Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet

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Find More Stats at: http://mindjarmedia.com. Cats are very popular on the Internet. But what was before cats.. . Bacon. This presentation describes the movement from bacon being the most popular thing on the Internet to cats taking over using Lady Gaga as a benchmark. The numbers say it all.

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Page 1: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet
Page 2: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet
Page 3: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet

2010 - 2011

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Page 9: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet
Page 10: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet

Lady Gaga: 24,900,000Bacon: 4,090,000

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Page 14: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet

Lady Gaga: 24,900,000Cats: 83,100,000

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507,063 986,888

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526,000 62,700

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1 1

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456,000,000 149,000,000

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Page 20: Cats vs. Bacon on the Internet

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