
Warehouse Building Demolition

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The City of Duluth will receive sealed bids for the asbestos abatement and demolition of the front portion of the warehouse building that is currently un-occupied, the building is located at 3530 West Lawrenceville Street. Bids will be due at the Duluth City Hall located at 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096 until 3:00 p.m. local time on September 11, 2014. Any bid received after said time and date will not be accepted by the City. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud at 3:00 p.m. on September 11, 2014. The Information for Bidders, Form of Contract, Asbestos Survey Report and other contract documents may be obtained at the following location Duluth City Hall Planning Department.

City of Duluth Attention: Melissa Muscato

3167 Main Street Duluth, Georgia 30096

Telephone: 770-476-1790 Email: [email protected]

The work to be completed consists of furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment for the asbestos abatement and demolition of the commercial building/warehouse at 3530 West Lawrenceville Street, Duluth Georgia 30096. This project will require strict compliance with the requirements of the State of Georgia for Asbestos Abatement and Demolition, all appropriate paperwork and fees will be paid by the contractor. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in an amount not less than five (5%) per cent of the bid payable to the Owner. The successful bidder will be required to furnish the Owner acceptable PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS. Each proposal shall be submitted and completed in all particulars and must be enclosed in a sealed envelope as described in the “Submission of Proposal” section contained in the General Provisions of this document. A MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE AND WALK-THROUGH TO BE HELD ON AUGUST 27, 2014 AT 10:00 A.M. AT THE PARKING LOT AT THE CORNER OF SR 120 AND MAIN STREET (IN FRONT OF THE 3067 MAIN STREET BUILDING) NO CONTRACT WILL BE AWARDED WITHOUT AN ACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE BOND, IN THE AMOUNT OF 110% OF THE TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT Proposals will be publically opened and read aloud on September 11, 2014 at 3:00 p.m. in the Executive Conference Room on the second floor of Duluth City Hall, and will be announced then and there to all persons present. The City Council reserves the right to waive any irregularities in any proposal, and to take proposals

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under advisement for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days from and after the date proposals are opened and announced. The following conditions and terms apply:

1) The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

2) Attached are detailed specifications and conditions for bid submission.

3) You must execute your contract within ten (10) days. If the contract is not executed within ten (10) days, the City reserves the unilateral right to cancel it.

4) If any provisions of the contract are violated, the City, after suitable notice, may cancel

the contract and make arrangements to have the products and or services supplied by others. Any extra cost to the City will be paid by the vendor.

5) All proposals must be in a lump sum amount. Any attempt to qualify prices with an

‘escalation clause’ or any other method of making a price variable, is unacceptable. Please give unit price as specified. Proposal shall be valid for ninety (90) calendar days from receipt of bid.

6) The City reserves the right to add or subtract quantities based on the unit prices/unit lump

sums so indicated as its budgetary needs may require.

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TO: The City of Duluth

3167 Main Street

Duluth, Georgia 30096

In compliance with your Notice To Bidders, the undersigned, hereinafter termed the Bidder, proposes to enter into a Contract with the City of Duluth to provide the necessary machinery, tools, apparatus, and other means of construction, and all materials and labor specified in the Contract, necessary to complete the work in the manner therein specified within the time specified, as therein set forth, for: City of Duluth, Georgia – Demolition of Warehouse at 3530 West Lawrenceville Street

The Bidder has carefully examined the site and fully understands what the City is requesting for this project. The Base Bid will include the following;

1. Asbestos abatement for the warehouse building to be demolished (see attached Asbestos Survey report)

2. Attached building to remain (shown on sketch within RFP) 3. Demolition and haul off of all materials removed 4. Careful removal of rooftop AC unit for Public Works to reuse 5. Stabilization of the walls to remain (shown on sketch within RFP) 6. Remove all concrete slabs within building 7. Maintain positive drainage of finished surfaces – design plan is forthcoming 8. Ensure all utilities are disconnected 9. Provide handrails on all walls over 30 inches to remain

Base Bid (Warehouse Building 3530 West Lawrenceville Street) (Lump Sum) ________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Dollars ($________________________) Alternates will include reuse of the materials by the City. The price should include careful removal of items so that they can be reused, the items will be removed from the site by Duluth’s Public Works. Alternate #1 – Salvage some of the original wood flooring, locations to be discussed at Pre-bid Meeting walkthrough (Lump Sum) ________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Dollars ($________________________)

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Alternate #2 – Salvage freezer doors in the basement with hardware and door frames (Lump Sum) ________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Dollars ($________________________) Alternate #3 – Salvage original posts and ceiling beams from basement (Lump Sum) ________________________________________________ _____________________________________ Dollars ($________________________)

The bidder has carefully examined the site and building to be removed, and has received a copy of the Asbestos Survey Report prepared by Terracon, dated May 4, 2012 and has satisfied himself as to the actual conditions and requirements of the Work, and hereby proposes and agrees that if his proposal is accepted, he will contract with the City of Duluth in full conformance with the City’s intentions. The undersigned understands that the City of Duluth reserves the right to accept or reject any or all quotes submitted and to re-advertise at its discretion. PROPOSAL INCLUSIONS: The Request for Proposal documents shall be returned in their entirety, with all applicable portions fully completed by the Contractor. Specifically, each Offeror’s proposal shall include the following proposal (FORMS) requirements:

• Contractor Identification Form

• Subcontractor Form

• References Form

• Exception Form

• Declaration For the Bidder Form

• Bid bond (5%)

• Non-Collusion Declaration Form

• Pricing and Schedule of work completion

• Certificate(s) of Insurance or Letter of Compliance (to be provided by Contractor’s Insurance Carrier)

• Civil Litigation History AWARD/SELECTION CRITERIA: The City anticipates selecting a Contractor for award of contract based on evaluation of the information conveyed within submitted proposals. Interviews may also be scheduled to assist in the selection process.

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Selection criteria will include review of:

• Proposed Pricing Schedule as well as completion date

• Representation from references

• Information conveyed within the Contractor’s submitted Statement of Qualifications

• Responsiveness to all requirements of this RFP

• Exceptions taken to content of City’s Sample Agreement In accordance with the foregoing, the undersigned proposed to furnish and construct the items listed in the attached Construction Bid Schedules for the unit prices stated. The Bidder agrees that the cost of any work performed, materials furnished, services provided or expenses incurred, which are not specifically delineated in the Contract Documents, but which are incidental to the scope, intent, and completion of the Contract, shall be deemed to have been included in the prices bid for the various items scheduled. The Bidder further proposes and agrees hereby to promptly commence the Work with adequate force and equipment within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of Notice to Proceed (NTP), and to complete the Work within forty- five (45) calendar days. _________________________________ __________________________ COMPANY DATE _________________________________ ___________________________ SIGNATURE TITLE

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Warehouse Demolition Sketch

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1. PROPOSAL: a. Have you submitted all items of the proposal? b. Is proposal properly signed and dated?

2. CONTRACT COMPLIANCE: a. Have you completed the non-collusion affidavit? b. Is the non-collusion affidavit properly signed by a Company Officer? c. Have you examined and understand the requirements

and forms to be furnished on the project?


Have you submitted all of the forms, pricing and company information as requested?


Did you submit your references (must be municipal references only)

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ASBESTOS ABATEMENT STATEMENT OF WORK PERFORMANCE COMPANY:_____________________________________________ 1. Has the company incurred any citations due to asbestos abatement activities?

No Yes (if yes, explain)

2. Has the company incurred any penalties due to asbestos abatement activities? No Yes (if yes, explain) 3. Has the Company experienced any terminated contracts due to asbestos abatement activities? No Yes (if yes, explain)

4. Has the company incurred any legal proceedings due to asbestos abatement activities? No Yes (if yes, explain)

5. Has the company incurred any liquidated damages due to asbestos abatement activities?

No Yes (if yes, explain)

6. List references related to the three most recent asbestos abatement projects that the company has performed. Company Contact Person Telephone Number Company Contact Person Telephone Number Company Contact Person Telephone Number I hereby declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and executed on the following date_____________________. Signature:

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DEMOLITION WORK STATEMENT OF WORK COMPANY:_____________________________________________ 1. Has the company incurred any citations due to demolition activities? No

Yes (if yes, explain)

2. Has the company incurred any penalties due to demolition activities? No Yes (if yes, explain) 3. Has the company experienced any terminated contracts due to demolition activities? No Yes (if yes, explain) 4. Has the company incurred any legal proceedings due to demolition activities?

No Yes (if yes, explain)

5. Has the company incurred any liquidated damages due to demolition activities?

No Yes (if yes explain)

6. List references related to the three most recent demolition projects that the company has performed. Company Contact Person Telephone Number Company Contact Person Telephone Number Company Contact Person Telephone Number I hereby declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and executed on the following date___________________. Signature:

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GENERAL PROVISIONS The City of Duluth, Georgia hereby extends an invitation to submit a proposal in accordance with this document, to provide labor and or and materials for the designated purchase. Furthermore the

City makes no representation that any agreement will be awarded to any firm responding to this

request. There are no expressed or implied obligations for the City to reimburse responding firms for any expense incurred in preparing a proposal in response to this request. All information submitted to the City of Duluth shall become property of the City. Section 1. PRICES

The proposal shall state the total cost for the product and/or service as specified in this document. Section 2. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSAL Proposals shall be submitted on the FORMS provided by the City and shall be enclosed in a sealed envelope, marked and addressed as directed. If the proposal is made by an individual, it shall be signed and his full name and address shall be given; if it is made by a firm, it shall be signed with the co-partnership name by a member of the firm who shall also sign his/her own name and the name and address of each member shall be given; if it is made by a corporation, the name of the corporation shall be signed by its duly authorized officer or officers, attested by the corporate seal, and the names and titles of all officers of the corporation shall be given. No telegraphic proposal or telegraphic modification of the proposal will be considered. Include all e-verify forms. Blank spaces in the proposal shall be properly filled. The phraseology of the proposal must not be changed and no additions shall be made to the items mentioned therein. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal may cause its rejection. Alterations by erasure or interlineation must be explained or noted in the proposal over the signature of the bidder. Alternative proposals will not be considered unless specifically provided for in this document. A bidder may withdraw their proposal before the hour fixed for opening bids without prejudice to themselves by submitting a written request to the Development Manager for its withdrawal and the proposal will be returned to him/her unopened when reached in the procedure of opening bids. No proposals may be withdrawn after the hour fixed for opening bids. No proposal received after the time named or at any place other than the place stated in the Invitation to Submit Proposals will be considered. All proposals will be opened and declared publicly. The proposal should be identified as follows: Sealed and addressed to the Office of the City Clerk, City of Duluth, 3167 Main Street, Duluth, Georgia 30096.

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The envelope shall be plainly marked in the upper left-hand corner, with the name and address of the bidder and bear the words:

"Proposal for Asbestos Abatement and Demolition for the warehouse building at 3530

West Lawrenceville Street" followed by the name of the contractor and the date and

hour of bid opening. Bidders, their representatives, and others interested are invited to be present at the opening. The City reserves the right to waive any informalities in any bid, to reject any or all proposals, to reject one part of a proposal and accept the other, except to the extent that bids are qualified by specific limitations, and to make awards to the lowest responsible bidder as the interest of the City may require. Each firm is responsible for the timely delivery of any response. Additionally, the City will not be responsible for the delivery of any bid to the wrong address or City department. Each firm assumes all risks and/or consequences of an incorrect delivery or an untimely bid of a proposal. Section 3. PAYMENT TERMS Standard payment shall be made by the City on a monthly basis. A 10% retainage will be held throughout and paid within thirty (30) days of the Project Closeout. Section 4. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION

Firms shall include all information and documents to describe the vendor’s experience. Section 5. LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER In selecting the lowest responsible bidder, consideration will be given not only to the financial standing but also to the general competence of the bidder for the performance of the work covered by the proposal. To receive favorable consideration a bidder must present evidence that he/she has successfully performed similar work of comparable magnitude or submit other evidence satisfactory to the City that he/she or their associates are personally competent to manage the proposed undertaking and to carry it forward to a successful conclusion. Professional integrity and honesty of purpose shall be essential requirements. The Contractor must be listed on the current Georgia Licensed Asbestos Abatement Contractors List. Vendors should provide a minimum of five (5) verifiable years of experience. Firm must have bid bond issued by a Surety listed on the Treasury as licensed in the State of Georgia, or a cashier’s check in the amount of the five percent (5%) of your total proposal to be enclosed with your proposal at the time of proposal opening to be made payable to OWNER. No other form of security will be accepted. Section 6. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Firm must have a current Contractor’s Public Liability Insurance policy, and must be insurable in the

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following amounts: Bodily injury, including death limits of $1,000,000 for each accident. Section 7. INDEMNIFICATION Vendor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, employees and volunteers from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses including attorney fees arising out of the performance of the work described herein, caused in whole or part by any negligent act or omission of the vendor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts may be liable, except where caused by the active, sole negligence, or willful misconduct of the City. If any action or proceeding is brought against Indemnities by reason of any act of the matters against which consultant has agreed to indemnify Indemnities as provided above, vendor, upon notice from City, shall defend Indemnities at vendor’s expense by counsel acceptable to City, such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld. Section 8. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT

A bidder to whom award is made shall furnish all goods and or services all in accordance with the provisions here. If a bidder to whom an award is made fails or refuses to enter into the contract as herein provided or to conform to any of the stipulated requirements in connection therewith, an award may be made to the bidder whose proposal is next most acceptable to the City. Such bidder shall fulfill every stipulation embraced herein as if he/she were the party to whom the first award was made. A corporation to which an award is made will be required, before the contract is finally executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, of its rights to do business in Georgia. Section 9. RIGHT OF CITY TO WITHHOLD PAYMENT

The City may withhold or nullify the whole or any part of any payment due the vendor to such extent as may reasonably be necessary to protect the City from loss as a result of: A. Defective materials not remedied in accordance with provisions of specifications; B. Claims or liens filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims or

liens; Whenever the City shall, in accordance herewith, withhold any monies otherwise due the vendor, written notice of the amount withheld and the reasons therefore shall be given the vendor, and, when the vendor shall remove the grounds for such withholding, the City will pay to the vendor, within thirty (30) calendar days, the amount so withheld.

Section 10. CHOICE OF LAW/VENUE This agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed according to the laws of the State of Georgia. Section 11. FAITHFUL PERFORMANCE BOND REQUIREMENT

The Contractor agrees to at all times during the performance of the agreement obtain, keep, and maintain a faithful performance bond in the amount of the contract sum. Said bonds shall be in the

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form approved by the City Attorney and surety on all bonds furnished must be satisfactory to the City. BOND MUST BE PROVIDED

Section 12. SUBCONTRACTS The City shall have the authority to approve changes of, or additions of, subcontractors. Such permission shall be requested in writing and must be approved in writing. Nothing contained in the contract documents shall be held to create a direct contractual relationship between any subcontractor and the City. No subcontractor will be recognized as such; all persons engaged in the work of construction will be considered as employees of the Contractor, and the Contractor will be held responsible for their work which shall be subject to all the provisions of the Contract Documents. Section 13. CHANGE ORDERS All administrative aspects involving change order requests shall be authorized by the staff of the Planning and Development Department. Change orders must be submitted in writing to the Project Manager. Section 14. WORK DONE BY OTHERS The City reserves the right to do other work and to let other contracts for work contiguous to the work set forth at the pre-bid meeting. In the event that work is done by the City or by other contractors contiguous to the work covered by this contract, the respective rights of the various interest involved shall be established by the Engineer. The Contractor shall afford the City and other contractors reasonable opportunity for the introduction and storage of their materials and for their work, and for the execution of their work, and shall properly conduct and coordinate work with all other parties. If any part of the work under this contract depends for proper execution or result upon any other contiguous work, the Contractor shall inspect such work and promptly report to the Engineer any condition which may adversely affect the work under this contract. The Contractor’s failure to inspect and report same shall constitute an acceptance of said other contiguous work as fit and proper for the reception of the work under this contract, except as to deficiencies which may develop in said other work after the execution of the work covered under this contract. Section 15. PERMITS AND INSPECTION COSTS

Wherever the property of the Federal Government, the State of Georgia, the County of Gwinnett, the City of Duluth, any local utilities, or of any other agency affected by the work included in this contract, the Contractor shall bear the cost of all permits and inspection lawfully exacted by said Government, State, County, City, District, Department, or other agency during the time of performing

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the work affecting said property; also, the Contractor shall bear all cost of traffic regulation and traffic control devices lawfully exacted by said State, County, City, or other agency during the time of performing the work affecting said property. Where required under the terms of the permits, the Contractor shall obtain liability insurance acceptable to and in an amount required by the public agency having jurisdiction. The policy shall insure said agency against all claims arising out of or in connection with the work to be performed and shall remain in full force and effect until the work is accepted by the City. The Contractor shall furnish to each such agency a certificate of protective liability insurance showing the protection afforded and the amount thereof. Neither the terms hereof nor anything shown on the drawings in connection with rights-of- way provided by the City shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to conduct operations in said rights-of-way in violation of existing regulations restricting interference with watercourses and drainage channels. The Contractor shall take adequate precautions against obstructing storm water flow in any affected watercourse or channel, and shall not deposit excavated materials in any area where they might interfere with or be subject to erosion from such flow. Section 16. SCOPE OF WORK The work to be performed under this contract shall consist of furnishing all material, tools, equipment, supplies, and manufactured articles and for furnishing all transportation and services, including fuel, power, water, and essential communications, and for the performance of all labor, work, or other operations required for the fulfillment of the contract in strict accordance with the specifications, schedules, and other Contract Documents as herein before defined, all of which are made a part hereof, and including such details as specified in the work plans attached herein. The work shall be complete, and all work, materials, and services not expressly called for in the work plans/specifications which may be necessary for the complete and proper abatement and demolition of the work in good faith shall be performed, furnished, and installed by the Contractor as though originally so specified or shown, at no increase in cost to the City.

Attention is particularly called to the following: 1. Coordinate with adjacent properties 2. Construction Staging and Access Requirements. 3. NPDES Monitoring Requirements. 4. Utility conduits and relocation. 5. Coordination with other contractors working for the City. 6. Completing the GA Notification Form to Georgia EPD 7. Details of the Asbestos Survey Report


A bidder to whom award is made shall execute a written contract with the City and furnish good and approved bonds, if required in the Special Provisions all in accordance with the provisions hereof and within the time stated in the proposal. If a bidder to whom an award is made fails or refuses to enter into the contract as herein provided or to conform to any of the stipulated requirements in connection therewith, the bid bond, check or cash guaranty shall become the property of the City, the award will

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be annulled and, in the discretion of the City, an award may be made to the bidder whose proposal is next most acceptable to the City. Such bidder shall fulfill every stipulation embraced herein as if he/she were the party to whom the first award was made. A corporation to which an award is made will be required, before the contract is finally executed, to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, of its rights to do business in Georgia and of the authority of the officer signing the contract and bonds for the corporation to so sign. Section 18. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT The City reserves the right, at its own option and without grounds or reason therefore, to terminate the agreement entered into pursuant to this bidding procedure at any time, provided the City gives written notice thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of any termination. In the event such notice is given, the City shall incur no further obligation or liability for services rendered after such notice has been given. Section 19. TRAFFIC AND ACCESS The Contractor shall personally inspect the site to familiarize themselves with the parking and traffic control problems and other special conditions relating to this project, prior to submitting his bid. The Contractor shall at all times conduct their work so as to insure the least possible obstruction to the traffic along SR 120 (Abbotts Bridge Road). If a single lane closure is required, traffic control must adhere to the requirements of the Georgia Department of Transportation. The Contractor will be required to maintain the pavement within construction areas. Any pavement damaged by the Contractor or subcontractors and all pavement constructed by the Contractor which becomes damaged shall be repaired or replaced, as directed by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the City. Section 20. GUARANTEE All work shall be guaranteed one (1) year for defective materials and workmanship, commencing at final acceptance. Work found to be defective or not in accordance with the contract documents shall be corrected by the Contractor promptly after receipt of a written notice from the City. If the Contractor fails to make such repairs or replacements promptly, the City reserves the right to do the work and the Contractor and surety Company shall be liable to the City for the cost of thereof. Section 21. CLEAN WATER ACT COMPLIANCE The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all regulations of the Clean Water Act including those associated with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit. The Contractor shall comply with the regulations set forth in the Duluth Municipal code, and any other state and federal programs targeted at preventing and eliminating storm water and urban runoff pollution and shall abide to those regulations throughout all phases of the project.

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Section 22. REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT The City shall retain 10% of the Contract Sum until final completion of the project as retainage.

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2. Contractor’s Street Address

3. Contractor’s Mailing Address

4. Contractor’s Business Phone

5. Contractor’s Fax Number

6. Contractor’s E-mail Address

7. Type of Contractor

□ Sole Proprietor □ Partnership □ Corporation □ Other If corporation, please indicate State where incorporated

8. Business License number issued by the City where the Contractor’s principal place of business is located. 9. Contractor Federal Tax Identification Number

10. Contractor’s Project Manager

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SUBCONTRACTORS FORM List all subcontractors who may perform any services BUSINESS PORTION


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EXCEPTION FORM Should your firm take exception to ANY of the terms and conditions or other contents provided in this Request for Proposal, list the exceptions below. THIS COMPLETED FORM MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR PROPOSAL. If no exception(s) are taken, enter none on item 1. 1. Page Number: Section Title:

Paragraph Number: Exception Taken:

2. Page Number: Section Title:

Paragraph Number: Exception Taken:

3. Page Number: Section Title:

Paragraph Number: Exception Taken:

4. Page Number: Section Title:

Paragraph Number: Exception Taken:

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DECLARATION FOR THE BIDDER FORM I declare that I am an authorized agent or officer of the organization submitting this proposal and in such capacity I am empowered to submit this proposal on behalf of (organization): . I also verify that all information submitted and contained herein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. BY: Signature:

Printed Name:


Date of Execution:

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NON-COLLUSION DECLARATION FORM The undersigned hereby declares and says: That he has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free competitive bidding connection with the contract described below. (Full description of contract):

I declare under penalty that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Executed at , Georgia on


Signature of Bidder

Warehouse Building Demolition


Asbestos Survey Report

Downtown Duluth

‘Old City Hall Block’ – Buildings for Renovation

Dated May 2, 2012

Terracon Project No. 49127125
