Blogs as Digital Portfolios Leigh Cassell http://digitalhumanlibrary.com/blog http://edublog.amdsb.ca/collab http://edublog.amdsb.ca/cassell @LeighCassell

Blogging as Digital Portfolios_Oct 2014_PD for AMDSB

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The focus of my work is using blogging as a platform for deep learning to improve student outcomes in AMDSB's priority areas: communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving.

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Blogs as Digital Portfolios

Leigh Cassellhttp://digitalhumanlibrary.com/blog




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What is a blog?

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My first blog post was Wednesday October 26th, 2011

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And my

community continues to

grow . . .

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The Why? of Blogging

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Blogging is not about technology . . .

I. . . it’s about relationships and


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If you can crack the problem of engagement – not just “are you paying attention?”, but “are you fascinated by this?” – if you can crack engagement in deep learning then you’ve cracked 21st century schooling. ~ Mike Berrill

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Your students . . . will inspire you.

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make learning visible

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I see a cave in the trees. Maybe this is where the fairies live.

see thinking

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capture conversations

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descriptive feedback

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This is a great site. thanks for taking our children’s academic growth so seriously. you make a huge difference in their lives. i see it on their faces every day! The ways that my daughter uses technology are ways I never thought were possible. She wants to work at home and I never knew how creative my daughter was until this year. Her blog is amazing. She is now teaching me how to use technology to learn instead us just playing games. You truly bring out the meaning of teaching and teacher! Your work doesn't go unnoticed but it’s always nice to hear it from a parent Thanks Leigh. Keep up the excellent work. Sincerely, Lyndsey Gilchrist

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. . . between teacher and


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. . . between students

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. . . between students

and experts

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. . . between students and

global learning partners

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. . . between students and their families

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Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

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It’s too late to pursue a career.

The earth goes around when it goes around a certain amount, the sun shows on the horizon.

The service economy replaced manufacturing.

Mommy has a good job with benefits.

I was high all the time...smoked too much pot.

I met your mom, had you, now I work at a muffler shop.

I stay home and take care of you.

The service economy replaced manufacturing.

I didn’t think it would matter.

There are no real jobs in America.

I didn’t pay attention in school or listen in class.

There were good jobs, we were lucky for awhile and then we weren’t so lucky anymore

The sun hasn’t come up yet.

I don’t know!

Sun comes up later.

It’s 5 o’clock in the morning...its too early.

No real jobs in America

It’s just the way it goes . . .

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critical thinking and

problem solving with


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critical thinking and

problem solving with


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creativity in blog design

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creativity using apps

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creativity in thinking

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creativity to make learning


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How do we inspire creativity?

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Kids often defy expectations, if you give them the opportunity.

Shelley Wright

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Let’s revisit the Why? of Blogging

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Blogs are records of student learning over time . . .

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Digital Portfolios are a showcase of student learning . . .

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It’s time to change the conversation

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Why is this important?

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Kids often defy expectations, if you give them the opportunity.

Shelley Wright

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Dreams can come true

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Think About These Questions:

● Have you ever Googled yourself?

● What happened?○ Did you like results Google served you about

yourself, your brand, or your business?

● Were you satisfied?○ Should (or Do) you need to make some


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Blogs as Digital Portfolios

Leigh Cassellhttp://digitalhumanlibrary.com/blog


