Page 1: Zuschriften Angewandte Chemie - Kookminheeman/paper/Iron oxide...feasible solar-to-hydrogen conversion in a single device that enables direct collection of H 2 without separation from

Internationale Ausgabe: DOI: 10.1002/anie.201703326PhotoelectrolysisDeutsche Ausgabe: DOI: 10.1002/ange.201703326

Iron Oxide Photoelectrode with Multidimensional Architecture forHighly Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water SplittingJin Soo Kang, Yoonsook Noh, Jin Kim, Hyelim Choi, Tae Hwa Jeon, Docheon Ahn,Jae-Yup Kim, Seung-Ho Yu, Hyeji Park, Jun-Ho Yum, Wonyong Choi, David C. Dunand,Heeman Choe,* and Yung-Eun Sung*

Abstract: Nanostructured metal oxide semiconductors haveshown outstanding performances in photoelectrochemical(PEC) water splitting, but limitations in light harvesting andcharge collection have necessitated further advances in photo-electrode design. Herein, we propose anodized Fe foams(AFFs) with multidimensional nano/micro-architectures asa highly efficient photoelectrode for PEC water splitting. Fefoams fabricated by freeze-casting and sintering were electro-chemically anodized and directly used as photoanodes. Weverified the superiority of our design concept by achieving anunprecedented photocurrent density in PEC water splittingover 5 mAcm!2 before the dark current onset, which originatedfrom the large surface area and low electrical resistance of theAFFs. A photocurrent of over 6.8 mAcm!2 and an accordinglyhigh incident photon-to-current efficiency of over 50 % at400 nm were achieved with incorporation of Co oxygenevolution catalysts. In addition, research opportunities forfurther advances by structual and compositional modificationsare discussed, which can resolve the low fill factoring behaviorand improve the overall performance.

Owing to the rapidly increasing demands on sustainablehydrogen production, intensive efforts have been devoted forthe utilizations of solar energy for water electrolysis.[1–3] Foreffcient solar water splitting, developement of photocatalystsor combinations of photovoltaic and water electrolyzer hasbeen performed and significant advances have been ach-ieved.[4–9] Additionally, water photoelectrolysis based onphotoelectrochemical (PEC) water splitting is receivingmuch attention owing to its superior characteristics such as

feasible solar-to-hydrogen conversion in a single device thatenables direct collection of H2 without separation fromevolved oxygen in industrially optimized systems.[10–12]

For the PEC water splitting, there have been numerousreports on the design and preparation of nanostructuredmetal oxide semiconductor photoelectrodes. Since the pio-neering work employing titania,[13] various metal oxides, suchas TiO2,

[14–16] WO3,[17, 18] Cu2O,[19, 20] BiVO4,

[21–23] and a-Fe2O3

[24–33] have been frequently used as photoelectrodes.Among these, a-Fe2O3 is considered to be one of the mostattractive oxides for water photoelectrolysis, because it ischemically stable, environmentally favorable, and earth-abundant. A number of nanostructures with appropriatedopants were proposed to enhance the performance but thereare still plenty of opportunities for further advances.[29, 34]

Herein, we propose anodized Fe foam (AFF) as a newtype of photoelectrodes and investigate its application forPEC water splitting. We designed the photoanodes to havethe following ideal characteristics: 1) large surface area forlight harvesting, 2) low-dimensionally confined semiconduc-tor structure for enhanced charge transport, and 3) three-dimensionally extended current collector with very lowresistance. By anodic oxidation of Fe foams, which wereprepared by freeze-casting,[35, 36] vertically aligned iron oxidenanoflakes were synthesized on the Fe foam surfaces. AFFs inPEC water splitting generated large photocurrents, verifyingthe general advantages of this design concept.

AFF photoelectrodes were prepared by electrochemicalanodic oxidation of freeze-cast Fe foam (Figure 1 a), for whicha modified procedure of the method in previous reports was

[*] Dr. J. S. Kang, J. Kim, Dr. S.-H. Yu, Prof. Y.-E. SungCenter for Nanoparticle Research, Institute for Basic Science (IBS)Seoul 08826 (Republic of Korea)andSchool of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Seoul NationalUniversity, Seoul 08826 (Republic of Korea)E-mail: [email protected]

Y. Noh, Dr. H. Choi, H. Park, Prof. H. ChoeSchool of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kookmin UniversitySeoul 02707 (Republic of Korea)E-mail: [email protected]

T. H. Jeon, Prof. W. ChoiDivision of Environmental Science and EngineeringPohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)Pohang 37673 (Republic of Korea)

Dr. D. AhnBeamline Department, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL)Pohang 37673 (Republic of Korea)

Prof. J.-Y. KimDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Hoseo UniversityAsan 31499 (Republic of Korea)

Dr. J.-H. YumLaboratory for Molecular Engineering of Optoelectronic Nanomate-rials, !cole Polytechnique F"d"rale de Lausanne (EPFL)Station 6, 1015 Lausanne (Switzerland)

Prof. D. C. DunandDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, NorthwesternUniversity, Evanston, IL 60208 (USA)

Prof. H. ChoeCellmotive Co. Ltd., Kookmin UniversitySeoul 02707 (Republic of Korea)

Supporting information and the ORCID identification number(s) forthe author(s) of this article can be found under:


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used;[37, 38] applying 80 V for 5 min at 25 8C using an ethyleneglycol electrolyte containing 0.25 wt % NH4F and 2 vol% H2Owith the assistance of ultrasonication. The X-ray diffraction(XRD) patterns displayed in Figure 1b show the formation ofiron oxide by the anodization process, and the scanningelectron microscope (SEM) analyses (Figure 1c,d and Fig-ure S1 in the Supporting Information) revealed that two-dimensional iron oxide nanoflakes were formed on thesurface of the Fe foam. The SEM image of a fracture surfaceshown in Figure 1e suggests that the oxide layer, including thenanoporous oxides below the flakes (see Figure S3), is ca.2 mm in thickness. Additionally, the existence of Fe metalbeneath the iron oxide is observable in the SEM image andcorresponding energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) map-ping results displayed on the insets of Figure 1e. This impliesthat Fe metal underneath the Fe oxide may serve as thecurrent collector. The internal part (near the center) of theAFF did not exhibit a specific difference in morphologycompared to the external region (Figure S2). In addition,together with the XRD pattern (Figure 1b), transmissionelectron microscope (TEM) image (Figure 1 f) and selectedarea electron diffraction (SAED) pattern (inset of Figure 1 f)confirm that the iron oxide is mainly hematite with thepresence of a secondary magnetite phase. The averagecrystallite size was 24 nm, as calculated from the Scherrer!sequation and the (110) peak of a-Fe2O3.

Meanwhile, it is clearly observable that nanoflake mor-phology is diverse considering the nanoporous or nanotubularstructures in previous reports on anodic iron oxides.[28, 39,40]

Therefore, investigations on the relationship between anod-izing conditions and oxide nanostructure were performedbased on previous studies.[41–45] In general, formation ofanodic oxide films on metal substrate is based on the

equilibrium between metal oxide formation by electricpotential and chemical dissolution of oxides by the electro-lyte, which usually contains F! and H2O.[41,42] The etchingprocess of metal oxides comprises a number of steps;formation of M-OH2+ by protonation of metal oxide ligand,replacement of !OH2+ by !Fx, and nucleophilic substitutionthat removes the M!Fx unit from the metal oxide lattice.[45] Inthe M!Fx formation step, the presence of HF and itsderivatives (HF2

! and H2F2) is essential, and in the case ofanodization using H2O and F!-containing electrolyte, H+

from water dissociation caused by the large applied potentialinduces formation of HF, HF2

! , and H2F2.[43, 45] For this reason,

the electrolyte composition is a critical factor that affects thefinal morphologies of anodic oxide films. Based on thisunderstanding of anodic oxidation, we performed anodizationof Fe foil using electrolytes with four different compositionsdescribed in Table S1. Interestingly, as the overall concen-tration of the electrolyte and NH4F to H2O ratio increased,anodic iron oxide with various nanostructures ranging fromnanoflakes to nanotubes were synthesized as shown inFigure 2. These results indicate that the structures of anodiciron oxides can be modified by varying the electrochemicalenvironments that are easily controlled by electrolyte com-positions. We could thereby attribute the nanoflake structuresto the anodization condition that Fe foam experience duringanodic oxidation that are possibly milder than the case of Fefoil due to the porous stucture and large surface area.

The performance of the AFF as a photoanode for waterphotoelectrolysis characterized under AM 1.5G illuminationusing 1m NaOH solution as the electrolyte is displayed inFigure 3a. We confirmed that the spectral intensity of thesolar simulator matches well with the standard AM 1.5Gspectrum (Figure S4) and obtained the photocurrent density–

Figure 1. a) Schematic image displaying the preparation of an AFF photoanode and b) XRD data of Fe foam before and after anodization followedby heat treatment at 500 8C for 4 h. XRD peaks were assigned according to JCPDS 06-0696 (Fe), 33-0664 (a-Fe2O3), and 19-0629 (Fe3O4). SEMimages of c) Fe foam and d,e) anodized Fe foam. f) TEM image and SAED patterns (inset) of iron oxide on the surface of AFF.


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potential (J–V) curve as shown in Figure 3b. The mostnotable characteristic of the AFF photoanode was the largephotocurrent density. The onset of electrochemical wateroxidation of hematite in dark condition is known to be around1.55 V vs. reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE)[27] and weobserved a photocurrent density exceeding 5 mAcm!2 beforereaching the dark current onset (5.49" 0.34 mAcm!2 at1.55 V); this is the highest value yet reported for PEC watersplitting employing an iron oxide photoelectrode. This superbperformance obtained from the AFF photoanode in waterphotoelectrolysis can be attributed to the large surface areafor light harvesting, two-dimensionally confined semiconduc-tor structure for enhanced charge transport, and three-dimensionally extended current collector with a very lowsheet resistance, which was measured to be only2.4 mW square!1. The photocurrent density at 1.23 V vs.RHE calculated from the incident photon-to-current effi-ciency (IPCE) was 2.30 mAcm!2, which corresponds to thatobtained from the J–V curve (2.29 mAcm!2). The photo-current onset was around 0.79 V vs. RHE as calculated fromthe averaged result displayed in Figure S5; this is consistentwith a previous report wherein anodized Fe foil was used asthe photoanode.[28]

In the previous studies of PEC water splitting based onhematite photoelectrodes, a steep increase in current wasobserved after the photocurrent onset. Subsequently, thecurrent reaches a limiting value that is governed by the light

harvesting and charge collectionproperties of the photoelec-trode.[32, 33] In contrast, in waterphotoelectrolysis using an AFF,the J–V curve shows a relativelygentle photocurrent slope after theonset potential (similar to low fillfactoring behavior in photovoltaic),and this can be understood as theconsequence of severe chargerecombinations occuring in theinner part of the nanostructuredoxides. The diffusion length of holesin hematite is well known to bearound 2–4 nm,[29, 32] and thus nano-structure thinner than # 8 nm arerequred for near-complete utiliza-tion of photo-generated charge car-riers. The thicknesses of nanoflakesand porous nano-oxides beneaththe two-dimensional structuresexceeded 8 nm and the holes gen-erated in the innermost region ofthe nanostructured iron oxide werenot able to participate in waterphotooxidation because of recom-bination with electrons. Our resultsare in line with previous work byMohaptra et al. wherein iron oxidenanotubes with wall thicknesses ofaround 5–20 nm manifested J-Vcurves with low fill factoring behav-

Figure 2. SEM images of iron oxide nanostructures prepared byanodization of iron foil at 50 V for 1 h using ethylene glycol electrolytesof various compositions described in Table S1: a) 0.125 wt% NH4Fand 1.0 vol% H2O, b) 0.250 wt% NH4F and 2.0 vol% H2O, c) 0.500wt% NH4F and 3.0 vol% H2O, and d) 1.000 wt % NH4F and 4.0 vol%H2O.

Figure 3. a) Schematic image of the PEC water splitting reaction based on the AFF photoanode.b) J–V characteristic of the AFF photoanode. Inset shows the IPCE data. c) Quantification of gasevolution under AM 1.5G illumination at 1.23 V vs. RHE. The inset shows the photocurrent densityduring the water splitting reaction and the dashed lines display the amount of gases at 100%Faradaic efficiency.


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ior and no indication of limiting photocurrent prior to thedark current onset.[28] Additionally, as can be seen from thetransmittance spectrum in Figure S6, the 500 mm thick AFFwas completely opaque, suggesting that the rear part of AFFcannot participate in harvesting of photons for water splitting.Therefore, a significant amount of charge recombination atelectrode/electrolyte interface takes place in the rear-mostregion, resulting in the drop of overall performance. How-ever, this also implies that there are possibilities for achivingenhanced performance by optimizing the photoelectrodethickness.

The Faradaic efficiency of the AFF was obtained underAM 1.5G illumination by gas chromatography (GC) analysis.Figure 3c shows the amount of evolved H2 and O2 gases at1.23 V vs. RHE and the corresponding current densities aredisplayed in the inset. The Faradaic efficiency during 8 h ofoperation was over 80% (80.1 % by H2 and 88.6 % by O2).Interestingly, photocurrent density increased as the reactiontime exceeds 3 h and the evolution rate of H2 and O2 gasesalso increased. The photocurrent surpassed the initial valueafter 6 h, with Faradaic efficiency being close to unity(97.3 %). In order to address this phenomenon, investigationson chemical transition of the photoelectrode were performed.According to the XRD patterns and corresponding Rietveldrefinement results of the AFFs before and after the reaction(Figure 4a and Table S2), inactive magnetite was transformedinto the active hematite phase with the atomic ratio ofhematite/magnetite changed from 1.97 to 2.19. This can be

ascribed to an Fe3+/Fe2+ transition caused by holes generatedfrom photon absorption.[46] Moreover, changes in chemicalstates of the AFFs! surface were also characterized by XPSanalyses. In the Fe 2p XPS spectra displayed in Figure S7, the2p3/2 peak of the bare AFF is located at 710.8 eV and thedistance between the 2p3/2 and 2p1/2 peaks is 13.6 eV, indicat-ing that the surface of AFF is mainly hematite.[47, 48] However,the 2p peaks slightly shift to a lower binding energy after thereaction, attributed to the formation of iron oxyhydroxide(FeOOH) on the surface[47–50] in the basic media. FeOOH isa well-known oxygen evolution catalyst (OEC),[46,50–52] andthe FeOOH layer seems to have contributed to the incrementof the photocurrent density. Despite these chemical transi-tions, the morphology of AFFs was maintained after 8 h ofwater splitting (Figure 4b–e), and this can be attributed to theextremely small thickness (below 1 nm) of the FeOOH layerobservable from the TEM images in Figure S8.

For further enhancement in performance, we decoratedthe surface of AFF with Co OECs by electrodeposition,[53] asschematically illustrated in Figure 5a. Uniform deposition ofCo OECs was confirmed by SEM (Figure 5b–e) and TEManalyses (Figure 5 f), wherein deposited nanoparticles withlattice spacing of Co (101) are clearly visible, and also byobtaining elemental EDS maps (Figure 5g–i) of the regionshown in Figure 5 f. Figure 5 j displays the performance ofPEC water splitting based on the Co-decorated AFF photo-anode. Compared to the case of bare AFF, the photocurrentonset was reduced by 0.19 V (an onset of 0.61 was obtainedfrom the averaged results displayed in Figure S9), and thephotocurrent density at 1.23 V vs. RHE exceeded 3 mAcm!2

with an IPCE value at 400 nm of over 50 %. The integrated

Figure 4. a) XRD patterns and Rietveld refinement results of the AFFphotoanodes before and after 8 h of PEC water splitting reaction.b–e) SEM images of AFF photoanode b,c) before and d,e) after 8 h ofthe PEC water splitting.

Figure 5. a) Schematic image of the AFF photoanode with Co OECsdecorated on the surface. b–e) SEM images of AFFs b,c) before andd,e) after the deposition of Co catalysts. f) TEM image andg–i) elemental EDS g) O, h) Fe, and i) Co maps of Co-decorated AFF.j) J–V characteristic of the AFF photoanode with Co OECs. The insetshows the IPCE data.


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photocurrent density based on the IPCE spectra was3.06 mAcm!2, a reasonable value considering the3.25 mAcm!2 obtained from the J–V result. Also, the photo-current density reached 6.8 mAcm!2 before the dark currentonset (6.82" 0.53 mAcm!2 at 1.55 V); this is the highest valueever reported, to the best of our knowledge, in the case of ironoxide.

In summary, we have constructed an anodized Fe foamphotoelectrode for PEC water splitting and verified itssuperiority by obtaining photocurrent density exceeding5 mAcm!2 (6.8 mAcm!2 with Co catalysts) prior to theonset of water electrolysis. The anodized Fe foam is promisingbecause it has ideal characteristics such as a large surfacearea, low-dimensionally confined semiconductor nanostruc-ture, and three-dimensional metal foam current collector witha very low electrical resistance. Moreover, there is room forfurther optimization in terms of additional structural/compo-sitional modification and device architecture. These combi-nations of advantages present in AFF-based PEC watersplitting and viabilty for further extension of this designconcept to other materials are anticipated to bring advancesto the current technology of PEC H2 production and to thegeneral strategies for utilization of solar energy in variouselectrocatalyses that are thermodynamically uphill.


Y.-E.S. acknowledges financial support from the Institute forBasic Science (IBS) in the Republic of Korea (Project Code:IBS-R006-G1). H.C. acknowledges supports from the BasicScience Research Program (2014R1A2A1A11052513) andPriority (2012-0006680) Research Centers Program throughthe National Research Foundation (NRF) of the Republic ofKorea.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Keywords: anodization · iron oxide · metal foam ·photoelectrochemistry · water splitting

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Manuscript received: March 30, 2017Final Article published: && &&, &&&&


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J. S. Kang, Y. Noh, J. Kim, H. Choi,T. H. Jeon, D. Ahn &&&&—&&&&

Iron Oxide Photoelectrode withMultidimensional Architecture for HighlyEfficient Photoelectrochemical WaterSplitting

Eine Photoelektrode aus anodisiertemEisenschaum mit mehrdimensionalerNano/Mikroarchitektur f#hrt zu einerextrem hohen Photostromerzeugung undhohen faradayschen Effizienz in der Pho-toelektrolyse von Wasser. Die Morpho-logien der anodischen Eisenoxide und dieAktivierung der Photoelektrode durchPhasen#bergangsph$nomene wurdenebenfalls untersucht.


7Angew. Chem. 2017, 129, 1 – 7 ! 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

These are not the final page numbers! ! !
