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W elcome to Read/Pray, a reading plan where studying the Bible and praying have been combined to deepen your quiet time with God. We’re excited that you and your reading

partner have taken the first step towards becoming consistent (or continuing) Bible readers.

Reading the Bible is one of our five CABLE practices, which serve as guidelines for the way of life that best helps us consistently live what we believe. The L in CABLE stands for “Listen for God’s voice and learn from his Word.” At Engedi Church, we believe that the Bible is inspired by God. It contains God’s truth. It communicates his mission and heart, and it reveals that God is (and has always been) at work in this world. It is our lamp and guide in faith and life, and each book points to Christ.

Reading the Bible is important, but we also know that taking the first step is always the hardest part when attempting to engage in a new spiritual discipline—so we hope to make it as accessible as possible. Within this journal we’ve included a reading schedule, some probing questions that help you delve deeper, apply the scrip-ture, check-in reminders for you and your reading partner, and ways to pray God’s word back to Him.

Prayer is a vital part of our relationship with God. We’re given the chance to speak openly and freely with the creator of the universe. Connecting on a daily basis provides us a way to worship God and deepen our understanding of Him as we read through His word.

We will release Read/Pray Volume 2 on the Sundays leading up to Ash Wednesday to help you continue your journey of consistent Bible reading as well as learning how to pray through God’s word.

After the you’ve completed the readings, we’d love to hear how your experience went. Email us at [email protected] or visit to give feedback or stories regarding your reading and what you’ve learned.

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ACCOUNTABILITY + COMMUNITYStarting a new ritual becomes more sacred when we invite friends to join us in that ritual. Bible study is no different. Checking in with your partner at least once a week will not only make sure you’re both on track, but will also allow you to encourage each other with what God is teaching you and ask questions you have from the reading.

We’ve included scheduled reminders to check in with your reading partner throughout the journal. Use whichever method of communi-cation works best for the two of you: text, email, phone call, Facebook, getting together for coffee, CABLE group meetings, etc. These sched-uled reminders are here to help relieve the pressure of checking in on each other, but be open to connecting more often. If you have a story, a question, an inspiration, or just some thoughts you’d like to share with us, email [email protected].

INTENTIONAL TIME AND PLACEWe’ve all been there. A new year rolls around and we have the best intentions in mind to make changes in our life. It may be a diet, exer-cise, learning a new skill, or, in this case, a spiritual discipline. It’s easy to fall off the wagon on our goals for a new year, so we have some ideas for you to help you stay committed to reading your Bible.

Did you know that people who are trying to develop a Bible-reading discipline are twice as likely to succeed if they have a set time and place? If you don’t have a specific time when you plan to read and a specific place you will do the reading, chances are you’ll miss out on your time with the Bible. Set the time and place now. Where will you go for some peace and quiet? When will you sit down for 10–15 minutes and dive into the reading for the day? Lock those in ahead of time, before you start making excuses.



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TIPS î Put your Bible in a visible spot as a reminder. For example, if you plan to read in the morning, put it in front of your coffee pot. Or if you are a night reader, place it on your pillow in the morning, so it is waiting for you when you go to bed.

î Make no exceptions! Vow to do it no matter what.

If you blow the last tip, then just start over from where you left off! Don’t worry about what you missed. Just do the reading allocated for that day. Most people allow catching up to be an obstacle to simply getting back on track.

EXTRA RESOURCESIf you’re interested in having some additional places to help you further your understanding of your readings, or have questions you want answered, here is a short list of additional resources for you to check out.

î helps to compare translations, and Greek/Hebrew word definitions and more.

î is the best ad-free Bible app out there. Read the Bible in hundreds of different translations. Highlight and book-mark your favourite passages.

î is a solid website that will help you dig deeper into the word.

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TUESDAY, JANUARY 28Read: Number 6.24–26, Romans 1.7

REFLECTION QUESTIONSReflect on how these passages tell us about our relationship with God. How might these passages bring you to worship God?

Romans 1.7 tells us that God has called us to be saints. In what ways are you living up to this calling in your own life?

How have you experienced the grace and peace from Jesus in your own life?

PRAYERAfter reading passages on our relationship with God, pray about how you want to see and experience your relationship with God grow deeper and more intimate.

CHECK INEither today or tomorrow, check in with your reading partner. Talk through when you’re planning to read, and how you’ll follow up with each other during the challenge.

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WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29Read: 1 Timothy 6.11–21

REFLECTION QUESTIONSRead verses 15 and 16 again. How does the description of God match up with your worship towards him?

What has Timothy been asked to do that applies to us as well?

Read verses 17–19 again. How are you being generous with the resources God has provided you with to benefit God’s kingdom?

PRAYERUsing the description of God’s person, powers, and perfection, praise God for who He is.

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THURSDAY, JANUARY 30Read: Psalm 111

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat works of the Lord have you seen in your own life? How can you delight in his works?

Read verses 5–7 again. How has God remained faithful to you and provided for you?

Read verse 10 again. How can you practice the fear of the Lord?

PRAYERAsk God for the grace to grow in godly character and better reflect Him.

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 31Read: Genesis 2.18, 22–24

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat does this passage tell us about living in community with each other and God?

What relationships do you have that need to be committed to the Lord?

Where are you finding godly community in your life? How can you bring it to others?

PRAYERGod, help me to examine my relationships with others. May my rela-tionships be grounded in you and reflective of the community you created for us.

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1Read: Galatians 2.20

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow does this passage tell us about our identity in Christ?

How does a life in Christ differ from the life the world wants us to live?

PRAYERI rejoice, Lord Jesus, in the identity I have in you. Help me to live into that identity and reject the identity the world presses on me.

CHECK INCheck in with your reading partner today. Find out what they’ve learned so far and share your thoughts.

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 2Scripture passages referenced:

Teaching Notes:

Write out your prayer based on todays teaching:

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REFLECTION QUESTIONSTake some time to reflect on God’s creation. What wonders of the earth moves you to worship God?

How does this Psalm help you consider the overwhelming power and majesty of God?

How does this passage paint humans as part of God’s creation? How are we living into that description? How are we not?

PRAYERReflect on the power of God and the gifts he has given us both part of his creation and care takers of it. How does this inspire you to praise and thank God today?

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4Read: Psalm 139

REFLECTION QUESTIONSGod knows us to our very core and beyond. Are there any unconfessed sins in your life you need to confess today? If so, confess and ask for forgiveness below.

What is comforting about knowing that God knows every intimate detail about us? What isn’t comforting about knowing that?

Read verses 11–12 again. God is always near no matter how dark your life may feel. When have you felt God near when it seemed darkness was all around?

PRAYERHoly Spirit, search my heart and reveal to me any unconfessed sin you find in me. Forgive me of desire to stray away from you and your plan for me. Lead me into your plan for my life. May I feel and know your presence when all things seem dark and lost.

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5Read: Ephesians 5.1–20

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat do you think Paul means when he says in verse 2 we should “walk in the way of love”?

Read verses 8–10 again. How does your story reflect being dark and then becoming light?

How do you need the Holy Spirit to fill you today so that you can bring Christ’s light into a dark world?

PRAYERUse Ephesians 5 to worship the power of redemption and restoration of God in your prayer today.

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6Read: Colossians 3.1–17

REFLECTION QUESTIONSRead verse 5 again. What are you still trying to put to death in your life that is not honoring to Christ?

In verse 12 we’re called God’s holy and chosen people. How are you practicing being one of the holy and chosen people of God?

When are you tempted to live like the old self and how can you ask the Holy Spirit to help you resist the temptation?

PRAYERLord, guard me from the temptations of the world and renew my heart and spirit.

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7Read: Psalm 68.4–20

REFLECTION QUESTIONSRead verse 4 again. What song connects you to worshipping God on a deeper level? Which lyrics move you the most in that song?

Read verses 5–6 again. How would you rewrite these verses using your own words?

Read verse 19–20 again. How does a relationship with a God who brings salvation and escape from death inspire you to worship Him?

PRAYERUse the worship lyrics and your answer to the 3rd question to form your prayer today. Read verses 19 and 20 as prayer and to God.

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8Read: Philippians 4.4–9

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat is something that’s going on in your life right now that makes it hard for you to rejoice in the Lord? How could you still rejoice in spite of your situation?

Read verse 6 again. When is it easy to pray? When is it hard to pray?

What’s something that you’ve learned from God’s word that you have put into practice within your life?

PRAYERGod, help me to rejoice in you when I find it hard to rejoice. May my first inclination in life be to praise and honor you with my prayer. Develop within me the mindset to focus on things that bring you praise.

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9Scripture passages referenced:

Teaching Notes:

Write out your prayer based on todays teaching:

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10Read: 2 Corinthians 1.3–7

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat comfort have you received from the God during hard times?

What comfort can you share with others that God has given to you?

PRAYERPray for someone in your life who is in need of comfort. Ask God how you can bring them comfort today.

HELPFUL TIPWant a cool app for reading your Bible on your phone, tablet or computer? Check out Just don’t get distracted! Plus once you get done with this booklet, you can find all kinds of reading plans that help you stay in the Word.

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11Read: Philippians 1.21 and Philippians 3.7–9

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow does your relationship to Christ reflect Philippians 1.21?

How does a consumerist mentality affect your relationship with Christ?

PRAYERGod, may I hold loosely on to the things of this world and hold tightly onto you and your kingdom. Help me to see the things of this world as temporary and the things that bring you honor as permanent.

CHECK INCheck in with your reading partner today. Encourage them with something you’ve read. Feel free to pray together as well. Find out how this time in the Word and in prayer has been for them and share your experiences.

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12Read: Hebrews 4.12–16

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow has the Bible made an impact within your own life?

What’s comforting about knowing that Jesus had been tempted in every way just as we are, yet he did not sin?

Based on verse 16,what attitude should our prayers take? Why should we pray in that way?

PRAYERUse todays reading to remind you of some of the attributes of God and pray those words back to Him.

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13Read: John 17.21–23

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow are you encouraged by the words Jesus prayed for all who would believe in Him?

Who in your life is in need of prayer? What are their needs?

How have you seen the power of prayer in your own life?

PRAYERSpend time praying for the needs of others today and praising God for the opportunity to pray and the power it holds.

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14Read: Psalm 100

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat moves you to worship God?

How often do you worship God through your personal prayers?

What rhythms do you need to set in place to worship God through praising and thanking him in prayer?

PRAYERChoose a song to worship God with today and sing it to Him. Then read Psalm 100 as your prayer of adoration of who God is and His works in your life.

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15Read: John 14.23–31

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow do Jesus’ words comfort you?

What does the word “advocate” mean to you? How is the Holy Spirit our advocate?

How have you experienced peace through Jesus? How would you like to experience peace through Jesus?

PRAYERPray verse 27 to God by reading it like this:

O Jesus, peace you leave with me; Your peace You give to me. You do not give to me as the world gives. I will not let my heart be troubled nor let it be fearful.

HELPFUL TIPHave you skipped any days? If you have, you’re not alone! Don’t try to catch up or decide to quit—just read the passage for the day you’re on.

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16Scripture passages referenced:

Teaching Notes:

Write out your prayer based on todays teaching:

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17Read: Ephesians 1.15–23

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow does this passage reflect the power of God?

Who in your life are you thankful for today? How can you praise God for them?

What does this passage say about the power that is within those who believe in Jesus?

PRAYERGod, your power is immeasurable. Your glory is unfathomable. You’ve placed people in my life who love me, care for me, and bless me. Thank you for your abounding love and mercy. May I use the power of Christ to bless others so that they may be a blessing in turn.

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18Read: James 4.1–12

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat does it look like to submit yourself to God?

Are there things in your life that still make you a friend to the world? What are they and how can you release them?

What do you need to confess to God today?

PRAYERConfess to God your shortcomings and sin today. Ask God to forgive you. Ask God to overcome your desire for the world and replace it with a desire for Him.

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REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhen do you desire God the most? What causes that desire?

How does this Psalm reflect your personal spiritual life?

How do you show God you thirst after Him and His word?

PRAYERRead verses 1 and 2 again. Use those words to start your prayer and continue to ask God to help you develop a deeper thirst for Him.

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20Read: 1 Chronicles 16.1–22

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow can your prayers reflect the instructions David gave to Asaph?

How have you seen God keep his promises?

How have you seen your life as a testament of God’s favor and promises?

PRAYERUse the scripture for today to as a framework for your prayer. Praise God, sing to Him, and remember how He has proven to be faithful in your life.

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21Read: 1 Chronicles 16. 23–36

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhen was the last time you shared what God has done in your life with someone who doesn’t believe in Him?

What does it look like to fear God?

How has God delivered you?

PRAYERPray 1 Chronicles 16.8–36 as your prayer today.

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SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22Read: 3 John 11

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat parts of your character do you need God to develop?

How can you resist the temptations of this world?

What spiritual disciplines in your life are in need of growth?

PRAYERAsk God to help you grow in your character, personal discipline and physical health and strength. Ask that He empower you for spiritual warfare against the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil. Offer prayers regarding your activities for this day and any special concerns you may have.

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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23Scripture passages referenced:

Teaching Notes:

Write out your prayer based on todays teaching:

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MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24Read: James 1.19–27

REFLECTION QUESTIONSRead verses 19 and 20 again. Where in your life do you need help with your unrighteous anger?

How are you guilty of hearing the word and not doing it?

Read verse 27 again. How is this a call to justice?

PRAYERUse today’s reading to shape your prayer to God today.

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TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25Read: Matthew 5.13–16

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow have you been a light in the world for Jesus?

How does the reading today challenge you to grow spiritually?

When in your life have you seen Christ be a light during a dark time?

PRAYERJesus, you called me to be salt and light to this world. May I reflect your light into a dark world and proclaim your name boldly.

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WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 26Read: 1 Corinthians 4. 1–2

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow do you see yourself as a servant of Jesus?

What kinds of resources has the Lord trusted you with?

How are you being faithful with those resources?

PRAYERLord God, you have blessed me with much in my life. Help me to entrust the things you have given to me, back to You, so that You may be glorified over me.

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27Read: Psalm 105.1–7

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat does today’s reading do for your faith?

How will you praise God today?

PRAYERUse Psalm 105.1–7 as your prayer today.

CHECK INCheck in with your reading partner today. You’re almost done! Share with your reading partner some of your favorite passages from the challenge. What was unexpected?

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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28Read: Isaiah 44.22

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat sins in your life are you thankful that God has forgiven?

How do you need to return to God today?

What sins do you still need to acknowledge and confess to Him today?

PRAYERYou have blotted out my sins like a thick cloud, and my sins like the morning mist. I will return to You, for You have redeemed me.

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SATURDAY, MARCH 1Read: 1 Thessalonians 3.6–13

REFLECTION QUESTIONSHow has your faith encouraged someone else in their faith? If you have never experienced that, how can you encourage someone today with your faith?

How does your love need to be “increased and overflowed” for believers and unbelievers?

How do you need Christ to strengthen your heart today?

PRAYERSpend time forming a prayer based on today’s reading and praying God’s word back to Him.

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SUNDAY, MARCH 2Scripture passages referenced:

Teaching Notes:

Write out your prayer based on todays teaching:

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MONDAY, MARCH 3Read: Colossians 1. 15–23

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat do you think of when you consider Christ as the image of God and we too are created in the image of God?

What does it mean to you to be reconciled to God through Christ?

PRAYEROnce I was alienated from You, O God, and was an enemy in my mind because of my evil works. But now You have reconciled me, by Christ’s fleshly body through death, to present me holy and blameless in Your sight and free from reproach.

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TUESDAY, MARCH 4Read: 1 Peter 5.8–11

REFLECTION QUESTIONSWhat helps you fight off and resist temptation?

How do you feel God has “called you to his eternal glory in Christ”?

How do you need to be “restored, made strong, and steadfast”?

PRAYERIn Your great grace, O God, You have called me to Your eternal glory in Christ. After I have suffered a little while, You will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish me. To You be the glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

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