รรรรรรรรรรรรรรร Bergman and Moore รรร Diamond โโโ โโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โโ.โ.โโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ โโโโโโโโ โโโโ 56010562002

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  1. 1. Bergman and Moore Diamond .. 56010562002 6 2557
  2. 2. .. .. .. .. 0503 910 Systems Technology and Educational Development 1 2557
  3. 3. 2.4 2 4 3 1 word 2 powerpoint 3 powerpoint print out for present
  4. 4. Bergman and Moore Model 4x6 majoys and connection
  5. 5. (Gustafson and Branch, 2002, 32-33)
  6. 6. Overview The Bergman and Moore Instructional Design Model is a product based model, published in 1990, to help production managers direct large-scale multi- media projects. This model guides the user towards a big picture approach to project development through the meticulous organization of the projects paper flow (deliverables). The stated goal of the model is to produce quality interactive multimedia products independent of the technology used to create them. Due to the model's specialization, it is important to mention that Bergman and Moore
  7. 7. As previously mentioned, the Bergman and Moore model is designed to aid multi-media project managers in organizing the document flow of the project. The model itself is divided into six key phases, each of which comprises of three like sub-phases. The six main phases of the models are analyze, design, develop produce, author and validate. Each of these six phases have the following three sub phases; input, deliverables and evaluate.
  8. 8. 1Analysis The analysis phase, like all the other phases begins with an in-depth look at the input, which in this phase is the project proposal. Throughout the analysis phase, the project manager is attempting to understand the true objective of the project, spending time and resources to do an alternative analysis of the problem that he or she has been employed to solve through the production of the multi-media product. The deliverable of the analysis phase is the application description document. This document serves as the project managers general overview of the project from which detailed design will be developed. The final step in the analysis phase is the evaluation.
  9. 9. 2Design After sponsor approval, the project manager guides the production team into the design phase. Having the same three sub-phases as the analysis phase, the design phase begins with a review of the input, which in this case is the application description documentation from the analysis phase. From here, the project manager facilitates the creation of a detailed design document that separates the project into its sub-projects. The final part of the design phase is once again an evaluation of the design deliverables. This evaluation sub-phase is important to the production of a high quality product, and is accomplished within the design team, through peer-review and assessment from industry leaders.
  10. 10. 3Develop In the development phase, the entire project is described on paper where the goal is to create documents. During the input analysis of the project manager helps the production team combine the application description and the design documentation into a comprehensive production flow chart. The flow chart is further developed into a storyboard for the entire project helping the project manager achieve cohesion between all of the projects and sub-projects. The deliverables of the development phase is the producible documents which when given to the appropriate developers will be constructed into actual multi-media content.
  11. 11. 4Produce The production phase is where the scripts, story boards, artwork etc. become tangible media. If done correctly, the previous phases will make the production of the media both time and cost-friendly. The production phases is to, of course, analyze the input. To this point, many new faces have joined the production teams and this analysis is the point where everyone is put on the same page in preparation for the production of the media. The deliverables include the independent media projects such as audio, video and graphics. The production phase is the fastest and most expensive part of the project where changes at this point can be very costly, hence the extensive pre-production phases.
  12. 12. 5Author Following the production of the many individual sub- projects, the authoring phase is where these sub- projects are combined into the final form, tested and tuned according to the documentation created in previous phases. Referencing the application production manager achieve consistency and quality in the final product. The deliverable of the authoring phase is a rendition of the project that is as close to the final product as possible. At this time the project manager will facilitate internal final reviews within the production along with semi-formal external peer review and target audience reviews. Extensive review is the goal of the validation phase.
  13. 13. 6Validate The final phase of the Bergman and Moore model for managing interactive video/multimedia projects is the validation phase. In this phase the multimedia product is put through rigorous testing to prove that the developed media meets the the objectives set out by the project sponsors. Through formal audience reviews, taking place in environments similar to the those intended for the final product, the production team is able to show that the objective goals for the project have be addressed. The deliverables of the validation phase is a list of recommended improvements for the project along with a validation report which describes the projects effectiveness based on the review process.
  14. 14. Input Deliverables Evaluate 3 Sub Replay Model
  15. 15. Replay Model
  16. 16. Diamond Model Two phases Political and social issues existing on the campus and within academic departments are critical
  17. 17. (Gustafson and Branch, 2002, 54-56)
  18. 18. http://www.thenationalacademy.org/about/principals.html
  19. 19. Two phases of design 1. Phase One: Project Selection and Design The feasibility and desirability of the project are examined. An ideal selection of the projects is made. An operational plan is developed with consideration of the existing constraints.
  20. 20. 2. Phase Two: Production, Implementation, and Evaluation Development of each unit includes a seven-step process: determining objectives, design of evaluation instruments and procedures, selecting the instructional format and examining existing materials, producing new materials or modifying existing materials, coordinating logistics for implementation, and a full scale of implementation including evaluation and revision
  21. 21. The characteristics of Diamond Model Emphasis on matching decision on whether to engage in instructional development to institutional as well as instructional issues Emphasis on the assurance of faculty ownership of the instructional development Emphasis on the needs for a formal organizational support
  22. 22.