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General Trailer Analysis


Establishing shot shows the bar scene which is a conventional generic setting. The

bar setting suits the type of genre plus the establishing is conventional for both form

and genre.

Mixture of close ups/mid shots combined with fast pace editing build up to the main

part of the trailer. For example it begins with the split screen car scene and from

then on the editing gets more fast paced and the variety of camera shot heightens.

This shows the different activities the guys are undertaking such as the zip line scene

and canoe boat scene. This shows the variety of camerawork used which shows all

the characters doing fun activities, which makes the trailer feel more conventional.

Use of long and wide shots to highlight location and props such as the car, which

suggests the ridiculous nature of the film. In this car scene, which is taken from a

high angle, the camera shows the image of the female on the front of the car. It is

camerawork like this that gives the trailer another dimension and makes it feel more

conventional by adding some more ridicules comedic features.

A lot of close ups throughout the trailer are used to highlight the dialogue which is

the main part of the comedy. Such as the bar scene and when they are in one of the

characters bedroom. This combined with some editing techniques gives the trailer

more of a narrative and also gives the trailer more comedic scenes. Like when there

is a close up of one of the characters that then proceeds to say ‘That’s where your

face spends most of the time’. The scene that quickly snaps to another scene, which

is in relation with the characters comments.

Setting is key so is highlighted throughout with camerawork such as the long shots

and wide shots used.


Dialogue is used throughout the trailer to create the humour which is conventional

for the comedy genre and the combination of close up shots types helps to

emphasise this. Use of language such as ‘the sex capital’ is appealing to the audience

of the genre and this style of language is conventional for the teenage humour

comedy. Another scene which uses the comedic dialogue is the

The non-diegetic music used throughout the trailer is conventional for the genre and

the form of comedy. The music used is mainly club music which helps to promote a

party and wild vibe which is conventional throughout the genre.

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The editing throughout the trailer is fast paced and cuts between lots of different

scenes which creates the conventional fast paced vibe of the comedy genre and the

film. The trailer uses a graphic match when the character on the phone then goes to

Australia this highlights the setting of the scene and suggests the other characters

are going to visit him. There is also another action match of the car they drive which

highlights the ridiculous vehicle they are in and adds to the comedy of the scene and


The fats paced editing in the advert shows around 4 different scenes in around 3

seconds this is conventional and suits the style of the film in being party orientated

and free. Also the use of title screens throughout is conventional for many different

genres but these cut up the trailer and gives you a better overview of the film.

Overall the editing used throughout the trailer is fast paced aimed at showing as

many scenes as possible, focusing on the characters and dialogue to create the

comedic effect and show key features of the film.


At the beginning of the trailer a generic setting was used which was highlighted

with a wide shot. The pub setting connotes the genre of the film and that it is going

to be based around alcohol and chaos. A pub setting is conventional for a comedy

film as it is an easy going and normal type of setting. As the film is based around

average going people a pub setting is conventional.

The props used are very minimal and costume isn’t really considered. Throughout

the scene the costumes the main characters wear are normal every day clothes

which emphasises the normality of the film and the genre and it is conventional for

comedies to include basic costume that would be worn every day. The car is the

main prop they have used in the extract which is highlighted through a range of

different wide shots and adds to the comedic value of the trailer. It is conventional

for the comedy genre to include a prop which portrays the main characters as being

ridiculous however they are unaware of how they look which adds to the

schandenfreude style of the film.

Conventions of genre

The trailer is conventional for the genre it features a range of different shots aimed

towards highlighting the dialogue used which comprises the comedic effect of the

film. The trailer uses fast past editing to connote party theme of the genre and the

amount of ridiculous tasks the main characters will pursue throughout the actual

film. The editing shows numerous scenes of characters interchanging and it also

shows them being idiots.

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The mice-en-scene was also very conventional for the genre as they were wearing

casual clothing and props were very main stream such as alcohol bottles. The sex

theme throughout the advert was also very stereotypical for the genre as this is

connoted with male characters and is seen throughout the genre. The holiday

theme was also conventional for the genre the ideals of going on a ‘lads’ holiday as

such suited the genre and seems conventional throughout.

Fast paced editing seems a convention for the genre as the trailer I analysed had

very fast paced editing to highlight the different scenes and acts the characters are

undertaking. This is very conventional for the genre and other trailers I have seen

which also adds to the fast paced party lifestyle.

Conventions of form

One main convention of form with the comedy trailer was the use of title

screens to give more information about the film and break up the trailer which

creates a good effect. They used title screens with text saying phrases like ‘this

summer’. This shows when the film is releasing but also adds to the party feel of

the film being in the summer.

The trailer has many conventions of form including the use of heavy fast pace

editing. This is conventional for the genre and more importantly form as trailers

generally have a series of quick shots to show different parts of the trailer. The

small car scene where the car turns up the mountain there are a series of shots

and a split screen to show the characters and car.

The trailer was very conventional for form in many ways and used a variety of

the different technical elements to create a conventional trailer particularly for

the comedy genre. The small scene on the mobile phone prop for example also

highlighted the conventional use of form.