Ad Analysis A.Chayapathi 10020507

Ad analysis

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  • 1. Ad Analysis A.Chayapathi 10020507

2. Parameters of analysis Brand BenefitsCustomers InsightsSensitivities, etc.Context, etc,MessageRelevanceEntertaining, em otional, stars, et c. ImpressionImpact 3. Message from godrej aerMessage: Stop smoking to experience the change in you and in the air around you. As Godrej Aer makes sprays for cars and houses. Their new campaign slogan is We are here to change the air (the way it smells and the way it spells) Audience: Youth Medium used: Video Pathos: By telling the negatives of smoking Impact: It is a new kind of anti smoking campaign made and publicized in social media where it will have maximum reach. 4. The Hutch Brand Wherever You Go Our Network FollowsMessage: Where ever you go our network follows. Audience: Everyone Medium used: Video Pathos: By depicting their brand as mans best friend (dog) Impact: The ads had a very simple message that was communicated through the dog with backdrop of a beautiful song. The Hutch network was personified as the dog and the Hutch brand automatically drew the brand personality of being adorable, cute. The dog was named Hutch dog and became very popular in India. The dog became the brand ambassador and a great brand asset to Hutch. Hutch leveraged this popularity of the dog and used the dog in its websites and in all its communications. 5. Pedigree Were for puppy dogs Message: Pedigree gives your puppy the best style life.Audience: Puppy owners Medium used: Video Pathos: By narrating how pedigree makes ones puppy as the best style life. Impact: In this ad the first shot shows a puppies tail nagging which is the sign for likeliness, and now the second shot shows the anxiety of the puppy searching for something in the puzzle, in the meanwhile a narrative in the background says why pedigree is a perfect food to give ones puppy the best style life. By the end of the narrative the puppy breaks the puzzle and reaches pedigree. 6. Message:Surf excel Daag Achhe HainDaag Acche Hain. This advertisement, not only sends out the message that Surf Excel will help you wash them out, but that also there is no need to fear stains. Audience: Mothers indirectly Medium used: Video Pathos:The advertisement cater to the emotions and sentiments of the viewers. Impact: The advertisement generates a sense of bonding. Viewers without siblings, too, can relate to the advertisement and the actions of the little boy. It also extrudes certain warmth that reflects itself in the viewers. When the little girl falls into the puddle and starts to cry, it creates interest in the minds of the viewers. When the tagline is spouted, it builds, in the viewers, a desire to know more. This desire often leads to action. Although there is no obvious targeting, it is done so through indirect means. Most mothers are concerned when their children come home in dirty and messy clothes. 7. This is a poster to advertise Michael Jackson after he passed away to celebrate his music The white background represents how something which was there is now lost, it seems quite lonely yet allows the quotations and title of Michael Jackson stand out emphasizing it Jackson himself is situation against the white block background allowing him to stand out, he is wearing his signature clothing where people will remember his past tours and music videos The signature which is copied onto the posters makes it more meaningful as though the quotation is written to the public themselves The fonts used are less striking but small showing the delicacy of everything written The quotation written affects everybody and therefore this poster is effective as all the public can relate to it and therefore relate to Michael Jackson himself. 8. Thank youA.Chayapathi 10020507