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W e l c o m e t o t h e

N E W E R Ao f M a n a g e m e n t

Elena Alfaro is the leading expert on Customer Experience, Emotional Management and Experiential Marketing.

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4 Elena Alfaro. Welcome to the New Era of Management

Convinced that emotions move the world

In a crisis environment, where the majority of companies engage in price wars, Elena Alfaro specializes in a discipline that has changed it all: “CEM Customer Experience Management” (Directing the customer experience).

Elena is convinced that to be able to compete, it is necessary to differentiate you business beyond what today is known as quality. She believes it is essential to understand how perceptions disengage emotional links and how these have a direct impact on company results.

This was the reason for starting EMO Insights, company responsible for the term Feelings Experience Management and Experiential Marketing.

In addition, her books are a reference in this areas and serve as a base for the main elements object of her conferences.

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Index■ Transforming the Auditorium: • The ABC of Customer Experience

• The ABC of Shopping Experience

• The ABC of FANScination

■ About Elena Alfaro■ Transformer Results

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4 Elena Alfaro. Welcome to the New Era of Management

Assistants will be able to see in her sessions, the main applications of this material:

a) A NEW VISION OF CEM. The Customer Experience Management is understood as a new way to generate help to the client and it is applicable to any sector. From a B2B business to a shop, from an alcohol company to a chain of hotels from the bank sector to that of telecommunications, from the automation sector to one of distribution, etc.. This discipline can be applied to any economic activity, although one has to understand that it is not a matter of taking action but to understand the client and deliver the adequate assistance.

b) ENGAGEMENT FROM MANAGEMENT IS KEY. The management side of the business has to believe in it, feel it and be able to generate strategies of success, which means that the primary

believer of this method must be who manages the business. The Customer Experience Management is not just a fad; it is something that truly provides results.

c) A DIFFERENT APROACH FOR CONSUMER RESERCH. It implies to reformulate the way in which the consumer has been researched on, up until now. Research has suffered an evolution as any other science has, victim of new discoveries and of a new reality, in which new channels and available technology has thrived. The use of new technologies, which have been functioning for quite some time, should not be underestimated nor should we neither stop the evolution nor the understanding of the reality which we assist.

On the other hand, speaking of experiential research means much more than simply utilizing techniques of neuromarketing. When a project is approached, the type of techniques and profiles that are the most adequate to reach the marked objective should be considered.

d) THE EMPLOYEE AS A VEHICLE OF EXPERIENCE. The internal client is the main channeler of experiences which we would want to transmit to the customer. “The winning army is that in which everyone is animated by the same spirit”. Therefore this training should be applied towards organizations who want to compete by customer experiences.

Numerous cases have been found in which companies have initiatives and intentions towards their employees. Still this initiatives are much fewer than those focused on customer experience perse. This surprises, however, since those organizations which have a high level of interaction with customers via persons, the experience offered by the employer

The ABC of Customer Experience

In order to compete these days, it is necessary to bond with customers in a emotional way, so that price doesn´t become the main driver for brand recommendation and customer engagement.

Focusing on detecting and managing experiences on all points of contact with the consumer and understanding the sale in terms of client assistance,

Customer Experience Management constitutes a strategic proposal to overcome situations where the products or services offered have transformed into commodities.

This reality is spreading throughout and is currently reaching out to many different sectors.

The lack of practical knowledge available for the majority of companies that deal with this matter motivated the creation of a practical guide The ABC of Customer Experience that Elena Alfaro presents in a singular way.


• The ABC of CustomerExperience,Ausefulguideto sell more throughexperiences.

Transforming the Auditorium: possible themes

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towards the client is of vital importance. It is useless to launch new strategies, through large innovation projects, excluding employees without creating experiences to motivate them and make them feel proud to be part of it.

e) ESTHETICS BRINGS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES. The choice of shapes, colors and five senses are essential to generate experiences. There are organizations and movements that are helping companies to make design a competitive advantage.

The Esthetic Marketing is linked to Experiential Marketing and covers areas such as product design (functions and forms), the communication (the main message and associated messages) and the design of spaces ( structure and symbols). It is a powerful element of differentiation based on generating positive customer impression about the personality of the company and its brand.

f) THE THREE STAGES OF EXPERIENCE. The anticipation, the experience and the memory of the experience that you generate. From the perspective of information processing, there are three main stages in the formation and retrieval of memory: encoding (receiving, processing and combining of received information), storage (creation of a permanent register of the coded information) and recovery or recall (calling back the

stored information in response to a signal for use in an activity). Those companies that work through these three stages will offer complete customer experiences.

g) CONSTANT INNOVATION. The innovation must be incorporated into business processes in the same way that the manufacture products, billing, accounting… The innovate spirit should be watching closely what is happening in the market, interest groups and consumer trends, provide advisors, observatories and research tools that allow consumer to monitor the customers experience and the elements that indicate their behaviors. Additionally employees should internalize the objectives in order to facilitate the implementation of new practices.

h) CUSTOMER EXPERIENECE MODELS. There are tools that help to create experiences through Customer journey maps and the incorporation of metrics in the management of the company.

i) PASSION NEEDED. The final step to implement this practices successfully is “ We have to have fun and have fun doing it”. The executive team of the future will have to be ready to have judgment and knowledge in the field of suggestibility of the new consumer and encourage creativity without losing your intuition.

Transforming the Auditorium: possible themes

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Elena Alfaro. Welcome to the New Era of Management6

The attendees may, through these sessions, transform the vision of how the sale has been understood so far by revising some of its applications.

a) THE SHOPPING EXPERIENCE, A PART OF CEM. The Shopping Experience is the key to generate emotional bonds and it is part of Customer Experience Management. The CEM constitutes a strategic proposal to overcome situations where products are perceived as commodities by the clients.

b) ‘LOCATION’, ‘WELCOME’ AND ‘DESIGN’. In terms of location we have to take into account the long-established elements: location, access, advertising, price per square meter… However, we must emphasize that other intangible aspects acquire relevance and can be decisive in terms of sale and sometimes we are not taken into account, thus rules must be broken to create a show around the point of purchase.

c) ‘THEME EXPERIENCE’. The purchase experience is the axis of business transformation. It is essential to perform a strategy based on space experiences. Based on this thematic we create experiences that are aligned with the overall strategy.

d) THE IMPORTANCE OF THE FIVE SENSES. The experience can be derived from multiple sensory modalities: smell, hearing, touch, sight and taste. The more senses you work with, more vivid the experience will be. Working to capture the senses is to strive to gain client´s subconscious mind. It´s all about trying that the purchase is not rationalized.

e) STORYTELLING; A SURE PATH TO SALES DIFFERENTIATION. Memory is an information storage system. Memory collects data from the outside world and processes it as stories. These stories are stored in different brain areas. Screens, walls, doors… any support is valid to convey messages and stories.

f) ‘ENTERTAINMENT’: CLIENTS ARE BORED, LET´S ENTERTAIN THEM. Consumers buy for emotional and entertainment reason. There isn´t a dividing line related to creation and innovation at point of purchase. We live in an era where art, tourism, telecommunication, banking, movies, video games, theater, engineering, finances mingle all together and coexist at the point of purchase to give answer to the customer of this new age.

g) HOW TO PRACTICE HUGTHERAPY. If you hug the employees you get hugs from your clients. When you get to connect with the customer and the employee, you have most of the work done.

The ABC of Shopping Experience

In Europe, the major retailers want to win competitive advantages and clients are investing new multichannel strategies and global brand experience inside the store. In Asia, however the retailers are showing a renewed interest in after-sales services, quality and customization.

In both cases, however, we talk about experiences. The brands are proving to resist market changes and competition is the key to reinforce the experience.

The ABC of Shopping Experience proposes a range of actions to transform a traditional store into a different based on the emotional experience of customer as Elena Alfaro presents as follows.


• The ABC of ShoppingExperience, A useful guidetosellmoreatthepointofsell.

Transforming the Auditorium: possible themes

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We must promote cooperation instead of competition between them. We have to educate, train and especially ”we have to take care of our employees”.

h) PROFITABILITY PER SQUARE METER. The objective is to generate income beyond the traditional activity of the brand. It´s all about multiplying sales. Ceilings, walls, hallways, testers, toilets, parking… All this become to revenue sources.

i) HOW TO MEASURE AN EXPERIENCE. To evaluate the experience it is key to measure it. in terms of cause and effect. The new metrics begin to be a part of the activity at the stores. It is important to make an analysis of the experience in the store. We have to break down the customer journey map at the stores. Not always the improvements have to be huge, sometimes small details are much better and important.

j) CO-CREATION. The co-creation is the incorporation of stakeholders in the process of creating. Journalist, suppliers, artists, researchers, employees, customers, cool hunters… they become part of our innovation process. In case you need to implement an innovation process, you should start with those aspects in which clients value positively but perceive a low impact. To follow a model that allows you to assess what can you leverage in relation with the costs.

k) INTERCONECTION. To connect the experience between channels amplifies it, so we will to make the experience more intense. Touch points like call centers or customer care center need to be connected instead of isolated from each other. With this session Elena Alfaro proposes a range of steps to create fans based on the processes that it has generated over generations.

Transforming the Auditorium: possible themes


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Elena Alfaro. Welcome to the New Era of Management8

a) FASCINATE IS NO LONGER AN OPTION, IT´S THE ONLY WAY OUT. To the situation of attention deficit that exists in the market, if we don´t want to get into a price war , there isn´t way out, we have to generate fans. We must forge in our clients the same effect that a a rock singer, a religious movement, a political party or a sport club make.

b) NOT WITHOUT AN EMBLEM. It´s necessary to create an enriching emblem and transmit the belief that is behind of what is offered to the market through a creed. The emblem is essential to the configuration of an organization, product or brand which aims to generate fans. Its exhibition determines the behavior of its followers. The more we enrich an emblem through the use of the five sense, the more power it will have. In the other hand , to inspire we have to transmit to

our clients and employees why we do what we do, what we believe it.

f) ‘STORYTELLING’. The use of stories and staging. Human beings are not equipped to understand logic but narratives. To ensure that customers and employees give us their attention and remember the message we want to communicate, we have to create stories around what we try to transmit, and the dramatization to get them remember a more vivid intensity.

g) OWN LANGUAGE Another process that generates fascination is the creation of an own language that not only describes reality, but “creates own realities” associated to the company. It can be generated by identifying words which we should relate to the brand or creating a language that is used by clients and employees.

h) BENEFITS OF DISCLOSURE. In communication terms, practices that more fascination and followers generate, are the same used in religious, ideological or political beliefs. They are related with “disclosure” concepts. This word is related to the change of ideas, behaviors or feelings. It disseminates what you do based on “oral” and “written” communication fundamentally, and creates touch-points that generate personal contact between customers, ambassadors and brand/company. At the end, this brings more emotional ties.

The ABC of The FANScination

Faced with the situation of attention deficit that we are living in developed and technologically advanced economies, the generation of customer defenders of the brand it is not so much needed as an urgent issue in any organization. If the objective is to make communication

investments profitable and compete without getting into a price war, there isn´t any other way out: we have to call them. We must try to create in our clients the same effect that a rock singer, a religious movement, a political party or a sport club make. Nothing more, nothing less.

The ABC of The FANScination is the answer to this issue. It contains a number of proposals to transform a company into something amazing to followers.


• TheABCofFANScination,Ausefulguideto generate fans throughexperiences.

Transforming the Auditorium: possible themes

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i) BENEFITS OF HOSTING. Hosting by people with shared objectives, intertwined biographies, common stories, etc. are issues linked to human beings that generate membership and belonging. Be a host in everything you do, prepare meeting spaces and the way you receive customers and employees, foster family spirit and the feeling of belonging to something “special”.

j) FLEXIBILITY AND FUN. Nowadays and along our existence, we are known for flee from boredom and pursuit happiness. Bored and inflexible companies are penalized, and those that bring calm (tranquility) which direct effect is “trust”, are rewarded. It’s not trivial that customer experience-oriented companies promote fun and entertainment in their commercial and work spaces, a key emotion if you want to generate fans.

k) PEOPLE LIKELY TO BECOME FANS. There are cultures believing that foreign product’s quality is superior. “The shame of wearing a faux” is in their emotional genetic code, something that doesn’t affect occidental people. Today, Asian market offers a great opportunity to any company interested in generating fans.

l) THE SOONER, THE BETTER. You have to take advantage of Point of Market Entry (+ Emotions) It’s easier to bond emotionally with those individuals that relate brand with childhood or youth moments, whose memories are present during all individual’s life.

m) MEASURING EMOTIONS. You need to introduce emotional measurements on management, segmenting customers and track metrics: Experience Satisfaction, RRR (Repeat, Refer, Recommend), OLE (Orientation Level Experience) and attachment to the brand.

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Elena Alfaro. Welcome to the New Era of Management10

About Elena AlfaroElena Alfaro is the expert reference in transforming companies from the customer experience and emotional management. She has a dilated experience in the world of advertising, consultancy and research.

Today is CEO and Partner of EMO Insights, leader in Customer Experience, Experiential Marketing and Emotional Management.

Among other titles she holds a doctorate in Marketing by the Complutense University of Madrid, with the qualification of cum laude unanimously . Her project was selected from over six hundred jobs in the world to exhibit at the Campus of Excellence 2007 in front of Nobel prizes of different areas.

Elena Alfaro had collaborated for years with Claes Formel, professor of the University of Michigan, forerunner of ACSI (American Customer Satisfaction Index) and he was elected in 2008 the world´s most influential in Quality and Marketing by INFORMS.

Recently she has been featured as Top Ten Management Spain, community that gathers the best experts in each business area. She has a very important value as a speaker at national and international level.

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The sessions imparted by Elena Alfaro aim to provide the manager of the following skills:

1. To be able to put in context the concepts associated to Customer Experience Management, Emotional Management and Experiential Marketing.

2. Overview the tools and methodologies to created, follow up and to monitor this practice inside of the organization.

3. To know practices in different areas, assessing the keys of success in each case.

4. To understand the link between complexity of the physical and emotional processes.

5. The attendees will be immersed in a world of emotions and they will feel the need to shift the lessons learned to their companies.


Keynote lecture 1-2 hours and Atelier until 5 hours. Also we can generate information ad hoc based on the needs of the client.


• Livelier Microphone.

• Screen.

• Wi-Fi.


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Pedro Riera ExCoAppleIberia


Francisco Rubia ProfessorComplutense




Antonio López de Ávila PresidentofSegitur

Elena AlfaroTopTen Business [email protected]

Telf. (+34) 915 670 777Mov. (+34) 605 015

@elena_alfaro /emoinsights ElenaAlfaroTV /in/elenaalfaro