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Year 5 Home Learning

It is important to recap on previous learning and ensure that your child reads regularly, uses the school maths websites and focusses on

improving their writing. There are many suggestions for you to consider but also you may have some great ideas of your own. Encourage

children to investigate topics that interest them and record what they find in a range of ways. These might include PowerPoint

presentations, posters, fact files or even video diaries.

Possible daily structure

Reading (20 minutes)

Read and record reading in a reading journal

Summarise the key points of what you have read

Can you come up with a question you would like to know the answer to?

Look up and record the meaning of any new words you come across

Write a book review when you have completed your book

Writing ( 30-45 mins) Task one: (5 mins)

proof read and edit you writing from the previous day

Read through your work and correct any mistakes you find

Can you improve what you did? Task two:

Choose one of the activities from those below

Try to include the focus given in your writing

Use interesting vocabulary

Maths (30-45 mins) Log on to Mathletics and complete one of the activities Watch the tutorial first to remind you what to do Log on to TTrockstars

Topic activities for the afternoon During the time you are off make a book about North America (USA and/or Canada). Include pages about a range of different things that you find interesting about North America. Your pages could include: • Facts about North America (how many countries, largest country, smallest country, highest mountain etc) • The Grand Canyon • The Lakes • The national flag • Famous landmarks • Key dates in history (maybe make a timeline) • Native American tribes • National parks Design a cover for your book. Include a contents and glossary page. Please make sure you write in your own words and not just copy/print from the internet. Add any ideas of your own and be creative!! These could include;

Research an area from our Space topic and write a fact file

Write a diary entry for what you have been doing

Investigate something in science you are interested in and make a PPT or poster about it

Design a game that you could play with a friend

Daily writing tasks

Day Task and guidance


If you could take a photograph of the 5 happiest moments of your life so far, what would they show? What 5 events of your future would you like to take a photograph of? Can you make a list of feelings that the boy is experiencing? E.g. excited curious Can you then begin a sentence with a feeling? Curious, the boy peeked through the hole in the fence. Write a few paragraphs about what the boy sees.


Question time! What time of day is it in the picture? Why is only one tiger drinking from the pool? Do the tigers know each other? Why are they ‘on the prowl’ together? What does the word ‘prowl’ mean? What does it suggest the tigers are doing? Where will they go once they have finished drinking? Where in the world would you find tigers? What is their natural habitat? How do you feel about the fact that some tigers live in captivity? Research tigers and write a fact file about them


Question time! Who is the adventurer in the story? Can you think of a good name for him? Why does he want to climb High Hrothgar? Why are people afraid of the mountain? What do you think awaits him at the top? What might the adventurer be carrying with him? What would you take with you on an expedition such as this? Research a famous explorer and write a biography for them.


Question time! Who do you think made the circles? How long do you think they have been there? Do the stones on the ground have any significance? If you were the girl, would you step through the circles? She had been tracking the deer. Her parents had taught her how. One hour before, finding the hoof prints in the soft earth, she had followed the trail of broken twigs and occasional nibbled leaf until she had located it. Creeping slowly and quietly, not making even the slightest sound, she remained undetected. She had stumbled across the mysterious circles in a clearing in the forest, and watched as the deer approached them. With a slight twitch of its ears, the deer stepped indifferently through the first circle, and vanished. Completely vanished. The girl let out a gasp, and walked towards the circles to investigate… Can you continue the story? Does the girl step through the circle?


Question time! What is the difference between a stalactite and a stalagmite? What is the mission that Mike has been tasked with? What is it that Mike enjoys about diving do you think? What is causing the strange white lines in the picture? How do you think Mike is feeling? Where does the cave lead? How did he get to the cave in the first place? Is he alone? Research a creature that lives under the sea and write a fact file about it. Include as much information as you can and use suitable technical vocabulary to describe it.


Question time! What does ‘trepidation’ mean? Why might they be feeling it? Who are ‘the group’? Why are they in the jungle? What does ‘curiosity and desperation got the better of them’ mean? Would you venture into the temple? What might they find inside? Do you think all of the group want to go in? Why is the floor green? Continue the story As the group hacked their way through the dense foliage with their machetes, they had glimpsed the hidden temple. Approaching the door with a sense of growing trepidation, they knew they had to go inside; curiosity and desperation had got the better of them…


Question time! Why are they thinking about that particular question at the beginning of the story starter? What meaning does the question have? Who is it inside the windmill? Have they been inside the windmill before? Is the windmill a good place to shelter from the storm? What might happen next? How might the characters inside the windmill be feeling? Have you ever seen a thunderstorm? What was it like? What causes a thunderstorm? Sentence challenge! What sounds could you hear during a thunder storm? You might be able to think of some onomatopoeia. Could you write a sentence or short paragraph describing what it would be like to be caught in a storm, using some of your ideas from above?


Sentence challenge! Insert three commas in the correct places in the sentence below. Reluctantly the small brown cub placed his paw into the icy blue water. Task There are many different types of bears. Research two different bears and write about their habitats, diets and what they are like. Include the similarities and differences between them.


Question time! What do you think the troll is thinking? Do you think he is a mean or a kind troll? Why? What are the people doing when they have seen the troll? Would you try to catch him or talk to him? Where do you think the troll has come from? What do you think the rope around the troll’s waist is for? Sentence challenge! Spot the four mistakes in this sentence. the roof ov the yellow house wos ripped off by the enormous troll Complete the story With a loud grunt, the troll wrenched the entire, fully tiled roof off a nearby holiday home, with the owners peering helplessly and frightened out of the downstairs windows. He didn’t mean any harm, but he just couldn’t help himself…


Question time! Can you think of adjectives to describe the doors? If you put your ear to a door, what noises could you hear coming from the other side? What noise would each door make if you opened it? What does each door tell you about who lives inside, and where they live? Look carefully for clues. Where does each door lead? Task Choose one of the doors and invet a character who live there. Describe the person; what they are like, what do they look like? Who else lives behind the door with them?