Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer Camerawork There is an establishing shot at the beginning of the trailer to show where most of the film will be set. This is conventional for horror trailers, as it gets the audience more interested in what will happen. This is set in a house which is significant because it is relatable to the story. Because it is an ordinary house the audience get more interested in what will take place there. It shows that a normal family will live there, and anything could happen in this place.

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Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer


There is an establishing shot at the beginning of the trailer to show where most of the film will be set. This is conventional for horror trailers, as it gets the audience more interested in what will happen. This is set in a house which is significant because it is relatable to the story. Because it is an ordinary house the audience get more interested in what will take place there. It shows that a normal family will live there, and anything could happen in this place.

In this scene there is a wide shot that shows the room, so the audience can see what is happening in this place. This also uses a close up of the woman’s face to show her reaction and facial expression to the moving toy, and is relatable to the audience as it is shocking too. It uses a shallow focus of the room and background because it focus’ mainly on the woman, who is the main actress in this film. The composition of this shot is also conventional as there is a lot of

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

space in this scene, which can be typical for this genre as things can pop up in the open space, and scare the audience.

This shot also uses a wide shot to show the room, and the woman who has just appeared in the background, this is to make the film look more interesting to the audience and give a scary feeling to the film. The composition here is also typical as there is a lot of open space which, again, something could pop out into them.

This medium close up is used so we can see the facial expression and reaction on the main women in this film. Because she is shown to be surprised and frightened the audience will generally be more interested because they would like to also be frightened by the film.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

The composition in this shot is used so the audience can see the main looking anxious and scared, while in the background the young boy looks vulnerable and defenceless. This shot also used a deep focus to show more of the boys facial expression, and that something could be really wrong and that he could be spying on the older man.

This shots composition shows the young boy looking anxious himself and scared and again quite vulnerable. The shallow focus focuses on the young boy and will make the audience more interested because he could be in danger because of the man in the background.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer


There is a lot of low key lighting in this horror trailer this is so it makes the scene look scarier and you can’t see much of what is happening. This is conventional for a horror trailer because it creates a sense of anxiety and tension. This is also suitable for this genre because they are doing a séance in this scene.

The props in this still show a skeleton skull with a variety of lit candles around it. This shows that it is a horror trailer because it is shown to be creepier and terrifying. The skull connotes horror, black magic and voodoo.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

This shot shows the costume of all the family. The younger boy is wearing a school uniform which shows he is young and a regular boy which signifies his youth and vulnerability. The adults are wearing casual everyday clothing which again is relatable because they are just regular people.

This shot of the moving rocking horses show a sense of worry and panic as they are moving on their own. Because they are childhood toys it also gives a sense of danger to the children in this film. They associate with innocence and childhood which shows that it can corrupt the childhood.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

This shot of this creepy woman is a close up to show the type of make-up she is wearing. This is typical as it is extreme so it emphasises her age and that she is terrifying. The black lipstick connotes evil and death which again is conventional for the genre of this film.

This shot shows the costume and makeup of this woman who appears to be frightening. She has a white face covered in black make up which again connotes death, violence and evil. The costume is very old fashioned so it suggests she is from a different time and place which gives a sense of enigma.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer


At the beginning of this trailer, it shows a happy family, with slow happy music, which shows a sense of freedom and cheerfulness. This is conventional for the narrative at the beginning where everything is normal. The sound suddenly changes dramatically as the danger begins.

The sound effect of the baby’s toy is shown to be creepy and frightening as it is making the noise on its own. This creates a sense of danger to the baby. This gives a sense of enigma and mystery as well because it is moving and making noises on its own.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

In this scene someone can be heard talking and singing a nursery rhyme to the vulnerable baby. This is shown to be sinister as it makes the mother panic as she doesn’t know who is with the baby or what they are going to do.

The sound effect of the door slamming shows a sense of danger in the scene as it is loud and also makes everybody jump. This is seen as conventional for a horror because of the supernatural activity and the loud noises.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

There sound ‘tip toe through the tulips’ is a contrapuntal sound, which contrasts with this story, but has a sinister and a creepy disturbing effect.

In this scene there is a loud bang as all of the children’s toys and furniture goes up in the air and the woman loudly screams. This is conventional with the woman screaming as she is scared and the audience will sympathise with her and also be frightened.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer


The font styles used in this trailer have a spooky edge to it, and has sinister connotations which creates and audience response. This is conventional for a horror trailer to have creepy unusual fonts.

At the beginning of the trailer the fonts were happier and plainer than towards the end of the trailer. This contrasts because at the beginning of it, the family are shown to be a lot happier than the ending.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

At the start of the trailer the music and the editing is very slow paced. In this part of the trailer the editing is very slow paced, which is conventional because this is the beginning of the trailer.

Through the middle of the trailer the noise gets louder and it gets fast paced of the women running, this is typical for this genre as it gets scarier and more fast paced through the trailer.

Insidious: Chapter 2 Trailer

There is also some shot reverse shots of the conversations in this trailer to show the reactions of the people speaking to each other in this shot. This is typical to get a sense of the narrative and find out what the story is about.