Page 1: WARNING: Secret Women’s Business Coming Up… … so make sure there are NO MEN in the room before proceeding through this manual on 15 secret steps to become

WARNING: Secret Women’s Business Coming Up…

… so make sure there are NO MEN in

the room before proceeding through this manual on 15 secret steps to become a fully-

fledged, you beaut’

SUPER MUMMY!(Click for next page)

Page 2: WARNING: Secret Women’s Business Coming Up… … so make sure there are NO MEN in the room before proceeding through this manual on 15 secret steps to become

1. Don’t Bother Dressing The Kids In The Morning

Leave them in their pyjamas all day, then in the late afternoon, simply spray

their hair with water, so it looks

like they’re bathed and

ready for bed when your

partner gets home.

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2. On The Topic Of Dressing…

Unless you really have to go out, don’t bother dressing

yourself either – stay in your pj’s all day too.

It’s not like you’ll get a shower anyway, so when your partner comes home, either slip into something fresh for the night or tell him that you have been soooo busy and stressed that

you didn’t even get the chance to dress yourself…

…AND can he please look after the kids while you go and

have a nice, warm, candlelit bubble bath (with champagne

and strawberries as an optional extra).

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3. Always Leave The Vacuum Cleaner At The Front Door

If anyone stops in unexpectedly and

the house is an absolute tip, you can always imply that you were just

about to start housecleaning - and you’re more

than happy to have such a wonderful

interruption to housework!

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4. If Your Toddler Wants to Eat Snacks All Day…

… just let them. It saves having to go through meal time tantrums, messes and dishwashing,

which is great for the environment. Think

green in 2007!

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5. Time For Some Well-Earned Sympathy?

“The baby woke up 4 times last night. Didn’t you hear her? You sure

can sleep through anything!”

No matter if it’s been said in truth or if she’s been sleeping through for around 4 months already, this is a sure

way to get lots of sympathy and sucking up from your partner.

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6. Stock Up On Packet Mixes

Stock up on packets of cake, biscuit and muffin mix, then hide them in your pantry. Bake these when you

have people coming around.

For the more gourmet. homemade look, press them with a fork while cooking. You could even whip up

some fresh cream and strawberries to go with it – what an effort it will

seem to your unsuspecting visitors!

They will think you are a complete domestic goddess, for doing

something that took much less time than dragging the kids out to Bakers

Delight, kicking and screaming.

For double the effect, double your baking efforts and leave one lot for

your partner – when he comes home to what you have made just for him, you could get lucky – he might offer

to wash up!

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7. Mummies Don’t Get Sick Days…

… so don’t forget to pretend to be extra sick every now and again. You’ll get

extra help with the kids as well as some well-deserved sympathy.

As an added bonus, there will be little or no expectation of getting any

housework done that day.

Better still, chuck a sickie and tell your partner that you are so sick, he will

need to stay home for the day. Proceed towards a box of tissues, sniffle, blow,

then and go back to bed. Insist you wont be able to sleep through the

noise, so can your partner please take the kids out for the morning, or ideally,

the day.

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8. Forget The Ironing

Ironing is impossible with children. If your

partner complains, tell him/her to think of the

numerous safety hazards for poor and

unsuspecting children. It’s far too dangerous

with the cords, hot iron, wobbly ironing board – the list goes on. I have not ironed

for 2 years out of concern for our

children’s safety.

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9. Hire a Cleaner…

… but don’t tell anyone, even your partner. Have a regular clean every week or two and

transform your home from a pit to a palace in no time. Don’t forget to go out with the kids afterwards so it will be tidy when your partner comes


There’s nothing better than letting someone else clean your

house while you sit back and take the credit for it – and help

the national unemployment crisis at the same time.

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10. On The Point Of Cleaners…

If you will be at home while the cleaner works, make sure they look something

like this.

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11. An Essential Oil Burner Is Essential

Make sure it’s going before your partner arrives home or before any guests pop


It covers up the smell of pooey nappies, baby vomit,

the toilet you haven’t cleaned in weeks, the

shower you haven’t had in weeks or for the dishes you

have only just put away after a few days in the sink.

It also makes up for the lack of any home cooking smells if you haven’t been bothered to make dinner!

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12. Need A Break From A Tantruming Toddler? Or

Partner?When your partner is at home,

tell him that your newborn needs a feed.

This way you can have a quiet lie-down for at least 30 minutes and

read your favourite book!

My newborn was always a very quick feeder (about every 4 hours

or so) but my husband, to this day, thinks it took at least 40

minutes every 2 hours to feed our baby. Silence is heavenly.

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13. If Your Child Is Learning To Read…

Hint: get the child to read stories to the younger ones. That way you are having

storytime and reading practice at the same time. Plus, you don’t

have to bother remembering which character goes with which voice, which saves on toddler

tantrums when you do get them wrong.

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14. Need To Go Out..?

Don’t fret – it needn’t be a

drama. Even if you haven’t managed

to shower for three days and smell like baby vomit, quickly

throw on some funky jewellery,

lipstick and perfume. Everyone will envy you and think you are a

totally in control and together type

of mummy.

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15. Lastly Mummies, Make Sure You Keep Your New Skills Up To


Visit for loads more fun and

ideas for mummies and mummies-to-be!

But shhhhh! Don’t tell him you heard it from

us – For Conception, Pregnancy, Birth & Baby