F Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Agriculture Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations NENA Regional Stakeholder Workshop Cairo: 27 – 29 October 2015 Agriculture and Irrigation at The Ministry of Agriculture Saleh Alluhaydan Ali AlJaloud Abdullah AlKhathran ن الرحيم الرحم بسم ا بس

Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

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Page 1: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan


Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Agriculture

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

NENA Regional Stakeholder Workshop

Cairo: 27 – 29 October 2015

Agriculture and Irrigation


The Ministry of Agriculture

Saleh Alluhaydan

Ali AlJaloud

Abdullah AlKhathran

بس بسم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم

Page 2: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

Agricultural Sector

Development goals of: food security, diversification of the production base, minimizing the reliance on oil as a main income source, and reducing dependence on imports of food commodities.

Sector benefitted from national policies and programs: subsidies, interest-free loans, land distribution, free services


Effective growth in all sector activities

Self-sufficiency in various agricultural products

Investments in parallel activities: chemicals, fertilizers, agro-industry

Shifting from self-sufficiency objectives to those of food security with the preservation of water security.


Page 3: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

Some figures on the Agricultural sector


More than 800,000 ha

More than 85% of total

water consumed

Large water footprint:

83% of non renewable



About 50% of the

water consumed is

used in the production

of crops

Page 4: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

Main features

Very low portion is renewable water Most water used is non renewable groundwater Agriculture is the largest water consuming sector

مصادر المياه بالمملكة

مياه متجددة


مياه جوفية غيرمتجددة


مياه التحلية


مياه صرف معالجة


NWS 2012أرقام

استخدام المياه بالمملكة







NWS 2012أرقام

3بليون م 14.42: االستهالك المائي بالزراعة 3بليون م 17.42: إجمالي االستهالك المائي


Water Sector

Page 5: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

Water Recommit


Production TON/Ha Corps

6500-7500 7-8 wheat

6000-7000 35-38 potatoes

20000-22000 20-22 Alfalfa

70 70-85

Kg/tree date 5

Water Productivity For Major Field corps

Page 6: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

For greenhouse we have very good water efficiency some commercial farmer reach to 50 letter /kg tomato – cucumber ……..etc.

In the north of the Kingdom the rainfall reach 300 mm/year ; and the farmer utilized the water to irrigate some major crops sorghum and produce a good yield and the estimated production in the Kingdom in 2013 (110299) ton and also they grow millet and sesame


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The Ministry published good reference water; soil; weather ; land use atlas and water requirement


Page 8: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

• Reduce cropped area (land decommissioning)

• Crops and varieties with low water requirements

• Crop shift – comparative advantage

• Improve irrigation performance

• Impose quotas • Various bans (exports) • Subsidies and rewards • Capping of wells • Capacity building • Awareness raising

Increase water supply - Reduce water demand

Improve irrigation performance

• Reduce water uptake • Reduce water losses • Increase productivity to water


Agricultural Demand Management

Ways and Means for Improvement

MOA Challenges

Page 9: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

National Agricultural Strategy (NAS) Fodder strategy National rangeland strategy Camel & small ruminants strategy Rural development framework National forest strategy National action plan for combating

desertification Participation in:

National water strategy (MOWE) Long term vision (MOEP) Decision 335 Decision 92 ADF initiative for implementing

Decision 92


Some Strategies under preparation/ finalizing

Page 10: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan

National Agricultural Strategy

Activity conducted with assistance from FAO

The study conducted extensive socio-economic and technical surveys of the Saudi agriculture.

Strategic objectives

Among the important and relevant results obtained are figures on water use in irrigation, economic and financial returns for irrigation water used with different crops and irrigation systems, etc.

Several pillars were retained for the strategy, chief among them is the sustainable use of water in irrigation.


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Irrigation in MOA

Central administration of MOA, in charge of irrigation

Locally represented by Section of Irrigation Affairs within the General Directorates of Agriculture in the 13 regions


to plan, coordinate, develop, monitor, organize and maintain irrigation and drainage projects and programs

Deputy Ministry for Natural Agricultural


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National Irrigation


(NIA – Riyadh)

Reuse of TWW for irrigation

Started 1982

455 farms - 17,500 ha

50 MCM per year of TWW

Distribution of TWW to the farm gates through a collective pressurized irrigation network

Demand for TWW is increasing

Prospects for increasing the area to 25000 ha as part of the Master Plan for TWW in Riyadh

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Farmer benefits

1 – More/Better Yield. 2 – Less energy consumption. 3 – Lower production costs. 4 – Rational water use.

The project

4 yr project, 80 field locations with measurements of: weather data, soil moisture, water consumption, crop data.


Page 14: Agriculture and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Saleh Alluhaydan


FAO Project: Development of

Irrigation Water Management and

Improvement of Water Use efficiency:


Long Term Objectives

Improve Water Use Efficiency

Irrigation management with higher efficiency (water losses) and effectiveness (productivity to water)

Implement field activities Awareness raising on application of crop water requirements, modern irrigation systems, advanced irrigation scheduling techniques

Capacity building MOA staff and farmers Training Study tours Technical assistance

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Thank you