Тиждень англійської мови в КЗ "Нікопольська СЗШ І-ІІІ ст. №9"

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Page 1: Тиждень англійської мови в КЗ "Нікопольська СЗШ І-ІІІ ст. №9"
Page 2: Тиждень англійської мови в КЗ "Нікопольська СЗШ І-ІІІ ст. №9"
Page 3: Тиждень англійської мови в КЗ "Нікопольська СЗШ І-ІІІ ст. №9"

Під час тижня англійської мови вчитель Чиглинцева Ольга Олександрівна провела конкурс малюнків серед учнів 1 класів на тему «Mother, father and me – friendly family». Переможцями стали Рослік Дар’я, Поліщук Анна, Хитрун Кирил, Таран Марія

Під час тижня англійської мови учні шостих класів захищали свої проекти на тему «My favourite kind of sport». Учні показали рівень знань за даною темою.

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Page 5: Тиждень англійської мови в КЗ "Нікопольська СЗШ І-ІІІ ст. №9"

З учнями 3-х класів Ольга Олександрівна провела ігри на повторення лексики за темами «Професії», «Будинок», «Родина».

1. Гра «Розкодуй слова». Букви в слові перемішані. Над кожною буквою стоїть номер, під яким ця буква в слові. Наприклад, 3n 2u 1a 4t (aunt) 2. Гра «Знайди зайве». Серед чотирьох слів знайти зайве і пояснити чому воно зайве.

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Наприклад, farmer, dancer, cousin, teacher. 3. Гра «Заховане слово». В кожному рядку потрібно знайти «заховану» професію. Наприклад, skrvsingerxkr ( singer).

З учнями 6-х класів Ольга Олександрівна провела інформаційне заняття, на якому учні дізнались цікаві факти про визначні місця Лондону.

Here are some facts about London’s Tower Bridge.

Tower Bridge was built between 1886 and 1894. It spans the River Thames, connecting the London boroughs of Tower Hamlets (north

side) and Southwark (south side). The bridge combines elements of a suspension bridge design with elements of a

bascule bridge design. It has two towers linked by two walkways and suspended sections to either side of the towers, stretching towards the banks of the Thames.

Tower Bridge was designed by Sir Horace Jones, the City Architect. The central span of the bridge can be raised to allow ships to pass. More than 400 workers helped to build the bridge and over 70000 tons of concrete

were was sunk to the bed of the River Thames to suport the bridge. Tower Bridge is 244 metres long and each tower is 65 metres high. The pedestrian walkways are over 40 metres above the river when it’s at high tide. Although the design of the bridge is much admired today, it was quite heavily

criticised when it was built. Over 40000 people use Tower Bridge every day. River traffic takes priority over bridge users, but you must give 24 hours notice if you

need the bascules to be raised to allow your ship to pass. They are raised more than 1000 times a year.

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1. Although now generally applied to the clock and tower, the name 'Big Ben' was originally given to the hour bell cast by John Warner and Sons in 1856. 

2. The 'Ben' in the name is thought to be a tribute to Sir Benjamin Hall, commissioner of works for the project, who was, appropriately, a man of great size. 

3. The diameter of each of the clock's four dials is 23ft and each contains 312 panes of glass. 

4. The hour hands are 9ft long, the minute hands are 14ft long, and the numerals are 2ft high.  

5. The hour bell - Big Ben itself - chimes the note E.   6. The 'Westminster Chimes', played on the quarterhour, were once the

Cambridge Chimes, having first sounded on the clock at Great St Mary's, Cambridge.   7. In 1857, the original Big Ben bell cracked under the weight of the

striking hammer.

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Westminster area is also called the City of Westminster. It is the most important part

of London, where Parliament and most government offices are located.Westminster Abbey is regarded as the centre of this area. They say. the City was

founded here near the monastery as far back as the 7th century.In the 11th century King Edward the Confessor decided to build a great abbey church

there. It was a monastery for a long time.William the Conqueror was crowned there and since then many kings and queens of

England followed this tradition. There is the ancient Coronation Chair beneath which there is the Stone of Scone (the ancient Scottish Coronation Throne that was brought to England by King Edward I as a sign of defeat of Scotland.

Many English kings and queens and other famous statesmen, writers, scientists are buried in Westminster Abbey. Among them there are two queens rivals Elizabeth I Tudor and Mary Stuart. Oliver Cromwell. Charles Dickens. Rudyard Kipling, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. It is famous for the Poet's Corner, where most popular writers (Kipling. Chaucer, Hardy, Dickens), poets and musicians are buried.

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1. The London Eye is not a Ferris wheel. It’s the world’s tallest cantilevered observation wheel

2. Supermodel Kate Moss has been on the London Eye 25 times – the record for a UK celebrity

3. On average the London Eye receives more visitors per year than the Taj Mahal and the Great Pyramids of Giza

4. You can see up to 40 kilometres in all directions (that’s as far as Windsor Castle on a clear day)

5. In December 2005 the London Eye was lit pink in celebration of the first Civil Partnership performed on the wheel

6. The 32 capsules on the London Eye are representative of the 32 London boroughs, and each one weighs as much as 1,052,631 pound coins

7. Despite there only being 32 capsules, for superstitious reasons they are numbered 1 – 33. For good luck number 13 is left out

8. The London Eye can carry 800 people each rotation, which is comparable to 11 London red double decker buses

9. The London Eye had a predecessor – The Great Wheel – which was in working order from 1895 – 1906

10. Capsules travel at a leisurely pace of 26cm per second, which is twice as fast as a tortoise sprinting

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The Tower of London, officially Her Majesty’s Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London, is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London.

It is an internationally famous monument and one of England’s most iconic structures.Used variously throughout its history as a royal palace, an armoury, a prison, an execution chamber, a zoo, a barracks and a jewel house, this working royal castle offers a stunning insight into 1,000 years of history.The Tower of London was founded towards the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England.The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror, Duke the Normandy in 1078, and was a resented symbol of oppression, inflicted upon London by the new ruling elite.The Tower of London – an imposing fortress with many layers of history, which has become one of the symbols of royalty – was built around the White Tower.

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Buckingham Palace has served as the official London residence of the UK’s sovereigns since 1837 and today is the administrative headquarters of the Monarch. Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, the State Rooms at Buckingham Palace are open to visitors every summer. 

Buckingham Palace has 775 rooms. These include 19 State rooms, 52 Royal and guest

bedrooms, 188 staff bedrooms, 92 offices and 78 bathrooms. In measurements, the

building is 108 metres long across the front, 120 metres deep (including the central

quadrangle) and 24 metres high.

Розробка уроку з англійської мови у 8класі

на тему « My favourite book» 

Кандаурова О. Ю.

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Тема: My favourite book. 

Мета: Розширити лексичний запас учнів, активізувати вживання лексики з теми у


Навчати учнів добувати, аналізувати та використовувати отриману

інформацію для реалізації комунікативних задач;

Практикувати учнів у читанні та писемному мовленні; 

Розвивати навички усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

Розвивати вміння висловлювати свою думку англійською мовою;

Виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення іноземної мови та до читання книг. 

Хід уроку 

I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. 

Greeting 1. Привітання.

T: Good morning, pupils. I am glad to see you.

Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.

Warm-up 2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: During our previous lessons we were speaking about books and their authors. Let’s

remember some material.

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1. Try to guess some famous writers.

1) She was born in 1891. She wrote 75 detective stories. She died in 1976.

P: (Agatha Christie).

2) He was born in 1859. He was a writer. He wrote stories about Sherlock Holmes.

P: (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

3) He was English. He was born in 1564. He was a writer and an actor. He died in 1616.

P: (William Shakespeare).

4) He was fond of Scottish folk-songs and ballads. He is considered to be a founder of the

historical novel.

P: (Walter Scott).

T: The second task. You have to choose a sheet of paper and continue the sentences.

1) Daniel Defoe wrote……. (Robinson Crusoe).

2) Jonathan Swift wrote ……. (Gulliver’s Travels).

3) Lewis Carroll wrote……. (Alice in Wonderland).

4) Mark Twain wrote ……. (The Adventures of Tom Sawyer).

5) Alan Milne wrote ……. (Winnie-the-Pooh).

6) Pamela Travers wrote ……. (Mary Poppins).

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T: Today we will continue to speak about English and American writers and their books.

II. Основна частина уроку.

Check on Homework 1. Перевірка домашнього завдання. 

T: Your hometask was to prepare some information about your favourite English or

American writers and books.

P1, P2, P3.

Speaking 2. Розвиток усного мовлення.

T: Look at the pictures and try to guess some book’s characters.

P1, P2...

T: Tell me please, who did create these characters?

P1, P2…

Reading 3. Практика читання.

T: Open your books on page

It’s time to relax 4. Фізкультхвилинка.

Look at the window,

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Look at the door,

Look at the ceiling,

Look at the floor. (3 times)

Lexical Material 5. Подання нового лексичного матеріалу.

T : Do Ex. 15 p. 153. Read and learn the new words. I’ll read them for you for the first time.


Writing 6. Практика письма.

T: Open your copy-books and write down the date. 

III. Заключна частина уроку.

Homework 1. Домашнє завдання.

T: At home you have to prepare some story about your favourite book’s character. 

Summary 2. Підведення підсумків уроку.

T : Pupils, tell me please what book’s character(s) you like and what one(s) you don’t like

and why?

P1, P2, P3.

T : Thank you for your work. Your marks are... 

Lesson is over. Good bye!

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5 form

Урок на тему:


Дяченко Ю.А.



Practical: to form language competence in listening and speaking, writing and reading;to

develop listening comprehension; to teach the pupils to identify and understand the names

of the hobbies.

Developing: to develop pupils' memory, imagination, logical thinking, reveal creativity.

Up-bringing: to motivate pupils in learning English; to bring up the interest and respect to

the hobbies.

Equipment: video- presentations « USUAL HOBBIES», «UNUSUAL HOBBIES»,

«HOBBIES IN OUR CLASS», emoticons, microphone, ball, cards, ABC, song, rules, motto.


1. Greeting

- Drawing the faces (emoticons) according to the mood of pupils.

- Wishing each other something nice for the lesson.

- Singing the song «The ship is sailing».

2. Warming- up

- Chant «We are pupils».

- Rules of the lesson: communicate with classmates; enjoy reading,

writing, speaking, listening; be creative; smile and be happy.

3. Motto of the lesson: «We learn English, we like English and we can do something in


4. Do some anagrams.

T. Try to find out the topic of our lesson. Each number of this word is the number of a

letter (ABC).

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8 15 2 2 9 5 19


So, the topic of our lesson is «Hobbies».

5. Expectations ( method «Microphone»)

T. What we are going to get from our lesson?

I want...

Of course, we are going to visit a wonderful land of hobbies, speak

about usual and unusual hobbies, your hobbies, too.

6. Phonetic drills.

T. Everybody is unique. Let's recite the poem «That is me! ».

7. Work with a mind-map.

T. English people say «Tastes differ». Different people have

different hobbies.

-What kind of hobbies do you know? Let's fill in a mind-map:


Write down all hobbies you know in your exercise-books.

8. Work in groups.

T. Every hobby has its value. What hobby is better? We need some experts to prove it.

Divide into two groups.

1stgroup. Discuss different hobbies and make up a list of the most amazing, in your


2ndgroup. Write down a list of the best and the most useful hobbies.

Present your lists to class.

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9. Writing. Work with cards.

T. See these pictures and write down the hobbies.

10. Relaxing. Moving game «Pantomime».

T. Stand up and show these hobbies with necessary movements:

- fishing - dancing

- drawing - hunting

- reading - playing football

- swimming - listening to music

- skiing - gardening

11. Listening.

T. Hope you know each other very well. Let's check up it. I'll tell

you a story about the hobby of one boy from your class.

Try to guess the boy's name.

Text «He is fond of fishing».

Who is this boy? What is his name?

12. Presentations.

T. Some pupils of our class prepared the presentations. Let's watch

their works «Usual hobbies» and «Unusual hobbies».

13. Chain-interview «What is your hobby? »

T. It's time to get to know what you like to do in your leisure time. Make a chain and

ask each other about it.

- What is your hobby? My hobby is …

14. Project work.

T. You are really talented. Let's prove it and watch your

project- presentation «Hobbies in our class». I know that our

girls brought their embroidered works and can show us.

15. Summarizing and evaluation.

T. Let's refresh in the memory all hobbies you know.

Today we have got a lot of information about hobbies. Why do we

need to have hobby?

Express your ideas, please.

P. Hobbies make our life more interesting and colorful.

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Without hobbies our life will be empty and boring.

T. I like your working today. Thank you very much. I give you

good marks.

16. Blitz-question:

T. Did you like this lesson? Why?

What is your hobby?

What kind of hobby do you know?

What hobby has your mother (father, sister, brother, friend)?

Home-task. Write a composition «Hobbies in my family».

8 form

School life in Ukraine and Great Britain

Дяченко Ю.А.

Тема уроку: Шкільне життя в Україні та Великобританії

Мета уроку:

навчальна – удосконалювати навички усного та писемного мовлення, читання,

аудіювання; вчити аналізувати отриману інформацію; систематизувати

граматичний матеріал.

розвивальна – розвивати уміння робити зіставлення, висловлювати свою думку,

збагатити словниковий запас.

виховна – виховувати розуміння важливого значення освіти та оволодіння

іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею, як засобом

спілкування, виховувати повагу до школи.

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Тип уроку: урок комплексного застосування знань, умінь, навичок.

Обладнання: презентація, асоціативні схеми, роздавальний матеріал,мікрофон,

географічні карти.

Методи і прийоми навчання: робота в групах, сенкан, асоціація, мікрофон, гра,

порушення послідовності, вікторина.

Хід уроку:

I. Підготовка до іншомовного спілкування.

1. Привітання

T: Good morning everybody! Good morning students!

P-s: Good morning! Good morning!

Good morning to you!

Good morning our teacher!

We are glad to see you!

We’ve got many guests at the lesson. Greet them, please.

2. Мовленнєва розминка

Т: Tell me-I forget,

Show me- I remember,

Involve me-I understand.


3. Уведення в іншомовне середовище

T: Look at the screen and match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its ending in

column B.

Match the beginning of the proverb in column A with its ending in column B.

1. Live and… A. …a dangerous thing.

2. Knowledge is… B. …to learn.

3. A little knowledge is… C. …power.

4. It is never too late… D. …to know nothing.

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5. To know everything is… E. … learn.

6. There is no royal road… F. …to learning.

The answer key: 1-E, 2-C, 3-A, 4-B, 5-D, 6-F.

4. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T. So, today we’ll discuss a very important topic “Education in Ukraine and Great Britain”.

We’ll know what is different and what is common in the system of education in these


Word Association:

Boys and girls, what words are associated in your mind with the word “education”?

P1: Study

P2: School

P3: university

P4: good job

P5: career

P6: books

P7: learn

P8: knowledge

(The words are shown on the screen)

T: Make up your own sentences with these words: (1, 2-3 minutes for preparing) Students

write in their copy-books. Are you ready?

P1: My future depends on my studying in school.

P2: To enter the university you have to pass Independent Testing successfully.

P3: You should work hard to make a good career in future.

P4: Books is a source of knowledge.

P5: Good job must bring, not only high salary but also satisfaction.

P6: I can’t but say the proverb.

“Live and Learn”

P7: And I’d like to continue your thought using another proverb.

“Knowledge is Power”

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II. Основна частина уроку

1. Аудіювання

Pre-listening task

T:Answer the questions.

1.What do you know about British schools?

2.What is common between your school and British schools?

3.What do you like at British school life?

4. What compulsory subjects do you study at your school?

5. What do you think of your classmistress?


The school year in Britain starts in September. The lessons last 40-45 minutes. British

pupils wear a school uniform. The favourite colours are blue, grey, black and green. The first

foreign language they learn at school is French. Sometimes they also learn a second foreign

language: German, Spanish. British students have ten days at Christmas and Easter holidays

and six weeks in the Summer. Schools also have special half-term holidays in the middle of

each term.

Schools in England and America use their own marks: letters or percentage A -excellent,

B – good, C – satisfactory, D – bad, E – poor.

In most English schools forms start only at the secondary school, at the age of eleven. So

at the age of twelve British students go to the second form. At the age of twelve Ukrainian

students go to the sixth form.

The school day starts with assembly. All schools organise a short daily meeting for the

whole schools to give important information.

The five minutes between lessons is not a break. Pupils must use this time to move

quickly to the next lesson. During the lunch hour pupils have time to do many things besides

eating. They can also read in the library, participate in clubs or sport, and go home.

Post-listening task

T: Mark the following statements true or false.

School day starts with assembly.

British pupils go to school on Saturday.

There are schools only for boys and only for girls in Britain.

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Children of your age can go to a grammar school in England.

A school year in Britain has four terms.

Each term is divided into two half-terms.

The marking system in Britain is similar to that in Ukraine.

Science includes chemistry, physics, biology and mathematics.

Pupils can eat lunch in the school canteen.

British students have ten days at Christmas and Easter holidays

2. Читання. Технологія «Порушення послідовності»


T: Answer the questions.

1. Which school do you study at?

2. How many lessons have you got a day?

3. What compulsory subjects do you study at school?

4. Are you good at all of them?

5. What is your favourite subject? Why?


T: Read the text and put the paragraphs( A-F ) in the correct order.


A My name is Irene and I’d like to tell you about schools in Ukraine.

The right to education in Ukraine is guaranteed by the Constitution (Article 53).

Every boy or girl must get secondary education; it means that secondary education is

compulsory in our country. There are state schools where education is free of charge and

private schools where pupils have to pay for their studies.

B I live in Poltava. I study at a secondary school. My school was built more than

twenty years ago. When I was ten I left primary school and went to a secondary one.

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C Now I am thirteen and I am a pupil of the eighth form. We go to school from

Monday to Friday. We usually have six or seven lessons a day.

D Every school has a core curriculum and a school curriculum. The core curriculum

includes such subjects as Maths, Ukrainian and World Literature, Physics, History,

Geography, English, German, Ukrainian and Russian Languages and other subjects.

E According to the school curriculum we can choose extra subjects such as Computer

Studies, Psychology, Economics, and Ethnography.

We’ve got Art, Music and Physical Training. I am good at all of them.

F Lessons begin at 8 a.m. and last to 1 or 2 p. m. We have some breaks for lunch and

rest. Teachers give us home tasks after each lesson.

Answers: A, B, C, D, E, F.

Post- Reading tasks.

T: Test yourselves. Which statements refer to schools in Ukraine (U) and which ones to

schools in Britain (B).

##№ PPuuPt U or B

1. There are three terms: Autumn, Spring and Summer. B

2. The right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution.

(Article 53)


3. Every school has a core curriculum and a school



4. Pupils can eat lunch in the school canteen. B

5. Children have 5 lessons in the morning and 2 after lunch. B

6. Lessons begin at 8 a.m. and last to 1 or 2 p. m. U

7. Schools use their own marks. B

8. One of the subjects is Ethnography. U

9. The school day starts with assembly. B

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10. Teachers give us home tasks after each lesson. U

3.Гра «Guess the room», «Guess the subject».

T: Let us do the next task in groups.

Group 1

1. Books, newspapers, magazines are kept there. You go there to borrow or read books.

(A library)

2. A room where you have lessons at school. (A classroom)

3. Meetings, performances, gatherings and parties are held in it. (An assembly hall)

4. A place where you can watch sports matches. (A stadium)

5. A room where you do exercises for your body. (A gymnasium)

6. A room where you can eat sandwiches and drink tea or juice during the break. (A


7. A room for teachers and class registers. (A teachers’ room)

Group 2

1. You do a lot of experiments during this lesson (Chemistry).

2. You read books, stories and poems bu different authors and discuss them  (Literature).

3. You use calculators to do the tasks at this lesson (Math).

4. Before this lesson you warm up and then run and jump in the gum (Physical Training).

5. You learn a lot of facts about different countries (Geography).

6. At this lesson you learn about kings and queens (History).

7. You draw portraits and make different things during this lesson (Art).

4. Письмо

T: As you know there are four kinds of questions in English grammar.Put all kinds of

questions to the sentence:(general, special, alternative, disjunctive).

Pupils study a lot of subjects at school.

5. Вікторина

T: And now I’d like to see what you know about education in Great Britain and in Ukraine.

So, answer my questions, please.

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1. When do children go to Infant schools in England? (At 5)

2. What do schoolchildren do in junior schools? (Read, write, do sums)

3. What is pre-school education provided by? (Kindergartens)

4. How many terms are there at English schools? ( 3)

5. School uniform in England becomes more popular, doesn't it? (Yes)

6. What are the main types of British schools? (State and private)

7. How many subjects, which are compulsory does the national curriculum consist of?


8. Is a foreign language a compulsory subject for all British pupils in all forms? (Yes)

9. When is secondary education compulsory for children in Great Britain? (From 5 to 16)

10.How many days of- holidays do English children usually have? (10)

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.

1. Підведення підсумків уроку.

T: You worked really hard. You realized the differences of the systems of education, you

are ready to improve our schooling.

2.Пояснення домашнього завдання.

-Write a composition “ If I were…( anybody you choose)

Thank you for your work.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

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Page 28: Тиждень англійської мови в КЗ "Нікопольська СЗШ І-ІІІ ст. №9"

ТЕМА. What a wonderful doll Кривко А. Г.



- повторити вивчені лексичні та граматичні одиниці з теми «Let’s play» й навчити

застосовувати їх у мовленні;

- ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями: big, small, lovely, nice, small, lovely, funny, nice;- узагальнити правила вживання фрази «What a…!»; - удосконалювати навички читання коротких текстів;

- закріплювати навички читання буквосполучень ir,ur,er.


- розвивати слуховимовні навички школярів та навички писемного мовлення;

- розвивати навички читання коротких діалогів;

- поглиблювати знання учнів про особливості англійської мови;

- вдосконалювати вміння сприймати на слух мовлення вчителя.


- виховувати культуру писемного мовлення та повагу до культури країни яка


- виховувати дбайливе ставлення до речей, виховувати самостійність, зацікавленість

до предмету, інтерес до навчання.

Обладнання: підручник «English 2» Карп’юк О.Д., ілюстраційний матеріал по темі,

робочі зошити, м’яч.

Тип уроку: урок закріплення вивченого матеріалу

Хід уроку

І. Організаційна частина

1. Привітання

Т: Stand up, please! Good morning!

Ps: Good morning!

Т: How are you?

Ps: Fine, thank you.

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Т: Sit down, please.

2. Перевірка готовності до уроку

2. Фонетична зарядка. Гра «Names»

- Make a circle. Let’s play the game.

- Be active and remember the names of English boys and girls. Пригадайте, якомога

більше англійських імен хлопчиків та дівчаток.

- Listen attentively. Let’s start!

- Коли ви чуєте фразу “Her name” і вам до рук потрапляє м’ячик, то ви повинні назвати

ім’я дівчинки.

- Коли ви чуєте фразу “His name” – ви повинні назвати ім’я хлопчика.

Гра триває доки кожен учень не промовить хоча б 1 речення.

3. Перевірка домашнього завдання

- Open your workbook at page 38. Look at task 3. Read your sentences.

4. Повідомлення теми і мети уроку

- Сьогодні ми продовжуємо вивчати нову тему, «Let’s play».

- Open you pupil’s books on page seven and six. І сьогодні ми пригадаємо ті слова і

фрази, з якими ми ознайомилися на минулому уроці, вивчимо вірш. А також будемо

вчитися писати вітальну листівку другові з нагоди його дня народження. Ви

ознайомитеся з новими словами та виразами, будете інсценувати діалоги та грати

в ігри. Як і завжди, ви потренуєтесь читати й писати.

- Let’s start our lesson!

ІІ. Основна частина1. Мовленнєва зарядка. Гра «Чиї іграшки?»

Учні отримують картки і самостійно виконують завдання. По закінченні роботи клас поділяється на дві групи. Учні з однієї групи ланцюжком повідомляють про іграшки хлопчика, учні з другої — про іграшки дівчинки. За кожне правильно складене речення надається один бал. Перемагає група, яка отримає більше балів.

Trace and say./З’єднай та скажи

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Team1: This is his car.

Team2: This is her teddy bear.

2. Ознайомлення з новими лексичними одиницями.

- Children, look at the picture.

- Лялька яка? (Маленька)

- Англійською мовою маленька буде – «Small».

- Repeat after me 3 times.

(Аналогічне опрацювання нових лексичних одиниць: lovely, big, small, funny, nice)

- Як же англійською мовою сказати маленька лялька? (A small doll)

3. Відпрацювання нового лексичного матеріалу (PB, task 1 p. 76)а) Розвиток діалогічного мовленняа). Впр. 1 (с. 76).

- Let`s play!

- Вам потрібно ланцюжком скласти речення до малюнків вправи за зразком.

Гра «Який чудовий подарунок!»

Клас поділяється на дві команди. Учитель розкладає на двох партах картки малюнками донизу. Члени кожної команди ланцюжком підходять до парт, беруть по одній картці та складають речення. За кожне правильне речення надається один бал. Перемагає команда, яка отримає більше балів. Учитель контролює правильність виконання завдання.

big small lovely nice

small lovely funny nice


Team1: What a big robot!

Team2: What a small car!

б) Робота за підручником

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- Look at task 1.

- Point and name the object one by one. (Учні по черзі один за одним називають

предмети). Be attentively. Point to Ted.

- What is Ted’s present? Raise your hands! (This is robot). Well done.

- Read the words in the box together. (Учні читають слова хором і перекладають їх).

- What is the robot? (Аналогічно вчитель запитує про інші подарунки).

4. Удосконалення слуховимовних навичок. Вивчення вірша (PB, task 2 p. 77)

- Look at task 2 on page seven and seven. Let’s learn a song. Listen and repeat. (Учні

слухають вірш уперше. Учитель заохочує їх повторювати).

- Listen again and repeat! (Учні слухають вірш удруге та повторюють кожен рядок

хором з учителем).

- Say the rhyme all together! (Учні читають вірш)

5. Фізкультхвилинка

(рухи під музику)

6. Удосконалення навичок читання (PB, task 3 p.77)

- Now let’s read the sentence. (Учитель читає, а учні стежать пальчиком і читають за

вчителем речення).

- Well done! Що ви прочитали? (Учні висловлюють свої думки). Правильно, це

вітальна листівка.

- Хто написав листівку? (Ann).

- Well done! А для кого вона написана?

- Say in English. (It is for Kate).

- Well done.

- Let’s read the card once more and translate each sentence. Прочитайте текст листівки ще

раз і давайте спробуємо перекласти кожне речення українською мовою.

(Потім учні читають текст листівки у групах, в парах).

ІІІ. Заключна частина

1. Підсумкова бесіда

- Що нового ви дізналися на цьому уроці?

- Що Вам сподобалося найбільше?

2. Оцінювання

3. Домашнє завдання

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(p.39 вивч. слова)

4. Прощання

- The lesson is over. Goodbye, children!

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