Codes & Conventions Of A Music Magazine Contents Page Jack Fell

Codes & Conventions of Contents Pages

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Page 1: Codes & Conventions of Contents Pages

Codes & Conventions Of A Music Magazine Contents


Jack Fell

Page 2: Codes & Conventions of Contents Pages


‘CONTENTS’ typically appears on the top of the contents page. Like the masthead on the cover page, the ‘contents’ font is unique.

The ‘contents’ is always positioned at the top of the page.

The colour always relates to the colour scheme of the magazine.

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Main Image

The main image on a contents page will often relate to the front covers main image.

The image can give an insight to what is featured in the magazine articles.

Doesn’t cover the full page, typically just smaller than half of the page.

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Colour Scheme

The contents page’s colour scheme relates to the magazine itself or the cover page.

The colours used on Q magazine contents page are always red/white/black which identifies which magazine it is.

The colour scheme used needs to make the images and writing stand out.

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Tells the reader what is included inside the magazine. What Articles feature.

The contents are always presented in a list, typically vertically, sometimes going across the page.

The listed contents are page numbered to help the reader identify where they are in the magazine.

The contents relate to the colour scheme. The contents are typically structured into a ‘regular

contents’ and ‘featured contents’ section. Regular contents are things like a quiz (appears on every issue) and featured content could be ‘exclusive interview with a music artist’.

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Always relates to the colour scheme. Usually a blank colour like white to make the writing

and images stand out on the contents page.

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Sub - Headings

Gives the reader a very short overview of each article. Labels each article. Simplifies what each article is about in one – three words usually.

Larger than the short overview beneath each sub – heading.

Different colour to the short overview beneath the heading.

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Issue Number/Issue Date

Typically positioned in a corner of the page as they aren’t important.

They don’t tell the reader anything. Match the colour scheme.

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Quotes sometimes appear on contents pages. Typically from the artist/band on the main image of cover or

contents page, but not always. Always from the band/artist that is included inside the


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The layout always relates to the colour scheme of the magazine.

The layout of the page is always structured and presented so is easy to follow for readers.

Each issue typically uses the same layout.

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Sub - Images

Typically, 4 – 7 sub images are used on a contents page. All images relate to what is included inside the issue.

Mostly artists are displayed on sub images. Sub images can be of the same artist on the

magazine front cover.

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The font is always the same for every issue of a magazine.

The font is consistent throughout the magazine usually, except for headings and titles.

The font is a good size so easy to read for people of any age.