Budgeting Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Budgeting

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Budgeting Chapter 10

Page 2: Chapter 10: Budgeting

Learning Objectives

• State the purpose of budgeting

• Describe the planning and control cycle and the 5 key dimensions of budgeting

• List the major budgets

• Construct each of the major budgets

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Serves as a plan and control document

• 4 major components

1. Strategic Planning

2. Planning

3. Implementation

4. Controlling

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1. Strategic Planning

• Identifying an organization’s mission, goal, and strategy to bestposition itself for the future

• Assess the organization’s external and internal environments

• Mission Statement

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2. Planning

To identify:

• Goals

• Objectives

• Tasks

• Activities

• Resources needed

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3. Implementing

• Once defined and approved budgets are created

• Implementing activities are the process of creating theseindividual budgets, which roll up to service line budgetswhich feed into the overall organizational budget

• For revenue gathering cost centers materials used-historicaltrends, market projections, revised fee schedules, grossrevenues expected

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Controlling Activities

• These provide guidance and feedback to keep theorganization within its approved budget

• Tools vary

• Monthly Reports

• Expenditures against budgets

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Five Approaches to Budgeting

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1. Participation

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2. Budget Models

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3. Budget Detail

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4. Budget Forecast

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5. Budget Modification

• Controlled

• Latitude

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Types of Budgets

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Types of Budgets

• Statistics Budget-identifies the amount of services that willbe provided

• Operating Budget-combination of 2 budgets developed usingthe accrual basis of accounting of revenue and expenses

• Cash Budget- organization’s cash inflows and outflows

• Capital Budget-summarizes anticipated major purchases forthe year

• Variances both positive and negative are monitored

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1. Statistical Budget: example

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Example 2: Statistical Budget changing RVU weight

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Example 3

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Example 4:

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Example 5:

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Example 6

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Example 7

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Group Purchasing Organizations

• All organizations purchase and consume supplies as part ofdaily operations

• Transfer of supplies through a middleman to the health careorganization’s central distribution is called supply chain

• Oversight of this process is called supply chain Management

• A network of health care organizations all contracting withthe same third party vendor

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Summary• Budget is a focus for health care organizations

• The planning and control cycle has 4 major components-strategicplanning, planning, implementation and control

• 5 key dimensions vary according to the organization-participation,budget models, details, forecasts, and modifications

• 4 interrelated budgets-statistics, operating, cash, capital