Contents Analysis

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  1. 1. The name of the magazine NME is clearly stated at the top of the page in its usual red and white colours. It also clearly states that this is the contents page at the top of the page in white on black next to the name of the magazine ensuring the readership know what the page is and that it stands out. The magazine has kept to conventions as the contents page has used grids in order to divide the different subjects and it also makes the contents page look interesting and busy but still in an organised way. Seeing all the different subjects in the contents page shows how NME has tried to target a wide target audience. The heading allow the readership to see what the magazine offers without going into depth about the stories. The headings are quick to read and instantly tell the readership what the magazine consists of. Under every heading there is smaller text telling the readership what comes under these categories. There are also page numbers making it easier for the audience to find what they like. The contents page of NME has used typical indie rock colours, black, white, red and yellow.These colours are bold colours that grab the readerships attention.The bold colours are similar to the bold genre of music. The main colour being black a masculine feel to the magazine exaggerating the male target audience and a more serious tone to the magazine.The colours also support the fact that the magazine is an indie rock and alternative rock magazine. The NME contents page keep the same layout for each issue they release. This maintains NMEs brand identity which helps the target audience learn to recognise it easily. The main image shows a member from the band Arctic Monkeys performing on stage singing and playing a guitar. This represents the indie rock genre because of the electric guitar, the black tank top and the long uncared for hair. This is iconography for the indie genre. It is a low angle shot emphasising the singers power and heightens his status . The image is placed in the centre of the contents page because readers are attracted to images so if the image is the main thing they see on the page they will be attracted to it. Also it is above the text so the readership know the image and text relate to each other. The appropriate page numbers are placed in front of the text telling the audience what is on each page. It is laid out in this way because if the readership see something they are interested in it is easy for them to find where in the magazine it is. It is the colour red allowing the numbers to stand out and be recognisable to the readership. The beginning of the article Is placed in the middle of the page to have the readers attention as it encourages them to read more and buy the magazine so it is an important part of the content page. The promotion to subscribe to the magazine is important so is placed in the middle bottom of the page where the readership will definitely see it. It is in a black text box with white and yellow text making it stand out even more. The colours follow the indie rock colours conventions and the colour black increases the masculine feel to the magazine suggesting the target audience is more for males.
  2. 2. There is a band index placed all along the left side of the page. It is placed in left hand third because that is where the readerships eyes first go. This way the readership are sure to see the band index and see what NME has to offer. Also when the audience sees all the magazine has to offer they feel like they are getting more for their money. All of the fonts and typefaces NME has included are bold display or clear font. This suggests to the readership the music genre is also clear and bold. Keeping the fonts the same every issue also helps maintain a brand identity. The contents page maintains the brand identity of NME through the colours and style also following conventions. NME contents page also includes arrows next to the sub categories of what is inside the magazine. The arrows are pointing to the parts that featured on the front cover of the magazine. This makes it easy for the audience if they found something on the front cover that interested them it is highlighted on the contents page making it easier for them to find the page. Each sub heading under the separated categories the magazine includes works like All the details, The first glimmer and Exclusively to us. These buzz words grab the readerships attention and encourage them to read more about the article. It makes the readership feel NME have to best to offer compared to other magazines. All the conventions NME follows on their contents page helps the readership navigate their way through the magazine with ease which makes the purpose successful. The continuity of the contents page layout helps the audience to navigate themselves around it more quickly. Plus, audiences like familiarity, as it promotes a sense of security and comfort; this applies to cool and serious fans of indie rock too. The teaser beneath the image will encourage the audience to read on and commit to the article as a whole. The mode of address in the teaser is informal and friendly therefore connects with the reader more relaxed and encouraged to read it. The magazine is promoting a monthly subscription in order to lure the audience. This certain part of the content page grabs the readerships attention by using the colours yellow and white on a black text box. The red arrow at the bottom easily grabs the readerships attention and pushed the audience to turn the page following the direction of the arrow. Shapes like arrows appeal to the target audience who will respond to visuals.