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Page 1: Urban catalyst

Urban Catalyst

Lala Rizqy Larasati

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kegiatan memasukkan fungsi atau kualitas ruang tertentu di lokasi-lokasi tertentu yang secara signifikan diharapkan dapat mempertinggi kualitas ruang dan kualitas sosialnya serta mempunyai implikasi yang meluas ke daerah sekitarnya

(Sumber : Lost Space, Roger Trancik)

Urban Catalyst

Page 4: Urban catalyst

1. The new element modifies the elements around it.2. Existing elements are enhanced or transformed in positive ways.3. The catalytic reaction does not damage its context.4. A positive catalytic reaction requires an understanding of the context.5. Not all catalytic reactions are the same.6. Catalytic design is strategic.7. A product better than the sum of the ingredients.8. The catalyst can remain identifiable.


(Sumber : The concept of urban catalysts, Donn Logan and Wayne


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Architecture as Catalyst

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Temporary Use as Catalyst

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Temporary Use as Catalyst

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Catalyst theory: Case study of MilwaukeeThe story of catalytic redevelopment in Milwaukee begins with a 1973 study commissioned by the Greater Milwaukee Committee. It offereda vision for a new downtown, which in turn could change attitudes. The study recommended the formation of a development corporation and the creation of a retail core with related uses.

Studies also indicated that Milwaukee needed risk capital for renewal, the Milwaukee Redevelopment Corporation (MRC) was formed in 1973 as a limited-profit, blue-chip grouping of large firms. Conceived by the MRC and the city in 1976, the Grand Avenue concept was reviewed in 1977, and negotiations with a developer, the Rouse Company, began in 1978. Private investment amounted to $18 million, with the Rouse Company contributing $19.5 million. The $39– million investment of the city of Milwaukee took the form of an Urban Development Action Grant and a tax-increment bond issue. No new tax dollars were involved.

Case Study

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The Milwaukee Redevelopment Corporation then took three steps. First, it proposed the construction of a retail complex called the Grand Avenue, which would both recall the former Grand Avenue, Milwaukee’s historical retail/commercial artery (now Wisconsin Avenue), and offer an interior place, a semipublic realm better than that found in any suburban shopping center. Second, the MRC listed and responded to reactions to the idea. Third, it became a leading partner in the development and a link between private and public interest and investments in the project.

From the point of view of catalytic urban design, the Grand Avenue project goes far beyond the bold vision, money, and political muscle that brought it into being. The value of Grand Avenue is only partly itself; it is equally valuable for its subsequent effects, the way it was able to catalyze other development..

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Among the reasons that Grand Avenue became a success cited by both municipal planners and officials were the old vision, funds to turn a vision into reality, and willingness of government and business leaders to work toward a common goal. But any such statement fails to represent fully the sustained commitment and action on the part of private and public leaders. The measure of an urban design should therefore include its capacity to enable the imagination and commitment to significant urban leadership. Catalyst approaches, being made up of strategically conceived elements, is thus more likely to facilitate such commitments, compared to overly ambitious longer term master planning
