Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

Social Action and Community Media

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  • 1. Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research

2. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: The purpose of this campaign poster is to make sure smokers are aware of the harm cigarettes can cause to them and others around them. It also has the purpose of giving reasons why smoking is bad for people and that it can cause fatal accidents. Aims: The aim for this poster is to stop fires happening due to smoking. If more people stopped smoking, then it could reduce the amount of fires happening. 2Creative Media Production 2012 3. Techniques: The techniques used for this campaign poster are that the writing is done in capital letters which seems like it is shouting at you, it is also done in a bold colour which is noticeable and fits well with the colour scheme of the poster. The image used for this poster is very powerful because the cigarette is the only thing in focus which suggests that this is the main source of the poster. The photograph also looks as though an accident is about to happen as the man featured in it is asleep and he has a cigarette which is about to fall on the floor, this could make people think about what their feelings are seeing someone else in that position and they can see that they need to be more careful. The poster includes a truthful fact smoking is the #1 cause of home fire deaths which will give people something to think about because it sounds dramatic. The poster has some instructions for the people reading it which are If you smoke, put it out. All the way. Every time. which is warning people who smoke to be more careful and prevent fires from happening. In small print it gives contact information (website) where people can visit and find out more about the subject. 3Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) 4. Impact: The impact that this advertisement has is to try and stop people from smoking as it can cause house fires. It is produced to try and make smokers see the risks they are putting themselves and other people around them at as them smoking can cause accidents. By putting a main message that is bold and in capital letters can make people see that it is important and that it is something they should think about. 4Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) 5. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: The purpose of this campaign poster is to make people feel sorry for animals and to provoke them to help stop animal cruelty. It is getting the message across that if animals are been abused, they cannot protect themselves from getting hurt. Aims: The aim for this poster is to make people think about animal cruelty and encourage them to help animals as they are not in a position to help themselves. 5Creative Media Production 2012 6. Techniques: The techniques used for this campaign poster are the font used for the main message is not very formal, it appears causal. This could be to make sure it looks eye catching to people of all ages, for example, children and teenagers. The photographs used are contrasting each other because they are the complete opposites. The image on the left is a dog that appears to look really fragile and weak which would draw the attention of people because dogs are cute animals which shouldnt be harmed. The image on the right is some boxing gloves which symbolise strength. This contrasts with the weak dog as it is getting the message across that animals cannot fight back when it comes to abuse. The poster has a really basic background as it is just done in white which could suggest that the dog is lonely. The message animals cant protect themselves gets straight to the point and doesnt take long to read. This is a good technique to use because when people are walking past the poster they need to be able to see it at a glance to draw them in. 6Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) 7. Impact: The impact that this advertisement has is for people to try and help to stop animal cruelty. It has the job of making people think about the abuse that some animals go through by their owners and see if they can put a stop to it. It could also make the owners who are abusing their animals to have a think about what they are doing and how it is hurting the animal and they cannot do anything to fight back. 7Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) 8. Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) Purpose: The purpose of this campaign poster is to encourage people to donate money to help children who are in need and cannot afford to be looked after. Aims: The aim for this poster is to receive enough donations to pay for children to have a better life. 8Creative Media Production 2012 9. Techniques: The techniques used for this campaign poster are that the main message has been written in white writing so it is clear and visible over the busy background, also words such as you, childrens lives and pay packet have been made bigger and in bold because they are the most important ones so they are made to stand out more. The word you been made bold is suggesting that the advertisement is talking to you specifically and it draws you into the poster. The photograph used is a child who looks as though they are in poverty. The child is also making eye contact with the camera which makes it feel like they are looking at you directly. The childs arm is also in a position that is suggesting they are reaching out to you specifically and they have a forlorn look on their face. Underneath the image is a big purple text box which stands out as it is a bright colour. On the text box is some information about the campaign and it gives contact information such as the website so that people know where to go if they wish to make any donations. 9Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) 10. Impact: The impact that this poster will have is to put a stop to child poverty. The campaign has the job of encouraging people to make some small donations to the charity so that children can live a better life and one they deserve. By putting a poor child on the front of the advertisement, it makes people see that this is something that is actually happening and it is proving that there are many children who are poor and do not have a good life due to them not been able to afford things. 10Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name) 11. Compare: I chose to compare two very different campaigning posters. The one on the left is sending out a completely different message to the one on the right. Although these posters contrast each other, they use very similar techniques to get their message across. They both have used an image where part of it is blurred and there is a specific focus point that they want people to be drawn to when looking at the poster. They both have a small message that has been made to stand out from the rest of the writing as it is the most important. On both these posters, the message has been written in capital letters to make it look more important. The poster on the right has used a slightly different technique as they have made certain words in the message bold so that they stand out a lot more than the rest. 11Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)