Page 1: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


YumYum English

HARDtalk 1

By: Saied Shahi

ن این مجموعه �ا لوگوی مرجع ز�ان ایران�ابرخط و حامل �ه ث�ت رس�دە است ��� �ه صورت

ع و اخالق است و برداری از آن خالف قانون، �� �ک�شامل پ�گرد خواهد شد.

Page 2: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


Page 3: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


بسمه تعالی

ن آر ما را ب ،"ضروری جمله 620" کتاب ی یام یام، نظیر شما عزیزان از کتاب اول مجموعهاستقبال بی

جمله 620" ی دقیق کتابی تکمیلی آن را برای شما عزیزان فراهم آوریم. با مطالعهداشت تا نسخه

شوید. اما برای صحبت کردن روان ای انگلیسی آشنا میشما با جمالت کلیدی، مهم و پایه ،"ضروری

ر آن جمالت و جمالت مشابه در مکالمات روزمره خواهید داشت. برای استفاده مکرّشنیدن و نیاز به

یدی و در عین حال ساده به عنوان منبع جامع و کاملی از مکالمات روزمره، کل رواین مهم، کتاب پیش

و روان تنظیم شده است.

620" گوهای کاربردی با استفاده از جمالت کلیدی کتاب ودر دو جلد به شکل گفت "هاردتاک"کتاب

ی استفاده از جمالت کاربردی در مکالمه . در این کتاب به شما نحوهتدوین شده است ،"ضروری جمله

ی این کتاب شما را هر چه بیشتر باالعهطآموزیم. امید است که مو تولید جمالت صحیح و جدید را می

رایج آشنا و درگیر کند. یهاموضوعات روزمره و پرسش و پاسخ

بسیار هدفمند و ساعت فایل صوتی این کتاب که شامل مکالمات 10کافی است بارها و بارها، به

ا بدون نیاز به هیچ کالسی، تنها با صرف باشد، گوش دهید تمی کبیری بنده و سرکار خانم یآموزنده

زبان انگلیسی را بیاموزید.ی کلیدی سی دقیقه در روز، صدها جملهنهایتا

ترین و ترین، کم هزینهگام انگلیسی بر مبنای سادهبهآموزش گام ،یامهدف ما در تمام مجموعه یام

ترین کتب این مجموعه برای جامعاز مهمترین و "هاردتاک"کتاب شک. بیباشدترین متد میسریع

ر دآموزان عزیز . لذا، به تمامی زبانباشدمییادگیری و تسلط بر مکالمات پرکاربرد و اساسی انگلیسی

را با دقت و پشتکار فراگیرند تا به دور از "هاردتاک"شود خط به خط کتاب تمامی سطوح توصیه می

و به راحتی صحبت کنند. ددرستی جمله بسازنهرگونه اشتباه و نگرانی، به

که در تمام مراحل طرح درس و تولید کبیری دانم که از سرکار خانم افسانهی خویش میوظیفه

ا داشته باشم. راند، کمال تشکر محتوای این کتاب همکاری فراوانی با بنده داشته

گردآوری کتاب همچنین از خانمها مرضیه مجدالدین و مهندس گالره عزیزپور برای همکاریشان در

نمایم.رو، قدردانی فراوان میپیش

یام مورد توجه و استقبال شما عزیزان قرار ی یامکتب مجموعه سایر امیدوارم این کتاب نیز همچون

گیرد تا هدف بنده در خدمت به مردم کشورم، بیش از پیش به ثمر بنشیند.

با آرزوی سالمتی و موفقیت روزافزون،

97ید شاهی، شهریور سع

Page 4: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


Page 5: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


List of Contents:

Session 1 __________________________________________________________________ 7

Session 2 _________________________________________________________________ 16

Session 3 _________________________________________________________________ 23

Session 4 _________________________________________________________________ 31

Session 5 _________________________________________________________________ 35

Session 6 _________________________________________________________________ 41

Session 7 _________________________________________________________________ 49

Session 8 _________________________________________________________________ 54

Session 9 _________________________________________________________________ 58

Session 10 ________________________________________________________________ 64

Session 11 ________________________________________________________________ 67

Session 12 ________________________________________________________________ 72

Session 13 ________________________________________________________________ 79

Session 14 ________________________________________________________________ 84

Session 15 ________________________________________________________________ 88

Session 16 ________________________________________________________________ 93

Session 17 ________________________________________________________________ 98

Session 18 _______________________________________________________________ 104

Session 19 _______________________________________________________________ 107

Session 20 _______________________________________________________________ 111

Session 21 _______________________________________________________________ 115

Session 22 _______________________________________________________________ 118

Session 23 _______________________________________________________________ 122

Session 24 _______________________________________________________________ 126

Session 25 _______________________________________________________________ 130

Session 26 _______________________________________________________________ 136

Session 27 _______________________________________________________________ 139

Session 28 _______________________________________________________________ 143

Session 29 _______________________________________________________________ 148

Session 30 _______________________________________________________________ 151

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Page 7: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


Session 1

Mr. Shahi: Do you wake up early or late?

Afshan: I usually wake up early in the morning.

Mr. Shahi: Do you set the alarm clock, or does your mom wake you up?

Afshan: It depends. Sometimes my mother wakes me up but sometimes I set

the alarm clock.

She sets the alarm clock. Her mom wakes her up. My mom wakes me up.

Mr. Shahi: Does your mom wake you up, or do you set the alarm clock?

Afshan: I set the alarm clock.

Mr. Shahi: Are you an early bird or not (you are not an early bird)?

Afshan: Yeah. Of course, I am an early bird.

You are an early bird.

Mr. Shahi: What time do you usually wake up in the morning?

Afshan: I usually wake up at 7:00.

Mr. Shahi: Every morning you wake up early or just sometimes you wake up


Afshan: Well, on weekdays, I wake up early in the morning but on the

weekends, I wake up later.

Page 8: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


Mr. Shahi: Are you an early bird? Are you a night owl?

Afshan: I’m a night owl.

Mr. Shahi: Did you let your mom know you’re going to be late today or not?

Afshan: Yes. I let my mother know that I’m going to be late today.

Mr. Shahi: Are you a night owl or a morning person?

Afshan: I’m a morning person.

Mr. Shahi: Why don’t you stay awake at night?

Afshan: Because I have to wake up early in the morning.

An early bird: a person who wakes up early in the morning

I’m an early bird. You are an early bird.

I’m a morning person.

Vocabulary Tip

What’s the difference between

“an early bird” and “a night owl” ?

A night owl: a person who stays awake (at night) till the early

hours of the morning

An early bird (early riser): a person who gets up very early in the


Vocabulary Tip

On the weekend : American

At the weekend : British

Incorrect: in the weekend

Page 9: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


Mr. Shahi: You “should” wake up or you “have to” wake up?

Afshan: I have to wake up early because I have to

be at work. (No choice)

Mr. Shahi: How about weekends? Do you

go to bed late? Do you stay awake? Are

you a night owl on the weekends or not?

Afshan: Yes. On the weekends, I’m a real

night owl. I sometimes go to sleep at 4:00

in the morning.

Mr. Shahi: What do you want to do?

Afshan: Well, I want to speak English fluently.

Mr. Shahi: “Are you going to” speak English fluently, or “will” you speak English


Vocabulary Tip

What’s the difference between

“weekend” and “weekdays”?

Weekdays are the days of the week except Saturday and Sunday.

Weekend is the last two days of the week.

On the weekend is more common in American English.

At the weekend is more common in British English.

In the weekend is grammatically incorrect.

She has to wake up early in the

morning; that’s why she has to

go to sleep or go to bed early.

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Afshan: I’m going to speak English fluently.

Mr. Shahi: Which one is correct Afshan? I’m gonna travel to Italy or I’m gonna

travel Italy?

Afshan: I’m gonna travel to Italy.

Mr. Shahi: What do you want to do?

Afshan: I’m gonna speak English fluently.

Mr. Shahi: Are you sure?

Afshan: Yeah.

Mr. Shahi: Are you serious?

Afshan: I’m serious.

I’m going to (I’m gonna) She’s going to (She’s gonna)

He’s going to (He’s gonna) You’re going to (You’re gonna)

We’re going to (We’re gonna) They’re going to (They’re gonna)

Vocabulary Tip

What is the difference between

“I’m going to speak English fluently” and “I will speak English fluently” ?

“Going to”: It is used when you’re sure about a future happening.

According to the weather forecast, it is going to be hot tomorrow.

I’m going to travel to Italy in June. (You have your ticket now.)

They’re going to marry soon. (They fixed the date.)

“Will”: It is used in the simple future tense. You can use it when you’re

not sure or the decision is immediate.

I will play tennis very well next year.

I think Sara will be the top student this term.

Page 11: YumYum English - YumYum English HARDtalk 1 By: Saied Shahi نﺎ ﻧاﺮﯾا نﺎ ز ﻊﺟﺮﻣ یﻮﮔﻮﻟ


Mr. Shahi: Do you go to work at 7:00 or 8:00?

Afshan: I usually go to work at 7:00.

Mr. Shahi: What time do you usually go to work?

Afshan: I usually go to work at 7:00.

Mr. Shahi: Do you go to work early or late?

Afshan: I go to work early.

Mr. Shahi: You go to work at 7:00, don’t you?

Afshan: Yeah.

Mr. Shahi: What time do you wake up?

Afshan: I should wake up at 6:00.

Mr. Shahi: Then, you are an early bird!?

Afshan: Yeah, I’m an early bird.

Mr. Shahi: Is it easy or hard to be a morning person?

Afshan: Hard; but .

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Mr. Shahi: Is it a good way or a wrong/terrible way?

Afshan: It’s the best way.

Grammar Tip

“be/get used to” , “get used to” and “used to”

You say: “I’m used to (doing) something” when you’re accustomed to doing


I’m used to waking up early in the morning.

I’m used to this weather. (You are familiar with /accustomed to this weather.)

You say: “I have got used to (doing) something” when you started something

in the past and it has still been continuing.

I have got used to waking up early. (It’s been for a while.)

I have got used to living in this city or situation.

I have got used to this weather.

You use: “Used to” if something happened regularly or all the time in the

past, but doesn’t happen anymore.

I used to work a lot.

My father used to smoke. (He doesn’t smoke now.)

I used to work hard.

I used to have lots of (a lot of) classes.

I used to have classes a lot.

I used to be a night owl but now I’ve got used to being a morning person.

“She used to be a night owl” means she stayed awake till midnight or at

night. She has gone to bed too late or she has stayed up till the early hours

of the morning, but now she has got used to waking up early.

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Mr. Shahi: Are you out of a job?

Afshan: I’m out of a job/jobless/out of work/unemployed.

Mr. Shahi: Is it good to be jobless or terrible?

Afshan: It’s terrible.

Mr. Shahi: Is it awesome or awful?

Afshan: It’s awful to be jobless and to stay at home

all the time.

Mr. Shahi: Have you seen any jobless people

among your friends?

Afshan: Yeah, nowadays, there are so many jobless people.

Mr. Shahi:

Who do you call “jobless/out of a job”?

Afshan: A person who doesn’t have a job.

Afshan: A person who stays at home and doesn’t work.

Jobless : out of work, unemployed ,out of a job

The elevator is out of service/order or it is broken.

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Mr. Shahi: Is your mom a housewife?

Afshan: Yes, my mom is a housewife.

Mr. Shahi: My mom is a housewife too. What does “housewife” mean?

What does she do?

Afshan: Well, a housewife does the household chores.

Mr. Shahi: Could you please give some examples?


A housewife does the laundry.

A housewife does/ washes the dishes.

A housewife makes food.

A housewife makes lunch.

A housewife makes breakfast.

A housewife makes dinner.

A housewife dusts the house.

A housewife vacuums the house.

A housewife mops the floor.

Mr. Shahi: What are you doing?


I’m vacuuming the house.

I’m dusting the house.

I’m mopping the floor.

I’m doing the laundry.

I’m doing my bed.

I’m making my bed.

I’m cleaning my house.

Do the dishes = Wash the dishes

Do the bed = Make your bed

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Mr. Shahi: What’s the difference between “house” and “home”?

Afshan: “House” is the building but “home” is the place that you belong to and

your family lives in. It’s the cozy place that you live in, that you like and that

there is love in.

I’m a rich girl and I have ten houses,

but my home is a place where my family lives in.

Mr. Shahi: Here is my home or here is my house!?

Ashan: If it’s the place that I live in, I say: “It’s my home.”

Mr. Shahi: If it just belongs to you and it’s yours but you don’t live there, you

call it “my house”.

Let’s go to my uncle’s house.