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Weigh Less for Life: 21 Key Strategies for Lasting Weight Loss Weight control is of monumental importance to your overall health and functionality. Aside from not

smoking, weight control is the most powerful tool you have to increase your chances of a long, active,

and productive life.

Take advantage of the simple strategies that follow to lose weight for good and feel great for life.

* Please note- This red star indicates strategies that Dr. Ann feels are ESSENTIAL for

sustainable weight loss and weight control.

1. Avoid the “Great White Hazards”*

• White flour products, white rice, white potatoes, sugars/sweets

• These “high glycemic load” carbs give rise to rapid and large elevations of blood sugar

(glucose) and insulin that drive appetite and promote fat storage. (In addition to a host of

additional adverse cardiometabolic effects!)

2. Fill up on Fiber*

• Dietary fiber is the “secret weapon” for weight and appetite control.

• Fiber’s numerous slimming features include:

o Filling you up with appetite-quieting “volume” for zero calories

o Speeding up and augmenting the release of appetite-quieting hormones from the GI-


o Slowing down and impeding the flux of glucose from the GI track into the blood

stream (lowering the glycemic response from carbs)

o Feeding the “good” bacteria in the gut

o Aim for at least 25-30 grams of fiber daily – more is even better. To achieve success

eat more beans, whole fruits, vegetables, and intact, unadulterated whole grains.

3. Pump Up the Volume*

• Eat an abundance of high-volume, low-calorie foods, namely, fruits and non-starchy


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• When it comes to satisfying the human appetite, volume trumps calories. Meaning our bodies

desire a given volume of food first and foremost over a certain number of calories.

• Because of their high content of zero calorie fiber and water that “bulks” them up, fruits and

veggies will fill you up without filling you out. In fact, the more fruits and vegetables you eat,

the more successful your weight control will be.

• Strive for 4 cups total or more daily.

4. Give Your Plate Your Full Attention

• Cultivating mindfulness during mealtimes and eating may be one of the most under-

recognized and under-utilized ways to help us eat less. Practicing mindfulness during your

eating will:

o Help you eat less now and later.

o Enhance the pleasure of eating

o Safeguard against emotional eating

o Reduce stress

• For best results:

o Reserve eating just for eating.

o Before eating, recall in your mind’s eye the foods eaten at the previous snack or


o Remain purposely aware and “present” throughout every eating episode.

o During eating, pay attention with all of your senses.

5. Restrict Your Intake of Fructose*

• The simple sugar fructose is uniquely fattening and found in all sweet foods and beverages. It

drives fat storage in the body and does not seem to quiet the appetite like other forms of


• To add insult to injury, consuming fructose-rich foods promotes insulin resistance (the final

common pathway to obesity) and the development of many cardiometabolic conditions

including: metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high triglycerides, high blood pressure, and

fatty liver disease.

• For best results:

o Strictly avoid all sugary beverages

o Limit dessert foods/sweets

o Avoid sugary cereals

o Beware of processed foods notoriously high in fructose – fat-free salad dressings,

flavored yogurts, etc.

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6. Indulge in Dark Chocolate

• A prudent portion of high quality dark chocolate is truly a healthy indulgence that fits in

beautifully with weight control. Make dark chocolate your sweet treat of choice.

• For best results:

o Choose at least 70% cacao dark chocolate.

o Limit your intake to up to 2 squares from a large dark chocolate bar daily. (This

prudent portion has less than ½ teaspoon of sugar and is plenty satisfying!))

7. Keep Meals and Snacks Flavor-Simple

• The greater the variety of flavors in a food or meal, the more we want to eat.

• For best results:

o Eat whole, real, nature-made foods: fruits, veggies, beans, lean proteins, nuts, low-fat

dairy foods and whole grains.

o Minimize/avoid processed, “factory-made” foods. The longer a food’s ingredients list,

the more permissible it will be for stimulating appetite.

8. Dump All Sugary Beverages*

• On the dietary front, consuming sugary beverages is the fastest direct route to weight gain

and poor health.

• Strictly avoid all sugary beverages – soda, fruit drinks, fruit juice, sweet tea, energy drinks,

dessert coffee beverages etc.

9. Dig the Power of Protein*

• Protein is Mother Nature’s diet pill – providing longer lasting and superior appetite control

than the same amount of calories from fats or carbohydrates.

• Consuming ample amounts of protein also helps safeguard against the loss of muscle mass

which typically occurs during periods of significant weight loss.

• For best results:

o Strive for at least 15 grams of protein at meal time. (25-30 grams is best, especially

for men.)

o Choose a healthy protein or proteins in any combination: fish, shellfish, skinless

poultry, peanut or other nut butters, seeds, whole soy foods, low-fat or skim dairy

products, omega-3 eggs, and beans.

o Be especially attentive in getting a nice dose of protein at breakfast.

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_________________________________________________ Wellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & Simple 1 Pitt Street / Charleston, SC 29401/ Tel: 843.329.1238 / Fax: 843.971.9870 /

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10. Never Skip Breakfast

• Eating breakfast regularly aids in weight control via several separate mechanisms.

• For best results, include some lean protein (see list above) along with fiber-rich carbohydrates

(fruits, veggies, whole grains, beans).

• Check out my Eat Right for Life Cookbook Companion for loads of healthy and tasty breakfast

meal plans and recipes that fit the bill.

11. Don’t Go Crazy – Go Nuts!

• Nuts are a standout food for good health and for weight control.

• Studies consistently show that people who include nuts regularly in their diets have greater

success with body weight.

• For best results include a moderate handful (about 1 ounce) of any variety of nuts in your diet

each day.

12. Get Your Beauty Rest*

• Getting optimal sleep is essential for weight control. (And most people do not know this!)

• Inadequate sleep will sabotage weight loss and weight control via several mechanisms


o Revving up appetite

o Promoting insulin resistance

o Reducing self-control

o Lowering motivation and energy to exercise.

• Strive for 7 hours of quality sleep a night (some people need up to 8).

13. Downsize Your Dinnerware

• The smaller our plates, bowls, and eating utensils, the less we serve ourselves and the less we


• Transition to eating off of smaller dishes and using smaller utensils as a way to build in

automatic portion control.

o Use a salad plate for your dinner plate, a dessert bowl in place of your regular bowl,

and a teaspoon in place of a regular spoon.

14. Make Room for Exercise*

• If you want to achieve lasting weight loss and/or weight control – regular physical activity is


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_________________________________________________ Wellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & Simple 1 Pitt Street / Charleston, SC 29401/ Tel: 843.329.1238 / Fax: 843.971.9870 /

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• The human body must be moved to some degree most every day for the all-important

metabolic hormone, insulin, to work properly. If your insulin doesn’t function – you are

virtually guaranteed to accumulate excess body fat.

• On a much more positive note ☺, regular physical activity/exercise facilitates weight control

through many different ways including:

o Burning calories, particularly from belly fat

o Increasing lean body (muscle) mass - thus boosting metabolism

o Increasing insulin sensitivity

o Increasing fat burning

o Reducing stress

o Improving appetite control

15. Find Strength in Salad

• Developing the habit of eating salads regularly is one of the easiest and tastiest routes to

superior health and weight control.

• Salads, especially if they are “dressed” correctly, can improve appetite control through 5

separate mechanisms.

• Strive to eat at least one salad daily. Entrée salads are awesome, but even a side salad is


• For optimal appetite control, eat your side salad as an appetizer prior to the main meal.

• Choose an olive oil-based vinaigrette as your preferred dressing, and get into the habit of

making your own. I have lots of free vinaigrette recipes on my website at

16. Always Pre-Plate Your Meal

• If we can view all of our food before we begin to eat - and during the eating process, we tend

to eat less.

• Pre-plate all of your food prior to eating including meals, snacks, and desserts.

• NEVER eat directly out of a box, package, or container – this is known to be high risk for over-


17. Drink Your Vegetables

• In contrast to sugary beverages, drinking vegetable juice can be helpful for weight control and

for obtaining some key nutrients.

• Studies indicate that drinking a large glass of vegetable/tomato juice prior to a meal helps to

reduce appetite.

• For best results drink 6-8 ounces of low-sodium vegetable or tomato juice just prior to a meal.

Avoid vegetable juice blends like V8 Fusion as they are filled with sugar.

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Copyright 2013, Dr. Ann & Just Wellness, LLC

_________________________________________________ Wellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & Simple 1 Pitt Street / Charleston, SC 29401/ Tel: 843.329.1238 / Fax: 843.971.9870 /

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18. Beware of Highly-Palatable Foods*

• Highly-palatable foods (those high in sugar and/or fat) promote food addiction and hijack the

body’s normal appetite-regulating systems.

• More simply stated – the more you eat highly-palatable foods, the more you want them and

the more difficult it becomes to stop eating them and to resist eating them.

• For best results, restrict or strictly avoid high risk ultra-palatable foods. The worst offenders

include: ice cream, milkshakes, pastries, cakes, cookies, donuts, and other sweets, along with

traditional fast foods like burgers, fries, pizza, etc.

19. Take Smaller Bites

• Taking smaller bites can improve appetite suppression by providing greater oral exposure to

the food in a meal or snack. This enhances “oro-sensory” satiety.

• Smaller bites also prolong eating, which offers more time for appetite-quieting hormones to

do their thing.

20. Keep it Simple

• The greater the variety or selection of food choices we have, the more we tend to order or

serve ourselves, and ultimately the more we eat.

• To reduce your exposure to food variety:

o Limit dining out (and if it is the only option – check out my Eat Right for Life: On the

Go book for excellent guidance)

o Avoid buffet lines

o Prepare and eat home-based meals ( My Eat Right for Life Cookbook Companion

book has loads of healthy and tasty menus and recipes)

o Of course, exposure to a variety of healthy foods like fruits and veggies is highly


21. Slow Down and Enjoy!

• The faster we eat the more food we consume.

• It takes a full 20 minutes after the start of eating for the appetite-quieting hormones released

from the gut to reach the brain’s hunger center.

• For best results, spend at least 20 minutes eating each meal and NEVER go back for second

helpings before 20 minutes from your first bite.

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_________________________________________________ Wellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & SimpleWellness Delivered. Pure & Simple 1 Pitt Street / Charleston, SC 29401/ Tel: 843.329.1238 / Fax: 843.971.9870 /

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Be sure to visit Dr. Ann’s website for additional wellness resources.

Disclaimer: All material on this handout is provided for educational purposes only. Consult your personal health care

provider regarding any specific opinions or recommendations related to your symptoms or medical condition. ©Copyright

2011 Dr. Ann and Just Wellness, LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction or circulation, in printed or electronic

form without written permission from Dr. Ann Kulze, in whole or in part is prohibited.
