Piet Henderikx, Secretary General EADTU 1

Emc launch presentation to eadtu conference 2017 - oofhec2017

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Piet Henderikx, Secretary General



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The European MOOC Consortium


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European trends in MOOCs

• MOOCs: predominantly US-where it all started as of 2011 and expanded massively-major providers Coursera, edX, Udacity

• European MOOC platforms, institutional and governmental strategies and policies: e.g. Futurelearn, FUN, Eduopen, MiriadaX

• EU programmes to stimulate research and supporting models for MOOC development: over 20 EU-funded projects to stimulate research and supporting models for MOOC development in various programmes – next to many projects that develop a MOOC as a separate result.

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Worldwide MOOCs

• Note that this figure excludes regional/institutional MOOC offering

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• 23M new MOOC students in 2016!

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Source: ONLINE REPORT CARDTRACKING ONLINE EDUCATION IN THE UNITED STATEShttp://www.slideshare.net/yvespunie/ipts-opensurvey-final-55974682

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MOOC offerings in Europe• Some universities joined US initiatives

• Country/language-based platforms, serving distinct markets(FutureLearn, FUN, MiríadaX, Eduopen, national platforms)

• Offerings by institutional learning environments (partly underOpenuped)

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Using different approaches as a strength!• Working with various platforms • More market specific offerings• Involve universities European wide

Share expertise: learn and strengthen each other on-pedagogies-organisational models-business models-technologies-support services

• Create awareness and a European coverage of offerings for students and businesses

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Stimulate European MOOC uptake

Create awareness on opportunities offered by MOOCs

• Involve social partners and civil society organisations at

national level) Joint partnerships are essential as MOOCs are

for massive audiences and relate to scalability

• Businesses encouraging staff to use MOOCs

• Employees using MOOCs for promotion, new jobs, change

careers (->recognition)

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Improve European MOOC data

It is essential that a cohesive and collaborative effort is adopted inEurope to fully exploit the opportunities of open and online education

-> Share data about MOOC participants, their behavior and preferences, related to the needs in society, etc. based on reports of the major MOOC platform providers.

Many European MOOC efforts are institutional/regional-> research at a European level would benefit from more coherent approaches and as such, generate more evidence on what is really going on in Europe related to MOOCs.

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Our Mission

The European MOOC Consortium will strengthen the credibility

of massive open online courses (MOOCs) as a learning approach

in higher education by taking a leading role in developing the

discourse relating to MOOCs and other innovative developments

in online learning in Europe.

The European MOOC Consortium


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EMC GOALS1. EMC will develop activities to increase the awareness and use of

digital education and MOOCs within universities and empower them to

embed this in their organization. As a result, more universities and

other educational providers will use MOOCs to provide open

education, as part of their programmes of continuing education and

continuing professional development or as part of the preparation for

undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

2. EMC will increase the impact of each of its partners on educational

policy by taking a lead in this area, making MOOCs part of institutional

policies and strategies, shaping regional and governmental policies,

partnering with the European Commission on matters relating to

online and digital education, and by supporting further exchange of

educational models, technologies and business models for improving

practices in higher education institutions


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EMC GOALS3. EMC will make MOOCs a widely considered option for employers

seeking to close knowledge and skills gaps in the economy and for

workers interested in changing careers. In order to do this, EMC and

its partners will develop a dialogue with social partners and civil

society organisations on the changing needs of the European

workforce. This will include consideration of what skills and

knowledge learner need to support progression and how best to

make people and organisations aware of the learning opportunities

of MOOCs.

4.EMC and the partners will strengthen the continuing education

sector by increasing the credibility and visibility of MOOCs, by

developing a framework for the recognition of micro-credentials, and

by working towards the adoption of that framework by stakeholders

across Europe.


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5. EMC will promote collaboration between its partners in order to build

a complementary offer of courses and to increase the number of

people who can benefit by making them available in different

languages across Europe. EMC will work with others to solve language

issues and tackling cultural differences.

6. EMC will collaboratively build and conduct a research agenda on

MOOCs in Europe in order to increase their impact. This work will

generate an accepted evidence base of good practice, will identify

characteristics of uptake of MOOCs in Europe, and will produce a set

of relevant data that will be openly available.


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For further information, please contact the EADTU office at [email protected]

EMC is offering almost a 1000 MOOCS and representing 250 higher

education institutions (HEIs) and companies

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1. EMC will develop activities to increase the awareness and use of digital

education and MOOCs within universities

2. EMC will increase the impact of each of its partners on educational policy by

taking a lead in this area

3. EMC will make MOOCs a widely considered option for employers seeking to

close knowledge and skills gaps in the economy and for workers interested in

changing careers.

4.EMC and the partners will strengthen the continuing education sector by

increasing the credibility and visibility of MOOCs

5. EMC will promote collaboration between its partners in order to build a

complementary offer of courses

6. EMC will collaboratively build and conduct a research agenda on MOOCs in
