  • Ways to Make Your Home Less Attractive for Break-Ins

  • Home break-ins happen all over the world, and it has happened more often in some parts of California. There are ways to make your home less of a target and harder for intruders to break into. The San Jose Police Department has some great tips, and I have listed a few below.

  • 1. Set indoor lamps on timers. This is so when you are away, it still appears as if somebody is home.

    2. Have motion detectors on your outside lights.

    3. Trim all shrubs and trees away from your home. These can give potential intruders cover to hide behind.

    4. Lock your windows and doors! This seems simple, but a lot of people fail to check locks before they leave for the day, or go to bed.

  • 5. Install deadbolts on all exterior doors. Handle locks alone are easily broken into.

    6. If you dont have timers for your lamps, leave lights on in your home while you are away.

    7. Set your alarm. A lot of people who have alarm systems dont even set them because it is a hassle. It will not work if it is not armed!

    8. Get a security system. There are a lot of companies that offer free installation with a contract, or a special rate if you pay for installation.

  • 9. Set your alarm. A lot of people who have alarm systems dont even set them because it is a hassle. It will not work if it is not armed!

    10. Alarm company decals and signs outside of your home can deter intruders.

    11. If you are going out of town, stop mail and newspaper services so it doesnt pile up.

    12. Sliding glass doors are easily broken into. Use extra locks and precautions such as a lock bar to prevent intrusion.

  • 13. Store bikes, grills, and lawnmowers out of sight if you dont have a shed.

    14. If you do have a shed, make sure it is locked.

    15. Put curtains up on basement and garage windows.

    16. When you purchase or move into a new home, change all of the exterior locks.

    17. A lot of newer windows have security tabs or pins that you can pull out to keep your window from opening more than a few inches.

  • Ways to Make Your Home Less Attractive for Break-InsSlide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6Slide 7
