Conventions of a gangster film Mob

Conventions of a gangster film

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Conventions of a gangster film


Page 2: Conventions of a gangster film


Scarface starts with subtitles to show historical context without using any camera shots. This then leads onto show establishing shots which apply to the subtitles. No characters are shown during the opening, just names occur within the subtitles so we are not given to much information but we are given enough background information through subtitles and establishing shots that we are intrigued and wish to know more about the story. Throughout this non-diegetic music played.

This screenshot shows that there is a sense of power belonging to a group of people due to the army uniform and the high angle making the refugees aboard the boat look venerable or trapped.

A clear definitive title is shown, clearly stating the name of the film. The same is done for the producers and main actor to highlight their importance.

Page 3: Conventions of a gangster film

Gangster Story

Gangster story opens with the Title of the movie, it then fades to a scene including a safe via a sound bridge of non-diegetic music. The safe begins to open as subtitles appear listing the people involved in the making of the film, that alone connotes that the viewers are unlocking something of importance, as the subtitles list the people of importance before the narrative is displayed. The first scene is of a car, the camera side tracks/pans the car and a character gets out, this is seen from a long shot. This scene continues and a second character enters a taxi, we can only see part of the characters and the scene as mid shots are used.

As the safe opens, non-diegetic singing begins, from this scene we can also see that low level lighting is used to add a sense of mystery, this matches the theme of the music as it is ominous. The subtitles are also very clear to show the importance of the people involved with Gangster Story.

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The Departed

The Departed opens with subtitles that highlight the location of the following scenes. It shows fighting within Boston and the camera has been made slightly blurred and given a blue tinge, this connotes that the narrative should not be clear to the viewers at this point, as well as this a non-diegetic voice can be heard as a voiceover for the scenes. The camera side tracks the fighting and is shown from a long shot.

From the slightly blurred edges we can see the camera is zooming out and since the focus is on the crack of the bus window, we can see that is the original point of focus. This is also a mid shot being used showing these characters to be insignificant. The non-diegetic voice can still be heard which beings to signal that it is significant.

The non-diegetic voice becomes the diegetic voice of the man present to the left, he is a silhouette which would allow viewers to generally assume he is insignificant however it connotes he is ‘laying low’ and wants his identity to be kept secret. As well as this, the contrast of light portrays the women as good and the man as bad.

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The film begins with showing the production company ‘Warner Bros’. It does this using a sound bridge, a non-diegetic sound of cars is used to present the text as it slides across the screen into the midpoint. The same is repeated for the producer, director and main actors which connotes they are all of equal importance.

A side track is used to show the car driving and to keep up with it. The scene is framed in a mid shot and low level lighting is used throughout the scene. The fact that the only visible light comes from the car suggesting it is significant and since no light can be seen in front of the car it connotes a path of darkness and reduction of safety as roads generally have lights to reduce collisions.

A two shot is displayed within this scene highlighting a relationship between these characters and excluding the third. Red lighting is also added to connote they are both evil, although it’s just the rear car lights. These two attack the man in the boot whilst the third doesn’t which is why these two are presented in a two shot.

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American Gangster

The film opens showing the productions companies ‘Universal’ and ‘Imagine Entertainment’ along with non-diegetic music. Mid shots are used to show all characters and track up is used to show a character lighting a cigarette then moving it to his mouth. The only dialogue is diegetic talking and screaming from a man the three characters have captive. The non-diegetic music plays throughout and the pitches heightens as the man that is captive is set a light and is shot which emphasises the danger in the scene. A two shot can be seen here,

however one of the characters appears to be in control more, this can be seen as one of the men is holding a weapon while the other watches, generally the weapon holder would be in control however it appears as if the other man is commanding him as his body language is relaxed and he is an older male which connotes he is greater in the hierarchy.