Exploration of Exploration of Online Discussion Online Discussion Mary Loftus

Exploring Online Discussion in E-Learning1

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Exploring Online Discussion in E-Learning

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Exploration of Exploration of Online DiscussionOnline Discussion

Mary Loftus

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What are we going to look at?What are we going to look at?

• MSc. in Software & Information Systems• The Student Experience • Effective Online Discussion• The Research Experience

– Working with Facilitators to explore the Role of Feedback & Expectations

– The Feedback Tool• Using the Literature to Develop a Model for

Managing Discussion– The Role of Facilitator– The Role of Online Student– The Learning Model

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The The MSc. SIS MSc. SIS ProgrammeProgramme

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MSc. Software & MSc. Software & Information SystemsInformation Systems• 2-year fully onlinefully online Masters programme • Co-created & co-delivered by IT department,

NUI Galway and Regis University (USA)• MODEL = short, accelerated, 8-week modules• Continuous assessment: weekly assignments,

discussion forum, final exam• Structured & Intensive

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MSc. Software & MSc. Software & Information SystemsInformation Systems• New programme: launched in 2004-05

(now in its 3rd year)• Student recruitment and retention has been high• Mix of experienced and new on-line facilitators• Cross-cultural issues (Ireland & USA)

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MSc. Software & MSc. Software & Information SystemsInformation SystemsCore Modules

• MCT611 - Computer Architecture and Operating Systems • MCT610 - Software Engineering • MCT612 - Application Programming • MCT613 - Database Architecture • MCT614 - Database Concepts • MCT615 - Database Administration • MCT616 - Oracle 9iAS Portal Server • MCT617 - Enterprise Portal Design & Development using XML

Elective Modules

• MCT618 - Object Oriented Design • MCT619 - Object Oriented Programming • MCT621 - Artificial Intelligence • MCT622 - Real-Time Systems • MCT623 - Graphics Programming • MCT620 - Distributed Systems

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MScSIS Weekly CycleMScSIS Weekly Cycle

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Bloom’s TaxonomyBloom’s Taxonomy

Kolb Cycle







Kolb Cycle

Kolb Cycle

Kolb Cycle

Kolb Cycle



1st Post

Virtual Lab

1st & 2nd Post

2nd / 3rd Post/Reflection

3rd Post / Assessment


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The The Student Student ExperienceExperience

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The Student ExperienceThe Student Experience

• Very Powerful Learning Experience

• Highly Participatory

• Structured & Managed

• Student Centred

• Encourages Student-Student Interaction

• Role of the Internet

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Effective Online DiscussionEffective Online Discussion

• When discussion was goodWhen discussion was good it was very, it was very, very good! very good! – Forced students to absorb course content– Facilitated sharing of experience– Perspectives from different students forced

reconsideration– Encouraged students to test & explore course

material– => Much deeper learning than individual could

expect working alone

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• When discussion wasn’t so goodWhen discussion wasn’t so good we only reached the first of these stages: – Forced students to absorb course content– Encouraged students to test & explore course

material– Facilitated sharing of experience– Perspectives from different students forced

reconsideration– => Much deeper learning than individual could

expect working alone

But… it didn’t always workBut… it didn’t always work

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What would ensure that What would ensure that discussion would work better?discussion would work better?

• Feedback from the facilitator to each student?

• SolutionSolution: Design a web based interface to help facilitators evaluate student contributions

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The Research The Research Experience: Experience:

Working with Facilitators to Working with Facilitators to explore the Role of Feedback & explore the Role of Feedback & ExpectationsExpectations

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Research ProjectResearch Project

• The research project examined feedback as a means to ensure quality discussion

• Concentrated on Facilitator Student feedback• Designed an online tool to facilitate this feedback


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Research Project ProcessResearch Project Process

• Began with an Online DiscussionOnline Discussion and a reversal of roles

• Student became facilitator & Facilitators took the participant role

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The Facilitator/Student DiscussionThe Facilitator/Student Discussion

• The DiscussionDiscussion resulted in both sides appreciating the lot of the other!

• Researcher developed an appreciation for the student-centred learning model

• Facilitators reflected upon and evaluated their assumptions and approaches

• It also highlighted the potential for a mismatch in expectations between students and facilitators

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DiscussionDiscussion – Student Expectations & Issues– Student Expectations & Issues


• Expecting lectures

• Expecting facilitator to provide ‘the answers’

• Unsure of norms & expectations


• Focused on the facilitator – rather than peers

• Seeking reassurance & validation from the facilitator

• Engaging with content rather than with other students

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ExpectationsExpectations • These are adult

learners – no lecturing• Encourage students to

engage with each other • Support students to

work together to find and evaluate knowledge

• Assessment – how to assess discussion


• Students dumping long posts - not responding to others

• Lack of student-student interaction

• Facilitators’ feedback seemingly ignored

DiscussionDiscussion – Facilitator Expectations & Issues– Facilitator Expectations & Issues

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What did we learn?What did we learn?

• Clarify Expectations!

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The The Feedback Feedback ToolTool

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Built on MScSIS Discussion RubricBuilt on MScSIS Discussion Rubric

• Consistency of Participation• Content of Posts• Responsiveness

• Multiplier:– x .5 for 1 post– x .8 for 2 posts– x 1 for 3 posts

* Rubric developed by MSc SIS Facilitator Team



10x .8

(for two posts)

Result: 8

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To Develop The Feedback ToolTo Develop The Feedback Tool

• Enabled Facilitator to Analyse WebCT posts

• & Immediately assign marks

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Report generates ‘Discussion Score’Report generates ‘Discussion Score’

• All marks are collated and an overall mark calculated

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Will this Tool address the Issues?Will this Tool address the Issues?

• The feeling at the end of this project was that no, creating dynamic discussion involves more than a simple feedback mechanism.

• Such a tool will help clarify expectations and measure outcomes – but it is not enough to power the discussion dynamic

• Also the analysis of separate student posts will not capture the subtleties of a complete discussion

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Developing a Model Developing a Model for Online for Online DiscussionDiscussion

From the Literature

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A Discussion ModelA Discussion Model

Feedback is important, but more is involved:• Need to Build a Learning CommunityLearning Community (Salmon,

Palloff & Pratt, Garrison & Anderson)• Clarify Values & Expectations

(Brookfield & Preskill)• The following must be clear & explicit

– Role of the Facilitator– Role of the Online Student– The Learning model

(Garrison & Anderson)• Teach students how discussion should work

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Role of FacilitatorRole of Facilitator

Facilitate a collaborative learning environment:

1. Invite students to Learn from each other

2. Facilitate Social Interaction

3. Align Discussion with Learning Objectives & Assessment Requirements

4. Share & Discuss Assessment Rubric

5. Clarify Background & Objectives for each Discussion

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Role of FacilitatorRole of Facilitator6. Model desired Discussion Approach – Open,

Enquiring, Testing, Experimenting, Evaluating7. Provide Structure & Encouragement to fan the

flames of Discussion

8. Provide Feedback9. Acknowledge & Reward Collaborative Effort10. Summarise the Learning that Emerged from

Discussion – and the Evaluate the Process – so Students will be able to Repeat it

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Role of Online StudentRole of Online Student• How to Explain Discussion to Students

– Apply ‘real life’ experience to topic– Break down the topic– Ask Questions– Explore & Try Things out– ListenListen to what other students say– Build on each other’s Contributions– Use a Team Approach– Finally Evaluate the topic and your Learning

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The Learning ModelThe Learning Model

• Student Centred

• Driven by Student Interaction

• Social Constructivism – knowledge is constructed collectively and developed as a result of a social interaction

• Ideas should be tried out and tested

• Explain This To Students!

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Will this model work for you?Will this model work for you?

• Perhaps!

• But:– Every course will have different priorities– Every facilitator will have their own style– Every set of students will present different


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Resources to Resources to help Develop help Develop youryour Model for Model for DiscussionDiscussion

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Brookfield & PreskillBrookfield & Preskill

• Respect

• Assume good intent

• Invite students to discuss good discussion

• Invite Student Facilitator feedback Critical Incident Questionnaire

• Promote Critical Thinking

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Palloff & Pratt Palloff & Pratt

• Build a Learning Community• Promote a Collaborative

approach to learning• The Group vs. the Individual• The process:

– Set the stage– Model the process– Guide the process– Evaluate the process

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Garrison & AndersonGarrison & Anderson

• Build a Community of Inquiry

– Social Presence

– Cognitive Presence

– Teaching Presence

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• 5 Stage Model

• Guide Students through:– Access & Motivation– Online Socialisation– Information Exchange– Knowledge Construction– Development

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What would your What would your model look like?model look like?

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• Effective Online Discussion

• Expectations

• Discussion Assessment

• Model for Managing Online Discussion– The Role of Facilitator– The Role of Online Student– The Learning Model

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List of referencesList of referencesBrookfield & Preskill, Stephen. (2005). Discussion as a

Way of Teaching: Tools and Techniques for Democratic Classrooms (2nd Edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Palloff & Pratt. (2004). Collaborating Online: Learning Together in Community . San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Garrison & Anderson. (2003) E-Learning in the 21st Century: A Framework for Research and Practice. RoutledgeFalmer

Salmon, Gilly. (2003). E-Moderating: The Key to Teaching and Learning Online (2nd Edition). UK: Taylor & Francis

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Links to PapersLinks to Papers

• Black, Alison. (2005) The Use of Asynchronous Discussion: Creating a Text of Talk

• Herring M, (2002) Using Discussion Boards to Integrate Technology into the College Classroom

• Knowlton. Dave S., (2001) Promoting Durable Knowledge Construction through Online Discussion

• Rovai , AP (2002) Building Sense of Community at a Distance