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If you want a higher credit score

in as little as 25-45 days just call

Ron Krueger at 949-637-1842

In the mean time we have in-

cluded a special report “What

the Credit Bureaus DON”T Want

you to Know!”

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What the Credit Bureaus


Want You to Know!

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In the past few years, lenders have tightened credit requirements, so getting a good interest

rate - or a loan at all - requires that you understand how the scoring system, known as FICO,

works for you personally.

In our post-crisis economy, good credit isn’t just

nice to have - it’s MANDATORY if you want to lev-

el the playing field with lenders.

Credit scores are three digit numbers lenders use to gauge your creditworthiness, and until the

financial crisis hit, a 720 FICO credit score was enough to get the best loan terms. Even peo-

ple with lower scores could get decent deals, and at the peak of the lending boom it seemed

that no score was so low that it resulted in a rejection.

These days however, lenders typically prefer 740 scores for the best mortgage rates. Lower

scores mean higher rates or perhaps no loans at all.

People with top scores get credit card and balance transfer offers. If their issuers raise their

rates or lower their limits, they can move their business elsewhere. By contrast, people with

weaker scores are finding their access to credit slowly strangled. Issuers can push them

around, and credit seekers have little recourse.

Less than the best credit can hurt in other ways.

For example, credit information is used by:

Insurance companies to evaluate applicants and set premiums.

Landlords to decide who leases apartments or homes.

Employers concerned about higher risk of theft from those with troubled fi-


What the Credit Bureaus DON’T

Want You to Know!

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Clearly, cultivating good credit scores is an essential 21st century skill! The good news is that

it’s possible to boost your numbers if you have a handle on your finances and you know HOW

credit scores work. After all, the median credit score is 720 on the 300-to-850 FICO scale,

meaning half the adult U.S. population has a higher score and half has a lower score. Forty

percent have scores over 750, and 13% have scores above 800. That’s according to the com-

pany that created FICO scoring, Fair Isaac (or not so fair Isaac as some people jokingly call


You CAN earn good scores,

but first you have to recognize that:

You can’t raise your scores if your finances are still messed up. If you’re unable to

pay you bills, you certainly can’t fix your credit. However, real credit score im-

provement CAN and SHOULD begin while you’re putting your financial house in

order, so don’t wait! Just make sure you have enough money to cover your expenses

every month and get started!

You can’t raise your scores if you don’t use credit! Credit scores try to predict how

well you’re likely to use credit in the future by how well you’ve used it in the past.

So while living a cash only lifestyle may do wonders for your wallet, it won’t boost

your scores – in fact, without continuing use of some type of credit, eventually your

credit reports won’t even generate credit scores because you become a type of credit


You’ll hear some people say you don’t have to pay credit card interest to achieve

great scores, but THEY ARE WRONG! “Using credit” is not the same as “carrying

a BIG balance on your credit cards.” Carrying a big balance is expensive, bad for

your finances and completely unnecessary. You CAN achieve a very high FICO

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score while paying off your balances religiously but it’s not BECAUSE you paid

them off religiously! Surprisingly, you’ll build and keep great credit scores FASTER

by paying a little bit in credit card interest! What’s the optimum? Pay off nearly the

entire balance but leave anywhere between $50 and $100 on each card after the pay-

ment. The FICO score calculating formula seems to reward you for paying ANY

amount of interest, so pay the LEAST possible!

Doing it yourself, you can’t expect overnight results. But you’re likely to see some

improvement in your scores within 30 days if you pay down significant chunks of

your credit card debt. But otherwise, credit score improvement takes time, and how

much time depends on the many details of your three credit bureau reports. If you

have serious black marks, such as bankruptcies or foreclosures, you can see signifi-

cant improvement in your scores as time passes, but you may have to wait until those

negatives drop off your credit reports before you can join the “700-Plus Club.” That

could be 7 years.

Don’t Get Ripped Off!

What They DON’T Want You to Know!

Credit repair is supposed to be the removal of negative factors from a consumer's credit re-

ports. Some of them are tax liens, late payments, charge-offs, collection accounts, foreclo-

sures, bankruptcies or any other negative information. The process supposedly is done by dis-

puting these items with the credit bureaus.

The typical process involves the client (or their authorized agent like the credit repair compa-

ny) writing letters to the creditors, reporting information and attempting to prove you did not

make a late payment, or that the information being reported is somehow inaccurate, or mis-

leading. They require the client to provide the information they need to assist in the dispute

process, which can be a time consuming and a nerve wracking experience for the client.

A credit repair company generally utilizes ONLY one of THREE laws in their dispute letters.

Those laws are the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

(FDCPA) and the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA). In terms of client ac-

ceptance, it follows a protocol of welcoming any client who wishes to restore their credit. In

letters, it uses canned/boiler templates. Moreover, only a few items, at a time, are disputed.

Traditional credit repair often FAILS to deliver what has been promised to the client - speed.

Why? Because it’s in the credit repair companies’ best financial interest to draw the process

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out as long as possible because they charge monthly. So they drag it out to make it profitable.

How Is Credit Restoration Different and

Why Is It Better?

For starters, we leverage the implementation of Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act

(FCRA). According to U.S. Code 15 USC 1689, as consumers, you have the right to dispute

information on your credit report which is misleading, inaccurate, or UNVERIFIABLE.

Simply stated, we know how to FORCE the credit bureaus to meet the terms of United States

federal law and the Fair Credit Reporting Act.

By comparison, unlike credit repair services, we apply pre-litigation strategies in our dis-

putes. This, in turn, allows ADDITIONAL consumer and commercial laws as well as DOCU-


This could include: The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility & Disclosure Act (CARD)

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA)

The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA)

Updated Section 312 of the FACTA, the Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA)

Federal Trade Commission Opinion Letters (FTC)

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA)

The Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act (SSRA),

The Truth in Lending Act (TILA)

The Truth in Savings Act (TIS) and

Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)

These can be used in combinations of 2 or 3 laws per client case, so that the MAXIMUM

number of resources are utilized on behalf of the client and it can be speedy!

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In addition, we utilize a unique platform for disputing negative items on behalf of our clients:

Automated Consumer Dispute Verification (ACDV).

It’s a legal FACT that if any of the three major credit bureaus aren’t able to provide documen-

tation with your ORIGINAL signature on it, as verifiable proof, they CAN’T legally report

that information! For these reasons, we assist our clients in disputing the credit bureaus’ le-

gal right to report their private financial information due to the UNAVAILABILITY of verifi-

able proof on file!

We petition the credit bureaus on our client’s behalf to comply with the FCRA, by legally

FORCING them to produce verifiable proof to support how they can legally report your pri-

vate financial information. This means the credit bureaus MUST have a copy of an original

document with your signature on it filed on location.

If the credit bureaus CAN’T produce a document with your signature on it as verifiable proof

and they do not delete or change an item they are reporting on your credit report, they are in

VIOLATION of FEDERAL LAW and they subject themselves to a statutory fine for EACH

unverifiable item they report. In other words, if the credit bureau CAN’T provide documen-

tation with your signature on it, they CAN’T legally report that information!

By Federal law, ANY negative item can be deleted from a credit report if the credit bureaus

can’t, or won’t, provide VERIFIABLE proof that the item reported is YOUR account.

Our process isn’t permanent, but once the information is deleted or changed, it can’t be easily

re-reported without penalty, and the three main credit bureaus know that if they don’t have

the supporting documentation as verifiable proof, they CAN’T re-report a disputed item!

We have a proven system which has an amazingly successful deletion rate. We also provide a

program to educate clients on how the credit system works and how to maximize their credit

scores by also adding positive information to their credit profiles.

How Does It Work?

Because of technology changes, the 3 major credit bureaus are literally not following the

letter of the law!

In 1971, Congress passed legislation to protect the credit ratings of consumers. The Fair

Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was enacted to force credit bureaus into showing backup docu-

mentation (verifiable written proof with an original signature) for ANY negative items they

report about the consumer on their credit reports.

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In reality, the vast majority of negative items on a typical credit report are valid. Therefore, if

you simply dispute all the negatives on your credit report, those items that are valid will most

likely be verified by the creditors and remain on your credit report. “Credit repair” companies

only focus on trying to correct inaccuracies on your credit report. We focus on reporting viola-


With our program, it doesn’t matter whether the negative credit item is accurate or not. Our

process works on ALL negative credit because it disputes not only inaccuracies on your re-

ports, but, more importantly, the credit reporting agencies’ right to report the negative credit

item in the first place. Every “credit repair” company out there uses the dispute process al-

lowed under the Fair Credit reporting act (FCRA) to “attempt” to repair your credit.

However, with our process, the odds are in your favor because the dispute system is based on

Section 609 of FCRA which is a United Stated federal law!

We are disputing the REPORTING law – NOT whether or not an account is yours, but

whether or not the credit bureaus have the VERIFIABLE PROOF they are REQUIRED

BY LAW to have on your account. Under the FCRA, the credit bureaus need to provide

a copy of verifiable documentation if it is requested USING THE PROPER LEGAL PROCE-

DURE! The three credit bureaus are required by law to have a copy of that same verifiable

proof on every one of the accounts they are reporting about you on your credit report.

Stated simply, YOU have the legal right to receive a copy of the Original Creditors Documen-

tation. But the three major credit bureaus do not have the verifiable proof of your accounts on

file! Today, all credit bureau reporting is done ELECTRONICALLY via email or fax but that’s

NOT what the law says must be done.

Since none of the three major credit bureaus (namely TransUnion, Experian and

Equifax) are completely in compliance with Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act,

they must permanently delete ALL items from your credit report that are unverifiable –


That’s where we come in, working on your behalf to

RESTORE your credit, legally and effectively.

No one else can accomplish this as fast & efficiently

as we can.

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When you do business with someone, you like to know they deliver results, right? Then

this will interest you!

To achieve higher scores, in some cases, we restore credit, in others, we add positive trade

lines that dramatically boost credit scores. Sometimes, we do both if that’s what the situation

calls for!

Client #1 exper ienced a jump in all three bureau scores in ONLY 27 days! A 554

score jumped to 675. A 552 score raised to 674. A 564 score hiked to 686. Again, in

ONLY 27 days! To achieve a higher score, the client asked us to add positive trade

lines. We did it and their score went 700+

Client #2 exper ienced a jump in all three bureau scores in ONLY 22 days! A 575

score jumped to 700. A 588 score raised to 645. A 579 score skyrocketed to 796.

Again, in ONLY 22 days!

Client #3 exper ienced a jump in all three bureau scores in ONLY 22 days! A 639

score jumped to 708. A 601 score raised to 742. A 617 score hiked to 714. Again, in

ONLY 22 days!

What Will This Cost?

Well, first off, this isn’t for everybody. And it isn’t cheap, but it IS valuable! Second, the

question REALLY should be what does this cost if I DON’T do this? If you want to buy a

home in a market that’s appreciating, how many thousands MORE will the home cost if you

have to wait 6-18 months or more to TRY to get your credit healthier?

If you want to re-finance or get a first time mortgage on a property, how many TENS of thou-

sands MORE will you pay in interest on that loan over the years because you DON’T get our


This Doesn’t Cost, it PAYS!

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Everybody’s credit situation is


For a personalized quote, call

Ron Krueger


And also ask for the


“9 Insider Strategies to RAISE

Your Credit Score to 720 or
