  • 1. A Twilightful Alphabetacy Chapter 1.2

2. Okee dokee, welcome back to the Twilightful Alphabetacy! Last time we left off Steph was suffering a bit. 3. Yeah, she really is suffering. 4. Because Sjt has a lame LTW that is near impossible for me, I rerolled for him. 5. And he rolls Knowledge with the LTW to become a Game Designer. 6. And as it's winter I built them a * cough*house. 7. That's not a house! It's a darn shack!! 8. *Blarg * You did this to me! Ew no! Sjt did this to you, haha. 9. Hey hoi! While I wasn't looking Sjt made a snowman. 10. Oh my God! I'm pregnant! *Smacks forehead * Uh doi?! 11. Woah, Steph, your hand is massive! 12. *Sniffle * R.I.P Mr Snowman. 13. Oh my God, I'm pregnant! Uhh, we already knew that. 14. Argh! Baby time! Shut up, you Sims have it easy. 15. And it's a baby boy with Sjt's black hair, and Steph's green eyes. 16. Welcome to hell, Aro. Aro is named after a member of the Volturi from the New Moon book. 17. We all know what this leads to, notice how blue Steph is, haha. 18. Sjt, did you hear that? Hear what? It sounded like a lullaby. *Snicker * 19. *Blarg * Again? Hah, yup. 20. I'm bored, let's set the baby on fire. 21. Apparently setting babies on fire turns them into adorable toddlers! 22. I cwever! Yes, you are! Hehee. 23. I hate you. Aww, I love how we bond. 24. I expanded again. You're a whale. 25. Om nom nom What? He's freakin' cute! 26. Okay I just went into squee mode. 27. Yway! Awo cwan walk! SQUEE! 28. I'm going to pop! 29. Huston, we have a clone. 30. This little fellow is called Alec, after another member of the Volturi. 31. And this is where I'll leave you, with a cute picture of Aro.