OCTOBER 5, 2009 MS. BARLETTA [email protected] English I Honors Vocabulary Lesson 6

English I Honors Vocab 6

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English I HonorsVocabulary Lesson 6

Vocabulary Lesson 6

1. nepotism (n.): favoritism shown to family or friends by those in power, especially in business or hiring practices

HINT: If you have a family member who works at Home Depot, and you get a job there before someone who is more qualified, this is a case of nepotism.

2. begrudge (v.): to resent another’s success; to envyHINT: grudge 3. mandarin (n.): an influential person; a member of an elite groupHINT: You might know a man who is successful and therefore, a

mandarin. 4. glutinous (adj.): gluey; stickyHINT: glue 5. enmity (n.): deep-seated hostility, often mutualHINT: enemy

Vocabulary Lesson 6

6. declaim (v.): to speak in a dramatic, impassioned, or blustering manner

HINT: claim7. imbue (v.): to inspire or influence; to saturateHINT:8. gaff (n.): a pole with a large hook on one endHINT: staff9. quaff (v.): to drink in large quantities; to gulpHINT:10. bibliophile (n.): a lover of booksHINT: biblio=books; phile/o=lover of

Extra Words!

11. sporadic(adj.)occurring irregularlyHINT: 12. stagnant(adj.)motionless; dullHINT:13. stolid(adj.)impassive; not easily stirred or

moved mentally; unemotional; impassiveHINT: solid14. strident(adj.)loud and harshHINT:15. superfluous(adj.)unnecessary; extra HINT: super saver