“Promoting and preserving quality linked to Geographical Origin: a tool to contribute to sustainable rural development?” Importance of preserving heritage and culture linked to an origin-linked product: the example of the guaraná of Sataré-Mawé Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply - MAPA Brazil

Brazil: importance of preserving heritage and culture linked to an origin-linked products

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“Promoting and preserving quality linked to Geographical Origin: a tool to contribute

to sustainable rural development?”

Importance of preserving heritage and culture linked to an origin-linked product: the example of the guaraná of Sataré-Mawé

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply - MAPA


MAPA and the Geographical Indications as a Tool for Rural Development

• Brazil - Biological, ethnical and cultural diversity • Biomes: “Caatinga”, “Amazônia”, “Cerrado” etc. x production x

traditional communities, indigenous, smallholders, immigrants etc. • Sociobiodiversity • Production, preservation and development with sustaintability • Government programs - including geographical indication

• Beyond to incentive the protection of intellectual property, to promote rural development - for agricultural products: – Divulge and incentive the use of distinctive signs, – Support the development of instruments and auxiliary studies, – Provide technical support to the processes of registration (INPI) and

give financial support to GI projects, – Provide training to stakeholders, technicians, partners etc.

MAPA and the Geographical Indications as a Tool for Rural Development

• Benefits:

– Protection against usurpation, – Improving the organization of the

producers (cooperate), traceability, internal control,

– Preservation of know-how and tradition,

– Added value, – Market opening, – Increased income and

employment at the regional level, – Become the region more attractive, – Local economic diversification

(tourism), – Environmental preservation etc.

MAPA and the Geographical Indications as a Tool for Rural Development

The example of “Waraná”

• The guaraná is native from the Amazônia, domesticated by the ancestors of Sateré-Mawé in the area between the lower course of the Tapajós and Madeira, in the middle of Amazonas River.

• In the Middle Amazon there are three distinct groups of producers: Sateré-Mawé; smallholders and large-scale plantations of a few dozen large farms linked to industry.

Sateré-Mawé protected Land



• The plant has deep relations with the mythology of this ethnic group, which reflects its history of domestication.

• The Sateré-Mawé, who consider the plant sacred use the word Warana which means "the beginning of all knowledge".

• According the mithology, the Sateré-Mawé are the "children of waraná".

• Warana for the Indigenous has a central role in their culture, religion, mythology, and it is their main economic activity

The example of “Waraná”

The Waraná is produced by the same techniques used since their ancestors (Around 2000 years) - native seedlings, consortium of plants, pollination by native bees, selected harvest of grain, slow roasting, grinding and handling the “bread” following indigenous ritual.

The example of “Waraná”

• Break of monopoly • Differentiated prices • Usurpation

• Small farmers • Indigenous

• Triangle in market • Importance of:

• Registration • Control (intern and official) • Consumer knowledge and


The example of “Waraná”

• Protect the waraná as a GI: • The governmental recognition of the traditional knowledge and

know-how developed over millennia by indigenous • Recognizes the originality of the production of guarana Sateré-

Mawé forward other producing regions • Differentiates the Sateré product from the others on the market • An important tool for the ethnodevelopment project of the tribe • Become the region more attractive and promotes permanence

of young indigenous • Opportunity to promote the region for other products of the tribe

(honey, extracts, manioc flour etc.), promoting economic diversification and less economic dependence of waraná. They can have income from other products and resist better during changes in waraná market

• Give more confidence to consumers and markets

The example of “Waraná”

• Current situation – The local projects created a

work group – MAPA, INPI, FUNAI and the stakeholders

– Fields visit, workshops, trainings, seminars and actions related to the registration process

– Advanced organization – Documents to registration

The example of “Waraná”

Conclusion • The GI process brings a new concept of local

organization which may result in development • The benefits are not “automatic” by the registration,

it depends of the local strategies and the government support

• In order get advantage of all potential, the government, the stakeholders and other related institutions must be involved and articulated

Thank you

Beatriz de Assis Junqueira

[email protected]

Coordenation of Incentive to Geographical Indication of Agricultural Products

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply Brazil

+55 (61) 3218-2237