Federal Policy Related to College and Career Readiness Kimberly A. Green, NASDCTEc

Federal policy related to college and career readiness

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Federal  Policy  Related  to  College    and  Career  Readiness!

Kimberly A. Green, NASDCTEc!

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!•  Broad policy direction/trends!!•  Budget realities!

•  Legislation!–  ESEA!–  WIA!–  Perkins!

•  Next Steps!

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Broad Policy Priorities/!Trends!

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Policy  influencers  

•  Economy  •  Educa2onal  a3ainment    •  Global  compe22on  •  Evidence  of  success  •  Common  core  state  standards  

– College  and  career  readiness    – Assessment  

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Linking Education to Economic Recovery

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Multiple Pathways to Success

•  Harvard School of Education Pathways to Prosperity project

•  Secretary of Education Arne Duncan referred to CTE

as the “neglected stepchild of education reform” and expressed an urgent need to change this perception

•  “CTE has an enormous, if often overlooked impact on

students, school systems, and our ability to prosper as a nation.”


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Budget Realities!

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FY11 Funding!

•  Overall Department of Education received $4.2 billion increase!

•  Perkins Funding Cut - $140,174,822 (11.4%)!

•  Many federal education programs eliminated!

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FY12 Funding!

•  President recommended $264 million cut to Perkins!

•  Perkins was essentially flat funded from FY11!

•  All education programs took an across-the- board cut of 0.189%!

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FY13 !

•  Deficit Reduction Committee!–  Charged with cutting $1.2 trillion in spending!

•  Sequestration?!–  Automatic spending caps from 2014 to 2021!–  Estimates of 7.8% to 8.4% across-the-board cuts!

•  President’s Budget Proposal!–  Flat funding for Perkins!–  $1 billion over 3 years for career academies!–  $8 billion over 3 years for community colleges!

•  Congress!–  House mark up today!–  Senate flat funded Perkins!–  No new funding!

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Relevant Federal Policy!

!!•  Workforce

Investment Act!

•  Elementary and Secondary Education Act!

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Trends in federal policy!

•  Competition!•  Innovation!•  Consolidation!•  Cost-benefit analysis!•  Change through policy!– ESEA waivers!– Race to the Top Criteria!

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Administra2on  Views!

“While we know that high-quality career and technical education strategies have the potential to prepare students for jobs in the knowledge economy, many career and technical programs haven’t lived up to their promise of preparing students for careers and college.”

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Administra2on  Views  

“The  Obama  administra/on  says  that  overall,  data  about  career  and  technical  educa/on  is  mixed.  There  are  “islands  of  excellence,”  said  Brenda  Dann-­‐Messier,  assistant  secretary  for  voca/onal  and  adult  educa/on,  but  there  is  s/ll  “uneven  quality  around  the  country.”    NY  Times  Ar/cle,  July  9,  2011  by  Motoko  Rich  

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Perkins  Blueprint  Nine  Reforms  

Theme   Reforms  

Alignment   Clear  expecta2ons  for  high  quality  programs  

More  ac2ve  role  for  states  

Collabora2on   Consor2a  

Private-­‐sector  match  

Accountability   Compe22on  

Common  defini2ons  

Incen2ves  for  high  performance  

Innova2on   State  condi2ons    

Innova2ve  and  Transforma2on  Fund  

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Reactions to the Blueprint!!•  Change is needed!!

•  Themes are sound!

•  Concerns:!–  Equity!–  Long term implications !–  Other supporting legislation!

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Career Academy Proposal!

•  New funding!•  $1 billion over 3 years!•  Fed to state by formula!•  State to local by competition!•  Clear definition of an academy!

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Next Steps!

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What’s Next? !!

•  Federal budget!!•  Elections!

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Stay informed!!


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Kimberly  Green  [email protected]  www.careertech.org