
Unit 8-Exploration and Unit 8-Exploration and Colonization Colonization

Chapter 16 Section 2 page 388-Chapter 16 Section 2 page 388-391391

1. What motivates European exploration? 2. What improvements allow for European exploration?(3) 3. What key economic changes happen during this time

period in Europe?(2) 4. Define Mercantilism. 5. How does the theory of Mercantilism impact European’s

views on trade and colonization 6. Colonies

Reasons governments want them

Reasons colonists

want them

Looking to the EastLooking to the EastMarco Polo showed Europeans the wealth of

Asia (spices, gems, silk)Silk Road was dangerous, went through

mountains and deserts, and people were taxedOttoman Empire took Constantinople and cut

off Silk Road to European traders

European ExplorationEuropean ExplorationCauses-”God, Glory and Gold”Causes-”God, Glory and Gold”

1. Desire for new sources of wealth/Increase trade

2. Desire to spread Christianity3. New technology (sails, compass,

gunpowder, back rudder)4. Europe was overcrowded/Nations

competing for dominance5. Renaissance increased desire to

learn/knowledge of known world6. Flee religious or political persecution

Influences of ExplorationInfluences of Exploration

Improved Technology◦ New Maps-many parts still unknown, West to Asia◦ Invention of the Compass and Astrolabe◦ New Ships-back rudder, improves steering, new sails◦ Two types of ships were developed:

◦ 1.small ships for exploration: caravels◦ a shallow draft to chart unknown waters◦ ability to sail to windward (lateen sails)◦ small crew◦ cargo space for voyages of up to a year

◦ 2. larger ships for war and commerce: carracks◦ high platforms at front and back from which to fire at opponents◦ armed with cannons◦ square sails for more sail area◦ large payload

Influences of ExplorationInfluences of Exploration

Economic Changes1400-1700 Commercial Revolution- begins modern banking and new business organization-Corporation(stock company)Coins with fixed pricePrivate enterprise-Rise of Capitalism

Influences of ExplorationInfluences of Exploration

Mercantilism◦Economic theory centered on the idea of

scarcity◦Fixed amount of wealth, countries need to take

well from other country to gain power◦Two ways

Mine Gold and Silver at home or in colonies Export more than you import- Favorable Balance

of trade◦Raise Tariffs- importation taxes◦Promote manufacturing of goods◦Establish colonies for additional wealth

Exploration DifficultiesExploration Difficulties

1. Finding funding2. Sailors dying of hunger, thirst, scurvy3. Time at sea - mentally hard4. Storms and unpredictable weather5. Fighting native peoples


Read Chapter 16 section 3 and 4Section 3- 1-3Section 4- 1-4

A few notable explorers…A few notable explorers…

1. Prince Henry of Portugal – 1419 establishes a navigation school, sails the west coast of Africa

QuickTime™ and aSorenson Video 3 decompressorare needed to see this picture.

2. Bartolomeo Diaz (Portugal) 1488 - reaches tip of Africa, Indian Ocean

3. Vasco de Gama (Portugal) 1498 - reaches India by going around Africa

4. Columbus 1492 (Spain) - believes he can reach the east by sailing west; ends up in Caribbean

5. Magellan 1519 (Spain) - sails west around tip of South America and makes trip around world (dies in Philippines)

Desire for Colonies and WealthDesire for Colonies and Wealth

European nations compete for new lands, wealth, bring glory to their country

Establish colonies and empires around the world!

Colony- territory or people subject to a ruling state.

Use your textbook pg. 404-405 and identity the areas of colonization by each of listed European countries

Treaty of Tordesillas 1494Treaty of Tordesillas 1494

Spain and Portugal divided world by establishing a line of demarcation - Lands west of line = Spain - Lands east of line = Portugal

Exploring the AmericasExploring the AmericasVarious ancient civilizations lived in the

area:1. Mayans(what is left)2. Aztecs3. Incas4. Native American tribes in North


*Explorers arrive and what do you think will happen?

Christopher Columbus-Columbian ExchangeExchange

Significant because his journey forever connects the old and new world, ushering in the beginning of our modern world

Columbus’ arrival in the new world begins an exchange of non-native plants, animals and diseases(Columbian Exchange) like the world has never seen before or since!

Impact dramatically benefits the Europeans in both the new and old world

Columbian Exchange ReadingColumbian Exchange Reading

In your reading groups, answer the questions to your part of the reading on a separate sheet.

Write down the section heading and your responses

After a few minutes you will rotate.Complete all questions.Intro reading-Why Should I Care?

Summarize two reasons from the text.

Columbian Exchange Summary- Columbian Exchange Summary- Essay assignmentEssay assignment

In a short essay, describe the impact of the Columbian Exchange on Europeans and Native Americans. (minimum 1 page,5 paragraphs)

Intro-Hook, background info on C.E., thesisBody

◦Impact of plants◦Impact of animals◦Impact of diseases

Conclusion-Summarize what you told us

Clash of Cultures- Guns, Germs and Steel

The Europeans arrived and wanted the land and resources from the natives

Natives fought back but lost Why? Disease-Smallpox is most deadly Technology- Guns, steel armor, Horses! Conquistadors- “Conquerors”

◦ 1521-Aztec fall to Cortes◦ 1535-Inca fall to Pizarro

Spanish conquistadors force many Natives into slavery- Encomienda system

Bartolomé de las Casas-”protector of Indians” speaks out against and documents Spanish atrocities against Native Americans

Atlantic Slave TradeAtlantic Slave Trade

Europeans used Native Americans to do their work until they were dying from disease - needed new labor force

9.5 million Africans sent to Americas (400,000 to North America)

Triangular Trade:Triangular Trade:

1. Europeans brought goods to Africa2. Africans transported to New World (Middle Passage)3. Wealth of colonies is brought to Europe

Dutch, French and EnglishDutch, French and English

Dutch- settle in Asia- “East Indies”, New York originally

French-Settle in Canada, Great Lakes-Fur Trade, Good relations with Natives

English- Settle in east coast of North America

French & Indian WarFrench & Indian War(1754-1763)(1754-1763)

France vs England: basically over land control in colonies

Indians fight for both sides

France was exhausted - outnumbered and outgunned

England won the warTreaty of Paris gave Britain control of

most of North America

Results of ExplorationResults of Exploration

1. Exchanged Food2. Exchanged Diseases3. Exchanged Animals4. Exchanged Technology5. Established powerful empires6. Atlantic Slave Trade7. Colonization of the World