
iAM is a single lifelong personal healthcare record under your control. Comprehensive, up to date & available on any device. SMART share your data to get the best health outcomes.

On 20 June 2018 Guardtime together with iAM announced the launch of the world’s first comprehensive blockchain-supported Personal Care Record Platform, the iAM personal care record platform.

V4.1 Dec 18

Your healthcare GPS… wherever you are iAM

Developed for Mobile Secured by Blockchain 1Record4Life





16 January 2019, 10:00


14 March 2019, 22:00



BASE PRICE 1 iAM Token = $0.40 USD


Until 31 December 18

137.5M Tokens


PRESALEIn progress to 31 December

2018, 10:00






$0.32 $0.40


From 16 Jan-30 Jan 19

25M Tokens

From 31 Jan-14 Feb 19

25M Tokens

From 15 Feb-28 Feb 19

25M Tokens

From 1 Mar- 14 Mar

25M Tokens


Token Sale Summary



December 2018


The problem

Despite exponential advancements in pharmaceuticals, medical procedures and diagnostics world over, health care record infrastructure remains fragmented and the industry still faces six key challenges:

$260 Billion lost in health insurance fraud globally

73% YoY rise in deaths from prescription abuse & medical non-adherence costs $290B+

Claim settlements & reconciliation times increasing in line with fraud

Cybercriminals target Medical data now worth 100x credit card numbers

Lack of medical data portability restricts patient and insurer choice

Digitization alone doesn't ensure records can be trusted

EvidenceInsurance fraud is a $260 billion dollar problem p/a resulting in higher premiums and expenses for consumersand reduced benefits and coverage. Blockchain enabled Healthcare records are one of the most important securedigital documents in the fight to combat insurance fraud as provenance of the data is immutable. The iAM personalcare record meets this global opportunity.

In the US medication non-adherence is the leading cause of preventable illness and death. The iAM personal carerecord will help improve medication adherence with potential savings of at least GBP 800 million and US$290billion in the US.

In the UK Diabetes already costs the NHS nearly £10 billion a year, and 80% of this is spent on managing avoidablecomplications. The position is similar for all the other long term conditions. 40% of the population have at least onelong term condition (hypertension, heart, lung or kidney disease, asthma, epilepsy etc.) but these consume 70% ofthe NHS budget. Driven by authoritative data from GP systems , the iAM personal care record ensures that anyonewith a long term condition, including Diabetes, or other long term condition, is unfailingly alerted, reminded andfollowed up, entirely automatically, requiring no effort or resources from the GP, the practice staff, or the patient.

Last year Mariya Yeo (woman at Forbes) commented that your credit card number is worth 25 cents but yourelectronic health record is worth hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars to cyber criminals. Healthcare technologycompanies and system developers worldwide are scrambling to adopt blockchain technology as a means ofdelivering security and confidentiality. With the iAM personal care record all records on our blockchain are securedthrough cryptography.

The solution

An industry solution to multi billion dollar problems!Instant Access Medical is changing everything by creating a single, lifelong healthcare record under your control. Easy, portable management of health data in a comprehensive, up-to-date record and the ability to SMART share with healthcare professionals to get the best possible outcomes.

Record security by GuardtimeKSI Industrial Scale Blockchain &

record sharing governed by smart contracts

Reduce waste and speed up transactions by the creation of

a tokenized health care economy

Trusted, digital and portable health records that streamline

insurance claim settlements and minimize manual errors


The Point of Consensus

Despite the apparent conflict that exists between parties within the Healthcare Industry; iAM’s platform delivers a win-win outcome, we call this the “The Point of Consensus.”

Patients: Achieve better healthcare outcomes with increased control, portability and personalised care pathways, alerts & reminders, save time & earn money by optional sharing of anonymised health data.

Doctors & Care providers: Can provide better care in collaboration with the iAM app, records are digitised reducing manual errors, can treat patient’s record data as primary evidence, reduce time wasted. Patient data is securely shared using the blockchain.

Researchers: Competitively priced and easy access to comprehensive, complete and trusted de-identified patient data.

Partners: Improved access to health market place and permissioned access to patient health data.

Insurers: Access to digital patient data with explicit patient consent, to reduce the cost of care delivery; reduced fraud & settlement claims costs.

PartnersGuardtime is iAM’s Blockchain development company & PCR distribution partner. Guardtime is the world’s leading blockchain company by revenue, headcount and production deployments. Guardtime’s KSI Blockchain is the fundamental substrate for the Estonian e-Government systems that have 1,000+ citizen services and is ranked as one of the most advanced in the world. Guardtime Federal supports the cyber security and related security requirements of the US Defence Department, the US Intelligence Community and other US Government Departments.

HealthOne is iAM’s clinical repository and application interface engine. Used by 3,000+physicians in 5 countries (4 languages) and 18 specialities to manage & share thehealthcare records of over 6 million patients. Since 2003 HealthOne has partneredSpecial Olympics in all US states & 100 countries globally .

Moxtra (a mobile extra solution created by the original founders of Webex) is iAM’sprimary application communications mechanism. It delivers imbeddable cloudcollaboration for the mobile era. This allows the iAM personal care record to imbed real-time interactive “conversation capabilities” into our health record workflows.

Validic’s is iAM’s in-home medical devices and wearables platform partner enabling iAMaccess to personal health data from nearly 400 in-home medical devices and wearables.

Forcare is iAM’s primary application integration engine partner outside of primary care.In the US Forcare is integrated with Allscripts, Cerner & Epic as well as hospital systems inthe UK and EU.

International Partners


Healthcare Gateway is iAM’s clinical data extraction partner in the UK. It extractsdata from hospitals, General Practice, community services and social care systemswith 60% coverage of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in the UK (80% of theNHS’ £110bn budget). Integration with Healthcare Gateway and patient consentbased data extraction will enable iAM to populate the personal care records of over30m people in the UK before the end of 2019.

National Partners

The UK NHS is the fastest launch platform for iAM. The NHS is the largest singlehealthcare organisation in the world to deliver universal healthcare coverage of totaland comprehensive care, to an entire population, free at the point of care.100% of UK General Practitioners have comprehensive computerised records.iAM leads the way with its automatic daily extract of data from GP systems into youriAM personal care record alongside data patients themselves choose to enter. iAM isalready live in the UK NHS.

But the need for iAM is worldwide, so rollout is planned to the USA, Europe, Australia,Far East and the Middle East, Africa and India.

The product - built on HealthOne™

iAM owns HealthOne™ and ourPCR is built on HealthOne’sarchitecture and clinicalrepository. This has delivered iAMa robust application interfaceengine developed & refined over30 years


6 Million patients3,000 Clinics5 Countries4 Languages

Health One™ is the foundation of the Healthy Athletes Software System used By Special Olympics since 2003 for more than 1.8 million athletes.

Effortlessly sync your data from GP's and Smart Share it with hospitals, pharmacies, community and aged care providers

Coordinate your care with personalised care pathways for all long term conditions such as diabetes, asthma & heart disease

Conveniently connect with healthcare professionals for consultation and second opinions via "Moxtra inside"

Manage your own health. Access 3rd party applications such as our Mindset module for lasting behavioural change

Boost heath & fitness by pairing wearable devices. Real-time monitoring informs detailed personal analytics

Have peace of mind. Privacy ensured by Blockchain & 256 Bit encryption. NHS accredited, HL7, ISO 13606 & open EHR compliant

iAM is a cross platform solution

The product

Your Healthcare GPSManage your own health by automatically syncing your full medical history from your GP, Hospital or Healthcare provider.

Your medication, allergies and immunisations all in one place.

Stream consultations. Support for 8 languages

Stay on track with personal care pathways and intelligent Actions and Alerts.

Mobile App

How it works

Automatic data upload to personal care record

Healthcare provider systems

Auto-analysis of incoming data to create action items and alerts to optimise outcomes unique to each patient

iAM Web & Mobile Application

Remote devices & wearables

Well-being program

Book GP appointments & online consultations

Repeat Prescriptions

Comprehensive clinical data

Directory of services

Personal care pathways with multilingual alerts and follow up for long term conditions and national screening programmes

Blockchain Secured | Smart Contract Permissioned Personal Care Record


Blockchain integration Key layers

Clinician & Institutional EHR Systems

iAM Structured data Interfaces

Guardtime KSI Industrial Blockchain

Mobile Record, Apps & Wearables

SMART Contract Record Sharing

Tokenized payment system

Patients Doctors Researchers

Smart contract

Signed data

Signature verification


Patients Hospitals Doctors Pharmacies

Token utility

Blockchain SecuredSecure your personal care records on the blockchain.

EarnEarn iAM tokens when you consent to share your anonymized data with researchers

Record SharingSecurely share your record with health care professionals, the interaction is governed by smart contracts.

Write AccessGrant read & write access to Doctors, hospitals, healthcare providers and authorised 3rd parties.

Payments & TransfersPay for services such as booking appointments or telemedicine consults. You are also able to send, receive and pay in iAMtokens as you would any other crypto currency.

Get access to the full benefits of iAM’s platform by using iAM Tokens. Manage your token balance via the iAM Wallet (Mobile & Web app) and top it up by purchasing tokens

Secure Share Write Pay Earn

Token economy

Total Addressable Market

Costs dominated by long term conditions that Absorb 75% of healthcare budgets in OECD countries

47% of the population in the USA , 30% in the UK and 35% in Australia have at least one long-term condition

$8.7 trillion expenditure

by 2020

Diabetes alone as one example annual cost of

$825 billion

Example Serviceable Available Market

422 million Diabetes sufferers globally

Harvard Public Health and Imperial College London study shows the annual cost of treatment at US$825 billion

Diabetes costs the UK

alone £10 billion


Example Serviceable Obtainable Market

80% of £10 billion spent on managing avoidable complications

40% of the population have at least one long term condition (hypertension, heart, lung or kidney disease, asthma, epilepsy etc.) but these consume 70% of the NHS budget.

MarketThe iAM Personal care record addresses the single point of failure in healthcare systems globally – iAM ensures that anyone with a long term condition is unfailingly alerted, reminded and followed up, entirely automatically, requiring no effort or resources from their doctor, practice staff, or the patient.

The illustration below shows how iAM can address just a single long term condition – diabetes – however the model extrapolates to all long term conditions and all global markets. If implemented systematically, we estimate iAM’s PCR could reduce spend on long term conditions globally by 15% within 3 years rising to 25% within 5 years

CompetitionThe Majors Healthcare ICOs

• Dynamic• Active• Automatic

What others say about us

• Microsoft and Google have abandoned health vault applications - not currently promoting Personal Health Records

• Major competitors all depend on the consumer manually uploading their own data - no obvious benefit so people didn’t

• IBM & Cerner are customer focused on major institutions , iAMtargets the individual consumer

• Microsoft HealthVault UK stated they have seen no competitive equivalent to iAM, (incl internally) & plan interoperability with us.

• Apple have stated that they are happy to link data from wearable such as Applewatch to iAM PCR

• Static• Passive• Manual


• Institute for Productivity & Management & Glosanté stated they had not seen anything like our PCR from anyone else • Doctify, said we were doing everything on their road map but were 4 years ahead.• GP lead, NHS England Patient Online Access said “Others do bits of it & we haven’t seen anyone with such a comprehensive solution”.• CEO, Patient Advocate stated “We know no other PCR that offers a secure, comprehensive, multilingual, interactive platform covering

well-being, prevention & evidence-based treatment, automatically driven by authoritative data from all UK GP systems, plus a rich set of apps and supporting services, on a web portal, Apple, Android, and Windows mobiles”.

Patientory, Medicalchain, Trustedhealth, Medibloc, Skychain

• Most are start ups with little real-world traction or experience• Few commercial applications prior to their blockchain

solution• Limited real enterprise partners, so vague paths to market• No working integrations with healthcare. Unclear how they‘ll

acquire data • Not multi-lingual, usually single medical functionality, not

comprehensive• Few real world business models based in real world

experience• Limited medical functionality in their PCR• Most make the leap from a single limited technical solution to

a fully interoperable global health record solution, which is just not tenable

Comprehensive - all your medical history, including diagnoses, operations, medication, tests, immunisations, allergies, height, weight, BMI, blood pressure etc.

Tokenised - secure, flexible, simple

Simple to use - on your phone just a tap away

Empowering - your own life-long data, in your hands

Informing - Directories of services, symptoms, guidance

Proactive - built-in personal care pathways, alerts and reminders make your data come alive for the actions you need to get your best health outcomes.

Shareable - with the ones you love. Your children’s record on your phone. Elderly parents’ records too, with their consent.

Blockchain secure - your data, immutable, fraud-proof, tamper-proof, and under your control

Always there - a resident app on your phone. Synchs with the Cloud when you have a connection, works fine when you don’t, auto synchronises next time you connect.

Convenient - all in one place, on your phone

Personalized - It’s all about you, your data, your personal pathways, your consent for everything.

Portable - always with you, when you are away from home, when you travel for business or pleasure, and when you move home.

Multilingual - your alerts and actions in your own language

Your choices - nothing happens without your consent

• Comprehensive and convenient• All of it in one place

• Unique combination of tokens and personal care records• Built to meet the needs of consumers

Why the iAM solution is different (Consumers)

• Comprehensive and convenient• All of it in one place

• Unique combination of tokens and personal care records• Built to meet the needs of healthcare organizations

Reduced costs - reduce the spiralling costs of healthcare, especially long term conditions (diabetes, hypertension, heart, lung and kidney diseases etc.)

Enhanced consumer loyalty - consumers are empowered and informed, pro-active and interactive

Reduced workload - monitors the normal results, alerts patients and healthcare professionals only for abnormals, with huge workload savings and increased patient safety.

Improved outcomes - built-in evidence-based care pathways to deliver best outcomes at lowest costs

Increased efficiency - reduced waste, reduced duplication

Improved population health - increased conformance with personal care pathways leading to fewer consequences of long term conditions and reduced unplanned admissions

Tokenised - secure, flexible, simple

Blockchain secure - primary medical data, immutable, fraud-proof, tamper-proof

Reduced health inequalities - improved health across your population

Real time performance monitoring - real time data on population health, percentage conformance with care pathways, future risk assessments

Interoperable - import / export from and to current supplier software systems

Multilingual - widespread applicability

Integrated care - cost-effective, when you integrate around the patient, not the organisation, speciality, or condition.

Standards compatible - including ISO 13606, openEHR, XL7, XDS, FHIR, CDA and GDPR, HIPAA

Why the iAM solution is different (healthcare funders & Providers)

TeamOur team has a unique combination of experienced doctors, healthcare and IT specialists. The team has over 50 years of combined experience in healthcare that translates into domain expertise, strong vision and sound strategy.

DR Stan ShepardChairman and CEO

GP Practitioner, Care Quality Commission GP Inspector & Special Olympics Medical

Advisory Committee member

Dr Jonathan DawsonClinical Director

Consultant Surgeon, Northampton General Hospital, Private Practice

System Solution founder

Ray JordanSolutions Director

Healthcare Systems Architect, designer and implementation manager

Russell BeattieCEO Australia

Hospital Management, Health record & pharm-tech start-ups, Health tech

company CEO

Andrew BonnerCEO USA

Pharmacy Benefit systems expert, Health Insurance & Insurance Claims

Nicholas BeattieDigital Economy Director

S&M, Supply Chain Mngt, Engineering in 2 Forbes top 100 Companies.

Bill EvansProj Tech Advisor,

Entrepreneur, Liberty Fox Founder

Michelle CarnotAgile Project Manager

Media Arts, Animation, Creative Design and Project Management

Mike PalumboSenior Developer

Web Application Specialist & Mobile Platform Development

Thomas DepoleDeveloper, UX Designer,

.NET framework, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


United Kingdom Market $333 BN in 2017

USA Market $3.5T in 2017

Health Insurer application in partner ship with Guardtimeusing HSX to enable a free market economy, globally, for the seamless, secure transfer of medical records enabling healthcare providers to bid for insurer business. We are partnering Guardtime to underpin HSX with our personal care record platform.


Interface via APIs and commercial agreements with physician medical record systems and hospital EHR systems (Cerner, Epic) & Allscripts


Extension of iAM personal care record MyPCR to Medicare, Medicaid, VA, DOD, Health insurers, and hospital systems


1 Clinical Commissioning Groups

2 UK Corporates

3 Consumer Fremium Version

4 Extension to Allied Healthcare providers

Growth strategy

£ Next 3 yrs£ Next 12mUK Partners

$12.21.11MHealthcare Gateway and DXS CCGs

2.2M1.1MPatient Advocate Corporate licenses

3.1M0.37MDXS – Consumer/FreemiumIn-app purchases

17.4M2.6MTotal existing partners only

EU & Australasia Market $3.1T In 2017

Integration with medical practice & clinical record systems 1

Integration with medications adherence platforms2

3 Health Insurer market penetration

Deployment with big pharma4

Primary Healthcare Networks5

Integration with Hospital systems6

Integration with Pharmacy Loyalty systems7

Extension to Allied Healthcare providers8

Extension of token economy to retail & other sectors9

iAM Focus in UK

iAM Focus in USA

iAM Focus in EU & Australasia

A case for growth

With a fixed iAM token supply, growing adoption (users & institutions) and a $5B iAM Token economy, token price

will be set by market forces.

iAM believes that based solely on the four healthcare sector expenditures below, we can achieve an iAM Token Economy spend in excess of USD $5 Billion per annum by 2020:

1. Hospital spend – USD $1,000 billion2. Health Insurance - USD $852 billion3. Spend on Physicians – USD $635 billion4. Spend on prescription drugs – USD $329 billion

Combined healthcare spending in the world’s major regions is expected to reach USD $8.7 trillion by 2020. Spending is expected to be driven by aging and growing populations, developing market expansion, clinical and technology advances, and rising labor costs.

The US accounts for 47% of global healthcare spend (16.9% of US GDP in 2016). US health spending now exceeds USD $3 trillion per year, with growth rates projected to accelerate to over US$4 trillion by 2020. Major spending categories are led by hospital care (USD $1 trillion), physicians (USD $634.9 billion), and prescription drugs (USD $328.6 billion).

In 2016, the U.S. life and health insurance industry generated a total revenue of $851.9 Billion USD. The iAM partnership with Guardtime is heavily focused on the US in future. In the first collaboration Guardtime will use the iAM personal care record (MyPCR). Guardtime is partnering with a consortium of the largest healthcare insurers to deliver a new and efficient blockchain Health Information Exchange “HSX”, to enable a global free market economy for the seamless, secure transfer of medical records enabling healthcare providers to bid for insurer business. We are partnering with Guardtime to underpin HSX with our personal care record platform.

The Guardtime partnership aims to ensure that US health insurers both white label the iAM MyPCR to their members and use it in all quotes for hospital services to their members. Hereafter it is a matter of promoting the benefits of the iAM platform to consumers and their respective healthcare providers. Note that there is significant potential for the iAM MyPCR to be promoted with Guardtime and their distribution partners in the US to Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense and other governmental agencies.

iAM has already deployed a minimal viable product (MVP)

Used by Special Olympics

Road Map2018 Q4Lay foundation for Token Health Care economy

2019 Q1Further integration with DXS, healthcare Gateway & Patient Advocate

2019 Q2Integrate Industrial Scale Blockchain & Health info Exchange

2019 Q2Enhance Record sharing via SMART contracts

2019 Q3Deploy medical insurer personal care record & integrate Validicwearables Platform

2020 Q1Scale to USA & Australia

2019 Q2Enable iAM Platform Secure, Write, Share & Pay with iAM Tokens

2019 Q2Integrate Token Wallet to iAM Mobile App & Create Fiat ‘on ramp’

2019 Q2Update iAM Web & Mobile App UI & KAA iOTplatform integration

2019 Q1iAM Token Sale & List on Major Exchanges

50% Sales to Purchasers in Token Sale

38% iAM Reserve

8% Team & Founders

2% Community Engagement

2% Bounty Campaign

75% Delivery of Health Services ($26M)

25% Platform Development & Launch Expenses ($9M)

Token Distribution

Token Supply & Distribution


Delivery of Health Services ($26M - 75% of Funds)

Consumer Care Record service delivery 30%

Medical Practitioner service delivery 15%

Healthcare Institutions service delivery 20%

Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical service delivery 5%

Insurers and payers service delivery 20%

Patient Advocates service delivery 5%

Data warehouses and researchers service delivery 5%

Platform Dev & Expenses ($9M - 25% of Funds)

Technology development 15%

Technology support 10%

Marketing and market development 20%

Network extensions & development 5%

Legals and regulatory 5%

Token economy development 20%

General overheads 25%



Detailed use of funds

Platform Development & Launch Expense


Delivery of Health Services


Note: iAM forecasts 75% of the funds will be utilised to fund health service delivery to deliver on the business plan post development

Instant Access Medical Holdings LimitedReg. Co. No. 64751 C/O The Oak Trust18-20 The Pollet, Saint Peter-Port,Guernsey, GY1 1WH, Channel IslandsT: +1 800 471 2089 EXT 802F: +44 1481 727 561M: +61 425 808 885E: [email protected]:

iAM is currently in a Presale round leading to a Public

Token Sale in January 2019.

To participate visit