Page 1: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

What is the plant taking in?

What is the plant giving off?

Page 2: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

The process of converting light energy into chemical energy

Location: Chloroplast/Chlorophyll

Reactants: Carbon Dioxide, Water, and Sunlight

Products: Oxygen O2 , Glucose Enzymes also required

Page 3: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

Reactants Products

CO2+ H2O+ Sunlight Enzymes C6H12O6 + O2 Chlorophyll

CO2 = Carbon Dioxide C6H12O6 = Glucose

H2O = water O2 = Oxygen gas

*Balanced would be 6 CO2 12 H2O, and 6 O2

Page 4: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

Which organelles do plants have that animals do not?

Where does the plant get the water?

Where does the plant get the carbon dioxide?

Page 5: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in

the chloroplast of a plant.

A pigment is a substance that absorbs light.

Chlorophyll absorbs energy from all light except the green portion—which it reflects.


Page 6: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

Chlorophyll breaks down in colder temperatures and shorter days

Xanthophylls are red pigments Carotenes are yellow/orange


Page 7: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

Process of converting glucose into energy for the cell (ATP)

Location: Mitochondria (Powerhouse)

Reactants: Oxygen O2 , Glucose Products: Carbon Dioxide, Water,

and ATP Enzymes also required

Page 8: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?

Reactants Products

C6H12O6 + O2 Enzymes CO2+ H2O+ ATP

ALL living organisms carry out Cellular Respiration to make energy for cells

PS and CR are OPPOSTIE reactions except Sunlight is Energy in PS and ATP is energy in CR.

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ATP ADP + P Adenosine DiPhosphate

Chemical Bonds are where the energy is stored. Energy is released when BONDS are broken.

Example: Fuel does nothing in your car until it is ignited (bonds broken)

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Page 11: What is the plant taking in? What is the plant giving off?