
volure 9 Nunl:er 3


by George J. HuffmanDepartment of Meteorology

University of MarylandCollege Park, MD 20742


A method ~~ developed 60~ ~ev~~~ng the Pop~n an upeom~ng pe~~od, ba~ed on a condi­t~onal p~obab~l~ty a~gument and the Hughe~

and Sang~te~ 121 60~mula 60~ the jo~nt

event p~obab~l~ty. The ~e~ult~ 60llow ou~

intuitive expectation~; upwakd (downwakdl~ev~~~oM 6M the oc.c.u~~enc.e lab~encel 06p~ec~p~tat~on ~n the 6~~~t pe~~od, w~th thelakge~t kevi4ion4 when the CUkkent pekiod'46okecd4t i4 pOCk. Nonogkam4 ake pke4ented6M two value~ 06 the Hughe~-Sang~te~,ex­pone.nt.


chance is greater that it will occur inperiod 2. If precipitation has not oc­curred, the chance in period 2 is reduced.We further observe that precipitation fore­casts display autocorrelations (which match~event autocorrelations for perfectforecasts) . Thus, if the per iod I PoP (PI)is low, the precipitation has occurred, theperiod 2 PoP (P2) should be increased.High PI with no precipitation is a signalto reduce P2. On the other hand, a high orlow Fl which verifies tends to confirm the"old" P2 value. In the following discus­sion we quantify these comments into a sim­ple, objective procedure for revising Fl,based on "old" values of PI and F2, and theobservation of precipitation in period 1.


Then the PoP's for these two periods are

Following the notation of Hovde (3), definethree probabilities:




Ra + Rc

Ra + Rb



Next, we repeat Hovde I s observation thatthis problem simply describes conditionalprobabilities - we are seeking P2, givenobservations in period 1. Using the nota­cion we have developed, the probability ofP2 (precipitation in period 2) given PI(precipitation in period 1) is


Ra is the probability of precipitation oc­curring in both periods,

Rb is the probability of precipitationoccurring only in period 1,

Rc is the probability of precipitationoccurring only in period 2.

Forecasting the probability of Precipita­tion (PoP) is challenging because precipi­tation is a discrete event in time andspace which follows a non-normal frequencydistribution. Although we know that pre­cipitation events have significant auto­correlations for periods less than a day,it has not been obvious how to use thatinformation in making quantitative weatherforecasts. In particular, how does a fore­caster revise the PoP partway through theforecast cycle, given the occurrence orabsence of precipitation up to that time?Hovde (3) established a framework for at­tacking the problem but his results arecounter-intuitive. The National WeatherService has been rather successful in auto­mating the PoP forecast under the ModelOutput Statistics (MOS) program (4). Aftera numerical model has been run, the MOSequations generate an objective forecastbased on statistics describing the pastperformance of the same model. However,while new model runs are initiated every 12hr, forecasters must issue revised fore­casts more frequently. How can a fore­caster create a revised poP, given recentobservations, but an "old" MOS PoP?

Consider two consecutive forecast periodsof equal length, labelled I and 2, repre­senting the current period and the upcom­ing period (for which a revised forecast isneeded). We observe that precipitationevents have significant autocorrelationsfor periods less than a day. Thus, if pre­cipi tat ion has occurred in period I, the

and the probability of P2 , given nl (noprecipitation in period 1) is

F2 - RaPIP 2 )n I ) l-Fl 12b)

Hovde (3) denoted the conditional proba­bilities in Equations (2a) and (2b) by RIPPand NIPP, respectively.



Hovde's approach to solving Equation 2 dif­fers from that developed above, but Ra isstill implicit in his work. He defines

where Fd is the probability of precipita­tion occurring at some time in the two per­iods. Also, we will define Fd* as Hovde'sFd when Fl and F2 are equal, in which case

In summary, we have presented a scheme forrevising second period pop i s which dependson the original PoP's for both the firstand second periods, the observation of pre­cipitation in the first period, and achoice of an empirical parameter, K. Thegreatest revision occurs when the firstperiod PoP is 100% wrong, and no revisionoccurs when the first period PoP is exactlycorrect. The revision is upward (downward)when precipitation does (does not) occur inperiod 1. Nomograms have been provided fortwo values of K as an aid to the practicalforecaster.

(A 1)Ra + Rb + RcFd

Before concluding, we will use the pre­ceeding analysis to interpret the recentarticle by Hovde (3) in this journal. Asreferenced above, he correctly observedthat F2' depends on the condi tional pro­babili ties. However, the form he assumedfor Ra is too crude. As shown in the Ap­pendix, Hovde's Ra changes its functionalform at L=O.S, and this causes problems inthe resulting nomograms. For example, onhis Graphs 3 and 4, the 30% curves displaylocal extrema around "prior period poP"values of 50%. Such behavior is counter­intuitive, since one would expect thetransformation to be monotonic, as it isfor our results.

The work we have presented above containsseveral issues which deserve investigation.First, a systematic verification remains tobe carried out. Furthermore, the Hughesand Sangster (2) form of Ra is a reason­able, but not rigorous expression. Morefundamentally, any formula for Ra whichdepends on the individual PoP's alone willbe incomplete. For the Hughes-Sangster Ra,we ought to make the K exponent a functionof the specific synoptic situation. An ap­proach currently under study is to derive Kfrom the individual MOS forecast by com­paring the 6 and 12 hr PoP forecasts. Themost important caveat is that this methodstill depends on the numerical models andMOS (or whatever produces the originalPoP1s). The forecaster must still evaluatethe basic product and decide on its useful­ness for that day.

The F2' results follow the qualitativearguments given in the Introduction, withmonotonic changes over the whole domain.In addition, revisions to F2 are more ex­treme for K =0.55 than for K =0.70, consis­tent with greater dependence for smallerK. The dashed lines on Figures land 2 arethe curves along which Fl=F2. The slopesof the F2 curves (solid) are discontinuousacross the Fl=F2 curve because the iden­tities of Land S, used ~n ~quation 3, areinterchanged as one crosses Fl=F2.



As an illustration of this method' 5 re­sults, we have constructed 'nomograms forK=0.55 and 0.70, displayed in Figures land2 respectively. The P revision is dis­played in Figures la an~ 2a, while the n lrevision is displayed in Figures Ib and 2b.To use these figures, select the correct Kand observation (P, or n,), find Fl on thehorizontal axis, ~ove vertically to thecurve labeled wi th F2, and move hor izon­tally to find the revised forecast, F2'.

We will adopt the Hughes-Sangster form ofRa as reasonable and proceed. The revisedF2 (F2 ' ) is simply the conditional probabi­lity calculated from (2a) and (2b), so forany values of FI, F2, and K, it is possibleto calculate F2' for each of the cases P,and n. The formulae are so simple thaEeven rtand-held calculators can be program­med to provide F2'. Forecasters with ac­cess to PoP's in digital form could write acomputer program which automatically re­vises F2.

National Weather Digest

The only unspecified variable in (2a-b) isRa, the II joint event probabili ty". Ra ac­counts for two effects, the random pairingof independent events in the two periods,and the persistence of a single event overparts of both periods. Unfortunately, notheoretical basis exists for calculatingthe persistence part of Ra. Hughes andSangster (2) circumvented the problem bycreating an intuitive-empirical equation:

KRa L S (3)

where K is an empirically determined frac­tion, and Land S are the larger and smal­ler of {FI, F2}. They showed that Equation3 satisfies the limiting cases (L=l, 8=1;etc. ), as well as providing the correctbehavior for complete independence (K =1)and dependence (K =0). A data study of 12hr forecasts fo.r 8 midwestern ci ties re­sulted in values of K =0.55 for the coldseason and K =0.70 in the warm season (re­flecting seasonal variations in synopticorganization of precipitation). Theircomputation was somewhat sensitive toforecast bias. Regional variation in K wasnot studied, but Hughes and Sangster statedthat it could be important. Also, K was notderived for 6 hr forecasts, but one shouldexpect smaller K I ~ due to higher autocor .....relations.

the single value of Fl and F2 is referredto as Fs:

VollJl'e 9 Nunter 3

substitute (AJ) into (A4), one can showthat Hovde's joint event frequency is

Hovde made two assumptions to specify Fd interms of Fl and F2. First, Pd* was speci­fied as a piecewise linear function

based on intuitive-empirical reasoning.Then Hovde specified Fd as a linear inter­polation between Land Pd* for Fl~F2:

Where Land S are the larger and smaller of~1,F2J respectively, as defined before. Ifwe express Rb and Rc in terms of Fl, F2,and Ra (from Equation 1), substitute theseinto (AI), apply the result to (A4), and



As before, Land S are the larger and smal­ler of {Fl, F2}. We see that the func­tional form of Ra changes when L is variedacross the 0.5 point, while S may be variedto any value without changing the function­al form of Ra. When PI (Hovde's "priorperiod PoP") is larger than F2 (Hovde's"forecast period PoP"), we have L=Fl, sothat moving along an P2 curve varies L.Clearly, the functional change in Ra atL=0.50 is causing the reversal in slope ofHovde's P2 curves for that region. On theother hand, when Fl is smaller than F2, wehave L=F2, so that moving along an F2 curvein that region varies S. There is no func­tional change in Ra, and consequently,those F2 curves are monotonic.


CA3 l




= F2.

(Fd*-Ll (5 + LlL


O.S x Fs + O.S

1. S x Fs






80 eo


60 eo

lN~ 40 .........-



./--." ./5 --.0 20 40 60 80 100



1. Nomograms for revising forecastperiod PoP's (F2) when the currentperiod observation is a) P, andb) n1 (respectively, precipi~ationhas ~r has not occurred in period1). Current period PoP (Fl) is onthe absissa, the original forecastperiod PoP (F2) is on the solidcurves, and the revised forecastperiod PoP (F2') is on the ordi­nate. Hughes-Sangster K =0.55 isused. The original Popt s areequal along the dashed line(Fl=F2l.


National Weather Digest






~N~ 40













100 (al




iN~ 40





Fl(%1 FI{%l

2. Same as Figure 1, exceptHughes-Sangster K =0.70.


1. Geokge Hu66man kece~ved h~¢ B.S.degkee ~n Phy¢~c¢ 6kom Oh~o StateUn~vek~~ty and h~¢ Ph.V. ~n Meteok­otogy 6kom M.T.T. He ~¢ A¢¢~¢tant

Pk06e¢¢ok ~n the Vepaktment 06 Me­teokotogy at the Un~vek¢~ty 06 MakY­land. H~~ pk~maky ~nteke~t~ ake~ynoptie-me~o~eale meteoko£ogy andeomputek a~~~~ted kealt~me datapkobtem¢.

2. Hughe~, L.A., and W.E. Sang~tek,

1979: Comb~n~ng Pkec~p~tat~on Pkoba­bn~t~e¢. Mon. Wea. Rev., 107, 520-524. -

3. Hovde,J. E., 1984: On the u¢e06 pek~~¢tence 06 modutate MOS PoP60keea~t~. Nat~ona£ Weathek Vige~t,

'!-' 25-31.

4. LOWkY, V. A., and H. R. Gtahn,1976: An opekat~onat modet 60k 60ke­ca¢t~ng pkobab~t~ty 06 pkec~p~ta­

t~on - PEATMOS PoP. Mon. Wea. Rev.,104, 221-232.

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