Download ppt - Web 2 and RSS


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Web 2 ToolsWeb 2 Tools

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Web 2 ToolsWeb 2 Tools

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Web 2 ToolsWeb 2 Tools

Tools that are based on sharing and centrality of information are creating new strategies for teaching and learning

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Web 1Web 1

First generation of the Web. Building and commercialising the WebAccessible (Internet Service Providers)Protocols such as HTTP, HTML and SMTPFirst Web browsers and creation of websitesWeb business models (e commerce)Growth of key portals on the Web.

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Web 1 FeaturesWeb 1 Features

•Web to circa 2004

•Dial-up access, 50K bandwidth

•Static pages


•<blink> and <marquee> tags

•HTML forms sent via Email

•Text Chat, Online Guestbooks

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Web 2Web 2

The second generation of the web

Social networking sites, Wikis, Blogs,

Real Time communication

Online collaboration & sharing b/w users

Emergence of the mobile Internet and mobile devices (including camera phones)

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Web 2 CharacteristicsWeb 2 Characteristics


•Information Sharing



•Networks of interest


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Web 2 ApplicationsWeb 2 Applications

•Blogs & Wikis (Blogger, Wikispaces)

•Social Networking (MySpace, Facebook)

•Video sharing(TeacherTube, YouTube)

•Podcasting(Odeo, Podomatic)

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Web 2 ApplicationsWeb 2 Applications

•Social Bookmarks (, Digg)


•Maps & Directories(Google Maps)

•Collaboration & Sharing(Google Docs)


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Web 2 ApplicationsWeb 2 Applications

•Online Photo Editing(Picnik)

•Online Video Editor(JumpCut)

•Whiteboard (Vyew)

•Brainstorming & Mindmapping(Mindomo, Mindmeister)

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Web 2 ApplicationsWeb 2 Applications

•Presentation Sharing(SlideShare)

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Web 2 & RSSWeb 2 & RSS

•Way of subscribing to online content using an RSS “reader” or “aggregator”.

•RSS Reader checks subscribed Web pages and automatically downloads new content

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Web 2 & RSSWeb 2 & RSS

•Enables the distribution of regularly updated content from blogs, news sites, photo sharing applications, podcasts, videocasts, social bookmarks…and so on.

•Clip articles

•Publish articles through blog

•Share subscriptions

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Web 2 & RSSWeb 2 & RSS

•Users can subscribe to “feeds” from pages

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Web 2 & RSSWeb 2 & RSS








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Web 2 & RSS - TeachingWeb 2 & RSS - Teaching

•Distribution of Instructional Content

•Exchange of Information

•Publishing Assessments & Tasks


•Brainstorming & Mind Mapping


•Creative Expression/Design