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The ship had a massively built wooden hull that was designed to withstand being frozen into the ice. The propeller and rudder could be hoisted out of the way to prevent ice damage. Iron shod bows were severely raked so that when ramming the ice they would ride up over the margin and crush the ice with dead weight.

Shackleton's first expedition to Antarctica, called the National Antarctic Expedition, was organized by the Royal Geographic Society and was led by Robert Scott. On November 2, 1902, Shackleton, Scott, and Dr. Edward Wilson set out for the South Pole. The going was slow and the food began running low. Their sled dogs began to die, and they had to pull the heavy sled themselves.

Whales are the largest animals in world, specially blue whale with his length up to 30m and a weight up to 180 tonnes. But there are many species of baleen whales found in Antarctic waters like the fin, humpback, sei, minke, and the right whale. There are also six species of toothed whales: Sperm, Killer, bottle nose, four tooth whale and Dolphins.Whales eat fish and many more thing's.

Not every animal can stand the freezing cold water of the Antarctic, but the seals of Antarctica can because of its 2-4 inches of thick blubber. They stay by shore and live close to packs of ice. The pups are even born on ice during April or May. Even though they live in water they still can't stay under water for their whole lifetime, so they come up out of water every 2 minutes.

Did you know that not all fish are the same but they sometimes get along with each other even though they are not the same colour and the same skin?many people think that the fish never get along do you think they get along?What do you think fish eat in Antartica?Intrestingly ,Whales eat the fish but do you think whales like to eat fish or they don't like to eat the fish?

They are a small semi-transparent crustacean like a shrimp, about 4-5 cm (2") in length when fully grown, they can live for up to 7 years which is quite remarkable considering the wide variety of animals that feed on them in huge quantities. Krill belong to the animals that make up the zoo plankton. Some krill's are the same but some are not.did you know that some krill's sometimes fight with each other?

The air in Antarctica is frequently very dry. The low temperatures mean that little or no water vapour is held in the air, instead it freezes and falls out, or builds up on surfaces as frost. Sometimes however depending on the particular atmospheric conditions, the frozen water vapour remains in the air as suspended ice crystals.

The sun is reflected very strongly so that the reflection is almost as bright as the sun itself.

The scale of Antarctica in these conditions becomes quite overpowering, almost frightening. You can be standing on a cliff edge and be able to see a clear 100 miles in all directions knowing that the only other human beings in that 100 mile radius circle are your fellow winter's in the collection of huts just below you.

Was Shackelton a brave,risky explora or was he just scaired and he didn't want to do thing's? Could you slip on the top of the mountain? Could some of the krill's sometimes get along? What do the whales eat and why do they eat it? Could some boat's on Antartica freez into ice even though it was cold and chilly? Was Shackelton the person to go to Antartica? What colour can seal's be?