{ Business Correspondence Writing emails that won’t get ignored

Business correspondence

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On Wednesday, December 21, #MandCPL wiht Vadim Izdebskiy organized a workshop called “Business correspondence: writing e-mails that won't get ignored”. Agenda: - Got mail? - The Do’s and the Don’ts - Practical exercise - Q&A - Bonus:Outlook and Gmail tips & tricks

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Business Correspondence

Writing emails that won’t get ignored

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Who is this guy?

9+ years in software development

From Junior C++ developer to Program Manager / Tech Consultant

Teams from 3 to 10 people

Customers from Belgium, Australia, Canada, US, Germany, UK, Malta, Denmark

…Email Nazi!

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So, need to write an email?

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{Stolen thoughts and ideas

A bit of Theory

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Self Fulfilling email Inquiry Open-Ended dialog Action email

What is the Purpose?

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Spends a long time crafting the ‘perfect’ email.

Believes that their request is original, unique, and special.

Cannot imagine why anyone would turn them away.

Desires to tell the whole story

Who is Sender?

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Gets a lot of email Regularly gets asked a

standard set of questions and favors

Does not have a lot of free time

Does not mind helping you, if it is fast

Who is Receiver?

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2.7 seconds

Time to take decision

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To construct email that:

Will actually be read Will actually be understood Will not annoy receiver Doesn’t take too much time to


Our Goal

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{Building blocks


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Never ever forget it!

One phrase summary Short, informative, related Reflects the purpose


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People who need to


take action


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People who need to

be informed


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What about BCC:?

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Introduction Problem description Conclusion


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{Length, look, style

Tips on Content

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Remember to KISS Pretend face-to-face intro Use text message trick Minimize questions Do word trimming

…but be personal


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Use Simple English Ask for reaction explicitly Split to parts for different

people/actions/questions Bold people names (use @, twitter-

style) Use links instead of attachments Define abbreviations Put reference info to the very end


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Don’t overuse High Importance (!) and red color

Don’t use Royal English Don’t misspell names Avoid jargon

Avoid using different fonts, sizes and colors


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Ready to press ‘Send’?

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Read it!(three times)

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{The Good, the Bad and the Ugly


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-----Original Message-----From: David W Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:32 AMTo: Roberts, JohnSubject: repeated server warnings John, Below is terminal output I got the first time I started the server process.  The warning about the lock file is coming out every 30 seconds.  Where is it trying to write this file?  Would this be caused by some kind of permission problem?


David WinchNGT Development  Mar 30, 2006 10:21:48 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$2 runINFO: Created user preferences directory.Mar 30, 2006 10:21:49 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences$3 runWARNING: Could not create system preferences directory. System preferences are unusable.Mar 30, 2006 10:22:19 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCodeWARNING: Could not lock System prefs. Unix error code 805449496.Mar 30, 2006 10:22:49 AM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0Err

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-----Reply Message-----From: Roberts, John Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 11:04 AMTo: David W Subject: RE: repeated server warnings David, What environment variables do you use in the command line? I have not come across this before. Probably, permissions to default locations where the java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences class tries to write preferences are insufficient.

Please, let me know if I can help more.

Regards, John RobertsSupport Engineer

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----- Message-----From: Roberts, John Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 03:12 PMTo: Neit, Paul Subject: Build environment corrupted?




While trying to make the latest build I am getting the following error:

$ . ./ngtmake_9_1.ksh

Error: cannot access ngt9-13.jar

The testing team is stuck on getting the release acceptance. Could you please look into the problem ASAP and let me know?

Thanks in advance,

John Roberts

Support Engineer

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From: Cathy Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 4:16 PMTo: Gille, AndrewCc: Subject:

Andy, I don’t know for sure but check what it takes to load NDPT data into the test DB.


Thank you, Cathy.

-----Original Message-----From: Gille, Andrew Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:32 AMTo: Goodwriter, CathyCc: Grace, BillSubject: Problem loading production database


Dear Cathy,


Could you please help me with understaing of a root cause for such a strange behavior of database loading scripts. I wonder why time being consumed exceeds the limits set in the functional requirements. We have been testing the database with customer data this week and require your input asap. Bill, what do you think of this?


Andrew Gille

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{Yep, I know


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Report a technical problem on a customer side that blocks your work

Addressee: Vadim Izdebskiy, Program Manager

Problem: No access to source code Timeline: End of major phase, time to

build Urgency: Severity 1 issue Action: Resolution required from


Exercise 1

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You are missing a deadline

Addressee: Vadim Izdebskiy, Program Manager

Milestone: RC code freeze

Exercise 2

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Thank you!

… and MORE!

I will be happy to discuss it with you FURTHER

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