Page 1: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Unit Nine

Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui

Page 2: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui

The New County Town

Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli

Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Page 3: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Zigui county is the hometown of Chinese great patriotic poet , Quyuan, during the Warring States period. It has been here as a Chinese county from the Han dynasty . The county town is located on the Woniu Mountain on the north bank of the Yangtze River.

Page 4: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

It is surrounded by walls and it looks like a tilted gourd ( 葫芦 ),so it is also called “the Gourd City”. At the east gate of the county there is a big archway with Chinese

words “Quyuan’s Hometown” which was autographed ( 题字 )by the great Chinese revolutionist and modern poet Guo Moruo.

Page 5: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Two big steles are

standing on both

sides with “Quyuan’s

Hometown of the

Chu kingdom” and

“Wang Zhaojun’s

hometown of the Han

dynasty ” separately.

Page 6: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Zigui is a magical and charming place with a large gathering of talents. The landscape is beautiful and there are many tourist attractions : the world famous Three Gorges Dam , the beautiful Xiling Gorge , the biggest cultural relics protection region —the Phoenix Mountain, the famous scenic spot —Quyuan’s Temple, Quyuan’s birth place—Lepingli, the ancient building crowd which is influential in the Three Gorges region —Xintan Ancient House ,

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the first driftage of the Three Gorges area —Jiuwanxi, the back garden of the Three Gorges Dam —Sixi, the precipice ( 悬崖 ) landscape—Chain Rock and the youngest county town in China —Guizhou new town. Here the folkway is pure and simple and the custom is unique. On the Dragon Boat Festival ( 端午节 ) every year , the folks row the dragon boats, wrap zongzi ( 粽子 ) and hang mugwort ( 艾蒿 )to express their yearning to Quyuan. You can watch the local flower-drum ( 花鼓戏 ),

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hear boatman’s work songs ,enjoy the odd stones and taste the distinct flavor food to experience the local conditions and customs of Quyuan’s house. The climate here is pleasant. The annual average temperature is about 18 .There are 1630 hours sunshine ℃and 1,000-1,300 millimeters rainfall every year .The kindly weather makes Zigui an ideal resort.

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Page 10: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

秭归是我国战国时代伟大诗人屈原的故乡,汉代始设县。县城位于长江北岸的卧牛山麓,四周城墙环绕,看起来像一个倾斜的葫芦 , 故有“葫芦城”之称。县城东门矗立一高大的牌坊,上书“屈原故里”四字,系中国伟大革命家和现代现代诗人郭沫若所题。旁边还有两块石碑,分别刻“楚大夫屈原故里和“汉昭君王嫱故里”。 秭归是一个神奇而又有魅力的地方。这里山川秀丽,人文荟萃。有很多风景名胜,有举世瞩目的三峡大坝;有风景秀丽的西陵峡;有全国最大的文物保护地 --

Translation:屈原故里 --秭归

Page 11: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

——凤凰山,有著名景点——屈原祠,有屈原的诞生地——乐平里,有三峡地区最有影响的古建筑群落——新滩古民居,有三峡第一漂——九畹溪,三峡大坝后花园——四溪,有危崖景观——链子岩,有中国最年轻的县城——归州新镇 。 这里民风淳朴,风俗独特。每年的端午节 ,人们都要划龙舟,包棕子、挂艾叶来表达对屈原怀念之情;看地方花鼓舞、听船工号子、赏三峡奇石、品风味小食,感受一番屈原故里的风土人情。 这里气候宜人。年平均气温为 18℃ 左右,年均日照约 1630小时,降雨量为 1000-1300毫米,是极为理想的旅游胜地。

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Page 12: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Passage 1

The New County Town

Zigui New Town

Page 13: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Zigui county town is located in Maoping which is on the south bank of the Xiling Gorge. It is only one kilometer away from the Three Gorges Dam .It covers an area of 323 hectares and the population is forty thousand. It is a model civilized county town in China .

Page 14: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Zigui county town used to be in Guizhou town. Because of the construction of the Three Gorges projects, the old Guizhou will be flooded partly. The government decided to move it to Maoping. The moving work started on December 26, 1992 and lasted 6 years. The project was finished on September 28, 1998. The total investment for it is RMB 1,200,000,000 yuan. The county town is divided into 5 districts ___ the central district , the culture and education district , the industrial district , Maoping district and the garden district .

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The office building of the county government is a signal building of the town; Changning square, Juyuan square and Maoping square are the major public places of entertainment for the resident; The Phoenix mountain, which is located in the east of city, is surrounded on three sides by water .It is the best place to watch the Three Gorges Dam and it is also a fine leisure place . The Kuilong mountain which is located at the center of the town is the highest spot and an open forest park. Guizhou Avenue is a famous travel street and various sorts of tourist commodities are sold here.

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Forestation is much emphasized here and the forest coverage rate is more than 37%. What is known as “A street a scene, moving street moving scene.” There’s no wire in the sky, no chimney on the roofs, no wall in the streets. The town looks clean and tidy. The town sends forth the great charm of historical culture. The names of some important public places are related with Quyuan, such as Quyuan square , Quyuan Road , Wentian Road ,Jusong Road, Lanhui Road and so on . Many Chinese high officials have visited the new county town and praise it highly.

Page 17: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi
Page 18: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

1. “A street a scene, moving street moving scene ” “ 一街一景,移街移景” 2. send forth 散发出 e.g. The flowers send forth a delicate fragrance. 花儿散发着清香 . 3. 屈原 : 名平,楚国人,公元前 340 年诞生于秭归三闾乡乐平里。屈原自幼勤奋好学,胸怀大志, 26岁就担任楚国左徒兼三闾大夫。他主张授贤任能,彰明 法度,联齐抗秦,是一位具有远见卓识的政治家。但他的主张遭到了朝中奸佞小人的嫉妒和诋毁,楚怀王听信谗言,便疏远了屈原。后顷襄王继位,屈原被放逐南。


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屈原的政治思想破灭,虽有心报国,却无力回天 , 只得以死明志,于公元前 227 年五月初五端午节这天投汨罗江而死。中国民间五月初五端午节包粽子、赛龙舟的习俗就源于人们对屈原的纪念。屈原也是中国文学史上的第一位大诗人,他留下的《离骚》、《九章》、《九歌》、《桔颂》等光辉诗篇。 1953 年,屈原还被列为世界“四大文化名人”之一,受到世界和平理事会和全世界人民的隆重纪念。4. Tianwen Road , Jusong Road, Lanhui Road …… 天问路 , 桔颂路 , 兰惠路 …… , 这些路的名称来自于屈原的诗作《天问》、《桔颂》等。

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New Words:

chimney n. 烟囱civilized a 文明的commodity n. 商品construction n. 建设entertainment n. 娱乐forestation n. 森林

flood v. 淹没hectares n. 公顷 ( 约合 15 亩 )

investment n. 投资leisure n. 休闲resident n. 居民

Page 21: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

I. Answer the questions:1. Where is Zigui?

2. Where is the old Zigui county town ?

3. Why was it moved to Maoping ?

4. How much does it cost to build the new town?

5. How about the forestation of the town ?



Page 22: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

II. Decide the staments true or false:

1. Zigui new county town is very far from the

Three Gorges Dam. ( )

2. On the top of the Phoenix mountain people

can see the Three Gorge Dam. ( )

3. Tourists can buy commodities on Quyuan

Road. ( )

4. The most names of the roads here are linked

with Quyuan . ( )

5. The new town has been built for 6 years. ( )key

Page 23: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

秭归县城位于长江西陵峡南岸的茅坪镇,距三峡大坝仅 1 公里。占地 323公顷,人口 4 万,是全国文明模范县城。 秭归县城原位于归州镇。由于三峡工程兴建,老归州将被淹没 , 秭归县城被批准迁至现在的茅坪。搬迁工程于 1992年 12月 26日破土动工,历经 6 年, 1998年 9 月 28日建成,总投资 12亿元人民币。 县城分为五个区 , 分别是中心区、文教区、工业区、茅坪镇小区和风景园林区。



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县政府办公大楼是新县城标志性建筑;长宁广场、桔苑广场、茅坪广场是市民主要娱乐场所;位于城东的凤凰山,三面环水,是观三峡大坝的最佳视点,也是市民主要的旅游休闲区;夔龙山地处县城中心,是城区最高点,是开放式的城市森林公园;归州街是新县城著名的旅游街,主要经营旅游商品。 县城注重绿化 , 绿化率达到 37%以上。正所谓“一街一景,移街移景”。城市上空没有电线,房顶没有烟囱,全城没有围墙 , 全城看来起来干净整洁。 县城文化韵味深厚,重要的公共场所的命名都与屈原相关,如屈原路、屈原广场,橘颂路、天问路 , 兰蕙路等。中国很多领导人都亲临秭归新城,并给予高度赞扬。

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Page 25: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Passage 2 Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli

Page 26: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Quyuan’s temple is also called Qingliegong temple .It is located in Guizhou town . In fact ,the original temple was built on Quyuantuo (a little hill) which is 5 li away from Guizhou in the east , at the bank of the Yangtze River. It was said that when Quyuan drowned himself in the Miluo River, a huge divine fish carried his body back to his hometown. It was at this place that the folks found the fish and Quyuan’s body, so Quyuan’s tomb and temple were built here.

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That was in the Yuanhe. That was in the Yuanhe 15th year of the Tang dynasty (820 AD) and it has been there for more than 1200 years so far. As the Three Gorges Dam has been being built in Zigui, Quyuan’s temple was then moved to Guizhou and rebuilt newly at the end of 20th century.

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The new temple leans against a big mountain and faces to the Yangtze River. It is surrounded by green orange trees and cypress trees. It covers 14,000 hectares.The temple includes Shanmen(a memorial archway) ,a bronze statue of Quyuan , a corridor , a display house and Quyuan’s tomb in which his clothes only were berried. These five constituent parts are placed in a series along the mountain. They look simple, quiet, and solemn .

Page 29: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Shanmen is a forecourt of the temple and is enclosed on three sides with porticoes. The great Chinese revolutionist and modern poet Guo Moruo’s original handwriting of Chinese words “Quyuan’s Temple” is set at the top of it. On the left and the right sides, there are Chinese words “Guozhong”, which means Quyuan was absolutely loyal to his king , and “Liufang”, which means Quyuan left a good name for a hundred generations . The whole archway is quilt, unostentatious, elegant and magnificent.

Page 30: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

The bronze statue stands at the middle yard of the temple. It’s 3.92 meters high. You can see Quyuan lowers his head slightly with brows frowning, his body bends forward and his right feet is out as if he is taking a walk . From the statue we can feel his deep love to his people and his absolute loyalty to his country. On the steles of the corridor, Quyuan’s main poetic works “Lisao ”,“Tianwen”, “ Jiuge” and“ Jiuzhang” etc. are enchased and you can also see the works of some other famous poems in various Chinese dynasties .

Page 31: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Lepingli is Quyuan’s birth place. It’s located at the bank of the beautiful Xiangxi River . Plenty of Quyuan’s ruins and remains are preserved well, such as Quyuan’s house, Quyuan’s temple and Lepingli archway. 8 scenery spots about Quyuan are even more famous----Reading Hole, Mirror Well, Corn Field ,Drum Platform and Dropping Pearl Rock, Tiger Clock, Sound Drum Rock and Dragon Blocking Water.

In Quyuan’s hometown, the natural scenery spots are famous because of him; the customs are formed because of him, even birds and fishes

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are relative to him . It is called a Quyuan’s system. In the folks’ heart, he was not a human being, but a saint and a celestial being . There are many popular legends about him. Now, I’ll tell you two legendary stories.

In Lepingli, there is a well named Mirror Well. It is made of stones. Two big trees are standing on both sides of it and a stele stands in front of it. There is a jet of fountain coming out from a little hole and flowing into the well. The water tastes cool and sweet.

Page 33: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

It is said that Quyuan went to the Mirror Well every morning after he got up, he freshened himself up there. Later on, the folks found that this well could distinguish between good and bad. When a bad one stood at the well, he would shake and felt frightened. As the saying goes :“ The Mirror Well makes rascals frightened.”

There is a bird named “Brother Back” in Quyuan’s hometown. It has a red mouth and dark green feathers and it’s crying sounds like “brother back”. It is said that this bird is the incarnation of Quyuan’s sister. Quyuan’s sister was a lovely girl, and she sang

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and wove well. When she was 18, she heard that her brother Quyuan drowned himself into the Milo River.She was terribly sad and she went to the peak of the Jiuling Mountain and shouted ceaselessly: “My brother comes back , my brother comes back”. She cried and cried and suddenly she turned into a beautiful bird flying to the southeast. On the Dragon Boat Festival every year, this bird will come back to Zigui to cry sadly “brother back , brother back……” All these beautiful stories are spread to express people’s missing and admiring to this great poet.

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1. drown oneself 投江自尽 e.g. She attempted to drown herself in the river. 她企

图投江自尽 . 2. Quyuan’s tomb in which his clothes only were

berried…… 屈原的衣冠冢3. left a good name for a hundred generations 流芳百世4. “Lishao ”, “Tianwen”, “ Jiuge” , “ Jiuzhang”: They

are the titles of Quyuan’s poetry books. 《离骚》、《天问》《九歌》、《九章》

5. turned into 变成eg. Caterpillers turned into butterflies. 毛虫变成了蝴

Page 36: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

New Words:

archway n. 牌坊ceaselessly a. 不停地celestial being n. 神constituent a 构成的corridor n. 走廊cypress n. 柏树divine a . 神的distinguish vt. 辨别elegant. a 高雅enchased vt. 镶嵌 , 雕刻

leans vt. 把…靠在legend n. 传奇 ,传奇故事legendary a . 传奇的loyalty n. 忠诚magnificent a 宏伟的portico n. 柱廊preserve vt. 保护rascal n. 无赖,恶棍remains n. 遗迹ruins n. 遗址

Page 37: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

enclose vt. 圈住 ,围住forecourt n. 前厅fountain n. 喷泉freshened up 梳洗incarnation n. 化身

saint n. 圣人solemn a 庄严的 , 隆重的statue n. 雕塑weave v. (wove, woven) 织布unostentatious a 朴素的

Exercises:I. Answer the questions:1. When was the original Quyuan’s temple built ?2. Why was it moved to Guizhou?3. Was Quyuan’s body berried in the tomb?4. Who gave an inscription for Quyuan’s temple? 5. Why the bird is named “Brother Back”?


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II. Decide the statements true or false: 1. There are many legends in Lepingli. ( )

2. When a man stands at the Mirror Well, he will

feel frightened. ( ).

3. Quyuan was killed by his king . ( )

4. Quyuan’s body was berried in his tomb by the

local people. ( ).

5. Quyuan looks worried and sad from the statue . (


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屈原祠又名清烈公祠位于秭归县归州镇境内。实际上,最早的屈原祠建在离归州城东 5 里外的长江边上一个叫“屈原砣”的小山丘上。据说屈原投汩罗江后,一条巨大的神鱼背着他的遗体往家乡游,就在屈原砣家乡人发现了神鱼和屈原的遗体,因而就在这里修建了屈原墓和屈原祠。屈原祠始建于唐元和十五年,迄今已有1200多年的历史。在二十世纪末,随着三峡大坝在秭归的修建,屈原祠被迁到归州重新修复。



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新的屈原祠倚山面江 ,环绕在柑桔林和翠柏之中,占地 14000 公顷。屈原祠包括山门、屈原青铜像、碑廊、陈列馆、屈子衣冠冢,五大部分依山排列,古朴清幽、壮观肃穆。 山门在祠的前厅,三面都有柱廊围绕。中国伟大的革命家和诗人郭沫若先生的手书 “屈原祠”三个大字悬挂在山门上方正中。“孤忠”“流芳”分嵌在左右两边,“孤忠”意思是屈原对当时的君王忠心耿耿;“流芳”意思是说屈原的精神会流芳百世。整个山门看起来静谧,朴实,高洁,庄严。 屈原青铜像矗立在屈原祠中心的院子里,它高 3.92米。你看,屈原头微低,眉头紧锁,身体前倾,迈动右脚,象在漫步。从铜像上我们可以看到屈原的深深爱民之情和对国家的绝对忠诚。

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碑廊的石碑上,镌刻有屈原《离骚》、《九歌》、《九章》、《天问》等诗作和历代文人墨客的诗句 。 乐平里是屈原的诞生地,位于美丽的香溪河畔。这儿保存着大量关于屈原的遗迹遗址,如屈原宅、屈原庙、乐平里牌坊等,其中以“屈原八景”尤为有名:读书洞、照面井、玉米田、擂鼓台、滴帘珍珠、伏虎降钟、响鼓岩、回龙锁水。在屈原的家乡,景点因屈原而出名,风俗因屈原而形成,甚至于鸟和鱼都和屈原有关,形成了“屈原 系列”。在家乡人民的心中,他不是普通人,他是圣,他是神。这儿有很多关于屈原的传奇故事,让我们来看看两个其中的两个吧。 在乐平里,有一口井叫“照面井”,它由石头彻成。两棵大树分立两边,一块石碑立在中间。有一股泉水从洞中流到井中,泉水清凉甘甜。

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相传屈原每天起床后都到井边洗梳。 后来人们发现照面井能分忠奸,坏人站在井边会发抖胆寒。正如谚语所说:“照面井寒奸佞胆!” 在屈原的家乡,有一种鸟名叫“我哥回”。它长着红色的嘴和墨绿色的羽毛,它的叫声听起来象“我哥回来哟!”据说这种鸟是屈原妹妹的化生。屈原的妹妹是个可爱的女孩,她歌唱得好,布织得好。在她18 岁那年,听说哥哥屈原投汩罗江自尽,她伤心欲绝,跑到九岭山顶上不停地呼唤:“我哥回来哟!” “我哥回来哟!”……她喊呀喊呀,突然她变成一只美丽的鸟儿飞向东南方。每年端午节,这种鸟儿就会飞回秭归,不停地悲鸣:“我哥回来哟!” “我哥回来哟!” 这些故事的流传表达了人们对这位伟大诗人的思念和崇敬之情。 back to main page

Page 43: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Passage 3

Sixi and Jiuwanxi

泗溪 - 竹海泛舟

Page 44: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

Sixi, a famous scenic area in Zigui county, is called “a natural oxygen bar” by tourists . It is 12 kilometers away from the Three Gorges Dam. “Wanmuzhuhai” (a huge garden in which ten thousand mu of bamboos are growing) is the first wonderful sight here and it’s also the second biggest bamboo garden in China. There are more than 300 sorts of bamboos. Visitors can walk through the bamboo garden, take a rest in the bamboo hut, lie on the bamboo bed, swim and raft on the lake; you can also appreciate the local songs and dance shows.

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四溪漂流 back

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The second wonderful sight is a waterfall named Sandiaoshui. It has a drop of 389 meters and it is one of the biggest waterfalls in Asian. There are more than 30 scenic spots here, such as the Jade Hare Summit, the Dragon Hole, the Bamboo Shoots Summit, the Maple Mountain and the Macaque Valley etc.


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Here, vegetation is very rich and many rare trees are growing well. “Money Tree” is one of them. The fruit of money tree is very extraordinary. It’s round and it has a diameter of three centimeters; there is a little hole in the middle of it and it looks like Chinese ancient coin. When you shake the tree, the “money” falls down. So people call it Money Tree. There are also some rare animals living here, such as leopard cat, macaque and wild goat. They are playing in the mountain happily.

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Another scenic area is Jiuwanxi. It is 20 kilometers away from the Three Gorges Dam. There is a long and beautiful brook which is divided into two parts for drifting. On the first part, two persons can share a boat drifting down the torrent, and on the second part, people can take a sightseeing boat to run across the Jiuwan valley, enjoying some startling sights such as the Land Crack , Wangfu Stone and the Fairy Mountain. Drifting down the Jiuwanxi Brook, you can experience the flying of the boat .How dangerous and stimulative it is! So the Jiuwanxi Brook is called “the first driftage in the Three Gorges region” by Chinese and foreign tourists.

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Jiuwanxi used to be the place where the great patriotic poet Quyuan gave lectures and planted orchid long long ago. Along the way to Jiuwanxi from Zigui new county town, you can see many natural landscapes such as Divine Ox Spring, General Rock, Beauty Shinning, Scissors Cliff and Monk Rock etc. You can also see some cultural landscapes, which are close to Quyuan named Wendianshenjian ( Asking God Stele, Tanbao ( Rostrum Hill , Shenuishi ( Divine Tortoise Rock, Juyufang ( Huge Fish Rock, Qiuzhibei ( Asking for Words Stele ) , Yanwotai ( Ink Stone ) , Bifengshi( Brush Pen Stone ) and Ganoderma Rock etc.

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Wonderful! Stimulative!


Page 52: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

1. a natural oxygen bar : a bar where people can

draw enough oxygen 氧吧2. Jade Hare Summit:玉兔峰3. Wangfu Stone: The stone looks like a woman

who is looking forward to his husband. 望夫石4. cultural landscapes : the landscapes which are

not form by natural but are made by hands 人文景观


Page 53: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

New Words:

appreciate v. 欣赏bamboo shoots n. 竹笋centimeters n. 厘米cliff n. 悬崖 峭壁diameter n. 直径divine a 神的driftage n. 漂流extraordinar a 不同寻常的raft vt. 放排ganoderma n. 灵芝leopard cat n. 豹猫

macaque n. 猕猴maple n. 枫树oxygen n. 氧气patriotic a 爱国的rostrum n. 讲坛startling a 令人吃惊的stele n. 石碑 ,石柱 ,匾额stimulative a 刺激的summit n. 山峰torrent n. 激流vegetation n. 植被

Page 54: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

I. Answer the questions:1. What is Sixi called by tourists ?

2. How many kinds of bamboos in Sixi ?

3. What can you do in Wanmuzhuhai ?

4. How far away is the Jiuwanxi from the Three

Gorges Dam ?

5. How many parts is the Jiuwanxi Brook divided




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II. Multiple choices: 1. There are more than 300 kinds of ____ growing well in Sixi. A. bamboo B. animal C. tree D. vegetation2. Leopard cat ,macaque and wild goat are living in_____. A. Jiuwanxi B. Lepingli C. Sixi D. Maoping3. Quyuan was a great patriotic poet during ______ . A. the Han dynasty B. the Warring States period C. the Yuan dynasty D. the Tang dynasty


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4..On ______ Chinese people row the dragon boats, wrap Zongzi and hang mugwort .

A. the Spring Festival B. the Lunar New year C. the Mid-autumn festival D. the Dragon Boat Festival5. Zigui has been here as a Chinese county from

______ . A. the Chu Kingdom B. the Han dynasty C. the Warring States period D. the Spring and Autumn period


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泗溪是秭归县有名的风景区,距三峡大坝12公里,它被游客称为 “天然氧吧”。 “万亩竹海”是泗溪第一绝景,这儿有300多种名竹,为我国第二大名竹苑。游客可以游竹园、住竹楼、睡竹床,还可以到湖中游泳、放排,欣赏民俗歌舞。三吊水瀑布是泗溪第二大绝景,落差389米,是亚洲落差最大的瀑布之一。景区内有竹海浴场、玉兔峰、龙王洞、竹笋峰、枫叶岭、猕猴谷30多个景点。



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这里植被丰富,许多稀有树种生长良好。“摇钱树”就是其中的一种。摇钱树的果实很特别。它是圆的 , 直径有 3 厘米,果实的中间有一个小孔,看起来象中国古代硬币。当你摇动树的时候,“钱币”就从树上掉下来,因此人们把它叫着“摇钱树”。 这儿也生活着一些稀有动物 , 如豹猫、猕猴、野山羊等 , 它们快乐地嬉戏于山间。


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另一处风景区是九畹溪,它距三峡大坝 20 公里。那儿有一条长长的美丽的溪流,它分为两段,上段两人一舟,闯越激流;下段坐观光艇,穿越九畹峡谷,欣赏地缝、仙女山、望夫石等奇观。漂流九畹溪,你会体验飞舟的快感,多么惊险刺激呀!因此九畹溪被中外游客誉为“三峡第一漂”。 九畹溪曾是伟大爱国诗人屈原早年讲学和植兰之地。从秭归新县城至九畹溪 , 沿途有问天神简、神牛泉、将军岩、美女晒羞、剪刀崖、和尚岩等多处自然景观 ,也有与屈原紧密相关的多处人文景观,如问天简、坛包、神龟石、巨鱼坊、求字碑、砚窝台、笔峰石、灵芝岩等。

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放竹排 back

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载 歌 载 舞


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篝 火 晚 会


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Key ( Unit Nine)

Passage 1I. 1.Zigui is located on the south bank of the Xiling Gorge. It is only one kilometer away from the Three Gorges Dam . 2.The old county town was in Guizhou town. 3.Because of the construction of the Three Gorges projects ,the old Guizhou will be flooded partly. The government decided to move it to Maoping. 4.About RMB 1,200,000,000 yuan. 5.Forestation is much emphasized and the forest coverage rate is more than 37%.

II. 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T



Page 69: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

I. 1. In the Yuanhe 15th years of the Tang dynasty (820


2. Because the Three Gorges Dam was being built in

Zigui, the original place would be flooded ,so it was

moved to Guizhou.

3. No,it wasn’t.

4. The great Chinese revolutionist and modern poet Guo


5. Because the bird’s crying sounds like “Brother


II. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.T

Passage 2



Page 70: Unit Nine Quyuan’s Hometown --- Zigui. The New County Town Quyuan’s Temple and Quyuan’s Birth Place----Lepingli Sixi and Jiuwanxi

I. 1.It is called “a natural oxygen bar” by tourists.

2 .More than 300.

3. We can walk through the bamboo garden, take a rest in

the bamboo hut, lie on the bamboo bed, swim and raft on the

lake, you can also appreciate the local songs and dance


4. 20 kilometers.

5. 2.

II. 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.B

Passage 3


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