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opie eval

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Evaluation To complete my OPIE self-portrait, I used Photoshop CS5.1 in a step-by-step

process, which I followed guidelines, which are displayed, on the G321 blog. Firstly, I took a picture of my self, using photobooth that I then saved and

opened into Photoshop. After that, I made a new layer called hair. Next, I used the lasso tool to trace around my hair and to make this a smother process; I went into select then modify and finally made it smoother. When I

finished that, I used the color palette to select a suitable color for my hair, which was dark brown. I then made a new layer called face and used the

lasso tool again to repeat the process but trace my face instead. Finally, I made a new layer called features and using the pencil tool, I drew my eyes, and I then finalized my eyes using a small white dot for added affect. I then

painted my face and top using the color palette tool.

One difficult thing I found about completing this task was using the lasso tool as I could not get the trace right and therefore had to keep repeating the process which was frustrating.

I would say I was fairly successful as I completed the given task. Although,

one thing I would do differently next time would be to add more detail into my OPIE and take more time experimenting on different ways to create my OPIE using Photoshop.