Ancillary Analysis’ ERIN MILLER

Ancillary analysis’

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Ancillary Analysis’ERIN MILLER

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Radio Times Double Page Spread

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As you can see, the vast majority of the page is taken up by images. There is one main image and then 2 smaller ones. The editor of this magazine will have decided to have fill up a lot of the page with an image because their target audience may get too bored of reading too much text or it looking too much like a book, rather than a magazine.In the main image she looks really empowered and strong, which reflects the headline of the page ‘Queen of the Castle’.

The two smaller images of her show a contrast however. One she is dressed up and a bride and the other she is kissing a man. This shows to us that she is perceived in many different ways and not only in one way. It shows a contrast throughout the page, rather than it being too consistent.

Images on the page

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Fonts and Colours For the headline they

have used 2 different fonts and 2 different colours, both contrasting massively. They have used a serif font for the starting words, which looks more fancy, then they have contrasted it to a sans serif font which is bold and in capital. The serif font is in a bold black, then the sans serif font is in a coral colour. These two colours are massively different however they do compliment each other and bring the page together. Additionally it has been laid out on a white, natural background which makes the font stand out even more.

Throughout they have using a consistent colour scheme, sticking to the coral black and white. This compliments the whole page and makes it look professional and presentable to the target audience. Moreover the font that they have used for the interview is a sans serif font which is more easy reading than a serif don’t. Additionally, for one of the quotes they have used a serif font. This makes it clear to the reader that it is a separate part or an important part of text.

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As per usual, they have the headline at the top of the page. On the right hand page it is mostly taken up by an image, then at the bottom there is a small section of text. They also have another image on the right hand page to contrast from the main image. Additionally on the right page they have a small pop up of text which is a quote from something that she has said. They have put this on the image to slightly break it up but to also make it clear to the audience that it is an important piece of information.

At the top of the left hand page, they have a small piece of information that is reminding the reader of what magazine it is that they are looking at. Additionally they have put the majority of the text on the left hand side of the page. This breaks up the over all spread so there is not too much text but the image is also not too big. Moreover They have added another image so it looks more broken up. They have made the important txt either highlighted, in a different font or in a pop up on the page. This shows to the audience what is important on the page and is worth looking at and what is the general content of the page.

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The content that is included on this page is an interview. The interview consists of her answering questions and the questions are all related to one another. Because this double page spread is based on a person rather than a show, an interview is a suitable story to include. If they were doing a double page spread on a show rather than a person it would make more sense to write a story explaining the content as they have no one to actually interview especially because it is about a whole show rather than 1 person.

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Channel 4 Advert

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ImageThe image shown is of a small child

who seems to be being sucked into the ground. All of the people around him are out of focus and blurred because it makes it look as if they are ignoring the small boy. This fits in suitably with the programme because it is called ‘Britain's forgotten children’. Additionally the boy in the picture looks like he is frustrated and he is struggling in the hole. There is a lot of different lighting in the image. On the outside of the image there is a lot of dark lighting then the centre of the image there is a lot of lighting. This focuses on the child in the image. The pictures of the people walking past him have all got blurry legs because this emphasises that he is being walked past and ignored.

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Channel 4 has their own specific font that they use. This is part of their branding as it will help their target audience to recognise them. They have only written on the page in the bottom left to say what the programme is called and when it starts. Additionally They have included the website link for the programme in the bottom left hand corner. This means that their audience can now go onto the website to read what the programme is going to consist of. They have put their logo on the right hand side of the page in white. This is because the page is dull and gloomy so the white will stand out against the background. They have additionally put the text explaining the programme on a white background. This makes it one of the first things that you look at because it contrasts against the darker background. They have then used a black font on this so that it stands out.

Fonts and Colours

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The layout of this image is important. The small boy who is meant to be the focus of the image is off centre. This to me emphasises the point of the programme they are promoting. Its called ‘Britain’s Forgotten Children’ and although the small boy is supposed to be the main focus of the image, he is actually off centre. This is emphasising the fact that he is forgotten and he is not important. Moreover they have put a load of people around him in a close proximity. This is important because it makes it clear to the audience that the small boy is viewable, however the people who are walking past him are just ignoring him instead of taking him into consideration. They have put the name of the programme at the bottom of the page because it is still important, which is why it has been put on a white background, however it is not the main focus of the image. They have also put the logo fairly small in comparison to the rest of the images on the page. Same goes for the website link. This is small and in the corner due to it being less important.
