Page 1: Unit 1 The Human Body and Interaction

The human body and interaction

José Ángel

Page 2: Unit 1 The Human Body and Interaction

The three vital functionsExist three functions:-Nutrition-Interaction-Reproduction

The human body and nutrition: -The digestive system: Breaks down the food into molecules the body absorb. The stomach and the intestines are there organs.

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-The respiratory system: Absorbs oxygen to the body. The lungs and the trachea are the organs.

-The circulatory system: Transport blood all over the body. The heart is the organ. -The excretory system: Eliminates the waste of our body produce. The kidneys is the organ. -Healthy habits:Eat, exercise, keep clean, have a good posture, spend time with the family and friends.

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The interaction functionTypes of Stimuli-External Stimuli:Are the changes that happen in our enviroment outside the body. Our sensecapture these stimuli and send a message to the brain.-Internal Stimuli:Are the changes inside our body. The receptor organs receive these stimuli.Send message to the brain.

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1. Stimulus-sensation 2.Processing information

A stimulus is any action or change The body sends information of in our environment. the sensation to the brain.

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3. Response The order becomes a response to the stimuli and say to the body. Types of responsesMotor responses: Gladular responses:Happen when muscles move. Happen when organs called glands produce a substance.

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The sensory systemWe have five senses: smell, taste, touch, sight and hearing.-The Sense of Smell:Olfatory receptors are in the nasal cavity.-The Sense of Taste:Receptos of the tongue. Are small bumpscalled taste buds.-The Sense of Touch:The skin is the main organ of the sense of touch receptor.The Sense of Sight:The eyes are the organ that give us the sense of sight.The Sense of Sight:The ears are the organ of the sense of hearing.Collect sounds.

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The nervous systemHas an important role to perform in the interaction function. -Sense organ: Respond to stimulus and sen impulses. -Sensory nerves: Carry information from the sense organs to the central nervous system. Central Nervous System Spinal Cord Brain Produces fast and Is inside the cranium.

automatic responses. Makes decisions. Motor Nerves Coordinates the information and send impulses along motor nerves.

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Musculoskeletal System It brings a response. Can be either a voluntary or involuntary response. Involuntary movements: Voluntary movements: Are produced by the spinal cord. Are produced by the brain. Reflexes are fast and automatic responses. Voluntary responses are slower than involuntary responses.

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The brain Has three parts.-The cerebrum: Produces voluntary responses: memory and lenguage.-The brain stem: Controls the organ functions.-The cerebellum: Controls balance and coordination.

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The musculoskeletal system


-Joints:Fixed: Can’t move. The bones are connected to the cranium.Hinge: Connection of two objects that enables to move.Ball and socket: Can rotate. Shaped like a ball.Pivot: Join between bones can rotate.Gliding: Movement that is smooth and easy.


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Bones Muscles
