,400 words. The United States constitution gives rights to individuals. And the presumption of innocence preserves the dignity of the individual. You’re not guilty, until proven guilty.”

Lawyers group aims to educate Somali community about criminal justice system

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Wararka Gudaha / Local News | 3

from page 1Safiir dalka Jabuuti u fadhiya

Mareykanka, Rooble Colhaye ayaa magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota uga qayb-galay xaflad weyn oo ay soo

qaban-qabaaniyeen jaaliyadda reer Jabuuti, taasoo ay ku daah-furayeen xafiiskii ugu horreeyay oo ay jaaliyadda Jabuuti ka furatay gobolka Minnesota. Kaasoo ay soo dhaweeyeen bulsho-weynta Jabuuti ee ku nool gobolkaas.

“Aad ayaan ugu faraxsannahay midnimada iyo wanaagga aad muujiseen,” ayuu yiri danjire Col-haye oo hadal ka jeediyay xafladda, iyadoo uu wehliyay Qunsulkiisa Ciise Buraale.

Danjiraha Jabuuti ayaa ka sheekeeyay mashaar i icda kala duwan ee Jabuuti ka socda, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin Biyaha iyo Korontada,

waxuuna xusay in horumarka iyo siyaasaddu aysan shaqo isku lahayn, lagana rabo qurbo-joogta Jabuuti in Midowga Yurub ay la wadaagaan mashruuc dalka gudihiisa ka socda ayna ku bixi doonto 160-milyan oo doollar.

Guddoomiyaha cusub ee jaaliyadda Jabuuti, Cali Bullaale ayaa isna sheegay inay xoojin doonaan midnimada iyo xiriirka ka dhexeeya Jaaliyadda dalkan ku nool, isla markaana ay ka shaqeyn doonaan wanaagga

shacabka Jabuuti . Isagoo intaa ku daray inay caawin doonaan xafiiskakoodu dadka Mareykanka ku cusub.

Aamina Guuleed oo ka tirsan Jaaliyadda ayaa dumarka Jabuuti ku boorrisay inay dadaal badan sameeyaan. Iyadoo tiri. “Haddii dumarku ay taageero la dhinac istaagaan xaafiiska Jaaliyadda wax badan ayaa noo qabsoomi doona, waayo howshii dumarku kaalin ka geysto mar kasta waa guuleysataa.”

Sidoo kale, Macallin Siciid Saalax oo isna ka hadlay xafladda ayaa yiri. “Innaga haddii aan Soomaalida ah iyo Jabuuti waxaan nahay dad walaalo ah, waxaadna na siiseen taageero aan mar kasta ka mahad-celinayno, waanan soo dhaweynayaa xafiiska Jaaliyadda Jabuuti, wax badan ayaan wadaagi doonnaa insha’allaah.”

Waxaa kaloo iyaguna xafladda ka hadlay madax kala duwan oo ka socday aqalka gobolka Minnesota, xafiiska Minneapolis, hor-joogayaasha Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee Minnesota iyo fanaaniin kala duwan oo kusoo bandhigay xafladda furitaana xafiiska Jaamacadda Jabuuti heeso iyo cayaaraha Hiddaha iyo Dhaqanka ah.

// Photos: Siyad Saciid Saalax

Jaaliyadda Jabuuti oo xafiiskii ugu horeeyay ka furtay Minnesota Qore: sIYaaD saCIID saalaX, Tusmo Times

Urur haween ee Calmadow Women Association oo doonaya inay wax ka qabtaan xaaladaha caafimaad ee ka jira gudaha Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan bariga gobolka Sanaag ayaa xalay kulan ay dadwayne fara badan kasoo qaybgaleen ku qabtay magaalada Minneapolis ee gobolka Minnesota.

Farxiya Xasan Somalia oo

kulanka ka hadashay ayaa sheegtay in ururkan ay sanad ka hor aasaaseen haweenka ka jeedaa deegaanka oo Minnesota ku nool, waxayna sheegtay in wax ka qaban doonaan dhibta haysata ilmaha & hooyada waxay kaloo sheegtay in isbitaalada ka jira deegaannadaas ay aad u yar yihiin.

“Tirada hooyooyinka u dhinta umul-raaca aad bay ugu badan tahay halkaas, waana tan keentay in annagoo haween ah aan sameyno urur wax ka qabta dhibaatadaas,” ayay tiri Fariya Somali.

Sidoo kale, Faadumo Jabriil oo ka howlgasha hay’adaha ka shaqeeya dalka Somalia ayaa ka warbixisay xaalada caafimaad ee gobolka sanaag ka jirta, iyadoo xustay in iyagu ay ka shaqeeyaan arrimaha deegaanka & horumarka loona baahan yahay in la helo dhinacyo ka shaqeeya caafimaadka, waxayna xustay

in Soomaaliya inta badan la geeyo baabuurta caafimaadka; iyadoo xustay maagalada Badhan inay leedahay seddex baabuur oo caafimaad, balse aysan arag iyagoo hawl caaafimaad fulinaya, ayse arkaan iyadoo ay ku xaragoonayaan wiilal yaryar, iyadoo taas ka duulaysa ayay sheegtay in loo baahan yahay in qalabka la geeynayo Somalia gacanta loo galiyo dadka mas’uuliyiin ah.

Maxamuud Cali Geeldoon ayaa isaguna ka hadlay in loo baahan yahay dhibta ka jirta gayiga Soomaaliya loona baaahan yahay in ummadda Soomaaliyeed ay si wadajira wax ugu qabataan iyagoo midaysan, Soomaali waxay wax ku noqotay waa midnimo mana jira qabiil keligii xorriyadda keenay amaba la diriray gumaysi. Marka haddaan awooddeenna mideyno waan kaalmeyn karnaa walaalaheen.

Geel-doon wuxuu intaas daray in hooyada ama gabdhaha Soomaaliyeed uu ku dhacay dhibka Soomaaliya ka dhacay inti isa badan, isagoo ka sheekeeyay in dalka Ruwanda uu baarlamaankooda 50% yahay haween taasna ay ku murteen kaalintii ay ka

geysteen nabadeynta dalkooda, wuxuuna sheegay in marka la eego Soomaaliya la ammaano

haweenka marka loo baahan yahay ee aan waxba talada laga siin.

Madaxa Ururka Calmadow, Deeqo Xasan Shabeele oo iyaduna ka hadashay kulanka ayaa sheegtay in dhibta Soomaalida haysata ay tahay mid looga bixi karo in la midoobo oo ku tashanna dalkeena waxna u qabana haweenka iyo carruurta Soomaaliyeed, taasoo ay hadda iyagu u istaageen.

Waxay kaloo xustay in hadalkii Faadumo Jabriil ee ahaa in sannadkii 1958-kii illaa iminka ay maqalyso haween umul raacaya ay tahay xilligii aan u istaagi laheen ka hor-tagga dhibaatadaas, tasoo aan ku billaabayno ururkaan.

Deeqo waxay kaloo ka hadashay inay ku talo-jiraan inay deeqo waxbarsho oo heer jaamacadeed ah siiyaan ardayda gabdhaha ah ee jecel maadada caafimaadka oo doonaya in deegeenkaas ay dib uga shaqeeynayaan iyagoo dhakhaatiir ama kalkaaliyeyaal ah.

Ugu dambeyn, waxaa goobta ka hadlay marti-sharaf kala duwan oo ay ka mid ahaayeen Macallin Saciid Saalax, Dr. Fowzia Abraar, Cabdi Warsame, Asli Aloore, Abshiro Ciise. Waxaana ku sugnaa goobta fannaaniin suugaan kala duwan soo bandhigay, kuwaasoo ay ka mid ahaayeen; abwaan Luqmaan Cali Waraabe, Abwaan Ibraahim Huruuse, Abwaan Mataan Maxamud Cismaan iyo Abshiro Ciise.

Xaflad looga hadlay Waxqabadka Ururka Calmadow oo lagu qabtay Minnesota Qore: sIYaaD saCIID saalaX, Tusmo Times

Abdihakin Br: A man of many talentsBy: aBDIrahmaN mUkhTar, Tusmo Times // Photo: siyad salah

Page 4: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

Fadumo Dayib i s an accomplished woman. The 42-year-old mother of four spent 12 years as a healthcare and development specialist with organizations such as the European Union and United Nations, tackling problems like

forced migration, gender issues, and HIV/AIDS prevention. And as of this September, Dayib, both a doctoral candidate at the University of Helsinki and fellow at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, is also angling to become Somalia’s first female president. In her candidacy, she acts not an isolated individual, but also as the apotheosis of

Somalia’s female and diaspora populations’ ballooning political heft.

Although she currently resides in Finland, Dayib was born in Somalia, but fled during the African nation’s atrocious civil war in the 1990s, living in a

Kenyan refugee camp for a time before finally making her way to Scandinavia. But like many members of the Somali diaspora, she has remained deeply engaged with her country. And, despite the countless warnings about how dangerous Somalia is for women, Dayib has decided to channel that engagement into political participation at the highest level. Set to return to her

native country early this year, she will campaign on a platform of education, minority protection, and youth employment.

For those not up to date on Somali politics, although the country is currently run by a democratic, federal government

which replaced a series of transitional governments in 2012, the country actually has yet to hold full elections. (Members of parliament voted in the first president.) The country’s upcoming 2016 elections will be their first (hopefully) free and fair political contest since 1967, when the young Somali Republic elected President Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke. The

assassination of Sharmarke two years later precipitated the dictatorial regime of Mohamed Siad Barre, who in turn laid the ground for decades of civil war after his 1991 ouster.

Given this turbulent history, there exists an unsurprising skepticism among many Somalis regarding whether the 2016 elections will actually happen. Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud outlined plans for election logistics, monitoring, and oversight in an internationally sponsored conference in 2013, hellbent on creating a new constitution that would secure a voice for all. But without the buy-in of autonomous regions like Puntland and Somaliland in the north, both of which have their own functional governments, and under continued threat from al-Shabaab, (a dangerous militant religious organization), he may not have the easiest time delivering on these promises.

Yet despite the menace to Somalia’s democratic ambitions, diaspora Somalis have rushed to participate in the new government from day one. This is just the latest in a long trend of Somalis abroad backing their kin in the Horn of Africa—every year 1.5

million Somalis around the world remit $1.3 to two billion dollars to their relatives back home, significantly propping up the local economy. And according to Dr. Laura Hammond of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, diaspora returnees have historically been involved in social services, professional and developmental work, and local politics in Somalia. Dayib herself returned in 2006 to work in Bossaso, Puntland, on HIV/AIDS-related programs for UNICEF.

Over the past few years though, Somali women, long discouraged from taking part in social and political affairs, have struggled to overcome longstanding local taboos. Dayib maintains that as women tend to manage family budgets and maintain important, visible roles in society, it’s only right that a Somali woman ought to take a turn at running the government. Somalia proper now has 35 female members of parliament—two women in the president’s cabinet and a female foreign minister. (Although this only comes out to 14 percent of the 275-person parliament, far short of the Somali constitution’s 30 percent female quota.)

However pos i t ive th is

engagement by returnees and women might seem from the outside, it can rub locals the wrong way. Hammond tells of Somalis expressing concern that members of the diaspora were taking the best jobs and most prominent political seats away from Somalis with greater need and more direct, local experience. The diaspora politicians, in return, easily grow frustrated with clan politics and intrigue, as well as the culture shock of being treated as foreign interlopers by their own kin and countrymen. As for the challenges faced by women, Foreign Minister Fawzia Yusuf Adam describes receiving threats on her life everyday from radical Islamists and traditionalists.

But when returnees and women build local coalitions and support bases, evidence shows they become strong, constructive links in Somalia’s political chain. If Dayib can develop successful ties with Somalia’s diverse and complex communities, her administration would be a powerful sign to her fellow diaspora members, Somali women, and the world at large that the nation has developed a robust, united, and progressive democratic front.

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Caalamka / World News | 4

Madaxweyne Xasan oo u hiiliyay afka hooyoka yimid bogga 1

Germany supports strengthening of Somali languagesource: EmBassY of ThE fEDEral rUPlIC of GErmaNY

Germany suppor ts the announcement by H.E. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud about the promotion and use of Somali as the national language of Somalia. German Ambassador

to Somalia, Andreas Peschke, said on this occasion:

“The use of a national language is a cornerstone of national identity. It helps to unify a nation and creates awareness and pride

in its own culture and history.The creation of a standard

written form of Somali more than 40 years ago was indeed a milestone in the history of Somalia. Since then, many

German scholars have continued to study Somali language and culture as one of the main representatives of Cushitic languages, people and cultures at the Horn of Africa.

Somalia and the Somali people can be proud of their language, culture and tradition. The world-famous Somali poems are an important contribution to world culture.

We welcome the strengthening of Somali language as an official means of communication and education.”

“Xafiisyada Dowladda lagama soo saari karo warqad ku qoran Af qalaad”

M a d a x w e y n a h a Jamhuuriyadda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud, Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Federaalka ah Mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari iyo Madax kale ayaa ka qeyb galay

xuska maalinta Afka Soomaaliga la qoray oo ku beegan maanta.

M u n a a s a b a d a l a g u weyneynayay 42-guurada ka soo wareegtay qoriska iyo isticmaalka Afka hooyo waxaa kaloo ka qeyb galay mas’uuliyiin ka tirsan dowladda, diblomaasiyiin iyo marti sharaf kale.

S i i h a y a h a W a s i i r k a Warfaafinta iyo Hanuuninta dadweynaha Mudane Mustaf Sheekh Cali Dhuxulow ayaa sheegay in maanta ay tahay maalin weyn oo qiimo ugu fadhida bulshada Soomaaliyeed, maadaama ay tahay maalinkii

ugu horeysay ee uu soo baxo Wargeyska Xidigta Oktoobar oo Afka hooyo ku qoran, Wasaaradduna ay door lixaad leh ka qaadan doonto dib u soo nooleynta Wargeysyadii hore.

Siihayaha Wasiirka Hidaha iyo tacliinta Sare ee Soomaaliya mudane Ducaa le Aadan Maxamed oo ka mid ahaa Mas’uuliyiinta ka qayb gashay Munaasabada ayaa waxaa uu Madaxweynaha jamhuuriyada ka codsaday in xarumaha Hidaha iyo dhaqanka Jamhuuriyadda dib u dhis lagu sameeyo si Afka Soomaaliya kobcintiisa ay qayb

uga qaataan, kuwaa oo ay ka mid yihiin Tiyaatarka, Akadamiyada Cilmiga iyo Fanka iyo kuwa kale.

Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaar i oo ku dheeraaday ka hadalka taariikhda iyo heerarkii loo soo maray hirgelinta Afka Soomaaliga ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in Hormarinta afka ay ka qayb qaadan karaan in Lahjadaha kala duwan ee Soomaalidu leedahay la ixtiramo, waxaana uu ugu baaqay Bulshada in ay ku adkaadaan in Afka Soomaaliga heer la gaarsiiyo,

isagoo xusay maanta in ay tahay maalin u baahan in bulshada la fahamsiiyo qiimaha gaarka ah ee ay ummadda u leedahay.

M a d a x w e y n a h a Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa sheegay maanta oo kale ay shacabka ugu fadhiso qiimo aad u weyn, dowladduna ay dadaal u galeyso sidii shacabka loo bari lahaa muhiimadda maanta oo kale ay u leedahay.

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheekh ayaa amar ku bixiyay in laga bilaabo maanta aysan xafiisyada

dowladda ka soo bixi Karin Warqad ku qoran afka qalaad, si loo horumariyo afka hooyo in waxkasta lagu qoro Af-Soomaali.

Free Primary Education (FPE) could be contributing to the increased number of illegal immigrants crossing into Kenya from Somalia, a Senate Committee has been told.

The Senate Committee on National Security which is in Mandera County on a fact-finding tour into the bus and quarry attacks that took place late last year, were told that majority of the students who attend schools near the Kenyan border are Somalis.

When the Senators conducted a

spot check of the Mandera Border Control Post, they witnessed many students crossing the border – at non designated points – from Somalia and into Kenya to attend classes at Township Primary School.

“Almost 70 percent of students in the schools next to the borders are Somalis. They are more keen on education than the Kenyan Somalis because they know once they are about to sit for their KCPE they will get birth certificates in order to register for the national exams,” said a KDF soldier stationed at the

border control point who spoke to the press on condition of anonymity.

“With a Kenyan bir th certificate and result slip, they go through the system and when they turn 18, there’s nothing to stop them from getting a Kenyan ID. And with such a person you cannot know where his loyalties lie,” he added.

Led by Security Committee Chairman Yusuf Haji (Garissa) the delegation met with non-local teachers, County Teachers Service Commission (TSC) and KNUT representatives just

before concluding their week-long tour.

Other leaders included Senate Deputy Speaker Kembi Gitura (Murang’a), G.G. Kariuki (Laikipia), James Orengo (Siaya), Billow Kerrow (Mandera), Mike Sonko (Nairobi), and Fatuma Dullo (Nominated).

During the meeting, Mandera County Senator Billow Kerrow put them to task to explain why Somali students were being admitted into Kenyan schools without being processed via the Immigration Department.

“Many citizens of Somalia

are taking advantage of the Free Primary Education Programme. Owing to the failure of the Immigration Department, the students are registered for KCPE as Kenyan citizens and compete with Kenyan students for placement in schools across the country,” said Mandera DEB Headmaster, Mohamed Farah.

Farah explained that, ideally, registers of students to be enrolled from Somalia and Ethiopia should be submitted from the schools to the Immigration Department for registration as foreign students.

Once processed through immigration the students would then be required to pay requisite fees before attending Kenyan schools.

FPE was implemented in January 2003 by the government of then-President Mwai Kibaki with the aim of providing more opportunities to the poor children of school-going age, whose parents or guardians could not afford formal education.

Mandera County has 188 primary schools and 41 high schools.

Somali children crossing into Kenya to get education

This Woman Wants to Prove That Somalia Is Serious About Democracy

source: CaPITal fm

source: CaPITal fm

Page 5: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

Murtida BishaXigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Daacadi ma hongoowdo Dad isjecel ma hongoobaan Ducaale ma hongoobo

Saddex ma hongoobaan

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Ganacsiga / Business | 5

Challenges:Somalia is a country that is

coming out of two decades of civil war. The Somali economic challenges are many and addressing them will not happen

overnight . Security situation is improving but still volatile. The governance is fragile and lacks the capacity to carry out basic functions of governing in providing security and economic opportunity. Credible public revenue “ taxation” systems is not fully functioning. Without taxation, creating jobs, reconstruction of infrastructure, health and education is very challenging.

The political leadership is constantly engaged in a petty political squabbles that squander valuable time and resources. The majority of the citizens are very poor with not much money to spend outside of their daily necessities such as food, water and shelter. Government grand vision in infrastructure

development programs to create jobs and elevate poverty is very limited. Institutionalized corruption in the government, the private sector and Non-Governmental organizations

is a major problem hindering economic development.

Opportunities:While these are huge economic

challenges, there are abundance of economic opportunities . The overall security situation is improving. The threat of Al Shabab is fading and will continue to fade as African Union and Somali troops put more pressure on them and better intelligence dries up their finances and resources.

Somalia has abundance natural resources that are in high demand all over the world. There is growing demand for Somali livestock and farm products in the growing economies of the Middle East. With the growing middle class in China, Chinese officials

have shown great interest in recent months in getting involved buying Somali livestock which will further diversity the market place for Somali livestock and farm products.

The Somali economy is powered by remittances from overseas. North America and Europe are the main sources of remittances. The falling oil prices have left money in the pockets of the citizens of these countries. Somalis being part of these communities will be sending part of the saving from petrol and gas back to their loved ones back home. The drop in oil prices will also be felt in Somalia and will create more trade movement that will positively improve the economy.

During the civil war, as Somalis investors sought safer investment for their money, they invested places like United Arab Emirates and Kenya and those inside the country gravitated towards real estate. As the

security situation improves, Somali investors will be shifting money from overseas to Somalia. Local investors with money locked in real estate will be seeking more productive ventures and that will generate positive economic activity for Somalia.

The number of Somalis that have left the country during the civil war is estimated at more than 4 million. Most have left since 1990 and have settled in North America and Europe; countries with exceptional education and socio economic development. The improving security situation inside Somalia have resulted a significant number of the Somali Diaspora to return home with acquired new skills, knowledge, and new perspectives on how to do business and run good government. Many are Members

of Parliament, Government Ministers, NGO employees, academics, private investors and business owners. The Somali diaspora want to make a difference in their country by contributing money in the form of remittances, skills and knowledge. They have linked up across regions and tribal lines in establishing business ventures and educational institutions. The Diaspora involvement in the economy alone is going to become an engine of growth for the economy.

The Government Role in helping the economy

Tax Collection: To generate the revenue required for security,

create jobs, build infrastructure, health and education, the government should concentrate in creating credible and working taxation regime that makes sure telecommunication companies and money remittances, real estate transactions, import and export companies are paying their tax dues.

Ethiopia has experience in tax collection and has effective audit systems that encourages tax payment and discourages tax evasion. The Somali government can learn from Ethiopia in ways to improve and apply sound tax collection regime.

International Aid : The government can play the constructive role in matching internat ional aid to key infrastructure projects like rebuilding roads, bridges, ports, and factories destroyed during the civil war. International Aid can add economic vitality if employed constructively. Rwanda is a country that mastered using international aid to the fullest benefit. For example in Rwanda, international aid is not wasted, Rwanda ties the donor aid to key national infrastructure development plans.

For a hypothetical example, imagine Norway want to give aid to Rwanda, the Rwandan government have two policy options: (1) Let Norway give the aid however it sees fit whether it is food, consulting or (2) Ask Norway to build a tangible infrastructure project. Rwanda uses the later, build a four lane

road that connects between Kigali and Goma, or build 10 schools with the top ten cities with most population etc. The byproduct of this infrastructure and international aid matching is less corruption, more jobs and sustainable development.

Corruption: The Somali Ministry of Finance and Planning has shown transparency as of late but to develop economically, the culture of corruption, nepotism and disregard for the rule of law must come to an end from all government and private sectors. The government must invest technologies that will make difficult for corrupt officials to steal public funds such as electronic systems. Payment fees in sea port, airport, telecommunications and money remittances agencies can all be made electronically to the government directly. Creation of an independent entity with power and mandate that can deal with corruption is indispensable in the fight against culture of corruption.

Diaspora Recognition: The economic impact of the Somali Diaspora cannot be ignored and the government must engagethe Somali Diaspora and implemented policies to recognize their role and contribution to the economy, and give them incentives to invest and reduce costs of doing business.

// Photo: BBC

By: ALI osMAN, [email protected] Future of Somali Economic Growth 2015

Xukuumadaha gobollada Mandera iyo Wajeer ayaa maal -gal inaya mashaar i ic barnaamijyo tababar looga bixinayo beerashada kalluunka taasoo ka dhigan qaab lagu badinayo waxsoosaarka cunnada isla markaana shaqooyin looga dhex abururayo bulshooyinkan

u badan xoolo-dhaqatada.“Kadib guushii laga gaaray

waraabka ee kor u qaaday beeraha, ayaan waxan doonaynaa in aan cunno yaraanta kula dirirno qaabab kala duwan,” ayuu Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Mandera Ali Roba u sheegay Sabahi. “Waxan rumeeysannahay in waxsoosaarka kalluunku uu naga caawin doono xaqiijinta yoolkaas.”

Gobolka Mandera ayaa bilaabay mashruuca tijaabada ah November, oo afar barkadood ka sameeyay daafaha gobolka kuna haya guud ahaan kalluun yaryar oo ay tiradiisu tahay 6,000, ayuu sheegay Roba.

Illaa iyo hadda, 150 beeraleey ayaa qaatay tababarka beerashada kalluunka, ayuu sheegay, iyada oo 200 oo kalena tababar qaadan

doonaan bisha January ka hor inta aan la furin tobanka kale ee barkadood ee dheeraadka ah ee lagu koriyo kalluunka.

“Si aan u hubinno in aan haysanno kal luun yaryar dhammaan sannadka, ayaa waxannu ku dhex-jirnaa dhismaha goob lagu koriyo kalluunka

si aan dadka deegaanka iyo dariskeennaba u siinno kalluunka noociisa yaryar,” ayuu yiri.

Goobta lagu koriyo kalluunka ayaa sidoo kale noqon doonta xarun wax lagu barto, ayuu sheegay, iyo goob diyaarin oo kalluunka yaryar siisa gobollada Wajeer iyo Gaarisa iyo sidoo kale Soomaaliya iyo Itoobiya si looga ganacsado.

Xukuumadaha maxalliga ah ayaa dhiirri-galinaya in kaluun beerashada laga sameeyo daafaha Wabiga Dawa iyada oo beeraleeyda la siinayo qalabka kalluumeeysiga iyo qaboojiyayaal lagu keeydiyo, sida uu sheegay Roba.

Mar horeba waxa mashaariicda beerashada kalluunka laga sameeyay Xarunta Islaamiga ee Mandera, Dugsiga Sare ee

Gabdhaha ee Moi, Dugsiga Hoose ee Shantoley iyo beerta xoolaha ee xaafadaha Buulo Xaaji.

Barnaamijka beerashada kalluunka ayaa daba socda mashuurcii guuleeystay ee waraabka beeraha ee laga hirgaliyay gobolka, ayu sheegay

Roba.“Bulshada ha lkan taa l

xooggeedu waa xoola-dhaqato. Waxa jiray khuraafad sheegi jiray in bulshadu ayan wax guul ah ka keeni doonin beeraha, laakiin waan jabinay caqabadihii,” ayuu yiri. “Boqolaal qoys ayaa tabaca beeraha ka dhigtay il dakhli iyo

[qaab lagula dagaallamo] baahida soo noqnoqota. Hadda waxan dooneyenaa in aan isku wadno xoolo-dhaqashada, waxsoosaarka beeraha iyo kalluumeeysiga.”

Badinta waxsoosaarka cunnadaMashruuc tijaabo ah oo la

mid ah kan balse loo maamulo si gaar ah, ayuu gobolka Wajeer sidoo kale waxa uu maal-galin ku sameeynayaa tabaca kalluunka, Agaasimaha Kalluumeeysiga ee Gobolka Wajeer Hassan Gure Omar ayaa u sheegay Sabahi.

Haatan waxa dhisme lagu wadaa shan barkadood oo ku yaal magaalada Wajeer kuwaa oo dhawaan lagu guri doono kalluun yaryar, ayuu sheegay, isaga oo ku dhiirri-galiyay dadka deegaanka in ay soo dhaweeyaan tijaabada cusub.

“Waxay aheeyd in aan biloowno tabaca kalluunka dhowr bilood ka hor, laakiin waxan ku khasbanaanay in aan sugno natiijada baaritaankii lagu sameeyay biyaha cusbada leh si loo hubiyo in tijaabadani

laga gun gaari karo,” ayuu yiri. “Natiijadu hadda waxay noqotay in la sameeyn karo haddana waxan ku dhiirran karnaa kalluun tabcashada.”

“Intaa waxaa dheer, waxan shaki ka qabnay suuqa kalluunka, laakiin hadda waxan sameeynaa olole wacyi-galin

iyo aqoon kobcin bulsho ah oo la mariyo warbaahinta si kalluunka looga gado bulshada,” ayuu yiri. “Bulshadu waxay muddo qabatimeen hilibka cas ee xoolaha, laakiin waxan doonaynaa in bulshadu ay badsadaan cunnooyinka ay qaataan oo ay ku daraan hilibka cad ee kalluunka.”

Omar waxa uu sheegay in ay filayaan in kalluunka yaryar uu soo gaaro Wajeer kama dambeeys 15-ka January iyada oo loo xushay 40 qof in ay ka qayb-qaataan barnaamij tababareedka ugu horreeya.

Kuwa loo diyaariyay in ay ka faa’idaystaan tababarka ugu horreeya waxa ku jira haween iyo dad dhallinyaro ah kuwaa oo markooda gacan ka geeysan doona in ay inta kale baraan wixii ay soo barteen oo ay cilmiga tabcashada kalluunka gaarsiyaan dhammaan daafaha gobolka.

“Mustaqbalka fog waxan isha ku haynaa dhallinyarada shaqo la’aanta ah ee gobolka,” ayuu yiri. “Waxan shardi uga dhigi doonnaa in ay soo helaan dhul munaasib ah annaguna waxan ku caawin doonnaa in aan ku tababarno khibradaha.”

Ilo kale oo dakhliBarnaamijka waxa farxad

ku soo dhaweeyay dadkii ugu horreeyay ee galay tabcashada kalluunka.

Sheikh Ahmed Hassan, oo xukuma barkadda kalluunka ee Xarunta Islaamiga Mandera, ayaa sheegay in uu sugayo jillaabashada ugu horreeysa ee bartamaha January.

“Waxan la fajacay horumarka,” ayuu u sheegay Sabahi, isaga oo intaa ku daray in uu biloowgii shaki ka qabay barnaamijka loogu ololeeynayo tabcashada kalluunka. “Waxan rumeeysan la’ahay in muddo ku siman

toddobaadyo aan ku guran doono faa’idadii.”

“Waxan [muddo dheer] kalluun ahaan ugu tiirsanaan jirnay midka gasacadeeysan. Qaar naga mid ah waligood ma arag kalluun nool,” ayuu yiri. “Hadda waxannu dhadhaminay kalluun hadda ka soo baxay biyaha waana uu macaan yahay.”

Habiba Mohammed Shurie, oo madaxa macallimiinta ka ah Dugsiga Hoose ee Catholic Integrated ee Wajeer, ayaa Sabahi u sheegtay in ay ku faraxsan tahay in dugisga loo doortay in uu noqdo mid ka mida xurumaha mashruuca tijaabada ah ee gobolka.

Marka uu mashruucu bilaabmo, waxa uu dugsiga u noqon doonaa il dakhli, ayay sheegtay, oo markaa haddii ay wax walba hagaagaan, dugsigu mar dambe bulshada ma waydiisan doono qaaraan joogto ah iyo caawimaad.

“Inta badan carruurta halkan wax ka barata waa kuwa qaba baahiyaha khaaska ah,” ayay tiri. “Waxan haynaa carruur indha la’ iyo arday qaba xanuun dhinaca caqliga ah. Qoondeeynta lacageed ee naga soo gaarta dawladda kuma filna in aan ku daboolno baahidooda khaaska ah. Waxan rumeeysannahay in aan awood u yeelan doonno in aan lacag dheeri ah ka sameeyno barkadaha oo aan ku caawinno carruurta iyo guud ahaan dugsiga.”

“Waxan sidoo kale rajaynaynaa in mashruucu uu dhiirigalin u noqon doono qaar ka mida ardayda halkan joogta iyo kuwa dhigta dugsiyada kale ee iskuulka ku yimaada booqashooyinka waxbarasho si ay isugu dayaan tabaca kalluumeeysiga markii ay [qalinjabiiaan],” ayay raacisay.

Gobollada Mandera iyo Wajeer oo bilaabay mashruuc korin kalluun is loola dagaallamo cunno yaraantaXigasho: sabahi online

Page 6: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

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MNsure ayaa fursad kuu siinaysa inaad isbarbardhigtoqorshayaasha caafi maad si aad u ogaato midka kuugu awoodidbadan. Dadka inta ugu badan ayaa uqalma taakulayn lacageed. Waxa kale oo jirta caawimo qof ahaan ama taleefan.

Caymiska caafimaad waa la ma awoodaan/awoodi awoodaan

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Date: 11/18/14Rev.#: 00

15 South 5th Street • Suite 1148 • Minneapolis, MN 55402 • 612.386.0546

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth | 6

Complaints of extra security scrutiny at the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Airport (MSP) have been mounting for years in Minnesota’s Somali community. Center of the complaints has been that men of Somali origin under 30 years old with international itinerary are automatically flagged for additional security screening. Somalis older than 30 years old are subjected to

additional scrutiny as well but with less frequency.

The Somali experience at MSP has been exacerbated by an inadequate explanation for the

search. Requests for information have led to spine hunt. One agent transfers those with complains to another agent.

MSP airport is secured by severa l agents . The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) has the primary security responsibi l i ty . TSA uses information gathered by the Federal Bauru of Investigation (FBI). TSA also gets support from local police.

The multilayer airport security structure leads to agonizing experience for traveling Somalis. TSA agents pull traveling Somalis from custom line into small interview rooms asking mundane questions; sometimes interrogating minors about plans made by their parents. Often times, the interview take long time leading to travelers missing their flights and separated from their luggage.

When travelers ask detail explanation for their ordeal, the airline refers them to TSA.

TSA refers them to the FBI and the FBI sends them back to the TSA since it takes no inquiry from the public. The pattern is repeated next trip developing to vicious cycle without an end for traveling Somalis.

This painful experience has led to some hypothesis that could explain what has been happening to Somalis at MSP. One hypothesis has been that there is a list with ethnographic information that auto picks Somalis from the traveling public.

This hypothesis sounded crazy years ago when Somalis proposed.But it has been partly proven by a story that appeared on the New York Times this weekend documenting a policy of ethnic profiling from the highest levels of American government. As we told so moment by Somalis traveling throught MPLS and St.Paul airport.

// Photo: AP Photo/Andy King

Haqaale ka tirsan Wasaarada Arrimaha dibada Soomaaliya oo tababar loogu diray dalka Turkiga ayaa la sheegay inay u baxsadeen dalka Gariiga, si ay uga sii tahriibaan.

Sii hayaha xilka Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada C/raxmaan Ducaale Beyle ayaa maalintii j imcihii oo taariikhda ku beegneyd 19-December ku s a g o o t i y a y s h a q a a l a h a n garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde, iyagoo ka raacay Diyaarada Turkish Airways.

Shaqaalahan oo gaarayay 10-ruux oo mid ka mid ah ay aheyd Dumar ayaa qorshuhu ahaa in Tababar xaga xirfada IT ku soo qaataan magaalada Ankara, iyadoo tababarkan ay bixineyso Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Turkiga.

Ujeedada tababarkooda ayaa

lagu sheegay in dhalinyaradan marka ay wax kasoo bartaan Wasaarada Arrimaha dibada Turkiga in loo kala qeybiyo safaaradaha Soomaaliya ee dibada si qeybta IT-ga iyo isku xirka dhanka Isgaarsiinta ee Safaaradaha Soomaaliya ee ku yaala Wadamada aduunka oo dhan uga shaqeeyaan.

4 ka mid ah 10-ka ruux ee tababarka loogu diray Turkiga ayaa maalintii Axadi u baxsaday dalka Gariiga, iyagoo qaab qarsoodi ah ku galay, sida warqad qoraal ah oo ka soo baxday Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Turkiga lagu xaqiijiyay.

Wararka ayaa intaa ku daraya in mid kale oo xalay isku dayay inuu baxsado la qabtay, waxaana dhici karta in loo soo musaafuriyo Soomaaliya.

Warqada qoraalka ee ka soo

baxday safaarada Soomaaliya ay ku leedahay magaalada Ankara oo nuqul ka mid ah na soo gaaray ayaa lagu sheegay in Safaarada aanay mas’uul ka aheyn wixii hada ka dambeeya shaqaalihii tababar loo keena dalka Turkiga.

Wararka qaar ayaa sheegaya in qaar ka mid ah dhalinyaradan aanay aheyn shaqaale rasmi ah, balse qaab dhoofis ah lacago looga qaatay, si ay u matalaan shaqaalaha Wasaarada Arrimaha dibada, marka ay tagaan Turkigana ka sii dhuuntaan, si ay ugu sii gudbaan dalalka Yurub.

Hadaba halkan hoose ka eeg warqadii ka soo baxday Safaarada Soomaaliya ee Ankara iyo sawiradii sagootinta Sii hayaha Wasiirka ee Garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan cadde.

Somalis Scrutinized at MPLS & St. Paul Airport

Shaqaale ka tirsan Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Soomaaliya oo tababar u aaday

By: Jamal aBDUllahI, minnesota Civic

Xigasho: JoWhar

Page 7: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment | 7

Tartankii loogu magac daray Coyle Cup oo loo qabtay kooxaha kubadda kolayga ee gobolka Minnesota, ayaa si rasmi ah loo soo gabogabeeyey kadib markii ay ku guulaystay kooxda kubadda kolayga ee Eden Prairie.Tartan oo uu qabtay Mahdi Cabdi oo kamid ah agaasimayaasha barnaamijka dhallinyaradda ee Xarunta Bulshadda ee Brian Coyle, ayaa waxaa ka

qaybgaleen toban kooxood oo ka dhisan magaalooyinka kala duwan ee gobolka Minnesota. Koobkan ayaa waxaa sannad walba la qabtaa wakhtiga ay iskuuladu xiran yihiin ama fasaxa qaboobaha ee loo yaqaano (winter break).Kooxaha ka qaybgalay koobka ayaa kala ahaa, Minneapolis, St. Paul, St. Louis Park, Brooklyn Park, Hopkins, Eden Prairie,

Burnsville, Richfield, Edina and Roseville. Haddaba waxaa gunnaanadkii koobka isugu soo hadhay labada kooxood ee Edina iyo Eden Prairie.Ciyaartii gabogabada tartanka oo ahayd ciyaar aad iyo aad u xiiso badan ayaa waxay guushu ku raacday kooxda Eden Prairie oo ku awood sheegatay 63 dhibcood, halka kooxda Edina ka keensatay 57 dhibcood.Tartankaasi oo labilaabay 20-kii Diseembar, 2014 ayaa socday mudo labo todobaad ah, waxaana la soo gebagabeeyay sadexdii bisha Janaayo ee sannadka 2015.Xaflad loo sameeyey bixinta abaalmarinaha tartanka oo isla habeenkaasi lagu soo xiray koobka ayaa waxaa kaqayb galay Agaasimaha barnaamijka Dhalinyarada ee xarunta Brian Coyle Mahdi Cabdi, qaar kamid ah ciyaaryahanadii qaranka Soomaaliya, ahna macalimiin

kubadda koleyga oo uu kamid yahay macalin Axmed Daahir, Agasimaha waaxda xiriirka bulshadda ee xarunta Brian Coyle Center Cabdiraxmaan Mukhtaar, dhallinyaro, waalid iyo sidoo kale marti sharaf kale oo tiro badan.Sidoo kale waxaa kaalin mug leh kaqaatay qabsoomida tartankan dhallinyaro ay kamid yihiin, Ibsa, Burhan, Sharmaarke, Cali Salah, Maxamed Jama, Mustafe iyo inkale oo halkan lagu soo koobi Karin.Ugu dambayntii Mahdi Cabdi ayaa hadal kooban halkaasi ka jeediyay, kadibna isagu koobabkii lagu kala helay tartan iyo abaalmarinnaha kala guddoonsiiyey ciyaartoyga labada kooxood ee Edina iyo Eden Prairie, waxaanna hadal uu halkaasi ka jeediyey uga mahadceliyey dhamaan ciyaartooydii iyo dhallinyaradii

ka qaybqaadatay tartanka, dhamaan dadki i garabka ka gaystay qabanqaabada

iyo abaabu lka t a r t anka iyo garsoorayaashii iyagu wakhtigooda ku tabarucay. Haddaba koobkan kubadda kolyga oo sannadkiiba wakhtiga ay iskuuladu xiran yihiin la qabto ayaa waxaa loogu talagalay in dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed

fursad loo siiyo sidii ay u heli lahaayeen barnaamijyo wanaagsan, wax tarna u leh oo

ay ku mashquulaan wakhtiga ay firaaqaha leeyiin ee ay iskuuladu u xiran yihi in. Tartanka ciyaaraha waxaa la socday wacyi gelin dhallinyarada laga wacyi gelinayay arrimo badan oo iyaga wax tar u leh.

Kooxda Eden Prairie oo ku guulaysatay koobka kubadda kolayga Qalinkii: CaBDIraXmaaN mUkhTaar

A F T E R W I T N E S S I N G a democratic local football election without interference from regional autonomy, the Somali Football Federation

has crowned the Lower Jubba region the host site for the first\

development courses in 2015.Somali Football Federation Chief Media officer Shafi’i Mohyaddin

Abokar (ISLOW) said in a press statement on Thursday tha t three empowerment football-related courses will be staged in the provincial capital of Kismayo, a key port town that was once under Islamis control. “Arrangements for three development courses are now under way. The courses are: coaching course, refereeing

course and sports administration course and as shown in the SFF annual plans all three courses will take place sometime in February 2015” SFF Media officer

Shafi’i Mohyaddin said in a press statement on Thursday. “The SFF would like to congratulate the region’s people in general and football family members in particular for attracting the attention of SFF and that is because of the free

and fair election which was heldin the region in line with the

SFF regulations and as well as the international football principles.” The Media Officer said. He urged other regional administrations in the country to learn from the good examples shown by the Lower Jubba authorities who haven’t interfered in the recent local football committee election in the region.

“Football officials in all regions must come through

elections, because the SFF will not accept government-appointed football officials—according to FIFA status, football authorities are elected but not appointed by governments, so I would like to urge authorities of regional autonomies in the country to let football people elect their leaders” the SFF media officer said in his statement.

The s ta tement pra ised the region’s authorities for understanding the power and the

importance that football has for the creation of public integration, peace building and development in a country ravaged by decades of civil wars. As shown in the development strategy drawn by the visionary president of Somali Football Federation Mr. Abdiqani Said Arab, the Somali FA is

planning to implement the biggest number of development programs in the country in the SFF HISTORY.

T h e S o m a l i F o o t b a l l Federation has fully accepted and welcomed the election of Mr. Abdullahi Duale Mohamed as the chairman of the local football committee of the Southern Lower Jubba region. Mr. Mohamed got 4 votes out of the 5 votes casted in the election to replace former regional football committee chairman Mr. Burhan Mohmoud Hassan who served as an interim leader for a period of one year and democratically left office after finishing his term in office.

His challenger Suleyman Abdi Bedel got only one vote. Somali Football Federation deputy secretary General Hassan Mohamed Mahmoud witnessed the election that brought in Mr Mohamed and members of his committee and was held in the region’s provincial capital Kismayo on 25th of December 2014.

Somali Football Federation senior vice president Ali Abdi Mohamed said in a press

statement on Wednesday that the SFF was fully lauding for the result of the election and praised the regional governmental authorities for their commitment to working with the new football committee.

“After consider ing the report by our representative at the election which brought together football volunteers from the region’s 5 districts who democratically elected their local football committee, the Somali FA is happy to welcome the election of Chairman Abdullahi Duale Mohamed and his committee” SFF senior vice president Ali Abdi Mohamed said in a statement on Wednesday.

He urged other regions in the country to follow such good example adding that such exercise was part of the SFF’s ‘spread the football’ policy that has so far yielded positive results in many areas.

“I hope the elected officials will redouble their efforts to

promote football in the region and SFF is pledging to give more attention to the region which was once well known for its good performance at the country’s regional tournaments just nearly 30 years ago.

SFF praised the region’s former football committee boss Mr. Burhan Mohmoud Hassan for accomplishing a plenty of wok in a very short period he served.

Earlier, the minister for public services of the semiautonomous regional state of Jubba Land, Moalim Mohamed supported the outcome of the election and insisted that his regional state will do its utmost to help the newly elected regional football committee.

SFF unveils development courses to be staged in Kismayo

Somali FA endorses the election of local football committee inSouthern Jubba Region

SFF presents soccer equipment to Lower Jubba region’s football committee

By: omar mohamUD WarDErE, somali football federation media Department

By: somalI fooTBall fEDEraTIoN mEDIa DEParTmENT

By: somalI fooTBall fEDEraTIoN mEDIa DEParTmENT

Ku XayeySiiSO WarGeySKatusmo timesCall 612-987-6269

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S O M A L I F O O T B A L L Federation has handed over football equipment to the recently elected local football committee of the southern Lower Jubba region.

SFF senior vice president Ali Abdi Mohamed presented the equipment to the region’s football committee secretary General Ahmed Farah Tima

Jilic during his visit to SFF headquarters in Mogadishu on Tuesday. “On the behalf of the entire people of my region, I would like to

thank Somal i Footbal l

Federation for this generous donation which will help us realise our dreams to promote football in the region---we promise that our committee will implement the SFF police toward regional football promotion in our area” the Lower Jubba football committee secretary General Ahmed Farah Tima Jilic said during his tour to the SFF headquarters on Tuesday.

Somali Football Federation Deputy Secretary General Hassan Mohamed Mahmoud praised the elected officials in the region for their determination

and commitment to football promotion in the Lower Jubba region.

“I am sure that with the assistance from SFF, the passionate football officials of Lower Jubba football committee will be able to achieve more during their term in office and SFF is promising to be by their side” Mr. Hassan Mohamed Mahmnoud said.

On his part, Somali Football Federation Senior Vice president Ali Abdi Mohamed said the SFF was delighted to have local football committee active in a

region that was once well known for its football activities.

“At SFF we say, if you are awake, SFF pushes you forward, this would mean if any region is awake and wants to go ahead, we will help them, but if they are sleeping we cannot make them awake” SFF senior vice president said adding that the Lower Jubba region’s people and their football officials were fully awake and will always attract the attention of SFF any more.

Page 8: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue


in Switzerland?You expect raclette, cheese

fondue and rosti in a Swiss kitchen and not tamarind flavoured kebabs, but for Kenyan-born Fatuma the flavours of home have helped her acclimatise to her new world. Fatuma is a keen cook, mother, wife, PhD student and an award winning public relations practitioner with 25 years of experience under her belt. She recently moved to Berne, Switzerland for her new job as

head of cabinet for the Universal Postal Union, a specialised UN agency. Fatuma says she finds cooking therapeutic. “My whole thought process is in the mixing, stirring, tasting and I find it adds to my ‘me’ time where I do what I like at my own pace and time. I also feel good when the end result is appreciated by people…my family love my cooking though I don’t do it much.”

Like most Somalis, Fatuma loves meat and spices and learnt

to cook at an early age from her mother, but it was the time spent with her grandparents that cemented her connection with food. “My maternal grandpa, God rest his soul, taught me how to make square sabaayad during one of my school holidays in Nyeri, Kenya where my mum was born and brought up. My maternal grandmother used to teach me how to make traditional caano gadod (special milk) using the roots that were burnt and

used to line the diil (traditional milk container) where the milk was stored to ferment it and that gave the milk that special smell, colour and flavour. “But most of all, I grew up always cooking more than we needed because we never knew who would show up for a meal. Perhaps it was influenced by being a politician’s daughter and there were always people milling around our home that made us do this, but I guess it now affects me because I can

never cook for just one person…not used to it. I cook a lot and freeze,” she adds.

Fatuma has passed on her love of cooking to her three daughters and two sons. “My son even wanted to be a professional chef at one time – maybe from watching too much Masterchef and Gordon Ramsay and Halimo wants to learn cooking professionally, but it is my eldest, Khadija Iman, who takes after me as she uses her eye to

estimate ingredients and does not measure out as most recipes indicate.” Ali, her husband, also chips in and loves to make koroga – a Kenyan dish where meat or chicken is cooked with loads of spices and stirred over a wood or charcoal burner for hours until the meat falls off the bone.

story by: : aBDErazzaQ Noor, The somali kitchen

TIp: You can add bread soaked in water (with the water squeezed out) to the meat. This helps to bind the mince meat. Alternatively, you can add an egg to bind the meat. I find the meat binds together without these if done while meat is fresh and not frozen.


taMarind flavOured KeBaBSAuthor: Abderazzaq NoorRecipe by: Fatuma Hirsi Mohamed


1kg beef mince 1 tablespoon garlic paste 1 teaspoon coriander powder 1 teaspoon cumin powder 1 tablespoon vinegar 1/2 teaspoon paprika powder 1/2 teaspoon black pepper powder Salt to taste (i don’t add salt because i use lemon and tamarind paste) Juice of half a lemon 1 tablespoon tamarind paste vegetable oil for frying


SteP 1: Put all the spice ingredients in a bowl and mix very thoroughly. Add the beef mince and knead together with your fingers making sure the meat is well mixed with the spices.

SteP 2: Take a little meat mixture and shape with your hand into the size you want. You can keep them covered in the fridge to harden a little.

SteP 3: Put a little oil in frying pan and fry the kebabs, turning them until they are brown on all sides. Use a no-oil electric fryer for a healthier option.

If baking or grilling place the kebabs on a greased baking tray and cook on high heat. Turn the kebabs as soon as their colour changes and they release a little water. It

takes less than five minutes per side to cook. You can also grill on charcoal for a more BBQ effect.

Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 15 minutes

Total time: 30 minutes Serves: 6 - 8 people

Page 9: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment | 9

DAY RAMADAN JUNE FAJR SUNRISE DHUHR ASR MAGHRIB ISHAFriday 14 11/7 3:47 5:37 1:19 5:26 9:00 10:51Sat 15 12/7 3:49 5:38 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:50Sun 16 13/7 3:50 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:59 10:49Mon 17 14/7 3:52 5:39 1:19 5:26 8:58 10:47Tue 18 15/7 3:53 5:40 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:46Wed 19 16/7 3:55 5:41 1:20 5:26 8:57 10:45Thu 20 17/7 3:56 5:42 1:20 5:26 8:56 10:44Friday 21 18/7 3:58 5:43 1:20 5:25 8:55 10:42Sat 22 19/7 3:59 5:44 1:20 5:25 8:54 10:41Sun 23 20/7 4:01 5:45 1:20 5:25 8:53 10:39Mon 24 21/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Tue 25 22/7 4:02 5:46 1:20 5:25 8:52 10:38Wed 26 23/7 4:04 5:47 1:20 5:24 8:51 10:36Thu 27 24/7 4:07 5:49 1:20 5:24 8:49 10:33Friday 28 25/7 4:09 5:50 1:20 5:23 8:48 10:31Sat 29 26/7 4:11 5:51 1:20 5:23 8:47 10:30Sun 30 27/7 4:12 5:52 1:20 5:23 8:46 10:28


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National League of Cities Selects Minneapolis for Juvenile-Justice ReformThe National League of Cities (NLC) announced that Minneapolis is one of six cities selected to receive technical assistance to increase public safety and improve outcomes for youth through juvenile-justice reform.

“This initiative reaffirms our commitment to juvenile-justice reform and provides us the opportunity to learn more about and incorporate evidence-based principles into our juvenile-justice programs,” said Mayor Hodges. “As a result, Minneapolis will be better positioned to serve as a local leader for juvenile-justice reform.”

Minneapolis was one of six cities chosen, including Philadelphia, Little Rock, New Orleans, Las Vegas, and Gresham, OR.Minneapolis is already working to improve and align community-based alternatives to arrest and prosecution; reduce racial disparities at arrest; and improve the chances that young people will succeed after they leave the juvenile-justice system.

“The strong commitment of Mayor Hodges and her administration made the choice to include Minneapolis in this initiative an easy one,” said Clifford Johnson, Executive Director of NLC’s Institute for Youth, Education, and Families (YEF Institute). “Minneapolis has already made some important strides toward juvenile-justice reform, and we are excited about their potential to accomplish even more.”The technical assistance will include a Mayor’s Institute on Children and Families focused on juvenile-justice reform. NLC’s YEF Institute has led Mayor’s Institutes to successfully engage multiple mayors as champions and leaders on a wide range of issues. YEF Institute staff will support Minneapolis to implement an action plan through site visits and regular cross-city opportunities for learning and collaboration.

NLC’s technical assistance initiative coincides with the release of its new municipal action guide, Increasing Public Safety and Improving Outcomes for Youth through Juvenile Justice Reform. The guide recommends strategies and action steps to advance local juvenile-justice reform, and highlights several local examples, including Minneapolis’ Juvenile Supervision Center.

Office of Mayor Betsy HodgesNews Release

Contact: Kate BrickmanCommunications Director

(612) 673-3825 office(815) 343-9299 mobile

Page 10: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

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fffrrreeeeee HHHiiivvv ssscccrrreeeeeennniiinnnggg ttteeesssttt fffooorrr pppeeerrrsssooonnnsss iiinnn ttthhheee aaafffrrriiicccaaannn cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy

Ilmahaagu waxa uu guriga ka joogay dugsiga sadex maalmood, duuf dareeraya, iyo xumad. Waxaad seegtay shaqadii si aad u daryeesho waxaanad ka werwersanatahay in aad seegi doonto dhowr maalmood oo kale, tani waa xaalad caadi ah in qoysasku soo maraan inta lagu jiro xiliga hargabka(durayga) maxaa yeelay hargabku waxa uu dadka muragaysiin karaa dhowr maalmood ama wiig.

Hargabka waa xanuun saameeya dadka da’ kasta ah, waana arrin caafimaad oo muhiima caalamkoo dhan. Carruuta iyo dadka waa wayni waa in ay qaataan tallaalka duriga sanad kasta si ay u yareeyaan fursadaada aad ku xanuusato ama ugu faafiso kuwa kale.

W a a M a X a y HarGaBKu?

Hargabku waa xanuun ay keento fayras ku dhacda sanka, hunguriga, iyo sambabada. Dadka badankooda wuu ku dhacaa hargabku inta lagu jiro bilaha qabowga, ee ka bilaabma Oktoobar oo dhammaada ilaa gu’ga. Hargabka waxaa faafin kara hawada marka dadku qufaco ama hindhiso, ama qofka waxa uu ka qaadi karaa taabashada oogada ay saarantahay fayrasku ka dibna ay taabtaan afkooda ama indhaha.

Yuu ku dhacayaa hargabku? Qofkastaa wuu qaadi karaa

hargabka! Laakiin, dadka qaar bay aadu dhici kartaa in ay la xanuusadaan hargabka. Kuwa halista ugu badan ugu jira waxaa ka mid ah: dadka yar yar, dadka 65 sano jir aha ma ka wayn, dumarka uurka leh, iyo dadka hadda

ka horba qaba cudurada sida oof wareen, xiiq, cudur raaga oo sambadka ah, HIV, wadne xanuun, iyo cudurka sonkorta ama macaanka.

W a a M a X a y

c a l a a M a d d a H a HarGaBKu?

Calaamadaha waxaa ku jiri hunguri xanuun, duufka dareeraya, iyo qufac. Dadka qaba hargabka sidoo kale waxay dareemaan daal aad ah waxa yeelan karaan xumad, qabow, iyo xanuun jidhka ah. Carruurta qabta

hargabka waxay yeelan karaan calaamaddo ka duwan kuwa dadka waa wayn, sida shuban iyo matag, ka sakow calaamadda kale. Calaamaddaha hargabka caadi ahaan waxay u soo baxaan si

kedis ah.

Sidee lOO daWeeyaa HarGaBKa?

Wakht iga badanki i sa , ha rgabka waxaa l agu dawayn karaa guriga. Waa muhiim in la nasto oo la cabbo biyo badan. Joog guri markaad bukto ugu yaraan 24

saacadood markay xumadu kaa jabto sidaas darteed kuma fidin doontid hargabka kuwa kale. Wakhtiyada qaarkood hargabku aad buu u darnaan karaa. Haddii qofka ay dhibaato ka qabsato

neefsashada, uu dawakhayo ama wareerayo, ama uu leeyahay xanuun xabadka ah ama uur ku jirta, waa in ay tagaan cusbitaalka, xaaladaha qaar dhakhtaradu waxay sidoo kale bixin karaan daawooyin si ay u caawiyaan in ay la dagaalamaan fayraska jidhka.

Sida lOOGa HOrtaGO HarGaBKa?

Habka ugu muhiimsan ee duriga looga hortaa waxa weeye in la is tallaalo! Qofkastoo 6 bilood jir ah ama ka wayn waa in uu helaa

tallaalka hargabka sanad kasta. Tallaalka hargabku waxa uu yareeyaa fursadaha lagu xanuusado. Tallaalka waxaa loo qaadanayaa sidii muditaan gacanta ah ama buufimo sanka ah. La hadal dhakhtarkaaga haddii aad xasaasiyad ku leedahay ukunta ama haddii aad ku bukootay tallaalka wakhti hore. Hadda waa wakthiga wanaagsan in la is tallaalo!SiyaaBO Kale OO la iSaGa ilaaliyO in la XanuuSanadO:• Ku nadiifi gacmahaaga saabuun iyo biyo, ama nadiifiyaha gacmaha alkoolo leh.• Iska ilaali in aad taabato indhahaaga, sanka iyo afka.• Iska ilaali taabashada dadka buka, haddii ay suuragal tahay.• Joog guriga haddii aad bukto.

Waxaad ka baadhi kartaa meesha laga helo tallaalka hargabka boggan oo dhag ku sii “Vaccine Clinic Look-Up.” Boggan sidoo kale waxaa ku jira xog goobaha caafimaad ee Minnesota kuwaas oo bixiya tallaal bilaash ah ama qiimo jaban carruurta iyo dadka waa waynba kuwaas oo aan lahayn caymis ama caymiskoodu aanay daboolin tallaaladda.

Hargabka(durayga): Waxaad u baahantahay in aad ogaato

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Caafimaadka / Health | 10

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Dhowridda, ilaalinta iyo horumarinta caafimaadka dhammaan reer Minnesota

Page 11: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

Many issues simmer deep underneath the surface in Minnesota’s Somali community. One of them is mental illness.

Obvious symptoms of cognitive illness are plenty in the community. Discussions about getting professional help are defeated by fear of shame. The few brave enough to seek help face insurmountable obstacles. These factors make mental illness the greatest public health challenge facing the Somali community.

Mental illness is not unique to Minnesota’s Somali community. Many Minnesotans from all walks of life struggle with mental illness but the Somali struggle is exacerbated by culture which hasn’t acknowledged the condition.

This essay reviews how the debate about mental illness in the majority culture flows down to sub-cultures like that of the Somali community. It reviews how statewide factors hinder patients getting professional mental health services. The essay also discusses how two killings committed by two Somali men with mental illness is emblem of more widespread condition. It concludes by highlighting grass-root efforts to bring professional mental health services to those struggling with the condition in Minnesota’s Somali community.

Mental illness is contentious topic in Minnesota’s majority c u l t u r e . P h a r m a c e u t i c a l companies, healthcare insurance providers, patient advocates and public interest groups argue over therapies and medications.

The relationship between drug manufacturers including those

prescribe to treat mental illness and doctors who prescribe them has been challenged by patient advocates and public interest groups.

In 2013, ProPublica estimated the amount of money drug manufacturers gave to health care professionals at nearly $1.4 billion.This is on the top of research dollars sanctioned by everyone.

Both drug makers and health care professionals dispute the figure. This type of back and forth debate adds more doubt in a public already skeptical of mental illness medications.

Patient advocates have been encouraging health insurance providers to reform access to counseling. Many health insurance policy carriers limit the number of sessions a patient can visit behavioral therapist. Health insurance policy providers also reimburse different rates for the same services. For example, a behavior therapist affiliated with large health institution is paid more compared to a solo practitioner. These rules and many more make difficulty for patients to get individualized help.

The stigma around mental illness is intense in Minnesota’s majority culture, a culture that prides itself for openness. Civic groups and community activists recently confronted stigma in mental illness with the creation of elaborate campaign dubbed “Make It Ok”. The goal of the public campaign was to get people to talk about mental illness.

While the majority community wrangles over best practices and

efficiencies, Minnesota’s Somali community is struggling where to start. Medication is ostracized. Access to culturally competent behavior therapists is virtually none existence. Stigma is much higher.

Mental illness is largely unacknowledged in Minnesota’s Somal i communi ty and considered a taboo. It’s viewed by many in the community as a spiritual gap rather than medical condition.

Some in Minnesota’s Somali community including this author believe mental illness is more widespread than two cases with tragic ends. Many more Somalis struggle with various forms of mental illness without ever committing violence. The two cases with tragic ends garnered significant press coverage and readers might be familiar with them so let’s start by quickly recapping them.

Ahmed H. Aden killed 15 years old Abdisamd Sheik-Hussein, an up and coming community leader in Kansas City, Missouri by SUV over ran. Prior to Kansas, Aden lived in Minnesota and struggled with mental illness. He was stereophonic going in and out of Hennepin County Medical Center psych award. Aden Left Minnesota for Kansas to temporarily live with relatives according to family members. Aden showed up mosque in both cities spewing religion insults. He was asked to leave each time.

The second killing occurred 2013 in Minneapolis when an elderly man killed another elder man using metal pipe and butcher knife. Bashir Jama, 63 years old killed Jama Mohamed,

86 years old. Jama told friends that he was afraid of demons inside the body of the victim. Jama misconfigured victim’s body in attempt to remove the demon. Many in the community struggled trying to make sense of the gruesome scene. Violence against an elder is considered a community violation in the Somali culture. Violence an elder by another elder is considered a major curse.

Two macro-factors contribute to mentally ill Somalis taking innocent lives. First one is lack of access to treatment in both counseling and medications. The second factor is stigma. The combination of the two makes mental illness lethal.

Rarely Somalis seek help from mental health professionals. As consequence, alternative treatments emerged. Some patients have found solace in one treatment or combinations of treatments. Some, like Aden and Jama have not found anything that worked.

One treatment popular in the Somali community has been changed of environment. Patients are sent to places where a relative lives like Somalia. The hope is that experience of different atmosphere will help settle down an anxious mind. Often times patients came back more sick. Adan was sent to Kansas City in hope of different environment helping him. Unfortunately, he only got worst.

Another treatment has been to double down of spiritual activities and prayers. Faith leaders encourage more players. Those with financial resources take pilgrimage trip to Mecca

and Medina, Saudi Arabia. The experience of visiting two of Muslims’ holiest sites has helped some patients and has not helped others.

Some patients have opted traditional treatment. In Somalia, traditional healers used various names and description for mental illness.

Traditional healers provided herbal medicine and counseling. Some healers burned incense and played music during the counseling session.

The footage above is from Somal i documenta ry o f traditional healer being studied by Italian physiatrist during behavioral therapy session. It’s believed to be from 1980’s. In the footage, people in red are former patients who have been treated and can provide therapy sessions to others now, an equivalent of peer-to-peer counciling recommended by organizations like National Alliance on Mental illness(NAMI).

A traditional counseling session like the one in the footage almost always includes l ive dancing . Anecdota l evidence shows that patients feel temporary relief after a session with traditional healer. The patient in the footage, a teenage boy, was carried to the center but felt well enough to join the dance during session.

Those services have been imported to Minnesota. The problem with t radi t ional healing is price. It can be very expensive. Community sources quote anywhere $250 a session up to $3,600. No health insurance policy covers this type of service.

Low income who can’t afford

become more anxious. They borrow money to cover the cost. The debt brings more anxiety making their condition worst.

The prevalence of mental illness in Minnesota’s Somali community has created a room for vigilante healers to thrive. Vigilante healers disguise themselves either in faith or tradition and take advantage of patients. On accession, patients have been fed with toxin. Vigilante healers present public health risk to the community.

Although their effort is hamstrung by severe shortage of resources, some leaders in the Somali community are working to address mental illness through conventional methods.

Mohamed Mohamud who leads Somali American Parent Association (SAPA), a nonprofit that works to connects parents with school districts has observed the havoc mental illness brings in the lives of parents. SAPA recently received small grants from Department of Human Services (DHS) to evaluate ways to add mental health service component to his organization.

Mental illness is the greatest public health challenge facing Minnesota’s Somali community. It can’t be addressed in isolation from macro-factors in the state. The high profile killings are signals of more widespread health condition. Often times these signals are misinterpreted squandering opportunities one after another. Expanding and supporting grass-root efforts like that of Mohamud’s in collaboration with faith and inexpensive traditional healing provide a path forward.

Vol. 2 Ed. 1 | January 2015 Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture | 11

Mental Illness In Minnesota’s Somali CommunityBy:Jamal aBDUllahI, mINNEsoTa CIvIC

Happy neW yearfrom Tusmo Times

Haween labaatan ah oo ka kala yimid daafaha Soomaaliya ayaa dhawaan bilaabay barashada sida loo sameeyo shabaakadaha kalluunka taasoo qayb ka ah barnaamij cusub oo xirfadaha lagu barto kasoo ay waddo

Da ladda I skaash i toy inka Kalumaysiga Soomaaliyeed ee Hibo (HFSA).

Ujeeddada laga leeyahay barnaamijka soconaya 45-ta maalmood, oo 10-kii December ka biloowday Muqdisho uuna maal-galiyay Midowga Yurub, waa in haweenka lagu baro xirfado ay shaqooyin uga heli karaan waaxda kalluumeeysiga dalka ee ay raggu ku badan yihiin, ayuu yiri guddoomiyaha

HSFA Xasan Maxamuud Rooble.“ M a d a m a d a d k a

kaluumeysatada 100% dad rag ah hadda ay yihiin, waxan ku fakirnay in haweenka laga qeyb galiyo ka faa’idaysiga wax-soo-saarka kheyraadka

badda,” ayuu u sheegay Sabahi. “Waxana hadda si tijaabo ah ugu biloownay tababarkan labaatan haween ah oo laga soo xulay bulshada kunool qaar ka mid ah gobollada dalka.”

Ka sokoow in haweenku ay awood u yeeshaan in ay kasbadaan xirfad ay uga shaqeeystaan w a a x d a k a l l u u m e e y s i g a , tababarka noocan ahi waxa uu ka qayb-qaadan karaa yareeynta tirada dadka dhallinyarada ah

ee ku biiraya howlaha burcad-badeednimada taasoo ay ka imaanaysa saameynta wanaagsan ee xubnaha dhedig ee qoyska, ayuu Rooble u sheegay Sabahi.

Haweenka oo soo dhaweeyay barnaamijka cusub

Waxa jirta baahi weeyn oo loo qabo tababarka caynkan oo kale ah, ayay tiri Madina Xasan Gacal, oo ah 25-jir garoob ah oo dhashay laba carruur ah barnaamijjkana ka qayb-qaadanaysa.

Gacal, oo ku nool degmada Cabdicasiis ee Muqdisho, ayaa sheegtay in ay ku quudin jirtay carruurteeda iyada oo isticmaalaysa lacag ay ka hesho qaraabadeeda maaddaama aabahood uunan shaqo heli karin.

“Wallaaahi aad iyo aad ayaan ugu faraxsanahay tababarkan in layga qeyb galiyo,” ayay u sheegtay Sabahi. “Guri fadhi ayaan ahaa. Maadaama hadda aan noqon doono qof xirfad uu ku shaqeeysto yeesha, waxan rajenayaa in nolosheeyda wax badan iska baddali doonto oo an soo saran doono biilka qoyskeeyga.”

Tababarku waxa uu haween badan ku dhiirri-galin doonaa

in ay ku biiraan ganacisga kalluumeeysiga, ayay t ir i Salaado Cumar Ibraahim, oo ah 27-jir dhashay shan carruur ah oo ku nool degmada Kaaraan.

“Waxan rajeynayaa in la arko haween badan oo Somaaliyeed oo ka qeyb qaadanaya wax-soo-saarka khayraadka baddeena haddii tababarrada noocaan ah si joogta ah aan u helno,” ayay u

sheegtay Sabahi. “Qofka haddii u barto xirfad uu ku shaqeysan karo, waxaa aaminsanahay in uusan cidna u baahneyn in ay caawiso. Waddankeenna illaahay khayraad badan ayuu ku maneeystay oo u baahan in la barto qaabkii loola soo bixi lahaa.”

Salaado waxay ugu baaqday hay’adaha caalamiga ah iyo xukuumadda Soomaaliya in ay dib u dhisaan oo ay taageeraan kaabayaashii lagu soo saari jiray kalluunkii gasacadeeysnaa si gudaha loogu isticmaalo dibaddana loogu dhoofiyo, taasoo ay ka dhalan doonto in ay shaqooyin badan u abuurmaan ragga iyo dumarkaba.

Maryan Daahir, oo ah 37-jir ku nool degmada Waaberi ayaan ka tirsanayn kooxdan biloowga ah, laakiin waxa ay Sabahi u sheegtay in ay jeclaan laheeyd fursad ay uga qeyb qaadato tababarka waaxda kalluumeeysiga.

“Inkasto oo aan wax badan kala socon tababarkan oo warbaahinta

uun aan ka maqlay, haddana waxan aad u jeclaan lahaa fursadaha noocan oo kale ah in nala soo gaarsiiyo oo la kordhiyo tirada haweenka loo tababarayo soo dabashada kalluunka,” ayay tiri Maryan, oo ah hooyo shan carruur ah dhashay. “Waxani waa khayraad Illaahay ku manneystay baddeenna.”

Haweenku kaalin muhiim ah ayay ka cayaareen abuuritaanka d a k h l i g a q o o y s a s k o o d a sannadihii ka dambeeyay burburkii xukuumaddii dhexe ee Soomaaliya, inkasta oo ayan helin tababar xirfadeed, ayay sheegtay.

“Waxa hubaal ah haddii la kordhiyo tababarrada, in haweenku door muuqda ay ka ciyaari doonan sida loola soo baxo kalluunka,” ayay tiri.

Maryan waxay ugu baaqday haweenka ka qaybqaadanaya barnaamijka tababarka in ay baraan dumarka kale ee aan fursaddaan oo kale helin xirfadaha ay soo barteen kadib marka uu u dhamaado barnaamijku.

Haween Soomaali ah oo bartay xirfado looga shaqeeyo kalluumeeysigaXigasho: saBahI oNlINE

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Page 12: Tusmo Times January 2015  Issue

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