Difference between Classicism and Romanticism Name: Sonal Olakiya Roll No: 23 Paper:5(The Romantic Literature) Semester:2(Two) Enrolment No:2069108420170022 Email Id: [email protected] Submitted by: Dr. Dilip Barad. SMT: S.B.Gardi Maharaja Krishanakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

Difference between Classicism and Romanticism

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Difference between Classicism and Romanticism

Name: Sonal Olakiya Roll No: 23

Paper:5(The Romantic Literature)Semester:2(Two)

Enrolment No:2069108420170022Email Id:

[email protected] by: Dr. Dilip Barad.

SMT: S.B.Gardi Maharaja Krishanakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

What is Classicism and Romanticism Definition Definition

Classicism believed that reason is the dominating characteristic of both nature and human nature and both are governed by fixed unchanging laws.

A Correctness of language, and style for a unique, elite, civilized class of people.

Emphasized the emotions, an individual intuition.

Romantic-from “romance”

A medieval tale of poem treating heroic personages or events written in one of the Romance Languages.

Classicism 18th (1700’s to 1800’s)Nature a self contained machine whose

laws could be rationally understood.Reason prevails in all provinces of thought.

The universe is capable of rational explanation as orderly, purposive, structured and regular.

Imagination had to be restrained by reason and common sense.

Belief in reality, leaving little of validity to emotion. Mystery and Miracle are dispelled.

Classicism Upheld tradition Resisted changes Human limitation Reason over Imagination Social over personal Common over individual All emphasized by Romanticism.

Romanticism 1800-1830 Imagination gives expression to that which

mark each person’s unique being. All art is the imaginative expression of the

inner essence of the individual claim for individual freedom.

Development of a sense of awe and Mystery.

RomanticismEmphasized the human potential for social

progress and spiritual growth.Reflected political ideas in declaration of

Individual. "all men are created equal” which led to emphasis of dignity and worth of the common individual and to social reforms to fulfill this idea of equality.

Romantic writers tried to express their own intuitive experiences.

Common Romantic Subject Nature Emphasized beauty, strangeness, mystry of not

rational laws. Saw as an organic, process, constantly developing

and changing Connection between human imagination and the

natural world. The Past Later romantic poets used dramatic incidents from

early American History.Inner World of Human Nature The exploration and expression of the Writer’s

most private inner being. Interested in the irrational depths of human nature.

A Quick Comparison

Age of reason ReasonSocial(society)CommonCommon sense TraditionRational Law of


Age of Romance ImaginationPersonal Individual freedom IntuitionSocial reforms, spiritual,

growth(change)Nature as mystery

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