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American Issues Syllabus[1]

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What Am I Going to Learn?

American Issues is a study of Who gets what and How they get it. On a more specific level, this class can be broken into two groups: Government and Current Events and how these things interact. We will examine how cooperation and conflict interact at the local, state, national, and global political systems. We will build upon what was learned in U.S. History as to the principles that our country was built upon and question whether or not we still operate upon those ideals. You will learn to critique the positive and negative aspects of our government and hopefully will learn how you can live and contribute to our increasingly interdependent world!

Course Objectives: (Taken from the Wisconsin State Social Studies Standards)

C.12.1 Identify the sources, evaluate the justification, and analyze the implications of certain rights and responsibilities of citizens C.12.5 Analyze different theories of how governmental powers might be used to help promote or hinder liberty, equality, and justice, and develop a reasoned conclusion C.12.6 Identify and analyze significant political benefits, problems, and solutions to problems related to federalism and the separation of powers C.12.8 Locate, organize, analyze, and use information from various sources to understand an issue of public concern, take a position, and communicate the position C.12.10 Identify ways people may participate effectively in community affairs and the political process

Course Outline:

Dates: (Tentative)

Unit Title Objectives:

Jan. 26th – Feb. 5th

Foundations of American Government:

Establish that Governments are created to serve six purposed Debate the ideas of the United States as a democracy

Discover the basic principles upon which the Constitution is built

Explain the merits of how Federalism splits power between the national and state government

Feb. 8th – Feb. 26th

American Citizenship:

Evaluate 1st Amendment freedoms and analyze “real world” situations where those freedoms are sometimes limited

Discover how the definition of citizenship has changed in the United States during its history

Examine how “civic responsibility” is important to maintaining the American political system

Determine where individual rights end and the “common good” beginsMarch 1st – March 19th

US Political Systems:

Analyze the similarities and differences of the shared American political identity

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Analyze the evolution of political ideology in the United States and determine where students fit on the spectrum

Identify the relationship between political ideologies and political parties in the United States

Evaluate the role of money, interest groups and the media in the political process

March 22nd- April 1st

Current Events Issue

Explore a current issue of importance in the news

Discuss Controversies related to issueApril 2nd – 11th


April 12th – April 30th

Legislative Branch:

Explore the make up of the United States Congress and determine if it is similar to that of the “average American”

Analyze the process of redrawing congressional districts and the problems created

Experience how compromise and strategy play an important role in the law making process

May 3rd – May 21st

Executive Branch:

Analyze the expansion of the Presidency Evaluate the different roles of the President

Explore those groups/people who are established to help the President run the Executive branch

May 24th – June 4th

Judicial Branch:

Describe the structure and make-up of the Judicial system Evaluate the effectiveness and fairness of the American Judicial System

Analyze the Supreme Court’s role in the Judicial branch and how their interpretation of the Constitution can change over time


Organization is key to academic success. If Organization is not a strong suit for you, see me and I will gladly recommend some organizational strategies to help keep you on top of things!

Notebook (Just for this class) Pens and or Pencils ( I always have extras if you happen to lose yours, Just Ask) Folder (Just for this class) OPTIONAL: Flash drive/USB for when we do work in the computer lab. A mature and positive attitude

Textbook: EMC Publishing, American Government Citizenship and Power, 2009 Edition

*A note about the book. One of the great features of this book is that an online version of the book is available. Therefore we will use books in class and you will be

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expected to access the online book for homework assignments. If you cannot access the online text at home, you will be issued a book for the semester. Instructions as to how to access the online text are located on my website: www.fortmann.wikispaces.com under the Issues online text tab on the left side of the page.

How You Will Be Graded:

50 % Assessments: Tests, Quizzes, Major Projects

50 % Homework, Classwork, Daily Assignments and Smaller Projects

Late Work: Assignments are a way for me to gain a better understanding of where you are at in learning the material covered. I don’t give homework just for the sake of giving homework. It is given to enhance your learning of a given topic or concept. I EXPECT you to not only do it on time, but also to put forth your best effort. If you have not given your best effort I will ask you to do it over before you receive credit. If you by chance have a late assignment, it will be accepted, but a 50% deduction will be taken. Late work MAY BE TURNED IN ONLY DURING THE SAME UNIT OF STUDY. EXAMPLE: An assignment given during the legislative branch unit may be turned in up until the final test on the legislative branch, after that it will not be accepted.

Cheating: I hold you to a high standard and cheating WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. Homework is to be done by YOU, unless otherwise instructed by Mr. Fortmann. All incidence of cheating will be given a zero and may be subject to the Muskego High School policies dealing with academic dishonesty. Do your own thing and you will be fine. Cheating is not worth it.

My Expectations of You:

I have the expectation that when you come to our class, your focus is 100% American Issues. In order to do that, I do not tolerate behaviors that distract either your learning or that of your classmates. I expect you to respect all of the following: Mr. Fortmann, fellow students, property, yourself. In order to do this a couple of things must happen:

Take Yourself Seriously: We both want you to succeed in American Issues. Follow directions, do your homework and act like the young adult that you are, and success will follow. My number one job is to help you succeed in this class. I am always available should you have questions or need some extra help.

Come to Class Ready to Learn: You control your attitude. Come to class with an open mind and ready to learn. If I find that you are working on other work when it is expected that you are working on American Issues, I will confiscate the work and it will NOT be given back. Homework should be done at home or in study-hall.

Allow others to Learn: Many classes will feature class discussion. While all opinions will be welcomed, it is expected that you raise your hand to add to our discussion. If someone else is expressing their opinion, it is expected that everyone else in class is focused on that person. If you cannot do this we will have problems.

Use the WEBSITE: www.fortmann.wikispaces.com

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I have created this website to help you succeed in this class. Most info covered in class will be put up on the website. It takes a lot of effort to keep this up to date so I expect you to use it. If you miss class or forget something access the website!


All actions have consequences either good or bad. If your actions in class begin to disrupt our class harmony, you will given a warning. If this continues to be a problem you show me that you need help in understanding proper classroom behavior. This will result in spending extra time either before school, after school, or at lunch time.

Actions can have good consequences as well! If I find that as a class we are going above and beyond, I will not hesitate to reward you for work well done!

Other Policies: (NO MEANS NO)

Get to class on time. 3 tardies means time with me. No personal technology. I will take it and hold on to it for the day or take it to the office. No bathroom the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class. Also, don’t ask if I am in the

middle of a lesson.


Being at school is very important to being successful. Nothing can make up for being in class. If you do happen to be absent you are expected to check the website www.fortmann.wikispaces.com and look under the American Issues tab to see what you missed. It is my expectation that you will complete assigned readings and homework assignments. If you have questions about something on the website please email me or see me when you return to class.

What Can You Expect from Mr. Fortmann?

You can expect me to be passionate about the topics we cover! I take the responsibility of helping you to become more informed citizens very seriously. You can expect that I will treat you fairly. You can expect that I will always be available to provide extra help if you need it. Lastly, you can expect that if you give your best effort in this class, I will do whatever I can to help you in the future: ex. Recommendation or reference. I look forward to working with you this semester!

Mr. Fortmann

[email protected]

(262)-971-1790 ext. 4150