Page 1: U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Summary of OSL RFI Inputs Received 20 April 2011

U.S. Department of the InteriorU.S. Geological Survey

Summary of OSL RFI Inputs


20 April 2011

Page 2: U.S. Department of the Interior U.S. Geological Survey Summary of OSL RFI Inputs Received 20 April 2011



• USGS Optical Science Laboratory (OSL) is faced with questions regarding consumables, costs, and rationale for existence

• OSL Customer requirement review completed in Spring 2010

• • Request for Information (RFI) issued early March 2011

• Six questions asked, plus opportunity for general comment• 34 total responses received

• 20 – Flyers/camera owners• 6 - Consumers/contractors for aerial data• 8 – 3rd parties

• Glass Plates required for continued operation

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1. Do you, or your agency/company/business, have film mapping camera calibration requirements that could be provided by the Lab beyond September 2012? (29 answers) Yes – 21 (72%) No – 8 (28%) no answer – 6

2. Do you, or your agency/company/business, have film mapping camera calibration requirements that could be provided by the Lab beyond September 2016? (28 answers) Yes – 13 (46%) No – 11 (39%) Uncertain – 4 (14%) no answer – 6

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Answers (cont.)Answers (cont.)

3. Do you know of an in situ camera calibration process that you could utilize as a replacement for the traditional Lab camera calibration method? Yes – 5 (18%) No – 21 (75%) “Heard it might be possible” – 2 (7%) no answer – 6

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Answers (cont.)Answers (cont.)

4. If the USGS Lab stopped operation in the fall of 2012, what would be the impact to you, your agency/company/business, and industry? (28 answers)

Positive – 1 (4%) None/little – 3 (12%) Negative – 15 (58%) Very Negative – 7 (27%) no answer/irrelevant – 8

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Answers (cont.)Answers (cont.)

5. Do you foresee an industry solution or alternative for the operation of the Lab or a comparable calibration facility available beyond 2012? Are you aware of similar services starting up or planning to start up? (28 answers) Yes – 1 (4%) No – 25 (89%) Uncertain/mixed – 2 (7%) no answer – 6

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Answers (cont.)Answers (cont.)

6. Do you foresee an industry solution or alternative to obtaining the information provided by the Lab’s Report of Calibration for film mapping cameras after the closure of the Lab? (26 answers) Yes – 4 (15%) No – 20 (77%) Possibly/something needs to be done – 2 (8%) no answer – 8

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Respondent commentsRespondent comments

7. “Do you have any other comments on the Lab, the services they provide, or future operations?” Many Good Comments about the great OSL service! Continued value to current users was apparent Small businesses had major “going out of business” issues Some thought new research methods could be used in the

future Some thought we should research digital processes

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Additional LearningAdditional Learning

RST undertook effort to know industry in Spring ’10 Contacted 75 existing OSL customers, rec’d input from 65 Total of ~180 cameras existing

Not all being used Dropping to ~100 in 5 yrs Average 1/3 calibrated annually Trend is declining





Future Camera Plans

Plan to be 100% digi-tal in near future (5-10 year projection)

Will be digital, but will always have at least one (or more) film cameras

Staying 100% film for at least 10 years or more

Outsourcing all business

FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY100



Cameras Calibrated per Year


Linear (Cameras/year)

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RFI confirmed previous customer requirement review that market is alive and active, and slowly declining over the next 5+ years

cameras/year; 2011 – 40-50; 2016 - 20-30; beyond - ? Over 70% of the market still needs camera calibration

services though 2012 Approximately 50% of the market may use calibration

in 2016 Greater than 85% said, OSL closure would have a

negative impact or be fatal to their business Near term alternatives for analog camera calibration

are not available

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OSL Glass Plate issue Current Plate supply available through approximately

2012 Minimum order quantity of 1500 glass plate equivalents –

cost of $144,440 Another buyer for 25% of the minimum order USGS cost is $101,108 (direct $)

Only 34 total responses and 20 flyer responses to RFI
