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高校 の めいこん By Jarrett Taira

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高校 の めいこん By Jarrett Taira

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Table of Contents

Author’s Note————————————————————————#1

Convince Us by Jarrett Taira——————————————————#2

Share My Judgment by Jarrett Taira———————————-————#4

Pet Peeve Paper by Jarrett Taira—————————————————#6

What it means to be Paper by Jarrett Taira—————————————#8

Raising A Question by Tarin Tanji————————————————#10

Final Way Out by Trevin Tengan ————————————————#12

Killing Patton by Bill O-Rilley—————————————————#14

The Hunt for the Red October By Tom Clancy———————————#16

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Author's Note: All of the pieces shown before you are things that we all will see, metaphorically

and literally. The sports and big games of our youth and the stressful tests that make us

want to rip out our hair. The pieces I selected are all related in one basic part.

Everything here is something you could encounter in your high school life. The big

games of things like baseball to the stressful tests that could kill your grade in one go.

There are also your research papers on famous people or reading a book for class. All

of these things are things that will be a part of your high school life. The writing

process is a very basic but effective one seen throughout these pieces. They start off

with finding an idea or topic, map out how they will write, start for the draft and slowly

get peer edits and tune up their piece to something that is worthy of presentation. it is

also a slow one requiring you to go back and forward with multiple edits needing to be

done in order for you to get the best product possible. When writing to an audience and

having good voice throughout your piece, I learned on how trust me statements are

important. Using words that you commonly wouldn't in a regular essay like I and you

or if, should be used in your essay when you want to talk to an audience. Become more

casual with the speech to make it easier for the reader to make a connection to the

piece. Many of the pieces displayed here show quality writing that has good trust me

writing. Over the time we started and ended the semester, I have seen an obvious

improvement in my writing referring to trust me styled writing and towards audiences.

It has also helped me improve my editors eye with looking out for certain things in

order to help the person I’m reading get a better grasp on what they should and

shouldn't have in their essay. It also helps me to learn from them at the same time. The

time I have spent in Expository writing has not only helped me improve my basic

writing skills, but has helped me go beyond the basic and into a more complex writing

styles of making better dialogue, writing to and audience and more. I will take allot

away from this experience.

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Convince us paper by Jarrett Taira

When people do things they love to have action roles and the catcher has no

shortage in action. Catchers will always get to touch the ball at least as many

times as the pitcher does. They will catch each pitch as well block and throw

people out. It is an exhilarating experience seeing the 80 mph fastball zooms in

through the zone. It’s such a beautiful sight to see it go by. But if there is a wild

pitch or something in the dirt, you get to shoot out or hit the dirt and block a ball

from getting past you. Taking place in a second, you see the throw and move

your body to stop the pitch that could save your team or end the game. Then there

are instances where the ball is thrown to you in order to tag someone out.

“Runner!” as the first basemen or second basemen would yell, a runner

steals. The throw made by you just got your team an out and closer to winning

the game. Split minute decisions with the perfect throw and catch or even the

adjustments needed to get the ball in time are the life of the catcher. By doing so

you manage to stop an out or chase him back to the bag.

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Why it’s Good

"They will catch each pitch as well block and throw people out. It is an

exhilarating experience seeing the 80 mph fastball zooms in through the zone. It’s

such a beautiful sight to see it go by. But if there is a wild pitch or something in

the dirt, you get to shoot out or hit the dirt and block a ball from getting past you.

Taking place in a second, you see the throw and move your body to stop the pitch

that could save your team or end the game. Then there are instances where the

ball is thrown to you in order to tag someone out. “Runner!” as the first basemen

or second basemen would yell, a runner steals. The throw made by you just got

your team an out and closer to winning the game. “This display allots of trust me

righting. It displays good amounts of showing some dialogue as well as giving a

story in it. The story helps to allow the reader to get more interested as well as

feel more connected with the role that is being described. The essay also uses lots

of details like “80 MPH fastball or the situations that a capture will go

through. It’s good use of wording and voice helps to keep you interested and on

topic. Not only do those help the reader become more trusting of statements of

what a catcher is like, but it will also help them enjoy reading it allot more of just

opinions. The essay is a great trust me essay and convinces many to like the role

of catcher.

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Share My Judgment by Jarrett Taira

When you want to buy a tool but you want the one that is most efficient,

which one do you buy, the pretty but bad one or the bulky and good one. That’s

what PCs are like. They might not have the sleek white and gray that the Mac

systems all show but The PC is highly efficient and gets the job done. They are

big, but they are able to be customized to fit a user’s desires. Want something

faster or more data, more graphics for higher end work, that’s what you can do

with a PC. But due to the way Macs are, you risk breaking your computer and

loosing warranty if you take it apart. It is practically locked together and taking

apart risks breaking it. The bigger it is the more you can do with it, the smaller it

is, the less you can do with it. Macs are a small platform but PCs can be changed

in any way you see fit. The next thing is that they are also allot more expensive

than PC when all you need a Computer to do is very small and simple basic tasks

when Macs do them and PCs can do the same. The PC is ranging from $100 and

up cheaper than the Mac. It’s like buying a huge jet to transport a person from a

building to one next to it. PC’s are more efficient and cost less than macs.

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Why it’s Good

In this essay, it talks about how PC's are better than Mac's. This essay is

about convincing the reader to like one product more than the other. When you

read through, you will notice many details like “The PC is ranging from $100 and

up cheaper than the Mac." This quote allows for proof of a statement helping the

reader become more trusting of the statement of PC's superiority. There is also

lots of dialogue with the reader to help them feel more connected to the story.

The next thing there is a good amount of is analogies. For example, “it’s like

buying a huge jet to transport a person from a building to one next to it.” This use

of analogies help the reader become more understanding. with that it made for a

good use of Voice from the author as well as word choice. This made a good

fluid reading that kept you interested in learning more. The word choice used in

explaining the different attribute of the two computers like "The next thing is that

they are also allot more expensive than PC when all you need a Computer to do is

very small and simple basic tasks when Macs do them and PCs can do the same.

The PC is ranging from $100 and up cheaper than the Mac. It’s like buying a

huge jet to transport a person from a building to one next to it. PC’s are more

efficient and cost less than macs." This quote is one of the great examples of good

word choice used to explain the different properties of the computers.

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Pet Peeve Paper by Jarrett Taira

No matter what route you take. The chances of you encountering someone

who drives recklessly will always be possible. For instance, today when I took

the off-ramp on to Punahou Street, I encountered a reckless driver. Driving up

and just before I stop behind the line of cars, a huge SUV speeds over from the

right lane and all the way over to the left one. He forces me to slam on me too

quickly slow down when I’m coming up the ramp. I am still a little tired so my

adrenaline rushed up. I wasn’t mad but just scared for my life because I didn’t

want to hit the guy. Once the light changes to green, reckless driver numero uno

speeds off to his destination. This happens almost every day in some form.

Maybe not as bad but still happens. The blessing is that from that point on, I was

able to drive with safe drivers all the way to school. A calm drive with no stress

after my adrenaline filled situation. The safe driver is what I want and you will to

because when we get older, those stressful situations will get us killed.

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Why it’s Good

The reason why this was chosen as a good piece was that it was using a

story to help in an explanation. Even though it is a bit one sided, it still is a good

way of explaining to a reader of how you feel about a party. “Driving up and just

before I stop behind the line of cars, a huge SUV speeds over from the right lane

and all the way over to the left one. He forces me to slam on me too quickly slow

down when I’m coming up the ramp. I am still a little tired so my adrenaline

rushed up. I wasn’t mad but just scared for my life because I didn’t want to hit the

guy. Once the light changes to green, reckless driver numero uno speeds off to his

destination. This happens almost every day in some form. Maybe not as bad but

still happens.” This is easy to understand the feelings of writer when they were

going on with the situation of driving with reckless driver. Good example for me

as well because I usually don’t use stories in an essay.

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What it means to be Paper by Jarrett Taira

Baseball is a sport that requires the best of your abilities to be put to use.

You need to work hard to be the best in order to be the best. People like Babe

Ruth, Miguel Cabrera, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez, Hank Aaron and many more.

All of the people who have been listed are some of the best of the best. Baseball

players are people who have mastered their skills for their special locations on the

field. It could be the batter, the pitcher, the catcher, the first baseman and many

more. Baseball players work hard to perfect their skills. Like you and I we have

the ability to do so, I have worked on my skills for almost more than 10 years

now. I have started all over but slowly developed and improved the skills of

speed, agility, strength and working on my throws, specialized playing positions,

and the many different parts of the game. They all know strategy, got skill and

have desire and love for the game. They are some of the true players of this great

game and because of what they have done, it defines what a true player is even


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Why it’s Good

In this essay, a good use of trust me statements and other ways of making a

reader believe you is used. Examples of details of experience help to make the

writer be more credible. For example,” I have worked on my skills for almost

more than 10 years now. I have started all over but slowly developed and

improved the skills of speed, agility, strength and working on my throws,

specialized playing positions, and the many different parts of the game.” This

helps to give more detail show that you are an expert at the subject. Also giving

important figures like people who are professionals at it help to show expertise as

well. “People like Babe Ruth, Miguel Cabrera, Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez,

Hank Aaron and many more. All of the people who have been listed are some of

the best of the best. Baseball players are people who have mastered their skills

for their special locations on the field. It could be the batter, the pitcher, the

catcher, the first baseman and many more.” This essay used allot of examples and

effective strategies to prove their expertise what makes it a good essay.

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Raising A Question by Tarin Tanji

Although there is a college right next to our school, many students do not want

to enroll there. The University of Hawaii at Manoa’s tuition is around half the cost

of our school but does not sit well with students and parents. Its website states, “A

destination of choice, students and faculty come from across the nation and the

world to take advantage of UH Manoa's unique research opportunities, diverse

community, nationally-ranked Division I athletics program, and beautiful

landscape.” But just as parents sacrifice thousands of dollars to send their children

to private school, they are willing to do the same for the most prestigious


My dad attended UH after high school and received a full scholarship for his

last two years of undergraduate study and saved a lot of money by staying home and

attending the state’s medical school. He completed his final years of training on the

mainland and is now an ophthalmologist who is equally as successful as his friends

who attended more prestigious schools. Although my dad wasn’t able to attend the

best school straight out of high school, he didn’t lose sight of his goals and think of

the opportunities he was missing out on, but used all of the resources he did have.

After he received his general education, he was able to attend more prestigious

graduate schools. People base their impression of him on the last school he attended

for fellowship, not the beginning of his college education.

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Why it’s Good

Here in this essay written by Tarin Tanji, it uses a lot of details to support

her statement and question better. “My dad attended UH after high school and

received a full scholarship for his last two years of undergraduate study and saved

a lot of money by staying home and attending the state’s medical school.” These

sentences are just some of the examples of what a good essay should contain. A

usage of detail not only makes it look better, but it helps it sound better because it

helps to give a better backing to the statement she makes. Word choice also

makes it flow well and be fluid. It chose it because it is something my essay

needs as well. Another good example is in her quotes. “A destination of choice,

students and faculty come from across the nation and the world to take advantage

of UH Manoa's unique research opportunities, diverse community, nationally-

ranked Division I athletics program, and beautiful landscape.” The good word

choice helps improve her voice in the piece making it easier to understand her

feeling and stance on the topic. This essay portrays all of the good parts that make

a good essay.

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Final Way Out Trevin Tengan

The biggest and most common argument about finals is why does one,

meaning a single test represent 20 percent of your grade; you spend the other 80

percent in the classroom doing homework, taking quizzes and tests. The thing I

just don't understand is why does a test on only one day possess so much of your

final grade, when the other 120 days you spend studying you butt off only to find

out if you bomb your final you grade could go from an "A" to a "c". I mean it just

doesn't add up and make much sense.

Then you go into a more deeper meaning and find out that all your hard

work is for nothing, but your teacher says "if you were actually working and

studying hard the test should have been easy." This seems legit until you find out

some people aren't made for taking tests. People who slack off in the classroom,

not doing homework, but are great test takers even out the playing field here,

although it shouldn't be that way. This shouldn't be the message to students

because some might procrastinate and think "if I don't do good during the quarter,

then I can just study super hard for the final and still get a good grade." Even

though it's a good thing to study for the final, the student should still persevere in

the classroom. There are some alternatives that could replace this system, but

would still be very efficient.

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Why it’s Good

Here, this essay written by Trevin Tengan displays good word usage,

examples and fluency. he also has a good organized style of explanation, he starts

off here with grades and the numbers and then slowly connects it to another

supporting topic of class vs test based learners. This allows for a good division

but organization between his paragraphs. another important part of his essay that

adds on to it would be the word usage and fluency. “The thing I just don't

understand is why does a test on only one day possess so much of your final

grade, when the other 120 days you spend studying you butt off only to find out if

you bomb your final you grade could go from an "A" to a "c". I mean it just

doesn't add up and make much sense.” Shown here, he uses a good set of words

so that it will be simplistic, to the point, and easy to connect with as well as flow.

This also helped express his voice more clearly instead of making a long boring

list. By doing so it isn't choppy allowing for a better delivery of the information

and supporting his statement with more feeling and liveliness than a regular

statement. Trevin wrote an excellent essay and the style of writing he used is


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Killing Patton By Bill O-Rilley

O'Reilly, Bill, and Martin Dugard. Killing Patton: The Strange Death of World War II's Most Audacious

General / Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

The man with forty-five minutes to live cannot defend himself.

General George S. Patton Jr. Fears no one but now he sleeps flat on his back

in a hospital bed. His upper body is encased in plaster, the result of a car accident

twelve days ago. Room 110 is a former utility closet, just fourteen feet by sixteen

feet. There are no decorations, pictures on the walls o, or elaborate furnishings-

just the narrow bed, white walls, and a single high window. A chair has been

brought in for Patton’s wife, Beatrice, who endured a long, white-knuckle flight

over the north Atlantic from the family home in Boston to be at his bed side. She

sits there now, crochet hook moving silently back and forth, raising her eyes

every few moments to see if her husband has awakened.

Page 1

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Why it’s Good

Bill O'Reilly wrote an excellent book and his introduction paragraph of

what starts off the entire book displays an excellent example of good writing. Bill

uses a good voice when writing making it be fluid as well as having good word

choice. He also gives content that is important when starting it off, it is

interesting, fluid, and strong. For example “General George S. Patton Jr. Fears no

one but now he sleeps flat on his back in a hospital bed. His upper body is

encased in plaster, the result of a car accident twelve days ago. Room 110 is a

former utility closet, just fourteen feet by sixteen feet. There are no decorations,

pictures on the walls o, or elaborate furnishings- just the narrow bed, white walls,

and a single high window.” By using an explanation of the setting, he gives good

content, but also keeps it interesting so that a reader would want to keep on going

to find out more. This was a good introduction paragraph to a good book.

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The Hunt for the Red October By Tom Clancy

Clancy, Tom. The Hunt for Red October. Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute, 1984. Print.

"Easier, but hardly easy, Dan," General Hilton objected. "For Christ's sake, they have at least one political officer aboard, plus moles from their intelligence outfits. You really think a Party

hack would go along with this?"

"Why not? You heard Ryan—that frigate's mutiny was led by the political officer."

"Yeah, and since then they have shaken up that whole directorate," Hilton responded. "We have defecting KGB types all the time, all good Party members," Foster said. Clearly he

liked the idea of a defecting Russian sub. The president took all this in, then turned to Ryan. "Dr. Ryan, you have managed to persuade

me that your scenario is a theoretical possibility. Now, what does the CIA think we ought to do

about it?"

"Mr. President, I'm an intelligence analyst, not—"

"I know very well what you are, Dr. Ryan. I've read enough of your work. I can see you have

an opinion. I want to hear it."

Ryan didn't even look at Judge Moore. "We grab her, sir."

"Just like that?"

"No, Mr. President, probably not. However, Ramius could surface off the Virginia Capes in a

day or two and request political asylum. We ought to be prepared for that contingency, sir, and

my opinion is that we should welcome him with open arms." Ryan saw nods from all the chiefs. Finally somebody was on his side. "You've stuck your neck out on this one," the president observed kindly. "Sir, you asked me for an opinion. It will probably not be that easy. These Alfas and Victors

appear to be racing for our coast, almost certainly with the intention of establishing an

interdiction force—effectively a blockade of our Atlantic coast."

"Blockade," the president said, "an ugly word."

"Judge," General Hilton said, "I suppose it's occurred to you that this is a piece of disinformation aimed at blowing whatever highly placed source generated this report?"

Judge Moore affected a sleepy smile. "It has, General. If this is a sham, it's a damned

elaborate one. Dr. Ryan was directed to prepare this briefing on the assumption that this data is

genuine. If it is not, the responsibility is mine." God bless you, Judge, Ryan said to himself, wondering just how gold-plated the WILLOW source was. The judge went on, "In any case, gentlemen, we will have to respond to this Soviet activity whether our analysis is accurate or not." Page 71.

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Why it’s Good

This piece is from the book the Red October. Not only was the movie

extremely good, the book was very successful selling millions of copies all over.

it has effective organization allowing for good battles of dialogue to go between

people to allow tensions to rise and new interesting subjects to surface. The

next great thing this book had was its strong word choice. It kept a good edicate

with the dialogue used to keep the story moving and on your toes. “Dr. Ryan

was directed to prepare this briefing on the assumption that this data is

genuine. If it is not, the responsibility is mine." God bless you, Judge, Ryan said

to himself, wondering just how gold-plated the WILLOW source was. The judge

went on, "In any case, gentlemen, we will have to respond to this Soviet activity

whether our analysis is accurate or not."” The sentences use strong wording that

helps to keep it informational but interesting. The quality word choice and

fluency of it is easy to see because it is a conversation like: “You've stuck your

neck out on this one," the president observed kindly. "Sir, you asked me for an

opinion. It will probably not be that easy. These Alfas and Victors appear to be

racing for our coast, almost certainly with the intention of establishing an

interdiction force—effectively a blockade of our Atlantic coast."” These lines

said by Ryan and other members of the cabinet allowed for a strong, hard hitting

voice and good sentence flow. This was just one of the many parts of a great

book, “The Hunt For the Red October.”

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Expository Writing Period # 2